Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram. I’m a 23 year old female, presently residing in USA. I have been a Sai devotee since past 10 years and regular reader of this website for quite few months now. This is my second post on this website. I strongly believe that Baba is there with me every minute, and keep chanting His Name and ask Him to help me in whatever I do. I have numerous experiences with Baba and if I start to describe each one of them, then I’m sure of typing a complete book. Since a very long time, I have a wish of writing a book about Baba and His divine teachings, but I hope I’m not that lucky enough yet. Hope Baba showers His blessings on me to make me write a book on His noble teachings someday.
Coming to the experience, as Baba always says, no one ever will face a trouble when he/she goes as per His words. This experience which I had will make your belief much stronger that Baba will never lie, and hold our hand and gives fruitful results if He promises so. I have a habit of making decision only after getting an answer from Baba. If He says no, then I would never even think of doing it. I have been doing this for so many years now. But recently, I made my decision to take up a certification exam and never even asked Baba about, I don’t know what I was thinking all the time without taking permission from Baba. I have been going through so many things at that point, and I totally forgot to ask Baba whether to take the exam or not. I tried studying for the exam, and on the day of the exam, I put chits before Baba to seek His help and asked Him to come with me for my exam, but the answer I got from Baba is “No”. After that I prayed to Baba and cried before Him to help me somehow, and left for the exam.
As Baba said, I failed in that exam. Some devotees might think, why I failed in my exam even after praying to Him before leaving. I want all the devotees to note that Baba is not a magician! He is the creator, He need not prove that He is there with us every time, all we need from Him is His love. He would never lie to His devotees. He alone knows why said no and why He made me fail that exam. May be He wants me to study more and put in some more effort to pass that exam. Since, I failed, I will definitely study hard and retake the exam again. It is just that Baba wants to give me gain more knowledge on that subject by studying it again and again. He has his unique and divine way of doing things. This is not a failure, this is the stepping stone to success. Even after failing in the exam, I’m happy that Baba reminded me that He is the one who is doing everything, and I should act according to His wish. I put my life on His Feet long back, Who am I to make a decision when this is His life that I’m living. I strongly believe that everything that happens in my life has a reason. Sometimes, I get into too much depression thinking of the worldly possessions and the hardships I’m going through, but when I look at Baba and His peaceful smile, I realize that I need not worry about anything and just hope that Baba will give what I deserve at the right time.
Right now, I’m going through a lot in my life. The person with whom I am in love with for the past 8 years left me alone for another girl. Initially I was very depressed for few months, and thought he might come back to me. But then I realized that Baba has done this to me because he has a better plan for me. He wants me to be happy, because I was never happy in my relationship for the past few years. Even though, I loved that guy very sincerely he never loved me back the same way I did. Baba already knew that he is not the correct guy for me, so Baba planned all this in such a way to make me realize that I should not keep trusting unworthy people. With every trouble I faced Baba just made me stronger and stronger and at the same time, He showed the correct path. He is just like a father who blindfolds us, but makes sure we never hit anything on our path. And also I have been trying to get a job since past 8 months and am not able to. My mother’s health has also deteriorated in the past few months and she is supposed to go through a major surgery in few days. These are just a few problems to mention, along with these I have been going through many other things in my life.
Despite all these, the main thing that is bothering me is that I haven’t visited Baba’s Temple since last 4 months, because the place where I am living now has no temple nearby. The only temple nearby is two and half hours drive from here, and unfortunately I don’t have a car and I can’t drive that long, and there is no other transportation mode to reach that place. Despite all these worldly problems only thing, that is driving me to survive is the hope that Baba knows what to do for His devotees and I’m sure when my past karma is burned to ashes before Him, I will be able to get a job, and visit His temple in Shirdi along with my mother. I pray Baba not to leave my hand no matter what, seeing Your Photo, reading Your Leelas and praying You are the only things that are giving me strength to survive and fight with all my negative thoughts. I’m writing this experience just so that other devotees might understand how Baba will be testing our faith and patience at times and at the same time holds our hand and gives us strength to be strong.
