Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to everyone. I extend my heartiest gratitude to Baba for making me able to share one of His Leelas in my life. I would also like to thank the admin of this blog who are chosen by Baba for such a noble work. Baba pulled me towards Him in the year 2013. This is my third post. To begin with, I would like to say that i was extremely scared of dogs since childhood. So much so that whenever they used to come near to me, i would run away or try to shoo them away. Though i liked dogs a lot. I found them cute always. I badly wanted to touch them and play with them but out of my fear, i would run away from them or would rather scare them away, simultaneously praying to God to forgive me for He knew that i had a great fear of dogs. But suddenly somebody entered my life or rather sent by Baba especially for me in December 2014. As it was biting cold, a very thin and malnutrition stray dog entered our street one night. As my parents and sisters, who were not at all scared of dogs, used to feed dogs at night, were feeding the other dogs of our street one night when my Papa returned from office and they happened to notice this new dog in our street and fed him too. This new dog started to live in our street and due to his scary look, everybody used to be afraid of him. Slowly, we started feeding him and he came to be called as Sheru.
I remember that when i used to leave for my Post graduation exams in the morning, he would quickly come to me hoping to get something to eat and i would feed him, sometimes only a pistachio when there wasn’t anything cooked in the morning or when no bakery was available at home, and then would leave for college. He came in end December 2014 and I started observing Nav Guruvar Sai Baba Vrat for the first time in January 2015. So after having my meal on the Fast days, i would feed this dog also and I don’t know when i named him ‘Diamond’. Actually, it was Baba who named him Diamond through me. Slowly, Sheru got his permanent name ‘Diamond’ and became popular in our street. I don’t know how one day when my sister touched Diamond on his head, and asked me to do the same, i touched him and felt that I had finally overcome my fear of dogs. It was all due to Baba’s grace. Slowly, with time, i developed a bonding with Diamond. He would sleep throughout the day and would guard our street especially outside our house, by barking all night and sometimes would bark immediately outside our gate around 1:30 or 2 am or whenever hungry and we would feed him all by Baba’s grace.
One day Diamond went missing from our street and was nowhere for about a week. I got worried and one night before going to bed, I prayed to Baba to kindly bring Diamond back to us by the next morning safe and healthy. Next morning, Baba fulfilled my prayer and Diamond came back to our street the next morning. But that’s not all. Few days ago, Diamond got ill i.e. in early January 2016 due to cold. He would vomit and had cough and could not eat anything and became very thin and weak. In the day, he would sit in Sun and he would come inside our gate and sleep there at night. As it was cold, we gave him an old canopy on which he used to sleep and would cover him with old pieces of cloth to protect him from the cold. But still his situation didn’t get better. At the same time, I had started getting impatient and angry and would fight with my family even at trivial things. I wanted to get rid of my anger but somehow wasn’t able to do so despite many attempts. Even i could not chant Baba’s name. But when i came to know that Diamond was ill, I vowed to write ‘Om Sai Nath Aye Namah’ around 200 times and wrote it and prayed to Baba to cure him soon.
The very next day, Diamond’s health had worsened. My anger had still not gone completely though it had definitely lessened. I spent around one to one and a half hour with Diamond at night till 2 am and touched him on his head and cried cried and just cried. I told all my problems to him that despite many attempts, i was not able to remove anger from me. I told him how i used to love everyone and not hurt anyone and this time i had hurt all my loved ones very badly. I assured him that he would be okay as Baba would make him healthy again and prayed to Baba too for him. The next day, Diamond’s health was not okay. I went to Sai Dham and prayed to Baba for Diamond and bought Udi and applied it to Diamond. I asked Baba on Prashnawali about Diamond’s health and He said,” Work will be done with the help of somebody else” and the same night, we called ‘People For Animals’ (PFA) to take Diamond from our home and treat him for his illness. PFA is an organisation which works for the benefits of stray animals without charging any fee and after treating animals drops them safely to the place from where they were picked. So PFA van came, Diamond was taken inside and we filled a form, gave some donation also and the time when Diamond was taken was mentioned by us in the form was, 9.P.M. I realised it later that it is Sai Baba’s number and Diamond is in safe hands.
