Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am small devotee of Sai and read your blog to gain strength and further enhance my faith on our beloved Sai. I am a very small devotee of Sai Baba and was introduced to Him by a friend of mine when I was going through a very rough time personally. Till date I am thankful to her for having introduced me to my Guru. I am very scared to write this post as it is my first ever experience, hence I invoke Sai’s blessings so that I can put across my experience and share it with my other brothers and sisters, Om Sai Ram. I also, thank the team who is maintaining this blog. May Sai always be with them and their loved ones as they are doing the noble task of spreading Sai’s Name to people all over the world. While I have witnessed a lot of Sai Leelas in the last 3 years, I am writing this post to share a recent experience where I was very scared and had vowed to Sai that if I am saved from this peril I will definitely share my experience on this blog.
I work as a consultant and advise clients on various issues through financial models. While I am otherwise hands on with the math of a financial model, Tax is my weakness and I still do not have a good grip over it as a subject in spite of being in this field for a few years now. Coming to my experience, we were looking at finalizing the report of a client and as the due date for deliverable arrived, I was scared for my partner review as I didn’t want my partner to raise queries on the tax computation of the client. With full faith in Sai, I handed over my report to my partner for review. I sit right outside my partner’s room so every time he would cross my desk I was scared to think what if he starts questioning me on the Tax workings. I was imagining the worst always. I had handed over the report to him on a Monday afternoon. The whole of Tuesday I spent waiting patiently for him to return the reviewed report to me. I kept chanting Sai Name all day long and would look at the Sai Picture on my desk every time I felt scared. Come Wednesday the client had asked for the report and hence I was scared that this might be the day and my partner might question the tax workings before I send out the report to the client. As I waited patiently, suddenly my partner came over to my desk and dropped off the reviewed report. I immediately touched the reviewed report to my Sai’s Feet (in the picture) and then started turning pages to see if there are any comments on the Tax workings. As I flipped pages to my utter surprise there was not a single remark on Tax, which meant I need not discuss that point with my partner.
On the contrary, there were hardly any comments from him on the report and it was just a half an hour job to include his remarks in the draft report for the client. This in turn meant, I didn’t have to sit and discuss any points of the report with my partner and I just made the necessary changes for the draft report to be sent to the client. This was the first time in so many months that I had sent out a report to a client without any major comments from my partner. I was so happy and relieved to see Sai come to my rescue. All through those 3 days I was thinking of the worst of outcomes, wondering what could happen if my weakness is revealed to my senior. But Sai came to my rescue. I immediately prayed to Him and vowed that I will diligently understand Tax concepts for all my future engagements so that I do not have to face such a dilemma in future. It was Sai’s way to make sure I actively seek knowledge on my work related concepts and hence He put me through this test. Even as I write this post, Sai is helping me as He sits there on my desk watching every word I write here. Om Sai Ram. Also, before I end I want to mention what I have learnt in these last 3 years of Sai worship. Each of us needs to keep Faith and practice Patience to see His Miracles in our life. While it is not guaranteed that we will always get what we want, our faith and patience will make sure that we see Sai’s will in everything that happens around us. We will ultimately start to accept all events as His will thereby giving us strength to face the extremes of life. Om Sai Ram. Sai bless us all and let there be peace and happiness all around. I sincerely pray people (including me) get rid of their ego at His holy feet and may Sai make this world a better place to live for all. Keep chanting these 3 words all the time and you will see problems resolving miraculously. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Brother Uttam from Nepal says: I am a student presently studying undergraduate level in USA. Before mine I would like to share my experience about my friend. One of close friend of mine applied to visa for U.S.A. He did everything himself. He had no family support at all. Though he took up the burden, managed money himself and applied for visa. But he was rejected. He applied again and then again he was rejected. He lost his hope and was depressed to some extent. One can easily feel how difficult it is in such situation. When a boy of 20 years of age does everything on his own, search money on his own and finally everything goes out of expectation. But we all friends encouraged him and asked him to apply again. He was not interested. Again I insisted a lot. I thought to pay visa fee myself so that it won’t burden him financially. I prayed to Sai Baba. I requested Him to approve his visa. Finally the day came and we all friends went with him to embassy. I prayed whole time when he was inside giving interview. Finally he came out with success. I was so happy for him. I thanked Sai Baba a lot. I had no words to express my happiness and respect and love for Him.
