Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am 29 year old and completed my Post Graduation and preparing for government jobs. Sai Deva, Om Sai Ram Namaste, I wanted to share my recent experience with our beloved Sai Baba and a problem. Sorry Sai for postponing it, I thought firstly, I will write about my life changing experiences then these experiences, I am the one who once wrote about my inner pain why Sai ignores me ( still . Everything is same but became more worse, so I was not willing to write.
Firstly coming to my experiences with Sai, I have requested Sai for school admission for my nephew’s in KV we all were praying for it for 3 years but it was not happening because we doesn’t belong to any category such as central govt employee or reserved cast or so we were general category, we lost hope and stared applying for other schools with CBSE syllabus. I prayed if my both nephew got admission in same school I will right it in this blog but only elder one got admission we were praying for both so that travelling fare will be less if they go to same school but it did not happened at least one got admission so thank You Deva for at least one seat.
Once my phone mobile data was not working. It has been couple of days where I have recharged monthly pack if it doesn’t connect, my money will be wasted with lot of difficulty. I recharge it. I prayed to our Sai and applied Udi. Later on, it started working. Thank You Deva. This year on my birthday, I and my family planned for Shiridi and Nashik trip. Everything went well as plan but before starting journey, I was having period’s symptoms. I was very worried each and every time I was tensed and thinking about it I asked Sai whether to take some medicine through chits but answer was no need even then I was very tensed. We completed Nashik trip and came to Shiridi. I was crying thinking about problem as symptoms which I get regularly are on and I may not visit Sai Baba Mandir on my birthday. My brother even consoled me saying we are going to Sai/fakir’s place, He doesn’t have any such restrictions but for me Sai is God and incarnation of Lord Datta, it will be huge sin if I do so. I went in to bath room and cried a lot but Sai has blessed me with beautiful Darshan on my birthday without any tension not only that we have visited nearby Temples and kept my tension away it. I returned to home and thanked a ton to Deva as I wrote in my previous experiences I lost my parents so I was very much willing to go Shiridi and have His Darshan on my birthday. Thanks Deva, thank You.
My another experience is that my younger nephew was not well and I felt he may have some chronic disease like sugar but reports came normal. I prayed Deva if reports are normal, I will write it here, thanks Deva saving him from that. Thank You Sai family the way you all have blessed me in my last experience. But Sai devotees, I am in big trouble still there is no end to my problems as I have mentioned earlier, my maternal uncle vowed some amount which he has taken as loan from my mother. As I have said earlier, my mother is no more. My brother and me has gone to my uncle’s in-laws house as he is not available to contact in any manner. He stopped picking up his phone, so to ask about it we have visited my uncle’s in-laws house with one of my maternal aunty because she also gave him money, my brother said as my uncle is not responding to us if this is situation we have to proceed legally so that we can get back our money. We are just informing them because their daughter may also suffer so just inform them. Actually we never stressed them for money even when we were in need of money for my mom’s operation or in any situation we informed them in this manner because we thought listening that at least my uncle will call us as I told earlier we have sell our house to come out of debts which happen majorly happened due to this uncle he is bank employee and even bank and union is saving him from his bad action.
We thought our uncle’s in laws are honest people but they are same as them, you all may be surprised to know later few months we got letter to my mom’s house from my uncle stating he and his wife are committing suicide because me and my brother are harassing him for money not only that he and his wife accused me and my brother killing my mom as I was not willing to get married and not showing any interest in any match, my brother mentally harassed my mother to sell our house and many dirty things has been written in it one of it was me and my brother are having affair so I am not getting married. I felt like killing myself but I realize why should I die what wrong I did my brother is my father after my father’s death, he is taking care of me as princess everyone knows about it in same manner my Bhabi takes care of me actually they say they have 3 kids, 2 boys and girl. How can be people be so much sick and get so cheap for money if he call and say they can’t pay they don’t have but no he did not did that instead written all shit we got irritated because they never respond to our calls during my mom’s death also, there was no source to inform them. In that letter they have mentioned they will send to media and all. I and my brother thought to file FIR but some relatives said not to do so because it may come out in public and I am unmarried.