The very next day, we called the Doctor and were told that Diamond is okay and would discharge in two days. After Two days, Diamond was discharged. As i was out to my institute, My family narrated me the whole incident how he came back. The PFA van dropped him, he did not come out at first but after seeing my father he quickly came running out of the van, scanned the whole street, met other people and his other friends. As it was still cold, I was worried about his shelter and all, So Baba made an arrangement for this too. He sent a brand new blanket for him through one of our neighbours who had bought many blankets, maybe for donation and they donated it to two saints also who had come to our street the same day. So in the evening I met Diamond. I touched him on his head lovingly and he slowly went to sleep and i covered him with the blanket. I prayed to Baba to make it a sunny day the next day also as it had been foggy for the past few days and Baba listened to my prayers and There was no Fog the next day. As promised, I donated Khichdi in the near Temple on Sunday. I had also promised to feed 9 dogs each Thursday for 9 Thursdays and also post this miracle Today. I could only feed 6 dogs today as i couldn’t find more dogs today. But this is Your wish Baba.
I would also like to add that i have given up Prashnawali completely, all by Baba’s grace as I used to depend on Sai Nathu’s Prashnawali and would cling to my desires rather than trusting Him completely. Even when i had no smart phone and no Prashnawali, i trusted Him and prayed to Him wholeheartedly. Also when Diamond was at PFA, i went to Baba’s temple in the morning on a Thursday (Makar Sankranti) and got original photo of Baba which somebody had left there. It was Baba who came to me Himself even without paying for the photo because I have never ever bought any Photo of Baba, Baba Himself has come to me through somebody in the form of a Locket, Calendar or picture. So Baba, i just want to thank You for being there and taking care of all of us. There is so much to write about Your experiences Baba but would write them some other time all by Your grace. Please Bless and take care of everyone, Baba. Om Sai Ram. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Samartha Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Devotee from Australia says: Thanks to Hetal ji for this wonderful platform, I am sure this blog is serving as a strong mode of support and courage to true devotees and also means of spreading Sai Leelas to many many people. I have been a devotee of Sai Baba for few years, and there are so many Miracles that I have experienced since then. I am a fortunate devotee who have posted few experience in this platform. I am a Sri-Lankan married person living in Australia with my husband and son. Sai Ram Dear devotees I have been caring for my parents till Aug 2014 both my parents passed away peacefully. During that time I didn’t travel any ware. I wowed to Baba that if I am having a holiday or travelling out of Australia the first trip will be to Shirdi. Baba heard my prayers and organised my trip to Shirdi and other temples in Tamil Nadu, Tirupathi and Puttaparthy in Jan/Feb 2015. That was an unforgettable/memorable long awaited trip. When I came back I told my husband that we should go to Shirdi every 2 years. But Sai heard my prayers and Sai decided to call us again with our son who is 22 now. This trip was amazing. In my mind I thought as we do pilgrimage to certain Hindu temples during our visits to India, I wished I could do that with all the popular Sai temples. Guess what Baba even heard that as well.
We started our trip on the 29th of November 2015 Hours before the Chennai floods. We organised a driver for our entire trip and discussed our plan and told him that we want to start with Mylapore Baba. He picked us at the airport and while driving, he hesitantly said the clouds are very heavy and there is going to be heavy rain and we should drive to Vellore which was our 2nd destination. I was not very happy with heavy heart sat in the car thinking why Baba doing this even before we started our journey. On the way we visited Anna Sai Baba for lunch. Sai welcomed us with nice meal. This was the start from that time onwards everything went according to plan. On the following day we saw on the TV how people got caught in the floods and stranded in Chennai. Sai’s first intervention by guiding us through our Driver (God sent). Baba never let His devotees suffer as per in Sai Satcharitra if He call you He will organise everything for you and take care of your needs in every way. Next one was the Shibpur Baba visit. We know to speak Tamil and English only. We organised a person with travel and accommodation to come with us to Kolkata, Mylapore and Shibpur. She was fluent in Bengali, Hindi and English. Guess what happened she fell sick and couldn’t accompany us. Disheartened but determined to travel to Hare-Rama temples, Kali temples and Shibpur Baba. You won’t believe this was the best part of our journey. We didn’t know how it happened but we still wonder how Sai took care of us in every time and place. It was a Wonderful experience. I need few more blogs to write these experiences in detail.
