Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Sai Devotee Deepa from India says: Om Sairam to all Sai devotees. Thanks to Sairam for coming into my life and making my life smoother. Many thanks to Hetalji for creating this wonderful platform which gives a bond with Sai Ram. Thanks to all the devotees who pen their experience which increases the hope, faith, love, affection on our Sai Ram
This is my second experience. My first experience is all about Baba’s blessings during my pregnancy. With His blessings I gave birth to a baby girl “Aradhya” and she is in her 9th month now (23/6/2016). Here comes my experience. As my baby’s nostril is very small she used to make whistle sound while breathing. Even I know that the sound will get reduced as she grows up, I was very much worried. She used to make different sounds while sleeping. Sometimes it will be like shivering for cold, so I covered with sweater. But still the sound was not stopped. My relatives and neighbours told the sound is very strange and you should consult a doctor. So I took my 20days old baby to 3 different doctors. All checked and told that everything is normal. The thing is her nostril is very small when compared with other babies. Still no need to worry it will be alright when she grows. But one doctor suggested to put pneumonia vaccine because it will occur in nostril it seems. Also he mentioned that pneumonia fever is very dangerous. I couldn’t control my tears. On that day I cried a lot to Baba to cure my baby and give her a pleasant sleep. I started writing “Om Sri Sairam” 108 times daily for more than 5 months and used to tell evening arthi for 6 months. Also started my life time Thursday vrat for my baby. And finally the sound was stopped and she is having a nice sleep nowadays. Thanks to my beloved Sairam for taking care of my baby.
Next experience is we planned to start solids for my daughter in her 6th month. So we went to Sai Baba temple in our area to feed her sweet pongal. It was Thursday, so the temple was very much crowded and songs were sung loudly on mike. She started crying and we couldn’t stop her. We thought of going back to home and let’s come on some other day, other than Thursday. I was totally disappointed and prayed Baba to make her calm for at least 5 minutes so that we will feed her somewhere in the temple and leave soon. We came out of temple. Suddenly we saw a meditation room (Sai kudil) with lot of Sairam photos and books. Since it was aarthi time, nobody was in that kudil. My daughter started smiling by seeing those photos. We all were relaxed after seeing her smile. We sat there and fed her pongal in front of Sairam. Such a calm place we got within a second of thinking our Sai. Thanks to our beloved Sai for listening to all our wishes. Then we donated for annadaanam for next Thursday and returned home.
But still I was not satisfied with darshan. I couldn’t even see Sairam for a minute. So I thought of going to the temple next Thursday, the day for which we have given for annadhanam. My aunt and myself went for noon aarthi. Such an awesome darshan we had. Very blissful and forgot all the problems. My eyes didn’t move aside from Sairam’s face. Lovely darshan. And while returning home I was thinking that my mom and my daughter missed this awesome darshan. And I felt very sad for them. You know, our Sai listened to my inner voice and showered His lovely blessings by coming to our home itself. Just 5 minutes after I reached home, I heard Sai Baba songs somewhere out of my home. My mom called me out and to my surprise I saw a cart with full of Sai Baba photos and idols. It didn’t stop anywhere; it was straight coming to our home. I was jumping with ultimate joy and took my daughter to the cart. We prayed well, gave money and they left. They didn’t even stop anywhere. My mom told that this cart comes once in a year and this time it is our home. See how sweet our Sai is. He came to my home just to bless my mom and daughter.
Another experience is, my mom use to take my daughter to roof top in evening times and spend some time there. One day she gave a mango leaf (neighbour house tree which extends to our roof top) for her to play. Mom didn’t notice the milk coming from the leaf. While playing, the milk got stick to her face. After few hours we saw some red spots in her face, we thought that it might be mosquito bite, but later it changed to dark colour and finally she got 3 or 4 black spots. My mom realized that it might be the milk from the leaf and she was very much worried if it spread, she will be questioned by my mother in law. That night I applied Udi and prayed wholeheartedly to our Sai to remove the dark spots so that no one will be questioned. But next day it was still darker, though it didn’t spread. I continuously applied Udi and within next 3 days it’s gone. I thanked our Sai from inner heart. Thanks Sairam, thanks a lot for taking birth in this kaliyug to save the poor people. I love to be Your devotee. I love to touch Your lotus feet and sit for my life time. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Bless everyone in this world and make their wish come true.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Hello children of Sai Ma. I am a teacher in an Institute. I have been blessed by Sai with a wonderful husband and two children. I think it is only the blessings of Sai that allows us to have a good family. By good, I mean good at heart. I have also got wonderful parents, though my father passed away some years back.