Later we came to know they have sent this to his bank various branch, then felt even worst because everyone will read that shit and may even believe that is truth. We came to know they are safe and he has joined bank but bank is protecting him. Sai family after long stress and confusion, I am writing this in this site many doubts what to do where to go for help. I want them to be punished for their cruel and evil thought he was same uncle who use carry me when I was kid and said as he doesn’t have children I am his daughter and know how can he write all this thing about me he has taken my money, my family’s mental peace and know character assassination. Where to file complaint is there any women commission in Hyderabad where I can complaint against them can who will help why my Sai is quiet? Why Deva? In Q&A site, I asked Sai about my career, my marriage, my family’s betterment. I use get answer, it will happen on Holi, Ramanavami, Gokul Ashtami, several festival are coming and going but there is no change Sai also use to say you get letter and you will become famous Sai is this the letter Deva? How can it can happen, I am waiting for Your blessings for long time, why mental tension is increasing day by day. Why Sai, I need Your answer. I want them to be punished Deva, my life, my marriage and career are not settled, then why are You punishing me so hard Deva. Help me Sai Deva. I am sorry Sai family, every time I am taking Your lot of time please suggest me what can I do to punish that inhuman person and his wife. And please pray for me and my family why Sai is not blessing us.

Anonymous Devotee from Oman says: I have been brought up in Oman and completed my schooling here. I don’t exactly remember when and how Sai came into my life. But i guess this is the result of my good deeds of this or previous birth that i go introduced to Sai. I have had couple of experiences. There was time in my life when i was depressed due to lot of things and events that took place in my life at that particular point of time. Due to this, i developed aerophobia. This was when i had come for vacations to Oman in the second year of graduation. Let me tell you that Oman does not have much graduation or post graduation courses. I was stuck the fear for travelling by air was so intense that i used to get nightmares and would prefer any other way out other than travelling by air. There was no other mode of transport too. So, finally i don’t know how and when but i started keeping Baba’s nine Thursday fast and on seventh Thursday i was able travel back. Than after completing my post graduation when i was suppose to come back home i kept postponing it and thought i will never be able to travel by air. But my parents really wanted me to come so i kept fast again and i don’t know how and from where i got strength and i travelled by air and now that fear has gone forever.
Meanwhile still i did not become staunch devotee of Baba. I felt i used to pray to Baba only in the hour of need. Once i was back and with my family in Oman i was not getting job and my family visa status was also expired as i did not travel for visa renewal due to my fear. So, i was on visit visa and if i had to continue to stay with my family i had to get a job here again i started keeping Thursday fast and on 7th Thursday, i got the job. Then my friend was not getting job. He is my best friend and was always by my side so i kept fast for his career as well during this time he got small job with a local contractor here in Oman but that job was not at all fit for him based on his qualifications and he left the job and he did not have anything in hand. I was so let down that this time Baba has failed me. But after few days, he got job in Oman in bank as relationship manager which is what he has studied and also now his career is now in full swing.
Due to some circumstances, my brother also who is in his teenage years went through the period of depression during that time i was randomly searching on Google and i came across miracles by reading Sai Satcharitra, i wanted to read this for some other thing also which i personally wanted. The day i was suppose to complete its reading i.e. in seven days, i did not get what i wanted but my brother got out of depression and his life is back on track. I was very happy because this had affected my family a lot and plus this was one of the things i wanted. I have now become a strong believer of Sai Baba. After reading experiences of many of His devotees and also Sai Satcharitra though i admit i am still not able to surrender myself completely to His Lotus Feet and sometimes even if i want to avoid it i still doubt in His faith. However, i have changed a lot as a person and actually started walking on right path and i am sure Baba will fulfil even this wish of mine soon. Thank You Baba for everything and help me completely surrender to Him.

