Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Brother Vishwanathan from India says: Shri Satchidhanandha Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaja Ki Jai! Shri Samartha Sadguru Shirdi Sai Baba is unconditional love incarnate. I strongly feel blessed to be able to read the experiences of all Shri Sai Baba’s devotees across the world. Thanking sister Hetal and team for their continuous love and hard work though this platform towards all devotees. As it has been rightly stated in The Shri Sai Satcharitra, Many are of the view that one should not tell others what the Guru has told one or else the guru’s words become fruitless. But this is only imaginary and much ado about nothing and hence meaningless. In fact, not only such direct, personally even spiritual instruction, but also that given in a dream, should be conveyed to all, as it is good, beneficial knowledge. Believing firmly in these sacred words, hence fore I narrate the unforgettable experience acquired only by the loving grace of our most adorable Samarth Sat Guru Sai Baba.
One week before Maha Shivratri 2016, I made a special request to Shri Sainath Deva to kindly allow me to have an image or even a glimpse of His divinely enchanting and most auspicious face during my sleep as that will be my real Moksha. I prayed just before going to bed and requested Shri Sarva Sadguru Sai to please make me remember the image or even the glimpse as never remember anything. However I was not sure that I will be having the divine experience that night only as I always ask for Shri Sai to come in my sleep and give me His Darshan. But indeed unfathomable are Shri Sainatha’s ways! At around 3.15 am, I dreamt that I was walking and reached a very sacred place like garden, then all of a sudden I was passing behind Lord Shiva who was meditating in His yogic posture. I was simply astounded as I remember well seeing Lord Shiva. I shouted with tears overflowing my face” Oh it is Lord Shiva!” I was extremely happy and said how immensely You are Lord that You have gifted me with such a blessed vision.
Suddenly Lord Shiva opened His eyes and spoke with an echoic loving voice as such: “My child we have met after a long time” I replied yes Lord, very long time indeed. Unable to control this blissful excitement of seeing and speaking with the Lord of Lords, I hugged Him tightly while still shedding endless tears of joy and kept on saying Oh how Kind You are my Lord that You have blessed me with Your Darshan. While hugging the Lord who was in a meditative posture, my right arm was at the back of His blessed form and left arm was on the front side. I could precisely feel the Rudramalas pressing against my left arm & the right arm could feel Lord’s matted hair hanging at the back. I kept on saying Oh Thank You Lord, Thank You so much. Then again The Lord responded with the same echoing sweet voice: It is Goddess Parvathi that you should thank as She is the one writing your destiny again! At that moment, I woke up but it was a so different feeling. I was in another world. However, I told myself, well you have an amazing dream that you will not forget soon. I thanked Shri Samartha Sai for this blessed dream. I just could not get sleep back, though quite early, I checked time on cell phone and switched on the light to go to the washroom. That very moment, all my misconceptions of what has just happened was not at all a dream. Well, my left arm had marks of the Lord’s Rudra Mala & right arm was covered with some greyish white powder. Immediately it was crystal clear that this experience was not at all a dream, the impression on the left hand by Rudra beads happened while hugging the Lord tightly and the powder was Lord’s Vibhuti smeared all over the right arm and body. At that moment, I wholehearted thanked Shri Satchidhanandha Sai for I was convinced that it all happened by His grace alone. Here I must mention that our Kula Devam (family God) is the Inseparable Divine Couple Shiva Shakti, however I consider Lord Satchidhanandha Sai as my everything & my all. I thank Supreme Lord Sai for guiding me well on the path towards following the family’s custom & Shri Baba Sai is one with all. Sabka Malik Ek! Anpe Sai.

