Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Nathaya Namaha! This is my second post. Thank you Hetal ji for providing this platform, it increased my faith a lot. Also when I feel depressed, I read these experiences and it makes me feel better.
I am a remote employee by Baba’s grace. My husband is working in different city and I am praying Baba to get him a job in the city where I and my kids are living. Last April my company asked me to come for onsite training for 3 days and they Said they might not provide expenses because this remote job was by my choice. I was worried because it’s going to be expensive. I prayed Baba and He came for my rescue. They paid flight charges and also hotel charges for 3 days and it was almost 1/3 of my salary. Thank You so much Baba. I need to change flight for reaching onsite and I was so worried because this is first time I was flying all by myself. Also while going, only one hour time for changing flight and 45 minutes while coming back. From my child hood I am not a brave girl and scared of being alone. So I prayed Baba to help me. Baba came to my rescue again. We went to Indian store the day before I was flying and I saw a beautiful picture of Sai. We moved to this city last summer. We stayed in my onsite city for 13 years and I never saw a picture of Baba in Indian store before. I felt very happy that Baba came to help me through my journey. One of my friend/colleague already offered to pick me up from airport and also to stay at their home. She called me again and got my flight details. Also another friend called to offer help. My husband dropped me at airport. Before reaching my stop, flight attendant announced next flight gate number along with other flights. I haven’t heard this before; I feel our beloved Baba arranged this. I rushed to train centre and there was a train ready to leave, I reached the gate on time.
My friend came to airport and picked me up and they arranged dinner and asked me to stay at their house. But I did not wanted to give her trouble and also the hotel was close to our office, so it would be convenient and she won’t need to adjust her schedule for me. She and her husband dropped me at my hotel around 10pm. They were very nice to me and I didn’t expect that much love from them because now a days getting help from other person is not easy in this busy schedule of life. Now I realized she is also Baba’s devotee. Next day morning I was eating breakfast and I got complementary coupons for breakfast and appetizers. My friend told me to call once I was ready. She would pick me up from hotel. Office is located less than a mile and office manager also told she can pick me up if I need any help. I finished my breakfast and I noticed 3 people with my company badges and I went and introduced myself. They offered me a ride to office. They were also attending the training, so they dropped and picked me all those three days. Again Baba showed His presence. My company also provided breakfast and lunch. I have informed only few friends. But they all invited for dinner. On first day one of my friends came to pick me up for dinner, while going to their house we had an accident and other lady trying to move to our lane and hit our car. After hitting she was trying to escape and my friend was insisting her to stay and provide insurance details. I got so scared, my friend called cops and they reached bit late. Finally everything settled, by Baba’s grace we were safe, no injuries and just a big scratch on the car. We reached her home and had dinner and she dropped me at the hotel. Next day my other friend picked me for evening snacks and dropped me at other friend’s house for dinner. I met few more friends and forgot to inform one friend and she called me and scolded me to stay at their home for that night and have breakfast next day morning. She woke up early in the morning and made breakfast for me and dropped me at the hotel in time. I had very good time with all of my friends and their unlimited love by the grace of Baba.
In the evening I was supposed to go to airport right after my training. My friend /colleague asked another colleague to drop me at the airport. He called me and said he needs to pick his kids around that time, he won’t be able to drop me at the airport. I asked another friend who offered help before and they were also busy due to weekday. So I was bit worried and my friend /colleague said in worst case she can drop me at airport. I took enough help from her, so I didn’t want to give her more trouble. So I thought I can ask my office manager to arrange a cab for me. But at the hotel, my other colleague who was staying in the same hotel was going back to his city and said he was planning to go in a cab, so I could ride with him. I felt very happy, but Baba knows everything and He even made it better. Our trainer was also flying back to the city where I had change of flight. So he offered both of us ride to the airport. We both travelled in the same flight and while flying they announced to check gate numbers in their websites, so I checked gate number and reached gate on time. Safely reached my city and my husband picked me up from airport. Also my husband’s company approved him to work from home for the whole week. Couple of months ago he joined for that company as contractor. This is another miracle of Baba. This is the best journey of my life. Thank You so much Baba for making this trip so wonderful and taking care of me throughout the trip. I feel so blessed with this miracle. Om Sai Nathaya Namaha.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all. Thank you Hetalji for this wonderful service. I’m from India and work in a banking Sector. This is about how Baba called me to give His darshan. Since I work in a banking sector, I can only leave office after closing all the transactions. If I finish early on Thursdays I would visit Sai Mandir and attend Aarti. On Thursdays the Mandir will be filled with devotees. If we don’t go early we can’t get inside and must wait outside and sing aarti. There are two Baba here. One idol is placed outside the main dhyan hall. I used to buy flowers and offer them to the Baba seated outside. As many would give inside.