Anonymous Devotee from Australia says: Even though I had heard about Shirdi Sai Baba since I was a kid, I started believing in Him only recently. My mom started believing in Sai Baba a few years back and through her and a friend of mine I too started praying to Baba. Initially, the devotion was not as strong but gradually Baba showed me that He is true. Ever since I started believing and praying to Baba, my life has been peaceful and happy. He has removed even the tiny issues that I had. When I first started praying I was a bit sceptical after reading about the falsehood of other human saints that live among us today. So I thought that if Baba has accepted me as His Child, I should be able to see a sign from Him. I thought that I should see His Photo somehow. I did not have a photo of Baba at home and there were no Sai Baba Temples nearby. That week I had unexpectedly gone to the Ganesha temple in the evening. It was a small Temple but there was a small crowd. I was standing there next to the Prasad counter listening to the Kirtan when a man slowly walked and was paying for the Prasad. He must have been left handed and he was holding his wallet in his right hand and when I accidently looked in that direction I saw that he had Baba’s Photo in his wallet.
Then I thought, Baba must be real and He heard me, because the chance of such a thing happening was really slim where I live. I told this to my Amma and she was surprised. Later she revealed that she had prayed to Baba that if I get a nice job she would observer the Guruvar Vrat. It was a difficult time to get a job as the country was going through recession and I was sceptical. But Baba blessed me with a wonderful job answering my Amma’s prayers. I am studying part time and it is hard to find time with working full time and a family. Baba helped me get good marks and pass. I am very sure that I would not have been able to do this without Baba’s help. My younger son has to wear glasses as he is far sighted. He has been wearing it since he was a baby as the power is too high. We have to see the specialist every year to keep a check. The specialist had told us that with a power as high, the chances of it coming down are not very high. I prayed to Baba before leaving for the check up this time. Baba showered His blessing and my son did very well. The doctor was also a bit surprised and has prescribed a lower power. Thank You Baba for taking me in Your fold. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Brother Chandarkant from India says: I have completed my MBA. I believe in doing hard work with dedication and sincerity. Om Sai Ram. Sai has been my Guru, my Friend, my Brother, my Father and my Mother. I am an intense believer of Lord Sai. Sai is always there to hold my hand in dark times. He is my Best Friend. I have got admission in college because of Lord Sai. I prayed Him and asked Him as gift to give me admission. I got evening shift. I was little angry. I prayed again to get me in morning shift and it was only Miracle of Sai that very next day, i got morning shift. In college, i got many friends. Whenever i was in trouble, Sai was there to understand me and use to guide me towards positivity. He use to say, don’t take tension. I always followed Sai direction and always helped people. I got top 20 rank in university. It was gift of Sai. He always listened my prayer.
On other side, where Sai indicated me several times to be alert, i trusted another person. He called my emotional care fake, my brotherhood as unreal. He insulted me several times. He abused my parents for no reason. He did back bitching about me several times. He in fact made people against me. He asks for help when only he is in need and otherwise treat me as a useless thing in road. The person has put a question on my upbringing, why? Just because, i helped and cared for the person selflessly. the person used me many times and i never said No. Sai always said to me never change myself But one night Sai came in my dream and said, don’t hate him. He is my creation. Love and forgive him if he does harm to you. Sai always showed me right path. He always was there to guide me towards right. Sai was always there to wipe out my tears. He was there to bring infinity on my face. I request all Sai followers, always be good to all, even your haters. Sai has taken all pain and sufferings of people but he never complained. He helped people who did harm to Him. Love Sai. Love all people. I am proud to say “Sai is my Guru, my Life, my inspiration, my friend”. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Sai Ram, I am Sai Baba’s devotee since past 8 years. My husband’s job was in trouble since April as his project got over. He tried his best but was not getting any success. I kept on praying Baba but nothing happened. Ultimately we started losing hopes. We could not eat or sleep properly due to fear of job and our child’s education was also at stake. I kept on praying Baba and my husband as well. One day our friend who is also a Baba’s devotee called me and I told our problem to him. He said don’t worry it will get resolved in two weeks. I thanked him for his soothing words and forgot about it. In the meantime, all our friends whom we had asked for help, turned away from us. We were left all alone and in deep trouble.
