Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Brother from Mauritius says: Jai Shri Sai Ram to everyone with a positive mind. If we really think of Shri Sai Samarth all the time, then definitely we are full of positivity in everything we do. Shri Samartha Sadguru Shirdi Sai Baba is Love incarnate. No rules & no procedures are even required to which one must abide to please and get closer to this unbelievably greatest Guru of all times. Sincere love does everything and we just have to live confidently with the flow of our firm faith in our most adorable Shri Sai Baba. Baba Sainath, this soul loves You a lot and this love is even more special as You are aware of it since You are the reason for it. Adoration is met only for You alone. Today is the Tamil New Year ‘Dhumuki 5118’. By Shri Sai Baba’s grace, it falls on a Thursday. Today is the concluding 9th Thursday. I am aware of the fact that this experience will be published in the far future & this soul will again experience this divine trill while going through it in this unique platform. Truly the experience of being blessed can be justly felt in oneself and is of no match to the description in words. Every sincere devotee will go through this blessed feeling in accordance to their faith in Sadguru Sai.
Today morning at around 3.26 am, I felt like someone waking me up and indeed I work up without much resistance. I sat in front of the picture of Shri Sai Baba in the room. I neither had a bath nor even brush my tooth, yet I was comfortable looking at the divine face of my adorable Guru with such a mesmerizingly addictive smile. Within a fraction of a second, I felt a strong urge to turn to my right. Actually it was like someone strong turning my head with care to the right. That very sacred moment, I saw a gleaming light on the wall above the bed. It was just Wow indeed. Thank You is just not enough yet this sense of gratitude is genuine. Baba Shri Sainath, Your holy words are definitely more than 100% accurate. That very moment, I deeply felt assured that all the sufferings of this soul has finally come to an end by His incomparable grace. Thank You so very much.
Another experience of today of Shri Sainath’s blessings, is that He makes me live everyday with passion without expectations. On Sunday 10.04.16, we were invited to a family wedding, since my dad could not go, so it was imperative that I go and attend the wedding & reception. Of course, with Shri Sai Baba’s permission only, my mother & I went to the wedding in the morning & evening was the dinner reception. I wore the very elegant Safari Suit received as gift from my parents along with golden chain, finely-cut man bracelet & tanzanite ring matching the whole outfit. I guess my parent’s wish was that I look royally smart and definitely their wish got fulfilled in a grand manner with all praises and compliments given to my mom. Everything went on fine by our adorable Saimaa’s grace. However, to a major disappointment, I noticed that the Shri Anjaneya’s golden face that was hanging like pendant to the bracelet was not there anymore. I was in a state of shock but still I wonder how there was not any body-language sign showing my state of mind. I searched everywhere I happened to pass through yet nothing was found. I meticulously searched near the parking & the 4×4 limited ranger, still nothing was found. Even near our vehicle, there was nothing. Upon reaching home, I did not tell anything to my parents as definitely they will start searching desperately for it too & I will feel horrible to see them doing so. But upon reaching my room, I told Baba I am sad that it is lost as everything is Yours only, Baba Saimaa. So I was sad upon losing His thing & begged for His forgiveness. Precisely that night, I left the idea of the lost thing to Shri Sai Samartha & faith in Him overpowered any other disturbances. My dad drove the vehicle the following day & on Tuesday a worker used it too. This morning, just before entering the ranger to go to work, I felt someone pressing my head from back to look down.
With experiences so far, I have understood that coincidences do not exist, so I told myself that there must a reason for this feeling. While looking closely I could see the tiny golden hook which used a medium for the pendant with the bracelet. I was of course happy and immediately asked Shri Sai to please complete this happiness, though this so called logical mind did not really think the impossible can happen. Indeed with Shri Sai Blessings, everything is possible with intense faith. Yes, dear positive readers, the golden pendant with Shri Anjaneya’s face was finally found near the window section. How strange is the whole scenario yet its real. We never drive with our windows down open due to pollution & safety reasons. Oh how the pendant was found there, was a total mystery. No one who drove the vehicle notice anything. Yet today on our Tamil New Year & 9th Thursday, Baba Shri Sainath showed His wonders again and gifted me this happiness of getting back His own thing. How unfathomable are His Leelas! Truly unique in every senses. Be always happy to be under the protective eyes of Samartha Sat Guru Shirdi Sai Baba. This awareness of never ever being alone in itself, makes one faces everything with a big confident smile & rest assured all the time! Indeed we are the sum total of our faith. Thank You Baba, Your are real unconditional love! I really love You more than yesterday but not as much as tomorrow. Today is tomorrow. Jai Shri Sai Ram

Sai Sister Srishaa from US says: Peace to be all. Here is my first post in this forum. Om Sai Ram. My first visit to Shirdi was in 2012. I did not know much about Baba that time. My devotion with Sai became stronger since one year. I would like to express my gratitude to our beloved Sai Baba for all the blessings He had been showering on me till date and i pray to Him from deep of my heart to continue to shower His blessings as long as I live in this world. Baba gifted me a wonderful life partner and am forever indebted to Him. My husband had to leave to US after three months of my marriage due to immediate requirement in his project. I had to stay here due to visa processing. I was little afraid as I never went anywhere alone. I prayed Baba that He should be with me throughout the process. Starting from visa interview to immigration everything went fine and I reached safely here with His Grace.