Other experience was the Shirdi visit. When we booked our tickets we booked 24, 25, 26 and 27th of December for the stay in Shirdi. After booking the air tickets and hotel in Shirdi I went to book the on-line Darshan and Aarti Sessions. You won’t believe due to holiday season it was marked red and no on-line bookings were available. Immediately called Shirdi Sansthan admin they said sorry and that was the holiday season policy and wanted us to move the travel dates which was impossible to do, without any luck we took the risk and came to Shirdi as we planned. When we stepped in we were very upset and worried and asked Sai why this happened to us could You please be with us and take us to Your Mandir, we silently cried. But devotees Baba never disappoint His devotees, Sai took us to all four Aarthis and three Darshan, multiple Dwarkamai visits during our four days stay. How it happened still we don’t know. If you leave Sai to organise and follow His direction, you will cross all hurdles without any falls. In between the above visits we visited Nagasai in Coimbatore, Navasai in Vellore and finally visited Mylapore Baba before leaving India. Devotees never lose hope and have faith that Baba will take care of your Dharmic desires. Why fear when He is there. I definitely understood the meaning of Patience, Faith and Devotion – I don’t know whether my son or husband’s unconditional love to Baba helped me to fulfil my desires. Only Sai Knows. Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a college professor in south India having two sons. My husband owns a business which is doing Ok. I have many experiences with Baba’s blessings. I am sharing a few which gave me a great relief. I have had various experiences of Shiridi Baba. I will list a few here. I am our Baba’s devotee for the past six years. It was that time my son left abroad for his studies. I had not taught him any cooking or self-management. As a mother I was very much worried about his food. I used to regularly go Baba temple in our town and beg to Baba to feed him as a mother as He is Omnipresent. To my surprise on that day when I was talking to my son he had told me that there is temple in the neighbourhood and they regularly visit that Temple on Thursday where they were served with Indian food by Sai devotees. My joy had no bounds. The day I asked Baba to feed my son, He had made arrangements for his food continuously.
My younger son was very good in studies. But due to his bad time he was trailing in his studies. When he was in his 3rd year of engineering he had a paper of his 1st year and being an autonomous college, he was at the grace of a teacher who taught him that subject. During my regular visit to Sai temple I found a small book to write 1008 times “Om Sai Ram“ which I bought a few I all three of us started writing. It was my son’s result time. To our surprise he passed without any trailing and from then he had no failure. Whenever my children tell any problem I used to advice hem to take a paper & start writing “Om Sai Ram” every time asking Baba to solve the problem. Sometime last year suddenly my son called and told that he applied for his PR and he was not allotted any application number where his friends who applied after him got the number allotted. That was essential for him as his visa was ending. He was so upset and told he will not come back to India if his visa expires instead he will kill himself. I had no rescue except Baba. As usual I was surfing net looking for Baba’s help. I was going through the experiences shared by devotees. I could understand that there is a miraculous Pooja “Sai Divya Pooja”. I vowed for nine weeks and started the Pooja on a Thursday. In between my son was not answering my calls as he was upset. I was begging Baba to take care of him.
Following Wednesday evening at 4 pm when I was in a function at my cousin’s house I got a Skype call from my son. I attended the call, he told that he got the number allotted. Then I told him about my Pooja and asked him to continue writing “Om Sai Ram”. By the time I finished the Pooja for five weeks, he got his PR before his friends. Then I told about this Pooja to my husband, friends, niece and son many where everybody had benefited. Recently I took up the Pooja requesting Baba to show bride for my son, and He has showed a girl. But my son is confused about marriage and he is not telling the reason openly. Now again praying to Baba to calm his mind and help him to take to wise decision. Before I complete I will share my experience which I had yesterday. I don’t have any rescue except Baba. So for any problem I visit Baba’s answer page and ask Him to help. Yesterday when I was asking about my son’s problem He told me to go Shiridi. But it may not be possible for me as I went recently and it inquires lot of money and as I am not familiar with Hindi, I need somebody to accompany me. I was confused and didn’t get sleep. At 10.30 pm I switched on Sanskara TV looking for Baba’s Shej Aarti, but it was some other programme. Then when I changed channels I could get live telecast of Shej Aarti in some Telugu Channel. So Baba made me visit Shiridi. I can write endless experiences. As I wanted to distribute Divya Pooja books I found it was not available in Tamil. So I am attaching the PDF version of the same for the use of other devotees.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Hello Hetal ji , first of all i would like to thank you for this wonderful site. I have shared earlier few of my experiences and today again I would like to share with all another experience of mine. I am a devotee of Sai from quite sometime now. I am a God fearing or I would say God loving person since my childhood. I love God and always had belief in Him. I studied at a Catholic school and used to visit the school Church every single day of my school. I felt peace whenever I went there. My mom is the person from whom I have learnt this love for God. She taught me how to pray and how to do Pooja. She herself is a religious lady and I adopted this devotion from her. Today my experience is about my mom. I stay in USA, came here with my husband and kid for a short period but since my husband’s project got extended we have been staying for few years now. I never wanted to stay away from my mom as I and my mom used to stay together before my marriage after my father passed away when I was in college.