Coming to the experience I want to share. This incident is from quite a few years back. My husband had lost his job in a big company. As a short term measure, he took up a job in the neighbouring state. Here he had to share his flat with some other guys. I and our small daughter had to stay back in our place because; firstly there was no proper staying arrangement in the new city for us. Secondly my daughter was recently admitted to a school. So we stayed back. But we were all very depressed at this juncture. When my daughter’s holidays started, we went to meet my husband in the new city. This staying apart was very painful for us. So ultimately we decided that we will all shift there. Now we started looking for a place to stay in, because staying in the shared flat was difficult. We also thought of visiting some schools and applying there for my daughter’s admission. Then a miracle happened. One of my husband’s flatmates told us that he would take us to a Mandir that he frequented. He told us that it was a very peaceful place. The Lord there seems to be like a Father, very caring and loving. So we went. And that was my first step into the World of Sai Baba. We all were really very happy to get His Darshan. I will ever remain grateful to that person for taking me to that Sai Mandir that day. Like they say, Man proposes something, but God has something else in mind. Whatever God does, it is for our good. Very soon my husband got a job in our former city and we all came home. A change happened that day. From that day I started praying to Sai Baba. He has been like a Mother to me, ever since. All my happiness is because of Him. I cannot thank Him enough for His love. This was the first miracle in my life. Subsequently, I had several wonderful experiences by Baba’s grace. Would love to share them with my Sai brothers and sisters some other day. Thank You Sai. Thank you readers. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from UAE says: Thanks to Hetalji for making this holy site. I have been working in a place far from Dubai. Actually I was planning to start Nav Guruvar Vrat this Thursday (today) but had my chums again which I had got ten days before already. I got shocked why again I have it now and what about my Vrat, I got confused and don’t know what to do. It’s my first time like this happening, since many years. I never had any issues with my monthly chums and I never worried about it, but this time within a month got two times, I worried to check with doctor, I googled it and got some reasons, first reason my travelling, everyday I’m travelling more than 4chours going and coming to my home, then more tensions and worries, then I got afraid of seeing one horror movie teaser and turned my head back, I suddenly felt somebody standing behind me, but nobody was there, it’s just my imagination and impacts of this teaser, but after one hour I got my chums( second time, first is already finished ten days before) I got shocked…my mom said it’s because of this teaser. But I prayed to Baba to finish it off before Thursday, because I need to start my Vrat, and I drank Udi water also. The flow was heavy and I was never used to it before like this, I was worried and prayed again, felt it’s some kind of abnormality to have two times chums in a month and thinking to check with doctor. But I believed Baba can do anything, so I kept praying for miracle and it stopped on Tuesday completely which I expected it to go more days. Then Today Thursday, I started my Vrat successfully and will be going to the temple in the evening.
Thanks Baba, save us from calamities, please fulfil all my wishes for this Vrat and save all Your devotees ,please make me complete this Vrat without any hurdles. I love You Baba. Anandha Kodi Prammanda Jai Shri Ram.
Anonymous Sai Devotee from Malaysia says: Good day to all devotees and today I am posting my 4th experience here. I hope I can continue posting more experiences of Baba here, please Baba bless all Your devotees. Thanks Hetalji for this platform. My brother wasn’t feeling well and was admitted to the hospital. I vow to Baba that once my brother is discharged I would come to the Mandir and offer a garland to Baba and take only vegetarian food for a week. So my brother got discharge and I went to fulfil my vows.
It was on a Wednesday, I wanted to go on Thursday but I couldn’t because my boyfriend was not free to bring me. The Mandir was not that crowded and I manage to pray to Baba and I saw a rose on Baba’s head. Deep inside my heart I was wishing how nice the rose will drop, least all my wishes are fulfilled. As the pujari was doing the prayers, I was just praying to Baba and the rose did not drop. It was around 9.40pm if I am not mistaken when the pujari and his assistant were removing all the garlands on Baba because they were about to close. So I kept looking at the pujari taking off the garland from Baba and also he took the rose from Baba head and put it on Baba’s place. I told my boyfriend can he ask the pujari that I want the rose and within second the pujari just took the rose and gave it to me. I was awestruck how he managed to hear it because I remember I wasn’t talking that loud. Then I asked my boyfriend, whether he heard what I asked him, and he just said he didn’t hear clearly just heard the word rose. I believe that this is Baba’s work. He heard my silent heart wish and I was very happy that day. Till today I have kept that rose because it is very special to me. Thank You Baba for all You have done and my only wish now is my brother to fully recover and be able to be fit like how he was. You are our Saviour. Baba, please help me and please forgive us if we have made mistakes directly or indirectly. Baba, please, please, please cure my brother soon. Love You my Baba. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Baba. I have previously shared three experiences in this site and by Babaji’s blessings this will be the third one. This is also very special because all other experiences were related to me. Now this one is related to my mom. My mom is a very pious person and she had recently moved to Chennai. She is staying with me because my husband has left for onsite.
