Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I work for an IT company. i have been an ardent devotee of Baba since my childhood. I am sharing my experience on how i was blessed by Baba with a good job and answering my prayer. Om Sai Ram, First of all i want to apologise Baba for posting this so late. Please forgive me my Deva! I completed my in 2011 from a reputed college and through Baba’s grace got selected in a reputed IT service company through campus placement. My dad, mom, sister and of course me, all were really happy and thanked Baba for providing a job. I joined in Jul 2011, enjoyed my training days made many friends. I did not take the training seriously and as a result i was not technically strong but finally managed to complete the training successfully. Once the training was over we were asked to report to the RMG (they are the ones who allocate projects to freshers). Around 15 of my friends (including me) were mapped to an insurance domain project. We have to clear the interview to get into the project. The person who took interview was an architect and was really a tuff guy. I was really tensed as i know i was not technically strong. Each of my friends were getting selected one by one and tension cropped upon me as i was worried if i would get selected or not. Finally around 5-6 people (including me) were only remaining without getting selected. By Baba’s grace, i was interviewed by another architect for a different project and got selected. I was very happy and thanked Baba for providing me with a project.
The project was a one year project and we were around 10 people working for it. Out of the 10 people, 5 of us were freshers. We became good friends and enjoyed working in each other’s company. Finally the project was completed successfully and we were appreciated for the same. As the project got over we were released from it. Again tension cropped upon me as i had to attend Java interview after a very long time (first project was on database side). Finally managed and got selected in a Java project. It was both support and development project with a team strength of four (including me). Out of the four, Myself and one lady were here, one was working from another location and other guy was onsite. As i joined this project, i was not given much training. My colleague assigns me with small testing works and guides me in case if i have any doubts. So it was going good then. Even the other guy who works from the other location helps me out in case of any doubts. And suddenly i heard a shocking news from my colleague saying that she is resigning the job to pursue her higher studies. I was shocked since she was the one who was helping me out here and if she leaves i will have to take her position. Finally she resigned. Nervousness and tension grew up in me. I was literally afraid to go to office. With the knowledge and experience i had in the project, i felt it is really tuff to manage and things are going to be really hard. I had the other person to help me, but i cannot be disturbing him often. The pressure at work was too much and i was not able to handle it.
Finally i decided to move out of the company and started to search for a new job. Prepared my resume and started applying for jobs. I attended 5 interviews but did not get through in any of them. My nervousness was increasing but at the same time i had a strong belief that Baba would bless with a good job. Then I was scheduled a telephonic interview with a leading company A (do not want to disclose the company’s name). I did not want to lose this opportunity so i directly went to Baba’s temple prayed for His blessings and attended my telephonic interview from the temple. I answered all the questions and the interviewers were very satisfied with my performance and said their HR would contact me for the next round. I was very happy and thanked Baba. I received the call from their HR and went to their office. I had a English proficiency test round there. I did well and cleared that too and the same day had Video conference interview with Manger in onsite. He asked a few questions and was satisfied with my answers. The Manager who took interview showed me the team and finally said HR would call for the HR round. I thanked him for the opportunity and went back home happily.
Days passed, but i did not receive any call/mail from HR. So i finally called the HR and asked about the status and she said it will take some time as few more candidates are being interviewed. I became really sad and prayed to Baba to bless with this job. After a week, i called the HR and on enquiring she informed me that the position has been closed due to budget constraints of the company. All my hopes got shattered and i prayed to Baba “Baba, i attended the interview from Your temple and how could this ever happen?” I was constantly asking this question to Baba whenever i prayed to Him. Days passed and i received a interview call letter from another MNC. It was my 6th interview, i was searching if i could see Baba’s picture anywhere before entering the office premises, but i couldn’t find any. I was disappointed and prayed to Baba to bless me to clear the interview. I entered the office premises, security checked my certificates and call letter and allowed me enter. Once i stepped inside the office, there was Baba’s picture in a calendar. I was wonderstruck and tears rolled down from my eyes. And that minute i firmly believed that i would clear the interview. It was a walk in interview and there were around 500 people waiting in the hall. Again to my surprise, I was the first one called from the panel. The interview went for 1.3 hours and i answered almost all questions. The same day had HR round and HR offered me with a good package and she said she would send the offer letter in 2 weeks time. I was very happy and thanked Baba and prayed Him that i should receive the offer letter without any trouble.