On the other hand I was alone without a visa. All friends of my circle got visa but I still had not applied. The reason was rejection from colleges. I had decent grades so I applied some top ranked colleges. Most of them rejected admission for me and the colleges that accepted asked me to pay above 20k which my family couldn’t afford. Thus I was totally depressed. I was spending my leisure time applying to colleges and tutoring juniors. I really thank Sai Baba for providing a lot of student to tutor. With the money I earned, I was applying colleges. I had thought not to bother my family financially. The deadline to apply colleges already passed and I was without college. All my friends were ready to move USA, waiting for the day to travel. I had good grades among my friends still I was not sure what to do. Friends, family relatives, teachers, tutored students used to question me “Though you have good grades, you still don’t have visa however all your friends are travelling in the land of opportunity, Why? I had a dream to study in one of the good colleges in USA. But I was unable to explain everyone the reason behind rejections.
My expected family contribution was too low compared to expensive fee of colleges. So that was first reason for rejection. Lately I decided to study in any sorts of university but it was too late to decide that. Deadlines were already over. I was in dilemma why I have to face problem every time? Suddenly, earthquake hit my nation and some days later universities announced that they have opened up deadlines for students again. I saw a college granting full tuition scholarship for student with required SAT score. I applied to that college. After a long hassle of making documents I applied for visa and with the blessings from Sai, I got visa. Now I am studying here in USA. I was hopeless that I was about to waste a year without any study. I was depressed a lot that I cannot express but finally with blessings from Sai, such things happened which I can’t even imagine. Now I am searching an On campus job here. I am fully optimistic that I will get that with blessings from Sai. Thank You So Much Lord. You Are The Almighty, You Are The Saviour, You Are Everything For Me. Love You Lord Sai Baba.

Sai Sister Meera from USA says: Jai Sai Ram. I am really concerned about my eye sight getting affected day by day. Initially I had to use reading glasses only to read very small letters e.g. serial numbers on the back of the computers as my job was as a computer repair technician. Over the period of time reading glasses needed even to see clearly even if I have to write a cheque. Well, I kept noticing that I had to replace my reading glasses for higher power. But for long distance viewing I had no problem. Now the situation is such that even to read the shelf tags in the stores also I need glasses! While driving, I took out glasses and if I forgot to take them with me and entered the store just like that either I have to shorten my buying things , buying only known items or go back to get my glasses from the car. I keep on requesting Baba to please let me have my vision intact whatever it is now as I want to accomplish several paintings that I have on my “to do list” ! I love sewing too. And I face the same problem when it comes threading the needle! I have to use even higher power glasses for sewing. Well, it is really bothersome to keep alternating glasses as the high power glasses makes my regular viewing fuzzy, so I have to have lower power glasses.
I have an American friend 84 years old lady who is practicing being vegetarian. She lives in a set up where almost 100 – 150 such seniors are accommodated and they have full service like lunch, breakfast, dinner, house maid services are provided. But sometimes she face problem where she does not get the food that she can have. So I think of her whenever I make some dish that she can enjoy, I inform her and go give her. Yesterday I went to give her “Vada Sambar” that I had prepared. She was very very thankful and said she is so sorry that she cannot offer me anything in return. I said, do not even think like that. You had done your part when you were younger and able bodied, now it is our turn and some day somebody else will do that for me! And by and by I told her how I made my grandkids dresses and how I over came the problem came up while sewing mistakes. I love problems as finding a solution gives me more satisfaction of overcoming the problem. I said, but, I still have one problem that I don’t know the solution. My eyes getting weaker day by day and jokingly I said, but I think I do have a solution that I just found out while i visited my dentist last week!
I went to the dentist for annual check up and the special glasses with magnifier attachment like the surgeons use in operation theatre that dentist used, I will ask her from where to get those and Lo Baba plays His role here. My friend said, wait, wait and she went to her bedroom and came back with a box. What was in there? The magnifier lenses attached to flexible headband. You wear it on your forehead and see the things so clearly as if you had eyesight when you were in teens and can push it towards forehead when you want to have normal view i.e. to be without that device! I came home, used that headband to finish up hemming of the dress that I was sewing, it was so much easy to finish the task! I never ever had any idea of my troubling problem would be solved like this! Do you consider this a miracle?, I Do! Now I can do finer details on my painting with so much ease! Jai Sai Ram.