One Saturday morning, I just got up from sleep at 3 am with deep pain in my heart thinking why these things are happening to us. Suddenly I saw a light on my phone. I thought that might be some message and took Baba’s Name and checked the message, it was from our Baba’s devotee friend who said everything will be fine and he said I just did Baba’s Pooja and talk to the priest. The priest told me to chant Baba’s Name and said your problem will be solved. We were tensed and spent two more days in tension and kept trying. Suddenly, we were blessed with project on Tuesday! We were saved by Baba’s Grace. He not only saved us but also was always there with us in most difficult time and sent soothing messages as well. Baba please keep showering Your blessings on us and be with us always.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Sai Baba, thank You for everything and bless me. Thank You Sai Paa for giving a good husband. Now please bless us with kids and lots of love between us Sai Maa. There are lot of problems in between us, please help us out. Thanks You Sai Maa for blessing my brother with a baby girl and helping me to clear my backlog. Now Sai Paa, I have given away my problem at Your Louts Feet. Please bless us and Sai Baba, please help my husband in settling down in good city with good job. Help him with his foreign job, Sai please he has lost hope please help him and guide him in correct path. Make him love me and not going away from me please Baba. Thanks for everything. Guide me Baba.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram _ / _
@ the first devotee in the above experiences,
sai ram sister.
i am deeply felt sad for u, reading your story, i can imagine, how hard it is for you to digest all those things.
i dnt know wht suggestion i have to give u.
but i will pray for u sister, dnt loose hope.
jai sai ram
Om Sai ram Pl bless my Daughter to fulfill her wish.Thanks Sairam and let us always have your blessings.Thanks for everything. Jai Sairam
ॐ श्री साईं नाथाय नमः
Dear First Devotee
First of All, do not think if you get your periods & you visit Baba, it is a SIN- How it can be? Doesnt Baba live with us? Does he run away from us at teh time of periods???
Please have mercy on you & all woman kind.
Now you got solution to your prblem in 4th post, where devotee said LOVE ALL. when Baba says LOVE ALL, SERVE ALL- it doesn't exclude your haters.
Another very logical & Scientific thing- You are FOCUSING your ENERGY & ATTENTION to a wrong cause. Remember where attention goes, energy flows. SOyou are praying day & night to teach lessons to others INSTEAD pray for your well-being, your success,your life. WHY ARE YOU PRAYING FOR SOMEBODY ELSE?? YOUR CONSTANT thinking about then MAKING them STRONG and you are getting drained of ENERGY & POWER.
Even if they have done bad to you, constant thinking bad about them, will not SERVE the purpose. it will even HINDER your growth.
SO BLESS ALL, SEnd them LOVE & Blessings and Pray for Your well-being.
I am sure Baba is listening to you, Sooner you correct your INTENTIONS, things will start falling in place for you.
well said.. good suggestion.OM SAI RAM
Om Sai Ram…. Well said. We must focus on what we want. And yes, its best to love all, even those who hate us.
sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai……..
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
om sai ram
To the first devotee, do not despair. Instead of wanting them to be punished, I suggest you surrender to Baba's Feet and think only good thoughts. Please read the fourth experience on this page.
O Deva, forgive us our sins and burn away or defects so we may carry only love in our hearts and Your name in our minds and on our lips.
Jai Sairam
om sai ram with u grace today wishing u happy mangalvar to baba and devotees to all.baba doing some work as secret gratitude magic check bless your son rohit kumar tiwary and your daughter shruti kaur.