Finally i received my offer letter at the end of the 2 weeks time as said by the HR. The next day i put my resignation in my office and was very happy for my new job. But i was always praying to Baba and asked Him – “Baba, i attended the interview for company A from Your temple and how could this ever happen?” My resignation was approved and i was serving my notice period. Suddenly i got a call from one of the best product companies for an interview (a friend had referred me long time back). I was surprised and attended the interview. I cleared the interview, but the package offered was lesser than my previous offer. Even though the offer was less, being a product company i thought i should join it and accepted the offer. I thanked Baba for providing me an offer in a Product based company and made my mind to join there. Even though i got two offers in my hand, i was still praying Baba – “Baba, i attended the interview of A from Your temple and how could this ever happen?, why did not i get a job there?”. Finally i got relieved from my previous company. I had a week’s time to join my new company (Product based). So i went to my sisters place in Bangalore to spend some time with her before joining the new company. And one day i suddenly got a call from the HR of company A saying that the position is open and i could join the same. I was wonderstruck and did not know what to answer. They offered a better package than my two previous offers. I said i am sorry and would not be able to join as i got an offer from a product company. I was very happy and in tears as Baba answered my prayer – Baba, i attended the interview of A from Your temple and how could this ever happen?, why did not i get a job there?”. Thank You Baba for providing me with a good career. Please bless me to grow in my career and You currently know what is happening in my life. I pray wholeheartedly to You to stay by my side and bless me and my family in every step we take. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: This is my third experience in this platform; however I have number of experience with my beloved Baba. Sai Baba is there in my every breath. Without Him, I can’t imagine my life. Now I am going to explain an incident where Baba shown His presence by giving the message He is with me in every step of my life. I am working in a MNC in Gurgaon. I was waiting for the result of one of my review for getting promotion. And due to the Baba‘s blessing I got selected for the new role. I have a rule in my life whenever any good and bad happens with me I usually visit to Baba for sharing the same with Him. I got promoted in Friday 6th May 2016. So I decided to visit my Baba in Lodhi Road on Saturday. I asked Baba to give me the permission for attaining the Mahayana Aarti. And also pray Him to get Khichdi as Prasad. When I started for Lodhi road I had a small fight with my husband on the way. Baba always against of fighting and blaming others so I had a fear inside that Baba is not happy with me for this behaviour while going for His Darshan. My husband also said not to fight while going for Darshan. We had to face heavy traffic rush on our way. When we reached temple to my surprise, Madhayana Aarti was already completed. I felt very sad and guilty also. Now I convinced Baba is angry with me.
I looked at the Prasad distribution place and it was Khichdi that day. To some extent I relived as Baba fulfilled one of my wish. I thought getting the Prasad after Baba’s Darshan. When I came to Prasad’s counter after Darshan they were already wrapped up with that. And I was feeling like a helpless baby and so sad. I asked Baba did I commit such a mistake that I will leave Your temple with an empty stomach in such a hot day with temp rising 42 degree in Delhi. I again went to inside the temple sit in front of Baba with tears in my eyes and said Him I will not leave this place until You give me Khichdi. Also I said sorry for fighting with my husband. My husband convinced me to leave as it is very impractical to sit for such long hours. But I looking at Baba asking Him continuously in this hot afternoon If I went to my father’s place He must give me food. You are my Father of father how could I leave Your place with empty stomach. After Couple of minutes l left temple with tear in my eyes. When I was coming through stairs of the temple. I noticed by the side of stairs on a plate there is a plate of leave with a lid tightly covered and a rose placed near that. I slowly went to that place and Om Sai Ram, When I opened that plate it was full of Khichdi, What a Leela of my Baba. Koti Koti Pranam to the most lovable father of the world. That Khichdi which was arranged by Baba only will be the most tasty food for my entire life. Baba Once again You convey the message that You will with Your children at every stage. You listen and reply all the prayers and request with all your heart. I left Lodhi road temple remembering Baba at Dwarkamai where He used to serve food to all His devotees with a pleasant smile in His face. Love You forever Baba. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhi Raja Yogiraj Parabrahma Sri Sachidanand Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram, Sorry Baba i am very late to share my experience. Now i am going to describe how Baba cured my PCOD and my menstrual cycle became normal. And finally my skin problem also improved. I am 29 years old unmarried girl. I am suffering from PCOD from age 13. I always had irregular heavy periods. I ignored it. Rather i was not aware of the fact that i have PCOD. Once my i did not get period in continuous 2 months. I was worried and went to gynaecologist. After ultra sound i realised i have PCOD. I was worried because i got pigmentation and acne due to this. I cried a lot because my face was nice and it got skin problem due to PCOD. Ultimately i lost self confidence. I felt like to end up my life. I prayed Baba. Suddenly i got period and i had heavy blood flow and the period was not normal. It continued for more than 15 days. I did not want to go for allopathic medicines as it could have affect on my skin. Sai Maa was the only hope. I became down mentally. I begged Baba i want to come in Shirdi. I don’t want to go to any doctor.