Sai Sister Priya from India says: Thank You so much Baba for each and everything You have given me in my life till now. Thank You so much for Your blessings Baba! Love You Baba. I am from Chennai. Baba has showered His blessings always on our family. He took care of me always. After my marriage in 2013, my husband though basically a good person was not maintaining proper relationship with me for nearly one year. This was because he was not interested to marry me but married only because my in laws liked me and my family very much, I was always worried about that. I used to cry only before Baba to help save our relationship and to change his attitude towards me. I was also not able to conceive for about 2 years after marriage due to this. I did not tell this to anyone but only prayed Baba to help me. I heard about Nav Guruvar Vrat and started doing that. Surprisingly, every Thursday from second week, Baba blessed us with many things. My husband was able to finalise the house which he wanted to buy, i received Baba’s Photo with Udi from Shirdi, Baba blessed me in my dreams, and by second week after completing Vrat, i was pregnant. It was the biggest gift Baba blessed me with because i never thought i could ever become pregnant and have children in my life. Such worse was my situation then. My husband became caring towards me. It’s all just because of Baba. Thank You so much Baba.
Another experience of mine was my PG exams were very tough. Baba helped to pass the exams very easily. At the same time, my father was very sick and hospitalised. Baba helped me to go through both my exams and also helped my father recover faster. My dad had multiple complications affecting almost all the major systems in his body. It is just because of Baba he recovered well and is doing well now. Baba helped me balance all the situations, my pregnancy, my exams and my father’s illness simultaneously which were all major stressors which i could not have handled alone without Baba. Baba please bless us and be with us always and help me go through smooth delivery and give us a healthy baby. I have also observed that whenever i played Baba’s songs my baby in my womb always moves around nicely. Always bless me to have increasing faith and devotion towards You. Akhilanda Koti Brahmand Nayak Sachidanand Sri Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai! Om Sai Ram! Om Sai Ram! Om Sai Ram! Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Jai Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. Thank you Hetal ji for this wonderful service of providing this platform to share our experiences. Though Baba made His presence felt in my life through various instances but I started following Him since last 3-4 years. I have experienced Baba’s blessings in several forms since then. This is the most recent experience that I had. It is not a very big incident but I promised Baba that I will share it here. We have separate lockers in office to keep our belongings. Last Friday, while on a break in office I realised that my locker key was missing. I started searching for it everywhere in a frenzied manner, my work floor, cafeteria, pantry, restroom etc. I looked for the key everywhere I possibly could but with no results. Then someone suggested me to check at the CCTV room where all the lost and found articles are reported. I went there but could not find it.
While returning to my work floor, a small thought crossed my mind wherein I said to Baba, “You help people find their lost items like jewellery back, Can’t You find a small key for me?” Thinking this I came back to my floor and the wonder of wonders happened, one of my colleagues was holding the key in his hand and he came to me asking “Is this what you are looking for? It had fallen down and I found it right here in front”. I was shocked as I and few of my others colleagues were looking for it for quite a long time but could not see it anywhere. You are great Baba. I feel really sorry for testing You but at the same time also feeling blessed to know that You are there with me every second and listening to all my prayers. Love You Baba. Please keep showering Your blessings on all Your devotees and fulfil their wishes.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram, My faith in Baba is complete for many decades. He has caught my hand and led me out of many a storm. However this time I promised Him that I will write one of my experience if He blesses me. I was undergoing serious problems in my marital life and effecting my career too since we work together. My husband gave an ultimatum and refused to work together in a harsh move, that shattered me, I prayed to Sai to do a Miracle so that this time passes off and my husband gets in touch. I was getting messages from the blessings page and followed instructions. The matter has been subdued and like a Miracle my husband got in touch. All is well now, May all prayers of everyone be answered.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram
Om Sai Mehma Mehma.. Om Sai Ram
Please devotees pray for us:
Devotees, We are in very tough situation even after following LAW and Following Baba's Path. I have so much immersed in BABA's love that I also made my husband to follow Baba. he was so impressed with BABA and all his small miracles.