Anonymous Devotee from Australia says: Thank you dear Hetal ji and her team for this wonderful blog. This is my 5th post in this blog. I started believing in Baba ji from February 2015 and since then there is no looking back. He is my Father, my Brother, my best friend, everything. Om Sai Ram. Sai Shankar! Baba is so kind and humble. He just needs His devotees to be on right path and pray with full devotion, whether you offer Him one flower with full of love and devotion, Baba ji will accept that too. But you have to be on the path which He tells His devotees in Shri Sai Satcharitra. There are numerous miracles which I have experienced till now. I have shared those in my previous posts. Today i will share some too. I had my baby in year 2012 and since then i have not been working. I have been looking for job for Few months now. I did went to one interview in NOV 2015 but i received rejection on 15th Feb 2016. Though they had written in the letter that i have been kept in eligibility list. I was sad but i never fought with Baba. I thought Baba has His own ways and He wants me to concentrate on my baby. I had started my Nav Guruvar fasts in Dec 2015 just to Thank Baba for whatever He has given me. The home in which i am living now is also gifted to me by Baba ji. I completed my fasts on 4th Feb 2016. On that day I wanted to go to Sai temple and seek Baba’s blessings. Baba ji fulfilled my wish and I had an opportunity to attend Shej Aarti and i also offered Him some sweets and some Dakshina.
Now coming back to my job story. I did not lost hope and by chance the company had again advertised for the same position. I again filled out an application form and submitted it. It was Thursday. On 20th Feb Sat, i decided to go to Sai temple with my flatmate. She is Philippine. She also believes in Baba ji. We went in the bus. As soon as we stepped inside the temple it rained so heavily. Baba ji stopped the rain for us. Thank You Baba ji. I wrote a small wish on paper regarding my job and thanked Him for everything He has given. I gave that slip to my Little one and told him to put it in the Dakshina box. We attended the Shej Aarti and came back home. And LO on 25th February Thursday i got a call that we have selected you and you need to go for the medical. My Joy knew no Bounds. I thanked Baba ji. Last year on 25th February 2015, i started believing in Baba ji and this year He gave me the gift. I love You Baba ji. I filled the application on Thursday, I got a call on Thursday and now I received the Letter Of Offer also on Thursday. Isn’t that a miracle? Now my only request to Baba ji is that as i will get busy in work and also home chores, I request Him to please please give me strength to take His Name and do the Pooja as i did before.
Yesterday i had severe cramps in my stomach in the middle of the night. I was not even able to stand properly. I did took a pain killer but no relief. Then i took Udi mixed with water and within 5 minutes my pain was gone. What a miracle thing this Udi is. Thank You again Baba ji for giving Udi a miracle thing to all Your devotees. My life was totally upside down before but since Baba took me in His arms, i am totally living a dream life. Thank You so so much for all You have given me Baba ji. Dear devotees please have Faith and Patience. It’s very important. He will never ever leave His children’s hand. We all should always feel blessed that we are part of Baba’s family. I would also like to make a request to everyone we always pray for ourselves and for our family members. Please pray for others and especially for Indian Army people. They are the one’s living a very hard life. Staying away from families and in adverse weather conditions. Most of the soldiers lay down their lives to save their country people. Though i live in other country but I always pray for them too. Thank You Baba ji. Be with all of us. Jai Shri Sai! Om Sai Rakshak! Shri Sachidanand Samarth Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Sai Brother Raju from India says: Dear Hetal ji, lots of Pranams to you and your entire team for maintaining this blog. May Sai shower His blessing to all of you. This is my second one. I am grateful to my dear Deva & all concerned for publishing my first experience on the eve of New Year’s day i.e. 1st January, 2016 under heading “The Name Of Sai Is A Strong Tower”. Coming to the experience, last year during the month of December, 2015 I and my wife went to Shirdi to have the Darshan of our beloved Baba. With His divine blessings, we reached Shirdi on 25.12.2015 (Christmas day). We have already booked on line accommodation at Sai Bhakta Niwas but could not get booking for Aarti. However, we took rest for sometime in the afternoon and after taking lunch we decided to go for Darshan at around 4 P.M. There was heavy rush on this gala day. Nearly 4.5 hours have taken to have face to face Darshan of our beloved Deva. We were quite satisfied after having His kind Darshan. Again, on 26.12.2015 (Saturday) in the afternoon we left for Darshan of our Sai but on this day too, there was heavy to heavy rush of people seen by us in a long queue. Seeing this, we decided to have Darshan of our beloved Deva through Mukh Darshan quite easily. Before that we visited Lord Hanuman ji temple nearby Mukh Darshan. After having Darshan of Lord Hanuman ji, we (myself & wife) sat for a while inside the temple.