After two weeks of my arrival, I suffered from pinworm infection which shattered me as I was not sure how to get rid of that. I suffered three continuous nights. I surrendered to Baba on fourth day. I begged Him wholeheartedly to help me to get rid of the infection without any medication. Here is His miracle. I felt so relieved that night and slept peacefully. Hail to Baba. Without You, i am nothing. My mother suffered from fever recently which made her condition worse every passing day. I requested Baba to give her strength and recover her from fever. Holy grace showered His blessings and my mom felt so better the next day. All her reports came normal. Thank You so much Baba. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Param Brahma Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a Baba devotee from West Bengal, India. My family is also devoted to Shirdi Sai Baba. Not a single day passes when we don’t remember Him even for a second. We are a very simple middle class family. I have always wanted to do something extraordinary but up till now I guess the right time has not come yet. My first experience goes like this, during my initial training period in an IT company, I wanted Baba to give me a certificate regarding any achievement during that period. The circumstance was such that I didn’t score enough marks to bag a certificate. I became depressed a little bit. But I prayed to Baba saying that if I deserve at least something, then please give it. I scored 85% and on the day of valedictory I saw I will get certificate for my marks in all the assessments. But I never expected a surprise Baba had for me. When the top two certificates for marks was declared, I was declared second and I got another certificate. I was so amazed at this Leela of Baba. Thank You Baba. I love You.
Another experience is that I am scared of travelling by flight. So before visiting my friend by flight I prayed Baba to soothe my nerves and make me relaxed so that I don’t panic. And the overall roundtrip was comfortable without any fear. Thank You Baba. Baba right now I am facing some problems regarding my career and mental state. Please allow me to save money and move to a good PG so that I can save some money and visit Shirdi. I want You to call me. I really need Your presence. Please show me Your presence. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Shree Sai Jaya Jaya Sai. Anantha Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shree Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all the devotees. Thanks to the admin team for maintaining this site and providing much needed hope at times of distress to all the devotees. This is a wonderful platform. I read the experiences shared on the site and getting goose bumps is a common thing then. I have been a devotee of Baba since my childhood. With the grace of Baba I completed my education and got placed as I wished for. Baba has always listened to my prayers and at times when my prayers were not being answered I used to get angry on Baba and have fought with Him many times only to realize that Baba has better plans and is always with the devotees. Sorry for my behaviour Baba and please forgive me. I have had many miracles in my life and Baba has always helped me in one or the other way.
Me and my husband we were planning to construct a home before we plan to start the family. We prayed to Baba and after doing 8 days Parayan, things fell into place. We got help from all our family members and we are now staying in our own home by His grace. So after the construction of our house, we planned to start a family but I was not conceiving. I prayed to Baba whole heartedly and started Nav Guruvar Vrat after reading miracles on this site. My Baba answered my prayer as well and on my 6th week of Vrat, I came to know I have conceived and my joy knew no bounds. Thank You Sainath for the wonderful gift of my life. Please bless my baby with all the good health and bless us all Baba. Om Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Ram.

Sai sister Ashwini from India says: Om Sai Ram, Thanks to the Admin team for this wonderful blog. There are lot of experience with Shirdi Sai Baba. I am sharing few among them. Sai cured my son fever: My son had got fever and it was there for 4, 5 days, with the help of Sai and His Udi it was gone. Sai helped my son to go to school without crying. My 2 and half year son was initially crying a lot to go to school and I used to feel guilty about it as it’s bit early for him to school but the intention was, he can play with the kids there as he is in play group. I prayed Baba and He showed His miracle, my son is now happily going to school. And he wants to go to school on weekends also. Sai cured my headache, chest pain and the swollen gum problems: I used to get spinning head problem and used to hear some sound in background which used to disturb me a lot and I also had vertigo, Sai cured everything with the help of Udi. He also cured my chest pain and swollen gum problem after root cannel therapy. Sai cured my mother leg pain: My mom had got fever followed by body pain, specifically leg pain was persistent. She suffered for almost 3 months and finally she prayed Baba and within no time her leg problem is gone miraculously. Babe helped me with my husband’s job: My husband was facing lot of issues from his boss and it was very bad at his workplace. He did Sai Divya Pooja and his problem was reduced. Sai saved my dad: once my son woke up crying saying that his grandfather had fallen down and he is hurt, he was telling this the whole day, I was afraid and prayed Baba for my father safety. Baba was with us.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Me and my husband were in Tanzania where my husband’s company had kept his passport with them saying it’s for security purpose. Initially all was ok but after few months his boss started making him work 24 /7. My husband was also hospitalized due to mental pressure and the boss was not letting us come back to India. We were so helpless as he was a powerful person there. After my husband came back from hospital a colleague of my husband gave us Baba’s Udi and asked us to visit Sai Baba temple. The following Thursday we went to Baba’s temple. We felt we have become little stronger. 4 months passed and the boss was still not letting us go. I cried and begged each minute to Baba to do some miracle. Then I read about Nav Guruvar Vrat and from next Thursday, i started in just my 2nd Thursday somehow the boss agreed and gave us our passports back. And we finally came back to India safe and happy. This is Baba’s miracle. It takes time but surely Baba will never let anything bad happen to you. Now as we are on the way back home from Shirdi peaceful and grateful. All this is just miracle. Trust Baba, He is always with each one of us. Thank You Sai Baba. Om Shri Sai Nathaya Namah.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Today I finished my exam,thank you baba for being with me.please pass me with flying colors. Om Sai baba.