After marriage, I moved to a different city and was not very happy staying far from her. Then after seven years of my marriage, we moved to USA. I wanted to go back to India but could not do that as my kid and husband liked staying in USA. I used to always think of my mom and get worried for her as she stayed alone. I always had a desire to get my mom here in USA for few months but never could do that as I am a homemaker and was not aware of all formalities required for getting the visa. My mom in fact did not even have a passport. So though I wanted but could never think of getting her here. It was then i started praying Sai Baba to bless me and fulfil my wish of getting her here. I could not ask my husband as my mother in law too has not yet visited us and is neither very keen in visiting. But in case my mom comes then it would be great problem in his family. So I just used to earnestly pray Sai. I prayed Baba that please You have to do miracles to fulfil this dream of mine. Baba never refuses anyone who prays to Him and it was just a miracle that my mom got her passport and visa. She was all alone and there was none to help her in getting this done. But it was just by the blessings of Sai that everything happened smoothly and with His grace she could come here. I wanted to get health insurance for her but my husband told me that it can be arranged even after coming here.
She reached here but my husband was not very keen in getting the insurance. So again I prayed Sai Baba that please be with us and bless that she is hale and hearty during her stay here. Baba listened to my prayers and by His blessings her stay with me was a good one. Baba also helped me in getting a good travel companion for her return journey to India, which again was a miracle. Now I pray to Baba to please help me getting a job here so that next time when I get her here I can arrange her insurance too and her stay would be one without any worries and tensions about health issues. For many it may sound very ordinary of parents visiting kids in USA but for me it’s a miracle as it was something impossible in my case. Once again Thank You Baba for Your blessings. Please be with us always. I always believe that just praying to Baba is not enough. We should always abide by His teachings and should follow them in leading our daily activities. Baba bless us all. Be with us always. Om Sai Ram! Om Sai Baba!

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I live in the USA with my wife and 2 children. As I see problems in life which do not seem to have any meaning or a good solution, I do see that resorting to Baba is the best option-submit all to His feet and feel peaceful. In August 2015, I was travelling out of USA to another country with my children. The original plan was to be there 3 weeks and return back to USA. After one week of being there, suddenly unexpected problems started. In India, my mom was admitted to the ICU. At the same time, at the place I was staying, some problem came up and I had to take care of it before I left. I did not even understand what was going on, because it was in a language I could not understand. I found out it takes several months for it to be solved! Would I be stuck here for that long? What could I do? To whom could I turn to? Would I be able to solve this and go to India? I turned to Baba. I was under so much stress with no one to call. I just started reading material about Baba and praying to Him to show me a good solution and also a very fast one. My wife joined me to help.
In the meantime, my mom reached Baba’s feet (at age 85), after being in the ICU only a few days. I was so dry and didn’t know what to do. I was told it would take several weeks to solve the problem. It was not possible to stay in the hotel for such long time – unable to do anything and just wait? What would my children do? I didn’t want them to be stuck in a foreign land. Eventually, I had to return to work too. Most of all, I had to reach India immediately to take part in the rituals, which was very important for me. I had to solve this within 2 to 3 days and go to India. It was seemingly an impossible situation to solve. Those few days looked like a very long time for us. Every day we prayed to Baba. Baba’s grace started showing right from the start. We found a good lawyer. He submitted papers on our behalf. My wife got an idea and based on it, the lawyer wrote a petition. To even the lawyer’s surprise, he got a response right away and everything moved within 3 days and the situation was cleared completely.