Devotees, Please pray for us so that my Husband's faith is saved in Baba- HE was NON- believer in GOD, but after marriage he given up eating meat, he started following Baba's teaching.
But Now situation is so hard and We have been imploring Baba to come to rescue, But seems like UNLAWFUL & UNTRUTHFUL people are having a WIN over TRUTH.
I was so hurt other day, when my HUSBAND said that You always said that BABA will come running, even if you ask HIM once, Where is YOUR BABA now?
Devotees I dream Baba, I eat with Baba, I breathe with BABA, I can not stop my tears NOW-BABA HAS given US SO MUCH in past, I also shared all those experiences, But Please NOW everybody please pray for us, Please ASK/PRAY to BABA to SAVE my husband's FAITH.
Please please please pray for us, Please Devotees, I can not stop my tears. I am falling at Baba's feet, I have NO strength to stay strong any more. NO STRENGTH TO follow path of Truth.
I am sending all of universe's love & Blessings to all of you.
You know we can recover all the financial loss, BUT once FAITH IS SHAKEN my husband wont have it again.
HE is saying that he will also start following UN-TRUTHFUL path as all people following Untruth are winning- HE is blaming ME and MY BABA and saying what we have got after following PATH OF TRUTH.
Please pray for my husband's faith is not shaken in TRUTH.
May the lord keep your faith in him strong. god bless!
Ananthakoti Brahmandanayaka Rajadhiraja Yogiraja Parabrahma Shri Satchitananda Sathguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
ॐ श्री साईं नाथाय नमः
I am staying in usa and i am jobless and waiting for the job by baba's grace.I started doing sai divya pooja and when i went to the store on tuesday to buy flowers(bouquets)(for baba pooja) the prices are very high and minimum is $6, i returned back and thought of buying it on wednesday evening.I went to the store and i was pretty confident that the prices remains same even though i prayed baba to reduce the price of atleast one bouquet so that i can buy it.when i entered to the flowers section i saw 3-4 bouquets with less price than expected.I felt very happy and bought the flowers… Om Sai Ram(chant) you hope to live. luv u baba…
Blessed experiences 🙂 Meera Auntie nice to see your experience after a while.
Love you all:)
Dear Sai devotee, happy to receive your comment. I will post more as now I can concentrate little bit more compared to last year's too much stressful time we all went through. My elder son is now recovering from his major cancer surgery…. every 6 months he has to have CT scan and 2 of his CT scan results show good reports after the surgery.BABA is surely taking care of him because the type of cancer he got is, as per his treating doctors , most of the time goes undetected until it is too late to treat. I will post how he got detected his cancer which itself is a miracle.
I will also post a few painting I made recently using my amazing headband magnifying glasses! 😀
Jai Sai RAm.
Baba i am in need of 2 wishes… both r in half way… soon full process should be completed… pls help me baba… baba enough of being alone… i cant survive without my husband… pls baba soon help in completion of family visa process….. om sai ram…..
Thank You for bringing us into Your fold O Sai, we just hope that we can live a life that You are proud of 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om sai ram.
Baba today is yours day.I don't know why you are not allowing me to come to your temple since two weeks,i felt really bad about myself for this.If i have done anything wrong,Please forgive me baba.I don't have anyone except you.You know about my past baba.I lost everyone in my life.Now you only my world.Please baba allow me to do your poojas regularly and come to your temple.Please don't leave me alone baba.I know you are doing this for some reason.But i can't understand that.We all are knows nothing baba.I want to think about you always,I want to be with you always.Please let me surrender myself completely in your feet baba. Everything is happening as per your wish only baba.Please make my mind calm and remove my ego and expectations baba.Please bless everyone baba.Please forgive me baba.
Shirdi vasaya vidhmahe,sachidhananthaya theemahe,Thanno sai prasodayat.
Baba am in mid of my 9 weeks vrat.First four weeks completed without any issues.Even first week you blessed me with such miralces.But now you are not allowing me to continue my vrat,Don't you like me baba?.I know you are testing me.Am doing this vrat for my parents welfare.without your blessing i can't complete this vrat.Please show me some mercy baba.If i have done anything wrong,Please forgive me baba.
