Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Sister Sowmya from USA says: I have done MS in Computer Science. I have been Sai devotee from last 10 months and I have experienced numerous miracles now. I will share few of them. Thank you Hetal ji for maintaining this wonderful website. Thank you for giving an opportunity to share our experiences with the fellow devotees. I knew Sai Baba from my childhood. But I never worshipped Him from the bottom of my heart. I always used to worship Lord Ganesha and Dattatreya. My grandmother was a very big devotee of lord Datta. In 2010, we moved to different state due to my job change. I work as a Software Engineer. We had a house and we had to sell it. We vacated our house and moved to the new city. We were paying mortgage of our old house and paying rent for the new house. We were paying double mortgage. We were really scared. One of friends is a Sai Baba devotee. She told me to read Sai Satcharitra. I visited Sai Baba Temple and prayed God that I will read Sai Satcharitra and visit Shirdi when I visit India. By God’s grace, our house got sold in just one month (the real estate market was very bad in 2010 and there were many houses for sale in our community). We were really happy. We bought a house in the current city and I read Sai Satcharitra and we visited Shirdi too. Due to my ignorance, I completely forgot Sai. I am really sorry Baba. I will never forget You in my life.
In 2014, the manager in my company started treating me really bad. I was literally crying every day. I was going back in my career. One day I was working, suddenly I felt that someone told me to read Sai Satcharitra. It must be our Sai. I did Google search and came to know this website. I started reading the miracles every day. Sometimes I used to read 3-4 hours continuously forgetting all my worries. I came to know about Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat. I finished the Vrat without any issues. I read 1 chapter of Sai Satcharitra every day. I had dream of Sai number of times. Those were the best experiences of my life. Here are some of them. First is, I dreamt that Sai is giving me Udi. To my surprise, I got the Udi from Sai Dhamsola next day. I had requested for Udi. To my surprise, it reached within 6 days. I was really happy. Second is, I dreamt that I was standing in front of old house in India and there was a church in front of the house (We had a church in front of our house in Bangalore). There was an idol of Lord Ganesha. The ray was passed from Ganesha to the moon. The moon changed to Datta first and then it got changed to Sai and it blessed me. Third is, This is the only time Sai talked to me in my dream. He asked me to prepare Bisibelebath. He called me mother in my dream. Fourth is, I saw Sai Baba blessing me. I was in the temple. There were lots of people. I saw Sai Baba blinking His eyes. I asked the person standing next to me if she can see Baba blinking His eyes. She told me that she cannot see.
I could not bear the pain and I quit my job in June and went to India with my kids. I took the certifications and few courses. My husband visited India later and we went to Shirdi and had a wonderful Darshan of our Baba. We attended Dhoop Aarti. By God’s grace, everything went smoothly. I visited Gangapur too. We had a good Darshan of our Datta. I asked my question in QA site. I always used to get positive response. We returned to USA after our visit. In Dubai, while changing the flight, my husband lost his expensive watch. He was very sad as he had purchased for our wedding anniversary. We asked the Customer Service. But they could not find it. We came back to USA. I prayed Baba to help us. He showed His miracle. We enquired the lost and found section of Emirates Airline. By God’s Grace, we got our watch within 2 days. We were so happy. I was going into depression as I did not find the job. It is very hard to find the job in my technology. I am an ERP Developer. Along with that, I have 2 kids and I cannot commute. So I wanted work from home job. It is very difficult to find the job that meets my requirements. I was crying every day and was very sad. It started affecting my family too. I had 2 interviews in last 8 months. I did very well in both the interviews. I really liked one of the jobs. They were paying really well and it was work from home with no travel. I passed the exam too. I attended the onsite interview. The job was put on hold due to organizational change. I was so sad after this. I wanted this job.