Sai devotees, we all might be going through a lot in life, but just remember that Baba won’t ever let you down. And even if He disappoints you at times, He alone knows the reason why He has done it that way. His ways are totally different and we being humans may not understand His ways. All He expects from us is unforgettable love. Just keep following what He preached through His life, patience and faith are two things He expects from every devotee. There is no particular or definite way to pray Him. Just remembering His Name, His preaching and following to the extent we can is enough. In this life journey, any person you meet is some or the other way related to you, so treat every person with courtesy. If you don’t have enough money to help others, don’t bother helping them, but never to try to harm anyone. Baba has planned everything for us, He is there to lighten our lives by burning all our past karmas in Dhuni. Om Sai Ram. Baba! I put my life at Your Lotus Feet. Accept my prayers and save my mother and also all other fellow devotees and show us the correct path always. Let us not lose hope. Let us not leave Baba. One who believes in You might see You everywhere, there is no place in this universe unknown to You. Keep protecting everyone like You always do.

Sai Brother Rajkumar from India says: My salutations to my Deva who has been with me from 2010 and though I was not a staunch devotee till 2015, He dragged me to His Feet by saving me in each and every step of my life. Also, Hetal ji has made this site like Satcharitra where most of them are really benefited in all ways. She has done the most most valuable work which no human could have done till now. Baba made her to create this site and I am sure He is helping everyone here and there. It was 25th Dec 2015, that my job was at risk and the management made tuff decisions to move me out of the organizations. This is really common for me as I get the same type of reaction in my every job for past 8 years. I get surrounded by a situation which creeps in to make my name spoil in such a way that it reaches the ears of Top management or Top clients. And then I am chucked out. Since then I always fear to work in new organization but I never doubted that my current company would be removing me out. I was being deputed at a site and later I was asked to work at another office to set up the same. Things went fine where I had created the 1st office successfully and later started the 2nd office.
Now the trouble began. Since things went on slowly from Corporate team, I was being blamed continuously and 1 day I got mail from Senior Management pointing out my mistakes stating that I did not take up work seriously. The real fact was that all things of IT Systems was supposed to be decided at head office and my bad luck ran out without any trace. I really felt that my stars are not in favour till now in any job. Well, the day came and I was given the option to resign with a month notice. Lo, I pleaded in front of all top management to save me but all those who were talking to me with smile and made me work like a dog (Sorry to use this but i really worked like that) turned away from my pleads. HR was very tuff and I had to resign. Continuously I was crying in front of Baba and applied to all job sites but no Interview came in my path. Day by day I was crying and My wife, the one whom I love the most used the words which made me to Suicide, yes, i died internally every day and I couldn’t bear her words anymore.
Well, after few days, I got a chance to attend 2 interviews but did not clear in it. On 13 Jan, I got a message from Baba “Since you have seeked My protection, I shall cross the seven seas to help you”. This relieved me a lot and I was convinced but 23 Jan which was the last working day was nearing. By God’s grace, on 15th Jan, Friday, around 6 pm, i got a call from my current company that they are planning to re-take me back and my resignation would be cancelled. What a relief, 1 month of Hell is what I experienced but my Deva never allowed me to move away from His Leelas. He always used to help me in some or other way. Deva, Your faith is great but patience is very important and that 1 month of patience is something which I never ever want to experience any more in my life. Akhilanda Koti Brahmand Nayak, Sri Samartha Sadguru Sai Nath Maha Raj Ki Jai. Jai Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Today I want to share my experiences how Baba fulfil my wishes. Firstly, I want to thank all the people who are responsible to made this website you all helped me in my bad time, this website worked as a medicine. My first experience is about my younger daughter she is a gymnast, she is good in competition but she falls in one of the event when she does states, this is happening to her from past three years so she is getting nervous when she competes states so I prayed Sai Baba to help her, while she was competing on beam I got scared and came outside the meet and prayed Baba to help her and when I opened Facebook the first thing I saw is Dattatreya Picture. I felt happy and went inside. She did good in all the events and she didn’t fall in any of them, and she won some medals too, while coming home the coaches told us that the top 13 kids from all the sessions will go for regional and she is in 12th place but they are 2 more sessions to compete. My daughter was excited and she want to go to regional, the coaches told us we will it by 9 clock tonight, we left home and again prayed Baba, before we reached home my daughter checked the scores online and she told us she can’t go because she went to 14th place so we all forget about it and my daughter went outside with my sister in law. Then the coaches called us whether she is still interested in going for regional. We were surprised and asked them how they told us that 2 participants dropped and she has the chance to go. My daughter is so happy. Thank you Sai Baba.