Om sai ram
Hi I am reading this blog from my lenovo phone using chrome.I can maximize all other websites except is coming in fixed panel ,the texts are very small .could anyone help me in this pls?.
Om Sai Ram
I request all sai devotee to pray for me…its being 4 years that i got married but havent conceived yet.Please baba ji give me one baby soon.
Our Sai baba is with u..I ve prayed for u sister.. May my lord Sai bless uwith a baby soon..
message from Baba: Please offer coconut to Baba then break in half and light diya in the same coconut halves.
om sai ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Kash baba Mujhe bhi koi mauka de ki main bhi apna experience share Karun. Am praying silently….
Om Sai Ram…………………………
OMSAIRAM…Love u baba. Without you there is nothing exists in the world. You are always with me. Thank you BABA for everything.
Dear Devotees …. GOOD NEWS !!!!! Shirdi Airport is starting to be operational from MAY 2016 ….. now there will be direct flights to Shirdi … 🙂
Fantastic news. All Baba's doing. Jai Sai Ram.
Dear devotees Baba's puja gives me wonderful happiness.Baba always with me and my family. om sai ram.
I used to ask everything from sai before taking any step through chits … N he used to answere and I always follow him.. I was preparing hard for my GATE exam past one n half year n when I asked him abt my rank he use to say it under 100.. I seriously needed the job.. N I can get that scoring under 100… But as baba said to me so I lefted everything on sai hands.. But now my gate exam is over checking solutions I m not getting my tank in even 1000…I don't know what to do… I m totally shattered… Please tell me what to do.. N why this is happening to me… Pleaseee say something so that my faith do not get shattered… Pleaseee… 🙁
May be Baba wants you to prepare for the test again . Then you can get the score between first 100.. in first attempt your rank is not coming below 1000 but next time after hard work you will get your rank between 100.
You cannot get good results without hard work. Baba is not a magician , he says work hard and then he will help you …
Hope you feel better… keep on preparing for the competitive exams and get a good job ..
Dear devotees,can we do sai nav guruwar vrat and sai Divya Pooja simultaneously…. I have strttd Navy guruwar vrat 1month back but I want to start sai Divya Pooja for my personal marital problems…..
Om sai ram. Yesterday my dad had severe pain in his left hand and throat. It was around 6 in the morning.We take him to doctor where doctor suggested to hospitalised my dad. He was shifted to i.c.u We were stressd. I cry like anything infront of baba's idol and ask for my dad's good health. After some time i visited my fb account where I saw a wallpaper of baba and the lines in that wallpaper are as" I am always there to guard u and your family" After reading that my joy knew no bounds. Somewhere I was sure in my heart that soon we will get rid of this problem and today morning doctor said it was just due to acidity. My baba is so kind and is always with his kids to protect them from calamities. Guys please never ever doubt on baba. He is always active but sometimes he seems to be a lategiver but that is only for our betterment. Have faith in baba and babaji will never let you down. Om sai shri sai jai jai sai.
Jai sai ram _ / _
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Om Sai Ram 😎
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
om sai ram, om sai ram , om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram
Jai jai sai RAM sai RAM sai RAM jai jai sai RAM sai RAM sai RAM jai jai sai RAM sai RAM sai RAM on namo narayana hari om namoh narayana…..on Sri sainath maharaj ki jai
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Dear Sai Devotee, Happy to find your father's sickness reason was sorted out. My advise to have complete check up done and take sincere steps to get rid of acidity problem. My son had paid heavily for not paying attention to acidity problem. Thanks to SAI BABA's caring hand my son is recovering from the surgery he had to go through. Sai Ram.
sai sai sai sai sai sai sai…
Sai Ram I love you always… Sai Ram i faced lots of problems in many times, when i pray you that problems are solved the next day or 2 to 3 days. I had lots of experience i know u are with all you faith on you and solve their problems so u r everywhere. Sai i asked u some blessings that will be come true. I have to thank you not only this generation after my soul come from my body also my soul will pray u sai ram sai ram sai ram. And one thing sai i wanted to speak and write english properly that struck me when i talk with others…
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all