Dear First Devotee
please concentrate on what you can do and not what you can or should get . If you take care of your life and move on for a job / marriage then at least your life has some positives to look forward to . If you only worry about what your uncle has to return to you , then your life gets stuck in that circle and each day starts and ends in frustration .
please strive to make your life better by first doing what you can : Karam karo
if you believe in Sai then he will decide when and how you get back that money and maybe that is what is your shraddha and saburi .
get your self a nice job . Look for marriage partner . Your brother and Bhabi are really nice to support but do move on and allow them space as well
om sai ram
Om sai ram.. Just wanted guidance, I always find that whenever I ask question on answers and question by entering a number I walls get an answer that makes no sense or has any relevance to what I have asked. And this makes me fustrated that I am not getting any reponse form Baba. I do pray and ask sincerely even then… What do other devotees do?
Om Sai Ram. Before you ask question, remove all thoughts from your mind, even the answer you unconsciously want from Baba. Have full faith in Him. Also, these answers will not make sense at first, but you will see what He wants to say, later.
Dear devotees first post is mine thanks for your valuable comments but I want to clarify here that me nor my brotherare not thinking nor do any bad to them honestly we want them to behind the bars for what they have done it's not first time we have forgave them many times I said they have to be punished because what they have to women is not tolerable not only me even they had written and many times spoken very derogatory about family ladies that's why I asked them to be punished that to legally I do belive in karma and moved on but the depression and mental health….sorry if any of my sai family member has hurt…I just wanted solution to solve it even we kept overself far from them still they are targetting us….
om sai ram
We can understand ur pain.we are prayingbaba to give u justice.after reading ur experience, I could recollect smthing from satcharitra.a devotee left his fav food till he finds his lost money of30k. Then goes to shiridi for baba strong and hav faith.
Women protection cell and helpline numbers in Hyderabad and Secunderabad
Women protection cell – 040 -23320539
Women police station – 040-27853508
Child rights – 1800 425 2933
Roshini helpline – 040-66202000
Asmitha resource center for Women – 040-27733251
Shaheens women’s organization – 040-24386994
AP women’s network – 040-27014394
Child line – 1098, 040-23133550
State Human Rights Commission – 040-24601571, 24601572, 24601574
Human rights law network – 040-27661883
Crime stopper – 1090
Anti corruption wing – 040-24720196, 24720197
Helpline for health – 1056, 104
Alchoholism rehabilitation center – 040-65969896, 9849940500
Divya disha – 9848186982
Prajwala (human trafficking) – 040-65704048
National Commission for Women – 011-13237166
Helpline for senior citizen's Hyderabad – 1253
Anveshi – 040-27423690
Ankuram – 040-27017446
Sannihita Ms.Usha – 9246573978
ALEAP (self employment) – 040-23893644
Bread organization (For Educational support) – 040-65887177
BHUMIKA Women’s collective – 040-27660173
BHUMIKA HELPLINE FOR WOMEN IN DISTRESS – Toll free number – 1800 425 2908/ 040-2765316
Sai sai sai sai sai….
Dear baba sai
Today i steped on nimbu mirchi in front of ur temple … Please telll me what to do devotees please help ???
Om Sai Ram. If u believe in Sai Baba, then think u stepped on some garbage. Dont bother at all. For no one can dare bring any harm on His children….
For some reason i wanted my periods should postpone and i prayed to baba and had udi everyday. baba heard my prayers.
Om sai shri sai jai jai sai
om sai ram
Jai Sai Ram, as hetalji says "we all are Prince and princess. Because our father is Sai and he is King and forever a ruler" yes I agree to that cause we all as followers of sai we have that attitude and pride of being his devotee. Om Sai Ram please bless me with suzuki gixxer metallic oort grey, this is the vehicle i desire to purchase oh deva.jai gurudev, Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙂
om sai ram, i myself have left tea to get justice as some people are trying to create problems to snatch away our property by wicked means one or another.Please be with us and keep showering your blessings so that we can come out of this tunnel soon. I bow down at your holy feet please dont let me down ever and keep holding my hand tightly .you are my only hope baba. om sai ram, om sai ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Plz update today's post asap
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om sai ram to all… Can anyone kindly guide me how to publish my experience in this site … I don't understand how to proceed
Dear first devotee please dont loose ur faith all left on sai's lotus feet, u could read sai kashta niwaran mantra
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all