This Friday (22-07-2016) we finished early and one of my colleague asked “Mam you are going to temple ah?” I said “no mam, I’m going home”. She insisted me to go. I was a bit surprised. Then I thought may be Baba wants me to come. So I decided to go. While waiting for the bus I thought of buying flowers for both Baba. I thought I should buy yellow colour flower garland and pink rose as I was wearing Pink dress. But Sai ma thought differently. When I reached temple I went to the flower vendor and asked for two garlands. Then while seeing the roses, one orange coloured rose seemed to be appealing and I asked for two roses. At first there was only 1 and she asked me take a pink one. But I insisted on getting the orange roses. She searched and found two more. Since I bought more she gave me one extra rose. So I bought 3 roses and 2 garlands and went to meet Sai ma. At first I went to the Mandir outside. Baba was wearing a Red colour dress. I gave the garland and one rose there. The priest took my rose placed it on Baba’s head and put the garland around His neck. He then gave me a piece of garland to me. I was very happy. Then I went inside and all were sitting for Aarti. Aarti was about to start and I was surprised again because I didn’t think that I would be going for Aarti. But my Sai maa planned everything. I went to the priest to give the flowers. As soon as I went, he came fast and took the cover in my hand and looked inside. And he said to another priest who was standing near Baba “Rose came.” And they took the garland and put it around Baba’s neck. Then they placed the rose on Baba’s head and one more on Baba’s lap. I was very happy. Surprise of all, Baba was wearing a dark coloured orange dress which matched with the rose. See how He planned everything ahead. He was waiting for me and made me sing the aarti.
I don’t know whether I deserve His so much love, but He never disappointed me. He always assured me that He is with me at all times. At any situation He holds me. At times of happiness He enjoys with me and at times of sorrow He holds me tight and comforts me. He is my everything. At one time I always used to get angry and fight with people. But nowadays even though I get angry, I try not to fight and its only because of Sai ma. I’m only ready to change for Him and He always leads me to the right path. I never want to leave His hand and He always pulls me back when I try to deviate. I request all devotees not to ask Baba for anything because He will give everything you deserve at the right time. He knows what is good and what is bad. He knows what lies ahead of us and He will plan accordingly. Never doubt His decision because He loves us unconditionally. He will never let anything harm us. He is our sole protector. He is present everywhere. Don’t bargain with Him. He never asked anything from us except Patience and faith. So let us all keep thinking of Him and seeing Him. Om Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from Mauritius says: Om Sai Ram, I am a Sai devotee since I was 11 years old. Since then Sai means a lot to me. I would like to thank you all for the great job you are doing. I promise Sai I will share my experience which happens by Sai grace. This is my third experience on this blog. Thank You Sai, I owe everything to You.
Now I am going to tell you my experience, it was Thursday 21st July 2016. In the morning my father told me that his pendrive was lost and it contains his work which is very important. So we searched everywhere but in vain. I went to do my prayer like every day and I prayed to Sai to make my father get his pendrive and I promise Sai that I will post that experience. I have full faith in Baba. On Friday evening, my father told me that he had got his pendrive. He left it at photocopy place and when he went to inquire about it, he found it there. My happiness knew no bounds. This happened because of Sai’s grace. Thank You Sai for helping me to write my exams well, for giving me Your Darshan and please make my brother, me and all the children pass our exams and get good results and make us become good children for forever. Always be with us, bless my parents and us and guide us also. Help the poor, give courage to all and cure all the sick people. Always trust in our Sai because He is always here for us. Have faith and patience and l surrender my result in Your hands Sai and I surrender to You completely. I trust in You that You will come and rescue all Your children and You will get me out of my great difficulties and make everything okay, so I leave everything on Your hands. Thank You so much and I love You all other Swami. Om Sai ram

Anonymous Sai Devotee from US says: Om Sairam to Hetalji and all my Sai devotees. I don’t know from where I should start as there are numerous experiences in my life. One day I was little bit confused about some dates. And I could not sleep properly because of that and in the same thinking I went to sleep. And from here the experience starts. I had a dream and I saw that I was in a restaurant with my family and suddenly one fakir came over there whose attire was same like our Baba. He directly came to me and asked me some money and I had gave him ₹30. He kept with him and from his side he gave me ₹130. I could not understand this and suddenly I woke up. At morning I went to Sai Baba question answer site and put a 130 number and to my surprise I got answer that keep one with you and throw the remaining one aside. Then I made two chits and select one. And on that same date my work was done. This is my Sai Baba. We all are unaware about the unfathomable miracles of Sai Baba. Baba bless all with good health and good thoughts. Om Sai Nathay Namah.