Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Jai Sai Nath Sai…Sai… to all the devotees and special thanks to Hetalji and team for maintaining this blog so that we, Sai children can meet each other on a daily basis. First of all a very big sorry to all the people reading this experience of mine as it is very long, but on the other hand can’t make it short as Sai leelas are not measurable and are not limited. I have submitted a lot of experiences on this blog earlier and thanks to the whole team for its approval.
My first experience goes like that we stay in a ownership flat with 7 flats in a building. We bought this flat 10 years back and as we moved in and started the renovation process, all the residents started putting objections that we can’t make any sort of changes in the flat. We made them explain that we had purchased that flat and was not on a rental basis, so how could they stop us. Ultimately we made it as we wanted but with regular quarrels with neighbours. After 10 yrs, that is today’s date we again wanted our home to be renovated as within 10 years the entire house was in a mess. There was a portion in our house which did not have cement foundation. We wanted the same to make it happen. There were two families who constantly tried to disrupt the work. One of them shifted and one of them went on a vacation. So we decided we should start with the work. As per Baba’s grace we could make it happen as we wanted but to add here I promised Baba that I would share this experience with all here if no one complained or fought with us for the work undertaken. Yes…Baba assured and kept His word. No one complained and the family who returned after vacation also did not look into the same as I was sure that other residents must have informed them about the renovation. But when Baba is there to protect you who could harm you. The cement foundation room is our mandir room where my Baba resides, where I do my monthly parayan, where we do our morning/evening prayers, the place which my departed sister wanted her as her room. Sai…Sai…!
My second experience goes as, I am a businessman, as most of all and I too always short of funds with desired business prospects with the grace of our dear Deva. There was a time when holidays were just to begin and labour payments, materials payments had to be done. A client of mine who was postponing the payments since long promised that the payment would be done before holidays. I was travelling that time. Before 2-3 days from the start of holidays I called him to know the status, he said it would be done but I was not sure and he told me to contact his senior. I took his number and called him hesitatingly, he said don’t worry would get the work done. I then and there vowed to Baba that if this work gets done before holidays I would feed 100 people on Thursday, and as everyone knows Baba got the work done. As I was entering the same client’s office for some other work my mobile alert showed a credit of the amount from the same client. It was a Wednesday and Thursday was my day to fulfil the promise given to Baba. I (it’s an illusion, rather Baba) happily fed 100 people. Jai Sainath.
My third and the most beautiful/magnificent/lovable…Grace (short of words here) of Baba. My daughter is six years old, we were planning to have a second baby. My wife conceived before 2 years that is 2014 but due to some misunderstanding with doctors and durbuddhi prevailing on us we aborted the child. I am sorry Baba for the same and have asked for His mercy many times. Whenever I and my wife used to discuss these things we used to ask Baba to pardon us and grant us a second child for the sake of her granddaughter. After 6 months of the above said incident we again tried for a baby but could not get success. After consulting with doctor she said that my wife has some sort of wound which should be treated immediately but we didn’t give heed to the same and like that 1 year passed, again we visited a second doctor who was my wife’s friend too. She said the same thing and this time I just took the decision that again any sort of delay in this would be more complicated for the future. We booked operation for the very next day, got her operated and she was released the same day after 3-4 hours. She was advised some medicines which she completed with full devotion. Again we tried but with no results. We had a talk with the doctor who operated my wife and she advised us to meet her senior. We took an appointment as he after seeing all reports advised us for an USG. The reports came and the doctor told that both the fallopian tubes were blocked and needed to be operated. He was very clear that it was not sure that the operation done would be successful or not as fallopian tubes are very sensitive. He would try his level best as after seeing the report he thought that the blockage was a minor one. We settled with a date as per the doctor’s suitability. The operation started and ended within ½ an hour. The doctor came out and told that the tubes were blocked to such an extent that it could not be cleaned and hence she could not conceive normally. The only option out here was a test tube baby. We were shocked to hear this and as if our life was devastated after hearing the same. I told myself that it was the punishment I was getting for the sin I made by aborting the baby earlier in 2014. We used to cry and my daughter used to pray Baba everyday for a companion. Mean while my cousin brother’s wife was also expecting and she delivered a baby boy. We all were happy for them but my daughter used to cry. I convinced her as well as my wife and myself too. But here I would like to add that I was 100% sure that Baba would never allow me, my family to cry in this manner throughout our lives. Here comes His miracle, post operation after 15-20 days we started having normal life and within next 25-30 days we got the good news of my wife being pregnant again.