One incident took place. That is, my Baba tested me in which I failed miserably in this litmus test. One person who sat next to us requested me to give him Rs.90/- as he had come all the way from Akhola and was unable to walk. Though I had thousand rupees in my pocket yet I could accede to his request. He then requested another person, who came for Darshan of Lord Hanuman ji, by citing the same problem, instantly that person took out Rs.100/- from his pocket and give it to him. With smiling face he accepted the money and left the place. I also wanted to offer money but he refused to take. Later on, I realised that He is none other than my beloved Baba who was testing me and ultimately I could not pass the test. After coming from Shirdi and on one of the Thursday (Baba’s day) I deposited Rs.100/- in a Hundi at Baba’s temple at Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh). I would like to express here that I am ashamed of calling a Bhakt of Baba for my helplessness. I am extremely sorry dear Deva and request You with folded hands to forgive me this time and I assure You the same will not be repeated by me in future. Jai Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Jai Sai Ram to all Sai devotees and thanks Hetal ji and team for providing such a wonderful platform where we can share our loving Sai Baba experiences. I am reading this blog from few months daily in morning and before sleeping. Sai Baba came to my life in 2007 when He came in my dream in white clothes with a dog and told me to do fast for my problems. Before this I never prayed to Him. That was a wonderful experience. I started Sai fast and immediately after my first fast my marriage got fixed and Sai Baba gave me a very loving and caring husband. Now I am going to share my recent experience as I promised to Sai Baba that I will share my experience, which I met recently. Sai Baba saved my 5 year daughter from a very critical disease. Few months back my daughter got sick and was suffering from cold and cough. We took her to hospital and doctor told us it was not cough. It is a GB Syndrome, very rare disease in which her immunity has gone and she was loosing her nerves power. We had to admit her immediately in the hospital and they started her treatment by keeping her on ventilator as it was difficult for her to breathe. We got shocked by all this going through. But there was Sai Baba temple in the hospital. I prayed and cried in front of Him to save my daughter. She was admitted in hospital on Tuesday and remained on ventilator. Doctors were saying hope for the best.
On Thursday I went to nearby Sai temple and cried in front of Sai Baba to save my daughter. The Pujari in temple gave me flower from Lotus Feet of Sai Baba to place under her pillow. After that she was in stable condition and her MRI came to be normal. That gave me positivity and I made my mind strong that nothing can happen to my daughter. After 6 days she came out from ventilator and on next Thursday she came out from ICU. Now three months are over and she is improving day by day and coming back to her normal life. This all happened by the grace of Sai Baba. After this situation me, my husband and my daughter became strong devotee of Sai Baba. Sai Baba helped me a lot during bad and toughest time of my life. Thank You Sai Baba for coming in my life and saving my daughter. Please be with us always. Sai Baba please help all Your children during their tough period in life. Om Sai Namo Namah, Shree Sai Namo Namah, Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah, Sadguru Sai Namo Namah.