My second experience is with my second daughter, she is applying for colleges I want her to go to near college and a small college because she believes everybody and she likes to have fun, So I was very scared and I told Sai Baba give her the college that is good for her, and she got into two colleges one is 6 hours far and the other one is 2 hours far, she wants to go to the far one, but her last semester scores went down the colleges won’t take them if their grades go down. We talked with her teachers they helped her but she have to drop in one of the class because she was not able to keep the grade up we called the college they said out is ok, we all are happy but again her grade went down in different subject we called the colleges the far one didn’t replied but the near one lifted the phone and said we will see and talk with the management and let us know in two days the whole time I am praying Baba , the college called us and said ok but her grades must not go down again we all thanked Sai Baba, me and my husband are very happy because we want her to go to the near college and Sai Baba send her to the near college.

Anonymous Devotee from US says: Dear Hetal ji, I am a devotee of Baba ever since 2011. I am a tenth grader, and Baba leads me in every walk of my life. Thanks Hetal ji for this blog helping us share the Leelas of Baba. Reading devotees experiences makes me so close to Baba. I am a devotee of Baba since 2011. My mom used to take me to Baba Temple during my fifth grade summer vacation everyday during Madhayana Aarti and that was the time I started praying Baba. I always love going to Baba temple. I feel so happy and calm when I am in the temple. I have two experiences in which with the help of Baba, led to miracles. My first experience was, last year, I failed in my Geometry Enriched final exam and was not eligible to go to college in USA, If I do not get a specific grade. I ran to my guidance counsellor and asked what can I do to upgrade my grade. She asked me to go and talk to my math teacher. He said he cannot help me out in any way and the only option is to take the course again online. I was so upset and started praying to Baba what should I do to convince my teacher to upgrade my grade. I left it all to Baba. All of a sudden, during my vacation, I got an email from my teacher, asking me to do 30 assignments, gave me four weeks time and said if I finished it in time, he will upgrade my grade. It was due to Baba’s blessings I finished the assignments on time, and my teacher upgraded my grade. This could not have happened without Baba’s help.
My second experience this year, i have Spanish as my world language class. The class is so hard and I could not understand the concepts of the language. No one in my home knows Spanish and cannot help me out. I am so shy to ask my teacher help more than once. As i expected, I did not do so well in my Spanish exam and i was so tensed whether i will be able to pass that exam. I kept praying to Baba and promised that if I will pass the Spanish exam, I will write this Leela in Your blog. The results were published last week and I could not believe my eyes. I passed my exams, and I’m so thankful to Baba for helping me to pass such a difficult exam. This would not have happened without our Baba. Baba, please help me think about You always and read Sai Satcharitra, Akkalkot Maharaj’s life story everyday, Lately, I am so playful and distracted by video games. Baba, please help me quit the games. Baba, please help me concentrate on my studies and get good grades. Baba, please guide me in every step of my life. Baba, please bless me come to Your temple. Baba, You know what is good for me, please be with me always. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai! Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai! Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai! Love You Baba.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am a small devotee of our beloved Sai Baba. First of all thanks to admin for creating such a wonderful platform, where all Sai devotees can share their experiences and thoughts. I have so many experiences which happened in our daily routine. Today i will share my latest experiences. From Last 2-3 weeks, my smart phone got hanged. It became started hang frequently, when i want to call or messages. I was so tensed when i was out of my home, and i was trying to call and message to my husband and it became hanged. I was worried, at once i prayed to Sai Baba, please help me and solve this problem. As all Sai devotees prayed to Sai Baba in their tough time. From that day my mobile is working properly. Thanks Sai Baba for Your timely help.
Me and my sister did not met form a long time as after marriage girls have no freedom to go their parents when they want. They have to depend on their in-laws. We were very sad for that. I was planning to go to meet my parents on 11 Jan, 2016 and i also informed my sister for that. She was very sad to heard that she wants to join us. She was feeling so helpless that time. I was very sad to hear her voice, she was weeping. Once i disconnect the phone, I prayed to Sai Baba, Please arrange something so that we can meet. As i always share everything with Sai Baba. Once i reached my parents home, she came there the next day. Our happiness has no bounds. We were very happy. We spend five days with each other. This could happen because of our Sai Baba only. Baba You know very well in which conditions she came there. Baba please help her, her life is not going good, please help her, there is no peace, happiness in her life. She is feeling alone, she did not tell us but You know very well. Please Baba. I know You are also worried for her, and You are waiting for right time. Please Baba help her, she is suffering from almost 4 years. I have left everything in Your Lotus Feet. Please help us. You know what we need at what time. Please always stay with us. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I have shared my experiences here earlier and may I keep doing it always by Baba’s grace. I am working in an IT firm. Today while I left home in the morning, I took an auto and unless there are 4 passengers the auto doesn’t leave. My heart beat was running fast but I just controlled and said to myself why should I worry at all Baba won’t let me be here. He will help. And lo just then another auto rickshaw person told me come in my auto. His auto was also empty and there were two Sai Baba pictures there and I felt relieved. He just drove the auto with just me. I was most pleasantly surprised and grew happy and thanked Baba because I know He is with me. Thank You Baba for being with me always. I know by Your grace all the best things will happen with me. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Shri Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai. May Peace Be Unto All. Om Sai Ram.