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. My post is related to my job. I am 1.5 month old in my job. My senior called me to ask something about the work of my field but as I was in learning mode got very tensed that how I could give answers of his questions but guess what he simply asked me to learn the things quickly. Another instance was when my senior called me but I was not knowing the reason. I got very tensed how I will give the answers of his questions but because of my Sai Pa’s grace he changed the topic and suddenly the situation changed and my Sai Pa saved me. I request to all devotees to keep faith on Sai pa keep in mind of Shraddha and Saburi. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Jai Sachinanand Rajajiraj Satguru Sainath Maharaja Jii ki Jai.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am an IT professional living in Bangalore. I got to know about Sai in 2011 from a friend, she is a devotee of Sai, since then I started to pray Sai. My recent experience with Sai is, I was doing well in job, still one day boss told me to leave company because of some internal politics going on. It was a horrible day for me. I had 30 days of time to search a job. I prayed to Sai wholeheartedly for giving me a job. Within 15 days I got a job with good salary hike and that was a miracle for me. For joining the company I moved to Bangalore. I told Sai I wanted to live near Your Temple and to my surprise I got a place for living opposite to Sai Mandir. I am blessed and thankful to Sai for listening to my prayer.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Thank Your running to our aid when we call out to You, O Deva 🙂
Jai Sairam
You don't love the people who love you.. All that your devotees do goes in vain.. I'm so disappointed .. All I asked for was a happy married life I don't want any material things just love and respect but it's too hard for u to get me that from my husband ! I give up
How do you know how much bad karma you have in past? He is not working on it, you need to have patience. Om Sai Ram!!
Pls don't give up. Even if you do, Baba won't give up on you. Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram :):):):) Very Nice Experiences:):):):)
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram .. Prabhu I surrender to your lotus feet Deva be with my daughter always and bless her with good life partner and fulfill all her wishes .. Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahm Shree Sachidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj ki Jai .. Om Shree Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj ki Jai .. Om Sai Ram .. Shree Sai Ram
yesterday, i had to take my mom to temple. We are living in a house that has too many problems. So was scared and took a coconut to temple nearby. Before leaving i lit lamp for Baba and told I will complete puja after returning, with folded hands and closed eyes (as we all usually do) I opnened my eyes and to my surprise and shock, i saw Baba's lips moved to a give a big smile. I am getting goose bums writing this. I didnt understand this at first.
we went to temple and broke the coconut and priest said all fine, Maa's blessings are there. Nothing to worry (coz my parents are elderly and weak; am always scared). Thats when i suddenly realised why i saw Baba smiling. I had done Divya Puja and asked to keep my home and parents safe, so it was His way of saying, "You forgot? I am hear. Then why are you concerned". AM SORRY BABA. I WILL NEVER EVER DO IT AGAIN. I know i have to be patient and work on my insecurities. With You around with me, I know i can and I will. Om Sai Ram
Baba pls do some miracles that my husband cleared the exam and he needn't to do it again. As he is very tired after his first exam and couldn't be able to prepare of it because of lots of problems. Please help him. I will post my experience here. Please help us. OM SAI RAM
Om SaiRam bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father Babaji i am tensed regarding this issue please guide me Babaji help me Babaji Jai SaiRam ThankYOU Babaji for blessing me and my family
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sai ram _/_
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram 🙂
Anonoymous devotee of sai baba from USA : I am house wife and I have known baba since many years. When I was kid we used to have dwarakamai photo of baba. As a humans we have so many problems bcos of our karma but Baba will give the best thing out of it and we don't know which is good for us at that time we think why did it happen like these. Later we realise that is for ur good. Few years back we bought a apartment in Tirupati and the owner of the apartmemt is our neighbors but he had some personal issues so without notice he shifted to other place and nobody knows where he is and no contacts and gave the amount buliding work is not finished. After waited for many years with baba's grace one day we found him and registered the house. All this happened bcos of baba without him we wouldnot have gotten that. After that I thought of sharing my expereience today with baba's krupa i am posting my expereience. Sai devetoees pls have shradda and saburi in right time he will do best for u.
Thank u Hetal ji for this platform that way people get postitive energy by reading devotees experiences. I pray baba to have blessings on every body. Nothing happens without grace of baba we cant do any thing what ever we pray or do its all babas grace.
Blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Babaji you know everything about me… i may not worshipped you but i have a deep faith in you..i'm in dillema…plz do miracle in my life…show me the right way & plz bless my sisters also…love you sai
i love u baba..u are my sai ram 🙂
om sai ram sab ka malik ek
Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless our family with good health and be with us deva and guide my children in theri studies thandri.