Sai Sister Harsha from India says: Om Sai Ram! I am happy to share my experience here, the website is very amazing and helps to increase the faith and Boost us every day. I had so many experiences but I had promised to Baba that if I will find my Jewellery, I will Post the experience. This is my third Experience which I am to share with all of you. It was exactly one year back my gold chain with a pendent went missing, I had searched my whole house but was not able to find it. After Few months I and my husband lost hope, we thought the some must have stolen it. Suddenly yesterday I was searching for my Debit card, so I happened to open one shelf. I was praying to Baba that I should get my Gold Chain, Please do Something Baba and I opened my old purse. I was surprised to see my Gold Chain with Pendent. I had searched this Shelf so many times in past but never opened this purse. This was a Miracle. All we need is a faith on Him. Really I don’t have words to explain His miracles. Baba is there for us so we don’t have to worry for anything. Thank You Baba for always being there for me. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram! I have had many experiences, thanks to Baba’s greatness. He is a doctor who created Udi to come to our rescue in times of distress. We were travelling from Dubai to India. Kids were excited, however my 5 year old daughter complained of slight ear pain in her left ear every now and then. We reached India and I was at my parent’s house and resting for the night, my daughter complained again of ear pain. However she slept discomforted. After that whole night she would get up every other minute due to the pain. I prayed to Baba to help her ease her pain. Suddenly it struck me that I have Udi in my purse. I mixed a pinch with little water and prayed to Baba to help and gave her the water to drink. Voila! There was immediate relief which was very unbelievable for me. I kept checking on her for the rest of the night, she slept peacefully. Thank You Baba for this miracle reconfirming our faith in Your supreme greatness! Thank You Hetal ji for helping me in publishing my experience. Om Sai Ram! Bless all Your devotees with their difficulties Baba.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Thanks baba I got job after one year gap and such hard struggle..Thanks for your timely help.. OM SAI RAM….
om sai ram all..i had read so many posts and blogs on this site where i found many of my sisters praying to baba to return there love back and they are madily in love and praying or few of my sisters her get cheated by there partner or husband i fill so pity on those people who left them or cheated them because they dont know what they lost because in todays world to get such type of love is very difficult because nowdays place of love has taken by cheating lie taking benefit from partner and then leave without thinking that how they will survive what consiquences they have to face in life from how much pain they are going through they dont care how cruel and selfish world is this till they are in relationship they are there life everything but as they left the relation they forget them easily and again indulge with someone in this short span of life and i dont understand after doing bad with someone how people want there good to happen everyone has to pay for there deeds i do agree that % of male leaving a female is much higher and i pray to my baba please listen to prayers of all devotees who madily wanted there love back please dont make there situation like mine baba where after involving with her honestly blindly she left me without thinking my situation how i will survive for her it is easy to leave me and forget me but for me not so easy baba.baba you know the truth in every life lots of ups and down took place but people face that on keeping faith on baba not leaving someone and we are human everyone commit mistakes but we have to realize and rectify our mistakes.if i am defaulter then why i am in pain why i am not able to forget her only i attempt for sucide only i suffered from depression went for treatment why because those people did bad to someone they easily forget them and start there new my fault doing marriage in front of baba where you prepare card by yourself or coming so close if you have to left me then why these things happened why you dont not think these things earlier when i am asking to you please rethink then come to in relationship.definetily you will realize one day your mistakes because you dont able to realize pure love if you realized that you already got it why i dont you leave alone anywhere why i wanted to join same thing which you wanted to do why i wait for your phone msg after every10 mins because for me i cant live my life without you without seeing and listening your voice sorry for you these things are bullshits for you only matter to make career and once your career made you dont give damn to those suffering in pain or for you it is all part of life easily forget and move on.but for me it is first time and everything. for you i blackmailed you please tell how i blackmailed you after so many years of relation if you said now you want to leave your life then it dosent hurt me till now we are living single life and suddenly you started realizing the things? iam still want that you back into my life and we start fresh but i know you will not come back if baba himself indicate you to go back still you not come back i know.ask your heart where baba reside what you have done with me.i am leaving everything my pain suffering to lotus feet of baba now he knows the truth he will do the justice the truth will come to the world
Dear brother , I can understand your situation. Just keep praying and one day Sai will listen to you for sure. It's all our karmas that we are suffering right now.
So keep chanting Sai name and do good deeds like donations, charities etc.