Prayer for Today: Sai Please Get My Love Back – Anonymous Sai Devotee

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram _ / _
ॐ श्री साईं नाथाय नमः
Om Shri Sai Ram is equivalent to four vedas, chant it and you'll get peace. This chant is my favorite.
On Wednesday I asked Baba to give me a positive sign about something that I'm praying for to happen since a very long time. I asked Baba to be dressed in yellow if he was going to make my wish come true. I told him that if he was dressed in yellow then it would be his promise to me that he would make it work. And to my surprise Baba was dressed in yellow. He has always given me positive sign about my wish but things have always somehow gone wrong. What should I do? Please suggest.
yes this happen to me so many times whenever i asked baba but the things goes worst everytime i got postive sign regarding my relationship that it would not break but she left me i also not able to figure it out till now
it is just a coincidence .. its like we see what we want to see …
i request you to keep faith in the strength within you …. and keep praying
yes i am praying hard with full faith and patience but sometimes its hurt very sai ram
How can it be a Coincidence everytime? It's not like we see yellow when baba is dressed in white just because we want to see him in yellow. And I don't think there are coincidences when it comes to baba. I should mention that they dress baba in different colors everyday in most of the mandir. So I don't really see how it is a Coincidence.
ok then how come wish is not fulfilled that you actually asked for color confirmation for …??
I firmly believe it'll take time. Maybe you are a skeptic or maybe you are one of those people who's wish never came true and you choose to discourage others by calling their belief a mere coincidence. Do you also think all the babas leelas posted on this website are coincidences as well? I don't see how asking for a certain sign and seeing it happen is a Coincidence. Well anyway good luck to you.
The one who says it's a Coincidence, I don't think you've ever spoken to baba or asked for a sign. Maybe you should. Get rid of your doubts before you mislead others. OM SAI RAM
dear 5 th devotee i dont know about God and His ways but i sincerely wish happiness and good life for you both sisters where in you both can spend good time with each other and your parents too.we are also two sisters and i can understand your situation
dear baba you had done a mircale to so many people life you had return there love to them even the situation is fully opposite then why you are not returning my love to me since i dont have except you from my childhood i have full faith on you baba from last 21 years still this thing has happened to was only my faith that if she would became your devotee then she would never leave me because you are there to protect me still she left me baba in presence of this my fault that i inspire her to worshipp you or taking your photo as new year gift to her home in rain please tell me baba you know very well how much i loved her and why those ups down had taken place then why baba this happened to me.sometimes i thing baba i should start forget her but i read your mircales on this blog it gave me immense pain since my relation started in front of you and goes all around you still she left me.since you are for me from my childhood why you not protected me when i am going for this relation if this has this type of end.only i am suffering from pain baba and i also became her past is this my fault to change her completly from bad to good with your blessing is this my fault that i loved her with purity honesty with pure devotion tell me baba i know she already have forget me but i am unable to do it baba you have done mircales to so many life you havent saved the relation of your son why this injustice to me .baba you are god you can do everything but you fail to realize her mistakes why you had not change her rigid nature when i was praying you baba please save the relation from front of you in your temple we did the marriage baba if these things would be happen then why you didnt stopped me that time.the vrats which i kept for her the prayers which i did so that we leave togther is all wasted baba is this the result of my faith devotion to you.i know she only praying you to forgive her for her mistakes sins but baba what about my pain my sufferings my love.baba i am in pain i always wanted to live whole life with one girl only you broke my dream baba.why i read your mircale on this blog i had tears in my eyes that you making worst situation suitable for them but for me you are doing nothing only baba you are the reason i feel special in this world that i have you with me so nothing can be happen then why baba i am in big mental trouble not able to forget her i am not as strong as her baba please help me either you return her in my life yes i will forget her bad past everything and forgve her for the pain she given to me or please vanish all the memories feelings attachment from as soon as possible because it is already 3 months please do anything for me my pain is unbearable sai ram
O Deva, forgive us our mistakes and bless us with love and happiness please 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram ..**..