I took medicine to stop my period and reached to Shirdi. As soon as i saw Baba in CCTV footage in Samadhi Mandir, tears rolled down from my eyes. I prayed Baba to cure my disease. I had lost so much of blood. But after coming from Shirdi i had slowly improved. I took Ayurvedic medicines for 2 months. I used to go for walk daily 30 minutes. This helped to balance my hormones. I also started eating fruits and vegetables and stopped eating sweets. I used to take Udi mix water everyday. And there came a stage where my skin became so healthy clear. Love You Baba. Sai Maa is very kind and He will not let you down. You only need to do good karma and follow Baba’s teachings. Those who have PCOD, my advice eat healthy food, fruits and daily do 30 minute walk. Always donate food to poor people. And have firm faith at the lotus feet of Baba. I love You Baba. I would have become mad with this skin problem but it’s You who helped me to overcome with this situation. Baba is simply ‘Mauli’. Once i was walking on road there was saint wearing Safron coloured clothes. I just gave Him Dakshina and he said Sai Baba is your Brother, He is with you forever. I was surprised how He knows i am Sai devotee. And i got confirmation that Baba accepted me as His sister. Love You so much Baba. Sister is big reward for me in fact i consider Baba as a king and i am His small servant. Akhilanda Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai! Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: To my dear Sai Baba and the team members, first of all thank you for creating this beautiful platform where we all can pour our hearts in front our Baba and prosper the world by sharing our experiences. This experience is regarding my daughter’s admission regarding the school we desired. I had been trying my daughter to get admission in this specific school for last two years. I prayed to Baba with all my heart. This school follows on my way to work and one of the best school in the town. I cried in front of Baba to fulfil our wish. In the school she is in now, my one and half hour get wasted for pick and drop off and faced many problems at work. Through blessing of my Sai, my daughter is selected in the second round of selection and she will be going to new school for the upcoming year. Sai had told me several times through the question and answer website that work will be completed on Ram Navami day and it happened on April 15 2016. Thank You My Sai for all Your help.
Second experience is about buying house in good community. My husband was looking for house since 1 year. We were not getting the price range and house directions according what we thought. All of sudden my husband found the house in this beautiful community in our price range and near to our work place. My and mine husband job settling and all visa pending work is being finished by my Baba. With all my heart and soul I keep my head to Your Lotus Feet and thank You for driving my family to all this difficult journey. Please Baba keep Your hand on us and help us with our health, to fulfil all promises which I made to You, getting permanent residency and be mentally and physically healthy. Let us never follow any wrong path ever and do good unto others. Thank You my Sai.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all devotees. These three magical words make everything possible. Thank you admin for this wonderful blog where we can read others experiences and boost our faith on Baba. Here I am sharing two of my recent experiences with beloved Sai. Last month my father had fever which of and on came and due to this he became weak. We were very tensed about that. The doctor said we have to take a test of typhoid. This made us worried. I prayed to Sai Baba and applied Udi on forehead and promise to Baba that if reports came normal then I will share Your Leela with all devotees. By Baba’s grace the reports were normal. Thank You so much Baba. Few days back we have to go out of station so doctor said to do the general blood tests of my father. In that report some kidney test were above range. We were very worried as my father is diabetic. After coming home we continuously gave him Udi with water and applied on forehead for few days and prayed to Baba to take care of my father and promise Sai that I will share Your experience. Yesterday again kidney test were done and the reports came normal. Thank You so much Sai Baba. We are Your children. Please be with me and my family and keep on showering Your blessings and love upon me and my family. Thank You so much Baba. Baba me and my family is praying for something and You know what. And i know You will fulfil our wishes very soon. We know Baba if someone is praying to You wholeheartedly, You will definitely fulfil his/her wish. Please Baba bless all Your devotees. Thank you for reading my experience.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I am an ardent devotee of Baba for many years now. He has been with my family always. Whatever i am today is because of Baba. As we all know the only qualities needed from us are Shradda and Saburi. This experience is about my pregnancy. I got pregnant after 5 years of marriage and repeated doctor visits. This was possible only by Baba’s grace because I had given up on all treatments and was only praying to Baba that hHe grants the most beautiful wish any girl would long for. I am diabetic. So my only worry is I get a healthy baby and me with my husband should bring up the baby to be a good person. This is possible only with Baba’s grace. I had my 20th week scan couple of days back and I was very nervous about it. With Baba’s blessing they said baby is growing fine and I was very relieved to hear this. Thank You very much Baba. Please be with us like You have always been. Bless us to have a safe and a healthy pregnancy. Please be with us always. Bless us to deliver a healthy baby and You are the only guide to the three of us. Jai Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Jai Sai Ram. Babaji You are my everything, bless everyone and help me and my family to overcome the problems.