We left for India the same evening and I joined the rituals, without which I would never have felt a completion in my life. My family members said I could not have handled the sight of my mom passing and that is why God gave me this little problem so that I would be stuck away for a few days. The whole series of events is a bad dream to me. I could totally feel that I could not control any of the events. Baba’s force moves everything. All I could do was pray to Him and wait for His blessings to improve my situation. Even though I missed seeing my mom in her last days (given the timing, I could not have seen her even if I went right away), I accept this so much as Baba’s plan to console myself. I have gone to Shirdi with my mom couple of years ago and it is a wonderful memory I will have all my life.

Anonymous Devotee from California says: Om Sai Ram. I am a Devotee of Sai Baba from my childhood. He always blessed in all critical issues. But this experience story i want to share with you all. I got married in December 2012. After 1 year we want to try for kids but unfortunately I diagnosed with fibroids in November 2014, which are lot and big in size because of that i am not able to conceive. I had Myomectomy surgery (Fibroids removal surgery) in January 2015. Surgery was successful. We felt very happy. This surgery happened successfully with Sai Baba blessings. When I diagnosed with fibroids i used to read Sai Satcharitra daily. On the day of surgery, i completed Sai Satcharitra. My surgery was on Thursday. While going to surgery also i went to Sai Darshan and felt very happy. I went to operation theatre. I saw Baba in my doctor. Everything went well. I felt very happy.
After 6-7 months, after recovery we tried for kids. Mean time everyone was asking about kids and we felt embarrassing. I know Baba is there. Totally i left it to Sai Baba. In 2015 December i conceived. Me and My husband both were very happy but in a week i saw spotting and went to tests, ER(Emergency Room) that is on December 24th evening since it was Christmas season and holiday season my doctor was not checking. There they did ultrasounds but they were not able to see baby. Doctors said that is Threatened Miscarriage. All our hopes lost and we felt very very sad. We called our Doctor and informed about this Situation. She said not to lose hopes. Again after 2 weeks, we took appointment with my surgery Doctor. He done ultrasound but there is gestational sac but no baby. This is the worst period we faced. Again he gave appointment after 10 days. I started reading Sai Satcharitra these 10 days one chapter a day. On 21st January 2016 was unforgettable day in our life.. We saw baby, Saw heartbeat, everything was good. But Doctor told me to take rest. This was Miracle happened because of Baba Blessings. I am praying For a healthy Baby. Baba blessings will be there. Thank You Baba. Om Sai Ram.
Prayer for Today: Baba! Please Make Me Happy By Giving My Love Back To Me – Anonymous Sai Devotee

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Baba i am feeling lonely and helpless..i don't know why i am unable to better my situation and despite praying to u incessantly u are not helping's crunch time now..u helped me make that decision, now help me do justice to it. Baba i leave everything at ur feet..please shape my life as u feel best. I love you Baba. Om Sai Ram.
Watch Sai Baba stories on youtube. You will feEl relaxed.
om sai ram..sometimes we misunderstood the indications that baba showing to us and see the things as we want to see may be baba giving you some other indication and you taken a negative only thats why these problems are coming if you are moving in that right indication which baba shown to you these problems are not coming realize one more sai ram
Om sai ram _ / _
Dear baba n sisters, brothers please wish me today is my bday, and full fill my wish please
Many happy returns of the day. May Sai baba bless you with health , wealth and happiness
Wish u a very happy birthday.OM SAI RAM
Many More Happy Returns of the day dear 🙂 May Sai shower His best blessings on you and your family..Have a great day and wonderful year ahead 🙂
Many more happy returns of the day may baba bless you with lots of happiness in ur life Om sai ram
Happy birthday
Thank u so much sisters n brothers
Many happy returns of the day!
Belated Bday Wishes.. I assure you that Baba will take care of you like children are taken care by their mother. I will also pray for you to have live darshan of baba. Wish you a belated bday wishes.. Baba grace will be upon you forever!
Jai Sai Ram! Baba, please guide me and provide me the strength to go through this period.
Does sai baba give positive signs and promises just to make you happy for the moment? Or will baba make things he promised you about really happen? Someone please reply
Om sai ram…Baba's words are always meaningful and will turn true if you surrender yourself to his lotus feet with full faith and patience..Baba himself as said that he never lies sitting on Dwarakamai…om sai ram
Please keep faith, everything will happen
I agree. Baba will never ever tell lies to keep His children happy. His words and promises are never hollow. So never doubt Him. If He has shown positive sign, then pray to Him daily leaving all the worries.