Sometimes I used to question Sai Baba in my heart and cry. I am sorry Baba. We bought 2 feet Sai Baba Idol very recently. I am attaching the Baba’s picture. I read Sai Satcharitra Saptah during Baba’s Maha Samadhi. I did Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat again. On the 9th week, I did Pooja. I did Kacharya and Bharit for Baba. My mother distributed books and the sweets in India. I was very happy that everything went so well. I got the call from my recruiter that I got selected as a part time consultant and I have to start my job on Monday. I will be doing the older version of the software and the company has just 9 employees. It is just a part time work and I have to visit onsite just few days a week. I know Baba is doing this for my good and He will find me something amazing in the future. I am still looking for full time position and praying Baba to bless me. Please bless me Baba. Shri Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Sai Sister Prerna from India says: Om Sai Ram. May Sai Baba ji bless us all. I am a student in my graduation 3rd year. I have been Sai Baba ji’s devotee since many years. He is my Father, my Mother, my Friend, my Teacher and my Mentor. Not even once has He left my side. He has always been there constantly since the time I became His devotee. I pray to Him to bless me and all of my brothers and sisters who are His devotee. There have been a lot of experiences but these ones I really want to share here on this brilliant platform with all my brothers and sisters who are Sai Baba ji’s devotees. May Sai Baba ji bless everyone who works for publishing our experiences and helps us to connect with other Sai Baba ji’s devotees. My experience starts when i was in my graduation second year. There was a Research held in my department and every student who had participated in it was to be given a certificate signed by the head of department and other faculty so the certificate was of extreme importance to every student. I used to go college rarely but i had attended the Research.
Days after the research happened students were distributed their certificates. I could not get mine since i was absent the day they were distributed. So i went to my teacher after some days to collect it. She refused and said that she didn’t have it and it must be available with the head of department so I went to him. To my surprise, even he said that it’s not there with him and the certificate must have been given to some of my friend or so but he hasn’t got it. I asked all my friends nobody had it. I was very upset since everyone got their certificates except me. I thought to myself that the certificate must have got misplaced and i was really tensed and i prayed to Sai Baba ji to get it found somehow else it would land me into trouble because getting a new certificate would mean many complications. I prayed to Sai Baba ji to please help me get my certificate. After some days i again went to head of department and asked him for the certificate and then the miracle happened. The certificate was there with other certificates and he handed it over to me. I was so happy and thanked Sai Baba ji for getting it found. I promised Sai Baba ji that if my certificate was found I would distribute Prasad (sweets) in His name among people which i did after the certificate was found.
Same happened with a memory card of mine which got misplaced somehow. It was really important for me since it had some important data in it. I searched for it everywhere at my home but i couldn’t find it, i was convinced that i have lost it. Then i prayed to my Sai Baba ji to please find it and that I would distribute Prasad (sweets) in His Name if it gets found. After some days, i just randomly opened my mother’s purse and the memory card was there in the purse. I was so surprised that how could the memory card reach her purse and then i realised that it is Sai Baba ji’s miracle that i was able to find it. Then i completed my promise and distributed sweets to people in Sai Baba ji’s Name. I pray to Sai Baba ji to bless each one of us and to always stay with us in our good and bad times. We are Your children, Sai Paa. Please always be with us. Forgive us for our sins and mistakes that we did knowingly or unknowingly. We bow in front of You. We surrender our heart, soul, love, life and everything to You. Please Bless us and be with us constantly. Om Sai Ram. Jai Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai Baba devotees. I am a great devotee of Sai Baba from 2010. This is the 3rd time i am sharing my experience in this blog. I would like to thank this site admin for doing such a wonderful work. My day ends reading this blog. Reading many devotees miracles i will get mental peace and strength. I got married by the Grace of Sai Baba in the year 2014 November but after 11 months of marriage i couldn’t conceive, all family and relatives started insulting me except my husband and mother side. As usual while reading Baba’s miracle in this blog i saw many devotees experiences where they got blessed by Baba by doing Nav Guruvar Vrat and Sai Parayanam. Even i started Sai Baba Nava Guruvar Vrat and Sai Parayanam, completed successfully. By the grace of Sai after completion of Sai Vrat, I checked my Urine pregnancy test, it came positive. My joy and happiness was sky high, i couldn’t believe it for a second. One thing i want to tell all Sai Baba devotees, impossible things can happen possible only by the Sadguru Sainath, we must have firm faith and patience our desire will come to us at the right time. By Baba’s grace, i came out of the PCOD problem which is problem for conceive. Sai Baba I bow to Your Feet for all the blessings in my life. I have no life without You Baba. Please be with me, my family and all always and shower Your blessings. Please bless me a healthy baby Sai Samartha without any problems. Please be with me all the time. Sabka Malik Ek Hai. I am very happy Baba. My happiness cannot be expressed Baba. Thanks a ton for blessing me to get pregnant. Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaja Ki Jai.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I consider myself very fortunate enough to even write this blog, it is only because of my Abba Sai Baba. I am 21 years old. I had a broken engagement. I stopped believing in Him even though He is always been with me. I had went on a very bad path. I am diagnosed with a disease which is incurable and I know this happened because of Baba’s grace so I can be again close to Him. I am very much devoted to Him. My day and my night start and end with His Name. I asked Him to bless me with His Darshan in my dreams then I will know He has forgiven me. It’s been a year now and luckily Two days back I had a dream, It was such a beautiful place, it was outside an unknown Temple. The sky was clear and the Temple was surrounded with crystal clear water. There were monks teaching kids our Hindu knowledge and behind Him. I see Baba looking at me and smiling and coming towards me. While He was walking towards me, I started crying with happy tears and forwarded my arm to give money. I wanted to give all the money which was $20 but I only gave $5 because I was being stingy. After the dream was over, I want to donate food for $20 now. I know this is Baba’s Leela and I know He will cure me even if it is incurable. Just have faith in Him and shower immense love to Him. I know He is watching all of us. I am sorry Baba for not believing in You. Om Sai Ram. Forgive me like a mother forgives her child. Please call me soon to Shirdi to see my Abba.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram. I am a very small devotee of our Lord Sai Baba. Thank you Hetal ji and team for the wonderful service. Coming to our Baba’s miracle. I was staying at my mom’s home for few years. Since kids were at school so I wanted to start my career. I wanted to learn a new tool. I was not sure if it was a right choice. I just prayed Baba to show me a sign if I would succeed in that new area. I had requested that subject book from library. On Thursday, I got a call from the library stating that book is available for me. It was a positive sign from Baba. I started learning that software tool and was preparing for that certification. Certification would help me get a job easily. I was very afraid to take the exam because I do not have practical knowledge in that. Finally I booked for the exam with prayers to Sai Ram. Seeing the first question itself I lost hope and prayed Baba to help me out. I finished my exam and I was not happy. I was praying to Baba to help me pass the exam. Baba did answer my prayers. Pass mark was 700 and I got 702. Thank You Baba. You only helped me. I love You so much Baba. Baba I am planning to post my resume. Please help me to get a job. Love You so much Baba. Please be with all of us and bless us all. Om Sai Ram. Bow to Shri Sai, peace be to all.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I have been a believer of Sai Nath for past few years. I would like to share a recent experience. I was in my visa processing stage. I prayed Baba that my visa has to be approved but for some reason I had an issue and the process was getting delayed. I did not lose hope and prayed every Thursday and read Sai Vrat Book and Sai Satcharitra. As expected I received my positive response with my visa processing. I am feeling blessed and once you trust Him, Baba will not leave you alone. Jai Sainath.
Prayer for Today: Prayer Request To Sai Baba – Anonymous Devotee

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram _ / _
Baba please save me from my inner demon. It's affecting my kids life. Om sai ram
I want to know how to keep faith in sai strong .. Why are his eleven vachans given never come true .. Why dsnt his udi work for curing sickness why is it we cant rely on udi alone and have to go to the doctor .. And either ways if our faith is so strong then why didnt udi work and one has to go to the doctor .. All the experiences above or before say that with every medical condition one had to go to the doctor and udi with faith alone didnt cure anything.. Unless one percent cases where the problem is minute …
Please dont think i m spreading negative thought for sai but all this so make me doubt his presence … SS shows us totally different picture of sai mahima curing sickness with udi etc …i dont know what to think please if anyone can tell why is it like this …
In earlier days, people who used to worship Baba as an epitome of God, they were very simple people and most of them were villagers with a simple way of living. They were happy and contented with whatever Baba gave. As for diseases, in those days, medical science was not so developed. Moreover people had patience. Nowadays for one disease people don't hesitate to take opinions of more than one doctor. But in those days, they didn't have money to visit Dr, and this must have added to the fact that they kept shradhha and saburi at Baba's feet without any hesitation.