Om sai ram _ / _
Om Sai Ram
Baba Please bless our family and help my son to reach his destination and also cure my daughter health problem thandri
O Deva, bless us as the festive month begins by destroying our sins and helping us walk the good path, Your path 🙂
Jai Sairam
Baba please, don't do this, please i beg u. Please rehem nazar karo, i know i'm being unfair and asking for too much but please Saima. Please
Om Sai Ram.
Omsairam.thankyou so much for making me realise my mistakes.being mad around somebody who didnt love us is waste of time.
Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
I don't know who these people r who share their experiences…my experience says that it is useless to pray Him…He can never value a person's talent and hard work…past karmas…past karmas…i am fed up with this…Talent and hard work don't count anything in His eyes…He gives death to his devotees everyday in the name of past karmas…Death doesn't mean just to leave physical body…. living a dreadful life is also death… i hate u Baba…
Dear Baba: Bless this child of yours who is undergoing extreme amount of pain. Shower this person with your grace & show this person the light that you are. If it is past karmas, please give this person strength to overcome the life hurdle. OM SAI RAM!
Oh Ho Dear Dear Saburi Rakh , kai baar saburi can be required for long years but the end is so sweet and then you will be ashamed that you doubted him whereas he gave you more than you asked or imagined . Thats My Baba. Reas Sat Charita : mental Peace milega
Oh Ho Dear Dear Saburi Rakh , kai baar saburi can be required for long years but the end is so sweet and then you will be ashamed that you doubted him whereas he gave you more than you asked or imagined . Thats My Baba. Read Sat Charita : mental Peace milega
How mistaken you are. Maybe try reading the Sai SatCharitra once, a chapter a day. With a bit of Faith. Maybe you will find answers. What do you have to lose?
Jai Sairam
Om shree sairam…
Thank you so much baba for being with us…
Baba please bless us tomorrow gods festival in home let you make all the day smoothly without any obstacles bless us baba please be with us baba thanks a lot babaji…
Om sai shree sai jai jai sai…
Om shree sainathayenamah…
Jai sainath…
Akhiland koti brahmand nayak rajadhiraj yogiraj parabrahm shree shree shree satchidhanandh samarth sathguru shree sainath mahraj ki jai…
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Dear Sai Babaji, thanks a ton for the help in the court today.. Please bring us out of this misery…
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Rma, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram 🙂
I got Job only bcoz of baba's Grace.I some how became busy with my Job and disconnected with baba for 1 week and i see problems popping up in my way.I realised and started praying baba and reading satcharitra daily.I see the difference and things getting easy.Do not get disconnected with baba even if you are hell busy because,bad karma stays away from us if we are connected to Baba.He is out strength.
Om Sai Ram.
Thank you baba
Always be with us
Om sai ram
Dear baba,
You are magician baba.thank you baba for solving my little angel's problem. Just right now my little one was playing and one bead got stuck in her nose. We got very scared and I called ambulance. They came and said they can't do anything, my little one had to blow her nose but she was not able too. I prayed to baba and light only one diya, and with one one minute she by herself blow her nose and now she is fine. Thank you so much baba. Jay Sainath Maharaj ki Jay
Thank you BABA for keeping me close to You despite all my mistakes i do. Thank You Baba for loving me and accepting my prayers. Please help us to be good human and follow your words. Love you Baba.
Please baba, you know everything, pain near my shoulder is severe, its like someone is injecting a needle like object, i cant bear it anymore.Please please i beg you like anything to cure this problem.You have changed my attitude,cured my mental illness and shown a career path, i am working because of you only, but again if you give me any problem or suffering how will i be able to work.I am a single woman.No body cares for me.When you dont shower your love,care,mercy,blessings on me who else will ?.I surrender myself completely , totally everything at your feet.I beg you for forgiveness for my mistakes.Please be with me till my end. Without you, your love,care , i cant live SAI.Thats sure.Please please bless me to cure the pain and please bless me to be successful in the career which you have given.
Dear sister,
Sairam. When you are in pain, apply baba's vibhuti. This will take your pain away.
Thank u devotee. Baba has cured my pain.I applied UDHI and had ROCK like FAITH and was waiting with PATIENCE to solve this problem.HE has removed the suffering. Thank you so much baba for curing me.Please SAI please be with me lifelong and take care of me.I pray for everybody, world peace.Thank you so much.
BABA please bless me that i shall marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.BABA this pain is unbearable.SAI BABA i am feeling really scared at times.SAI BABA please help me and please bless me and please be with me.OM SAI RAM
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
BABA please bless me that i shall marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.BABA this pain is unbearable.SAI BABA i am feeling really scared at times.SAI BABA please help me and please bless me and please be with me.OM SAI RAM
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all