One day your bad karmas will be nullified. And then your good days will come for sure.
dear devotee om sai ram..yes i do agree everyone has to face his past life karmas and we are human so we committ mistakes but sometimes in our life other mistakes rigidity selfish behaviour and fast decision taking without thinking affects the life so much.heart is the place where baba reside and if you get inner from your heart that you are right then it is the voice of our baba i know definetily one day i will get the justice i have full faith on sai ram
om sai ram..i have read your post on this site you have written everything but you havent mentioned me in any of your post did not feel anything when you do these things you are very strong because only few people can do these type of things.please ask your heart if iam not come into your life will baba come? is your life changes like this?because you can speak lie to your parents family how you can speak lie to baba in whose presence all the promises we made to live together all the things we did in presence of baba you can hide everything from everyone but how will you speak lie or hide things to my baba have you never thought that.still you forget me still you left me still you dont realize your mistakes .i always say to baba please punish me for the mistakes which i had done intentionally and unintentionally since i realized but how you do worship of baba do you not feel guilty in front of baba? but you have given me the example of how selfish the world is. but sorry i am not person or expert in forgeting the people and the memories which i spended with them and your actions your deed made my thinking for you i hope baba will give you wisdom to rectify your i am the only male who is suffering from pain of her partner left me otherwise only females are suffering.but for you nothing day everything will be answered because i loved you so much only because of baba i involve with you in relation only i made you my life only keeping faith on baba that you will never leave me or cheat me now in our case justice will give the baba only.and by your actions i have the fear that you would leave me thats why most of mistakes i committed.please realize that only you faced the worst know my life before this relation smooth and normal but after facing lot of worst situations is i ever left you i ever speak lie to you or cheated you never.if i am with someone else may be the chances there she will return after relealizing because it is not at all good for ardent devotees of baba after going so far in relation leaving someone only to rise in career like this only fall in life definetily come not rise.rise in life comes to those never leave there partner in worst situation instead face those situation together but in your case you will not return.i wish after coming from devine place like shirdi you should not behave in rude manner instead by keeping full faith on baba we both should make the worst situation better by getting the job will forget all these things which happened between us this is the way you live the baba have seen everything who spoken lie who blackmailed who cheated who changed in relation he will do the justice with both of sai ram
I am just waiting for your miracle to happen. Baba please please show me a way. Baba you know it I just have 1 week more to ask my parents or decide to come out after saying to my parents. Baba you know that I dont want hurt them and come out. Baba since from the start I am just wishing only one thing that to make my parents accept my marriage with the guy I love whole heartedly. Baba please please I beg you. Please show me a way, please change my parents to accept. Baba you tell me what should I do? I am just praying you constantly. What else I can do baba please tell me. Baba please please help me.
Baba there is one thing which is hindering me. You know that very well. I cried in front of you about that whether it is wrong or not. Baba please tell me soon if it wrong to do. Please I am really not in a position to understand whether it is wrong or right, please please guide me on that. If it is wrong please please show me or tell me some how that it is wrong. Baba i am not doing anything wantedly or I dont want to do anything wrong unknowingly too! Please please help me. I am not leaving your hand at any cost or I dont want to leave anything faith on you and go with other things. Baba even if i do something without your permission I cant even think of it. Baba but this is hindering me a lot whether I am doing anything unknowignly. Baba you know very well.
Please baba please help me.Please please show me a way. Please please help me atleast now. Please come to my rescue atleast now. I am really dying in pain day by day. I just have one week time. Please please help me. Please show me a way. Please.
Baba plz help this young devotee. Let her meet with her love soon. She is just asking to get married with her love. Please unite all the lost souls to meet with their love soon. Don't be so harsh. They are praying to you day and night just for their love.
Om sai ram
Sao baba I want justice now. I thought you will show me your miracle but nothing has happened. Please show me your miracle and change the negative to positive.
Please make my job permanent now. I don't want to change to new job. Please bring stability in my life.
To the 1st devotee, what a beautiful and stunning experience. I had to re-read it twice to ensure that I was reading right! You are truly blessed 🙂
O Deva, Thank You for looking at us with Your merciful eyes and showering Your sweet blessings and miracles on us 🙂
Jai Sairam
Yes the first experience is very mesmerizing. He is truly blessed one ,he saw lord shiva and talked to him also with blessings of Sai. Very lucky one.
Thank dear devotee. Best regards Vishwanathan.M
BABA i want to marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.BABA this pain is unbearable.SAI BABA please help me and please bless me and please be with me.OM SAI RAM
Jai Sai Baba, Jai Sai Samarth.