Om sai ram ..
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam.
pls help me baba, pls make my life happy and solve all problems..jai sairam
Om Sai Ram,
Nice experiences by devotees, reading such experiences will definitely increase our devotion towards BABA.
O Deva, Thank You for Your beautiful miracles and the lovely surprises You send our way 🙂
Jai Sairam
Happy birthday.god bless you
Thank u so much
BABA i want to marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.BABA this pain is unbearable.SAI BABA please help me and please bless me and please be with me.OM SAI RAM
Om sai ram
Om sai ram#Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Q Devotee : Many More Happy Returns of the Day.May god bless u with all good things in ur life.
Om sai ram
Thank u thank u dear devotee
Om Sai Ram
Please relieve me from all troubles, bring some miracles in my life.. Within 2 weeks promotions are going to be announced, please help in getting promoted this time, please BABA..
Om sai ram
Sai..I want a life partner baba, please baba im 33 and I dont want to die single, please baba please baba give me a loving and a caring life partner baba
Hi Sai sister/brother, I am sailing in the same boat so can better understand your pain. You are 33 Im 34 thats the difference. Baba dont you know the pain of being alone and being a victim for other's thoughts and words. People create hell a lot of stories for not getting married.They say we must have health issue or love failure or some affair etc All this hurts. On top of that our own family treats us bad for being single and everyone whom we face keeps advising. I dont know whats my end…show me the way with light.I am completely down
Dear sai sister/brother….dont worrry about ur marriage prob….i know it feels the worst when people and family behaves in the worst way about this issue…there is nothing bad about this…i dont deserve to tell u have faith in baba because u already know this…but still when someone says the words positively and give the blessings we feel really good…saibaba me and all sai family is wid u to enhance ur confidence….dont worry …baba is training ur princess or prince charming in the best way so when u met him or her u just feel vvvv lucky….u r babas devotees…dont u worry dear…om sai ram
Baba please save me from the difficulties that am undergoing now. You know my situation and you know my all problems.. Baba please show me some way to get rid of all problems which am undergoing from past 2yrs..Baba please show me some blessings..
dear baba you had done a mircale to so many people life you had return there love to them even the situation is fully opposite then why you are not returning my love to me since i dont have except you from my childhood i have full faith on you baba from last 21 years still this thing has happened to was only my faith that if she would became your devotee then she would never leave me because you are there to protect me still she left me baba in presence of this my fault that i inspire her to worshipp you or taking your photo as new year gift to her home in rain please tell me baba you know very well how much i loved her and why those ups down had taken place then why baba this happened to me.sometimes i thing baba i should start forget her but i read your mircales on this blog it gave me immense pain since my relation started in front of you and goes all around you still she left me.since you are for me from my childhood why you not protected me when i am going for this relation if this has this type of end.only i am suffering from pain baba and i also became her past is this my fault to change her completly from bad to good with your blessing is this my fault that i loved her with purity honesty with pure devotion tell me baba i know she already have forget me but i am unable to do it baba you have done mircales to so many life you havent saved the relation of your son why this injustice to me .baba you are god you can do everything but you fail to realize her mistakes why you had not change her rigid nature when i was praying you baba please save the relation from front of you in your temple we did the marriage baba if these things would be happen then why you didnt stopped me that time.the vrats which i kept for her the prayers which i did so that we leave togther is all wasted baba is this the result of my faith devotion to you.i know she only praying you to forgive her for her mistakes sins but baba what about my pain my sufferings my love.baba i am in pain i always wanted to live whole life with one girl only you broke my dream baba.why i read your mircale on this blog i had tears in my eyes that you making worst situation suitable for them but for me you are doing nothing only baba you are the reason i feel special in this world that i have you with me so nothing can be happen then why baba i am in big mental trouble not able to forget her i am not as strong as her baba please help me either you return her in my life yes i will forget her bad past everything and forgve her for the pain she given to me or please vanish all the memories feelings attachment