We were taking medicines, to be precise Siddha medicines from a famous practitioner. We had recently started taking the medicines and there were lot many medicines to take. Now we had it for two days without any problem and third day my mom complained of headache. We thought during detoxification process its normal for the individual to suffer from headache and vomiting. But the headache became worse as time passed by and my mom started crying profusely. My mom is a very strong woman and usually handles pain very well. Now this was contrary to her usual behaviour. I and my dad were very much worried. It was already 9 pm. We decided to take my mom to my uncle who is a psychiatrist here. As you know Chennai is very crowded and it will take us around 1:30 hours to reach my uncles place. My mom started feeling giddy and was crying. We were very much tensed. The taxi we were travelling suddenly broke down. I and dad were scared and were pathetically trying to hire a new taxi. At last we took one but my mom’s condition was still bad. I prayed to Baba to cure her headache without any problem. Then I would share my experience. Baba helped my mom and she is fine now. All thanks to Baba .Anantha Koti Bramanda Nayaka Rajadhiraja Parabramha Shri Satchithanatha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Sainatharpanamasthu Subham Bavathu.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all the devotees. Thank You admin for providing this site to share our experiences with all the devotees. My elder sister is pregnant and she was with us at our home for doctor’s visit. Doctor has advised her complete bed rest due to some complications. The day when doctor told her about complications my mother gave her Udi in water. One day suddenly she fell down from the stairs and cried loudly due to pain. My family members rushed her to the hospital. I started chanting Baba’s name continuously. And the next day after her ultrasound done everything was normal. All because of Sai.
I wanted to visit Shirdi. First time I visited Shirdi in 2011. So I wanted to have Baba’s darshan for the second time. I also had completed Sai Satcharitra 2 times. The time came when I have to go, tickets were also booked but due to some personal health problem I thought I can’t go. I started praying Baba day and night for having His darshan. And I had a wonderful darshan of Baba in Shirdi which can’t be expressed in words. Sai listens to everyone’s prayers. I also had severe vomiting problem in a four wheeler. This time I prayed to Baba. And after having darshan of Baba complete 2 days i travelled in car and I haven’t vomited a single time. Thank You so much Baba. The most important experience is in Shirdi at night we were going back to our hotel by walking. Suddenly one thief came and tried to snatch my mobile. But I somehow protect my mobile from him. We all shouted and tried to catch him but he ran away with his partner. 10 minutes earlier there were no autos but suddenly one auto came and we reached our hotel safely. I know He was Sai who came to help me. Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai Sadguru Sai. Sai Baba helps everyone at any cost. I also know Sai will help my sister to deliver a healthy baby. Plz Sai bless all Your children. Shri sachidanand Swami Sadgurudev Sainath Maharaj ki Jai.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sri Sai Ram
Om Sri Sai Ram
Om Sri Sai Ram
Om Sri Sai Ram
Om Sri Sai Ram
Om Sri Sai Ram
Om Sri Sai Ram
Om Sri Sai Ram
Om Sri Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram (p) (p) (p)
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless my family with good health and be with us deva.
Anantha koti brahmanda nayaka raja dhi raja yogi raja prabrahma sri sri sri sachidananda samartha sadguru sainath maharaj ki jai
Om sai ram .Baba ur only my hope.please be with me during my exam. It is on urs day baba..
Happy Baba's Day to all Devotees.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
O Deva, Thank You for Your endless and countless miracles that we are witness to. Blessed are we O Sadguru that we have You to turn to, at all times. Thank You for all the love and happiness You are blessing us, Your children, with O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Your miracles and grace and unlimited and unfathomable Baba, big or small, u listen to every prayer…i don't know what exactly brought upon me these past 2 years of pain and crying but u and i both know that i have never failed to chant ur name every single one of those painful days. Don't leave my hand Mother, walk with me, make up for whatever i lack in intelligence and hard work. Do this for me Sai, i love you always, Jai Sai Ram!
Today since am not able to distribute SAI 9 Thursday VRATH KATHA …Am submitting it here BABA ji…Please accept this…Let anyone who is unknown to this VRATH read it & get blessed by BABA Ji.
This vrath is very powerful & all your problems come to an end with the blessings of BABA . Many have experienced , and are still experiencing .
BABA focuses on Bhakthi, pure love, SEE BABA ji as our Beloved dad. Present your problem before HIM , SURRENDER TO HIM..then see how HE satisfies you all….
This is the link.
Please bless my beloved sister & Amma.Please bless them with great health,love,care,blissful happy & peaceful Life BABA(Accha).
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om SaiRam bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father
Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram, OM Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram 🙂
Om Sai Ram
om sai ram…Babaji it's too late…plz forgive me & give me peace of mind…mujse jo bhul hui hai uski saja itn a mat do..lakpada ko bhi uski bhul ki ahesas ho….bhujungda & didi sab mujse naraj hai…plz sab mujse khusi ho jaye…meri mom dad ko bhi khusi do..
Jai sai ram _/_
om sai ram.
i love you deva 🙂
JAI SAIMAA its been four days no experience has been shared yet, is any upgradation is going on….
Om sai ram
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all