Yes, if you're willing to get cured by Baba only, then you should have tremendous amount of perseverance like the villagers of Shirdi. Doctors are also humans and messenger of God. It's better to go to them and have faith in Baba also at the same time! Cz we know faith begins where science ends. Never let take pride take charge cz it will destroy your positive mindset in the long run.
I suggest you to love Baba without any demands. Try to do that for a month or so. See if you can really do it. Don't you think He deserves a tad bit love for all the times he have loved us and took us out of our miseries?
It all depends upon Sai Baba's will. If he likes you he can cure your health issues. I am also praying to him for years but no gain yet .. but still believe in his chamatkar. May be one day he will wake up and comes to me to help me.
Dear second devotee,can you please tell me what exactly did you do to cure your pcod?
it will be helpful.if you share. its been many years i am suffering from it.and i'm really scared about my future.
Sai Ram, I am not the devotee with PCOS but a medical graduate. Just wanted to let you know that there are many treatment available for PCOS nowadays. I will list them however please speak with your doctor as what is suitable for you. There is OCPs to treat irregular menstruation. Clomiphene for the treatment of infertility. And Metformin enhances ovulation and manages insulin resistance. Hope this helps. Have faith in Sai Baba and he will take of everything.
Sai please don't leave me too, please pappa
Sai baba, please call us to Shirdi. We don't get enough money from our jobs and we don't even get to meet each other. I started the 5 days puja to fulfill this wish of mine, but within the first two days, I got the negative news that we won't have enough money to visit you or anywhere else,Baba! How I wish we could go to you. What to say Baba, you never come in my dreams. Maybe I am not a sincere devotee,that's why. Never mind,Baba! I still love you with all my heart. Please arrange money for us so that we can go to Shirdi. 🙂
I've been praying for a really long time. Even if I want to stop praying and leave everything and go I'm not able to.. Baba gave me so many positive signs and the complete opposite thing happened.. and now I don't know what to do? HOW do I continue praying with faith? Why would baba do this? Even now I get the same positive signs from baba..but I don't know if things will ever go right again as the only thing I was wishing for went entirely against my wish even after all the signs I got..
Please someone tell me what I should do…
Increase your faith more stronger. Pray with more intensity without asking anything in return.He knows your hearts desire and will definitely help you.
om sai ram jai sai ram i am reading this blog 7 years. i liked all experiences to saima please give peace.i am in depression.please cure it.i am taking medicines also.some misunderstanddings i am suffering.please bless my family
On Sai Ram. Baba never forgets his children. Keep faith. Om Sai Ram.
ॐ श्री साईं नाथाय नमः
Sai baba plz mujhse bat karo sai maaplz I need u deva.
Devotees plz pray ro sai maa to talk to me once.
I need him.
Plz sai maa ek bat mujhse bat karo.
Om sai ram
Gurudev datta ☺
O Deva, forgive us, Your children, our transgressions and faults and help us back on the way to love and happiness please 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
BABA i want to marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.BABA this pain is unbearable.SAI BABA please help me and please be with me.SAI BABA please bless me.OM SAI RAM
thank u baba i love you!!
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om sai ram.bless all happiness n peace to sai ram.
om sai ram
I believe if we feed people we do babas favourate work therefore I need your help as I want to do that plz go through it hope baba too listen ur voice when u do his pure bhakti.
Om sai ram.bless everybody and give me peace of of my father and brother who are more precious than anything else.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram 🙂
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all