from as soon as possible because it is already 3 months please do anything for me my pain is unbearable baba.i want justice baba from you .why i loved her so madly after seeing her mistakes at every steps i ignored them baba and still she left me after doing all the things how she left me why you havent gave her sadbuddhi i am hurting baba you are god please return her to me please tell her about my love care to her about my purity please baba i need this miracle to be happen its my request please listen baba to my prayer .I KNOW IT IS EASY FOR HER TO LEAVE ANYONE AT ANY STAGE WITHOUT CONSIDERING OTHER PAIN OR REALIZING THE SITUATION BUT FOR ME IT IS VERY DIFFICULT NOW I AM ALSO BECAME HER PAST SHE TREATS ME LIKE HER PAST IT HURTING ME VERY MUCH SHE IS CONSIDERING THESE THINGS AS MISTAKES AS SHE DID EARLIER BUT FOR ME THOSE MOMENTS ARE MY LIFE BECAUSE ALL THINGS I PERFORMED WITH PURITY IN FRONT OF YOU BABA. BABA I WANT JUSTICE AND TRUTH TO COME IN FRONT OF WORLD I AM LEAVING ALL MY PAINS FEELINGS TO YOUR LOTOUS FEET AND I REMEBER THE STORY THAT SHE TOLD ME EARLIER FROM THIS BLOG ONLY THAT A BOY IS WAITING FOR HER GIRLFRIEND SINCE LAST 7 YEARS DAILY GOES TO SAI TEMPLE AND PREY BUT NOW SAME THING IS HAPPENING WITH ME ALSO BABA YOU CAN CHANGE HER I KNOW PLEASE GIVE HER SADBUDDHI PLEASE BABA GO INSIDE HER DREAM PROVE MY PURITY LOVE TO HER OR DO SOMETHING BABA IF YOU BRING DEAD FISH IN LIFE THEN YOU CAN RETURN HER TO ME
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Sai Kripa Karo
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Found a link for Sai Divya Pooja in telugu, tamil and english here
My dad used to run business which went into losses and he sold everything and still debt was there. To clear off debt he took 1.5cr from sisters home(married) saying he will give them slowly. However he wasn,t able to and still he has loan on himself and my sister is also dragged and is paying loan. My dad says my son(me) will pay in future. I am student studying and have no money to finish my college, to run home. But i always trust my sai baba no matter how big the problem is he will solve it. But back to my questions. I have no money no house no future right now. Should i help my sister in future by paying 1.5 cr or i should assume its her karma(as when we were rich she used to spend like tons ie going to foreign places partying etc) or i should take the responsibility and pay in future. Whatever is answer i believe baba has guided you all and after listening i will do it accordingly. I can do anything for baba,s wish and his wish is my command as he knows best for me which i dont know Thanking you all in advance Have great day. Sai bless all Tushar (Small Shirdi Sai devotee)
Being a son You have the responsibility to support your parents. In the past when your financial position was good your sister had a good time it seems you too would have had a good time then.Please don't run away from your problems and if you do so others will suffer because of your fault.Pray to SAI BABA to help you get across these problems.OM SAI RAM
Baba I'm feeling very very lonely… when my wish will be fulfilled?? please baba I almost lost my hopes. feeling dejected and down. Experiencing the tough phase of my life. I'm sorry baba.. I'm not able to concentrate on anything..
Om of my father and brother.give me peace of mind.😊😊😊😊
Om shree sairam…
Thank you so much baba for being with us…
Today morning I want to go to temple but heavy rain here so I was pray to baba that please baba help me I want to go to temple but how can I go during this heavy rain then miracle happened suddenly the rain decreased slowly then I went to temple and take darshan after that I came to home after coming to home the rain fallen heavily much then I was so shocked baba stopped the rain for me to take darshan in temple thank you so much baba…
Om sai shree sai jai jai sai…
Om shree sainathayanamah…
Jai sainath…
Akhiland koti brahmand nayak rajadhiraj yogiraj parabrahm shree shree shree satchidhanandh samarth sathguru shree sainath mahraj ki jai…����
Thank you Baba for publishing my experience. Om Sai Ram !!!! 🙂
om sai sharanam
om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram, om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram, om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram, om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram, om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram, om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram, om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram.
How do I place a prayer request in this website? I am badly in need of everyone's prayers and blessings in disguise of my sai pa.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, OM Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram 🙂
om sai ram, jai shirdinath.
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
om sairam..
pls help me from this gal baba..pls save me..i left on u…jai sairam..
Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless my son to clear his exam and also my daughter
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all