First experience- Brother Vishwanathan. Really nice experience. The more we follow Baba teachings, the more he will pull to us.
2. Sister from Australia. Very nice experience. Baba is every where and listens to us patiently. We need only 2 things- Faith & Patience.
3. Brother Raju, dont worry atleast you have realized your fault and repeanted. Baba can come in any form- Dog, Cat, Bird, fly….etc Treat every one with consideration.
4. Baba gives rebirth to your Daughter. This is a very nice experience. Baba saved my daughters many times. He is the protector, Destroyer and Preserver. Only Baba comes running when we are in distress. I wish your daughter a speedy recovery.
The last 2 experiences are also nice. Baba's udi has great healing powers…if applied with complete faith!! Dead can come back to life…
Always be kind, humble and help the needy if you can. Lastly follow the path of " Truth" which Baba always insisted his devotees. It can be hard in begining but eventually by Baba's grace one can get there.
Anantha koti Brahmanda Nayak Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Sree Sachithananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Humble Servant of Baba.
Panjam Vineep
Dear first devotee….u r the blessed soul…mesmerizing experience…. Thanks a ton for sharing such a wonderful experience…
Om sai ram _ / _
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
om sai ram, thanks baba for helping my son in his graduation exams .Its only because of your blessings he could passed .Please keep him always at your lotus feet and keep showering your love and blessings to each and every one in the world who needs you. om sai ram,om sai ram, om sai ram.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Namo Namah, Shree Sai Namo Namah, Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah, Sadguru Sai Namo Namah.
Sabka maliek sai ram bolo shirdi wale sachidanand sai nath gururaj maharaj ki jai .hey baba jaane anjane m bhi koy bhul ho gye ho baba g maaf karna.baba mujhe raasta dikhao mere sai aapke bina m kuch nhi hu aaphi mere sab kuch ho,sai aap to sab situation jaante ho mere mola mere saath rehna,mera haath kabhi mat chodna nhi to mein marr jaungi baba g…jai sai shree sai om sai
Dear first devotee,
By reading your experience I got goosebumps. You are really a blessed one. It is said that upon lot of tapasya's, we will getting darshan of lord shiva. But in your case, you just prayed our baba whole heartedly and you get darshan of the divine 'Lord Shiva' who is none another than our ' Samardha sadhguru Sainath Maharaj'. Dear devotee you must have good deeds in your past and present for which you are blessed by baba. Such a blessed one you are. Really baba's leelas are unfathomable.
I am really getting tears after reading you experience and overwelmed.
Baba you are our life, you are our father, mother and everything. Baba we bow at your lotus feet wholeheartedly. Please please do not leave our hands.
Ananthakoti brahmandanayaka raja di raja yogi roja samdhaguru sachithananda sainath maharaj ki jaiiiii!
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Dear first devotee thanks a ton for sharing ur exp… I felt blessed to read it.. Had goosebumps all over my body…. U r truly blessed child… Thanks for buliding our faith stronger and taking us one step closer to baba… Om Sairam
Thank you dearest sister. jai Shri Sai Ram. Kind Regards, Vishwanathan.M
great leelas of baba
Thanks for sharing
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Dear brother vishwanathan
My friend Padma(I met her on this very blog, I cant thank enough to Hetalji and the team for this site) knows the whole story. Today i undertsand why Baba says that we all meet each other with some past relations and i truly feel that you all are my extended family.
So coming back to you brother, your experience has touched my soul in a way that iam feeling short of words to tell in how much bliss iam in.
The reason behind it is that today for the very first time i did rudraksha abhishek.soon after that Padma mailed me to read your experience. And see what i get to read. I have send her the picture of it as well.
You are divinely blessed.
I will share it as a whole experience if baba so wills.
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Ram dear sister, indeed we are all an extended family of our most adorable Sri Sainatha Deva's unconditional love. Wishing more positive vibes & love Our Shri SaiBaba to the best you can. Kind regards, Vishwanathan.M email:
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless my son and his friends and pl be with them deva
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all