Om sai ram _ / _
om sai ram…om sai sai ram..pls help me..
Baba I don't know why you are doing this. Every time I don't get the thing,i feel it may be testing time, you are testing my faith and I start believing you more than earlier. But how many times? For a single thing I am praying a lot, a lot..every time I feel this must be last baba will answer my prayer.and every time I get disappointed…. baba I can not see my son's suffering.. either you get his smile back or give me death.. you may be strong enough to see our suffering but I am not.. I can not see my son like this. I don't want anything.its our past karma that we are left alone in this world where you don't want to take care of you wish.
I won't leave you.not for a moment…you can ..
Baba never leaves His children. Om Sai Ram
Om Sri Sairam
Thank you Baba, for giving good blood flow in Yesterday dialysis. Please bless me to have smooth dialysis without any problems.Please bless me with good health.
Om Sri Sairam
Om sai ram baba please bless me to get back my love plz baba you are the only one that can change impossible to possible dear devote please pray for me baba you only get her in to my life now I can't live without her please baba I can't bear this pain now I'm at your lotus feet I put all my pain at your lotus feet please baba get back her.
Om Sai Ram,
Please give a job to my brother, he is still worryig a lot, please show your mercy on him..please baba…don't let him shatter…pull him towards you..please give him a him a way for his life. Om Sai Ram.
Baba please bless me to get back my love I can't bear this pain please baba be with me and get her again in to my life. Please baba do something and get her you know everything baba if she is not correct for me then why should you take her into my life now I can't live without her please bless me baba to marry with my love dear devotees please pray for me I can't bear this pain baba
O Deva, let our minds only think good, let our tongues only speak good, let there only be good that we wish for everyone please 🙂
Jai Sairam
Thank u so much SAI for answering my prayers & curing my illness.i have developed rock like FAITH in u & now i learnt to be patient & not to be in a hurry for u to answer my prayers.Previously i used to be in a hurry & lost my patience & shouted at u , got angry with u.Please forgive me SAI.But your love towards me is very huge.I definitely dont have words to explain.You have shown the best way to change my diet at the diet time & saved me from any health problem.Sorry for showing my anger towards you.I will never get angry with u.Pls forgive.U r ever loving me , but because of ignorance i am unable to understand.Pls forgive me.U r everything for me.Pls forgive me for whatever i was during the past.Please show me which the right path for me at the present & for the future.Pls be with me forever.Thank u so much SAI.Please bless me.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo ,Kripa Karo
BABA please bless me that i shall marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.BABA this pain is unbearable.SAI BABA please help me and please bless me and please be with me.OM SAI RAM
BABA please make him pass the interview also and please make him get selected in that service.OM SAI RAM
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, please baba forgive us for our sins and mistakes,please have mercy on us,i beg you baba , please be with brother , he really is all alone in this world , he is lost completely baba ,you know his condition , please baba accept him too as your child ,please take him in your shelter , please baba ,light my burden by being with him every second and save him.i too want to post my experience here on the site. please allow me to do so baba , i am eagerly waiting for this to happen , please devotees pray for us too , we really need help and favor. om sai ram,om sai ram, om sai ram.
BABA sorry for not being humble with you. I forgot all the good you did to me and i felt you. I told you whatever is happening its because of my fate as everything was going on smoothly at that time. Even now its goinv on as per my fate but evrything got upside down. Please forgive me and bless my husband with a good job. Its been 2 months no job yet. Sorry for my mistakes BABA. Please help us. I was angry on you as you. Sorry Baba now i am facing for leaving you Baba. Please forgive me and give job to my husband.
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai
Om sai ram…love and peace to all. 💛
Om shree sairam…
Thank you so much baba for being with us…
Protect us in your safe hands baba please only with you we can live happily here save us baba thanks a lot babaji…
Om sai shree sai jai jai sai…
Om shree sainathayenamah…
Jai sainath…
Akhiland koti brahmand nayak rajadhiraj yogiraj parabrahm shree shree shree satchidhanand samarth sathguru shree sainath maharaj ki jai…
Baba i m sorry i interfered but i was hurting too much by his beh..i m sorry…baba i have nobody except u..please take care of me baba..
Baba please make me study also anyhow i cant study please baba ..whole day is without any fruitful work baba please make me study..i m feeling so alone please take care of me
OM Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram 🙂
Om Sai ram, Om sai Ram, Om Sai Rma
Om sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram 🙂
Om Sai Ram
Baba, save my organs
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all