Om Sai Ram ..**..
Dear all lovely devotees of BABA ji
I wanted to share one of my recent experience ..These days I m having some allergy on my face and body like rashes after i take bath or too much sweating or how ever… recently my lips started swelling like some kind of hives .. so I was having anti allergy for sometime daily .. yesterday i prayed to baba that baba this problem is not going away its really irritating … if you are really there and listening to me my lips wont swell and i will have no medicine.. and i slept .. though i did get little ittiching on the body but my lips didnt swell .. this what baba ds when ever we have a doubt he find ways to regain our faith … thank you baba ji i know soon all the allergies would just go away forever..
can anyone please suggext what is the best way to go to Shirdi from Aurangabad … and how much time it will take … I m planning to travel from Punjab to Aurangabad by flight …
BABA i want to marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.BABA this pain is unbearable.SAI BABA please help me and please bless me and please be with me.OM SAI RAM
Dear Devotee
Please instead of writing it here each day pray with full heart mind and soul… it will help you …
ofcourse i am praying to BABA with my heart soul ad mind daily.OM SAI RAM
thats good then you are not required to write it here … write the experience when it is fullfilled…
Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless my son to clear his exam and also cure my daughter from urine infection she was facing many problem with infection in school now she is in 8th standard deva. Please help her
om sai am
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Sai Kripa Karo
Baba my son has started parayan.. please fulfill his wish and take him under your wings. Please baba.. we are having toughest time now.. fulfill his wish baba and make him your child baba…please baba please….don't disappoint him baba….deva daya karo maa daya karo….
Om sai sharanam
Om of my father brother.give me peace of mind.forgive my sins.i should not have negativity about anybody.
dear devotee 1 your story is totally similar to mine i am also a devotee of baba last 21 years and going through same phase same problems as my case the girl i loved most she left me and other all the things are same i have tears in my eye after reading your story exactly every thing is same and i also want to write book on baba 1000 of mircale that happen in my life but at this time when i needed the most no mircale is taken place i am in same situation in same phase as you are sai ram
Dear devotees, with due respect to people, who seemed to have failed relationships, please understand that baba doesn't do bad to any one of us. Its just that some things are destined and bound to happen. Its beyond his control or may be he prefers things to be that way!! Based on personal experience, its seems that he had a bigger and a better plan when he chose a different life partner in spite of the fact that I asked and requested baba to give me my so called love throughout nonstop for number of years. Hope you get to understand baba better in times to come.
Om Sai Ram, Om sai Ram, Om sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om sai Ram, Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, OM Sai Ram 🙂
m shree sairam… Thank you so much baba for being with us… Thursday I felt headache and then I pray to baba that please help me baba and chant om sai shree sai jai jai sai then miracle happened I doesn't feel headache little bit also thank you so much baba… After that in bus during journey to lord shivji temple I felt much hungry as per the bus rules the bus is non-stop so the bus will not stopped till reach the destination place so I pray to baba that please help me baba I want to eat food and chant om sai shree sai jai jai sai then miracle happened I was so shocked because the bus was stopped and the bus conductor who issue the tickets said that the bus will be stopped in this station for 20 minutes so who want to go washrooms go and who want to eat dinner go I was stunned to hear that words then my pappa brought dosa and roti I ate half dosa and half roti thank you so much baba… Yesterday morning I have much stomach ache hardly I cannot able to bear that pain i pray to baba that please help me baba you are my doctor and I take the divine sacred UDI in glass of water and chant om sai shree sai jai jai sai and drank miracle happened after that I doesn't feel little bit pain also thank you so much baba… After that I entered into the shivji temple and take darshan 20 minutes no one said to go I was stunned to see the lord shivji with water abhishek 20 minutes continuously in rush that is so many devotees line I was the last person to enter the place of shivji after me the line was stopped for offering naivedhya so tears roll down in my eyes I am so happySuch a wonderful miracle baba thank you so much baba after that I darshan lord shivji wholeheartedly I much satisfied with that darshan I feel so happy and so much healthy now thank you so much baba for this wonderful miracles in my day to day life these miracles are the proofs for that you are being with us… Om shree sainathayanamah… Om sai shree sai jai jai sai… Jai sainath… Akhiland koti brahmans nayak rajadhiraj yogiraj parabrahm shree shree shree satchidhanandh samarth sathguru shree sainath mahraj ki jai…
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all