Thanks Deva, this was all Your grace as without it our life would be a nightmare. We as Your devotees pray to You whole heartedly but sometimes maya lashes upon us. We fall prey to her. It is only You who can take us in safe hands and nurture us. Please take care of my wife throughout the pregnancy. I bow to You Baba and request You to let us rest under Your feet, where we find solace. It’s a prayer Baba that please bestow us with a complete family and let the pregnancy be smooth, and the mother and child do fine after the victory. Sai…Sai…Samasta Loka Sukhi Bhavantu.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Jai Sai Ram to all my Sai ma children. Thanks a lot Hetalji for your seva to all Sai ma children. You can’t even imagine how much happiness you are giving to our beloved Sai ma through this site. I am one of my Sai ma’s lovable child and I can feel His love, grace, His presence as well. Daily we are experiencing our Sai ma’s miracles in our life and here I am going no share one of my recent experience. I completed my graduation and currently working in one reputed company and besides this I am doing my post graduation with Baba’s permission.
One day suddenly I got message like I have to attend college as early as possible to submit some important certificates. I informed my dad regarding this and told him that I have to attend college on this Saturday. But, my dad was not ready to allow me to go alone and he asked me like why can’t you go with your friend next time but my friend was not ready to come and I had to go to this week itself. My dad called me again and told like he would also come from my native so that he could give company to go to college and to come back as well. My train was to start at 7:35am so I had to start at 6:00am to reach the station. But somehow I started late and reached station at 7:30am. While going to station I tried many times to see Baba through live darshan but due to some reasons I failed to see my Baba. So I thought like I would miss the train and I would have to wait for the next train. But after reaching the station my Baba gave His darshan many times and I was really very happy for His love and care towards me. After entering the station I was at 7th platform and my train was at 1st platform and the time was 7:34am. I ran and reached the train but it was not full and even one seat was there for me. Again confusion started in my mind and called my friend to ask whether it would be good if I go in this train itself or by next train. She told me like we have to take a separate ticket for that train and if TC comes he would ask to pay more money but my heart told me to get in to that train. TC passed besides me thrice but he didn’t ask me to show ticket that is nothing but my Sai leela. And I told my dad that train would reach there at 12:30pm but it reached early at 11:40am before my father reached there which was my Sai ma’s leela. You people may think like what leela is there in reaching early? Yes if he reached before me he might have gone to marriage bureau to submit my photo which I don’t like because already my Sai ma showed one perfect match for me in the form of love.
Thank You so much Sai ma even though it is very small thing to say thank You, I don’t know how to show my happiness towards You. I know one day You will make everything ok and let my love turn to marriage with parents’ blessings. Sai ma You know how my parents bought me up and how much love they showed on me. Now I want to see them happy, give me that strength to make them happy. Sarvejana Sukhinobhavanthu. Help the poor and the animals and let make our Sai ma happy. Jai Sairam. Love You So Much Sai Ma, No One In This World Will Love Me Like You.
Anonymous Sai Devotee from Australia says: Om Sai Ram. I am a small devote of Baba, lives in Australia from 2010 with my husband. Jai Sainath, first of all thank you so much Hetalji and team. Hey Deva please give me right words and strength to write my experience.
Recently me and my husband moved from Sydney to south Australia in a small town because of our visa condition. Before we moved here I was so worried whether I would find job here otherwise our condition economically would be worst. I applied for job so many places here but didn’t get positive reply. During that time I started 7days Sai satcharitra parayan. One day I got call from my friend that the place she was working, there was vacancy for nurse. That place was very far from me but because it was a government job I was ready to apply there. I applied online and got reply from them that I was ineligible for that job because I was not permanent resident of Australia.
I was so upset and cried a lot that day and complained to Baba why He was doing that to me. Next day morning Baba planted a thought in my mind that in my town also one government hospital was there, where I had already sent my resume before but they didn’t reply that time. So let me go personally there and ask them. I went there and got very good reply and I faced interview. I passed the interview. But for government job I needed to do some working with children’s screening clearance. Normally its takes 2 weeks to get your certificate. But in my case it was almost 4 weeks that I didn’t get any reply. I was praying to Baba all the time. When I contacted screening unit they said to me that my application was incomplete from my employer side so I was needed to fill up the application forms again. I went to my hospital again and this time I met my manager and told her what happened. She told me not to worry and filled up an application form again and also apologised for their mistake. But I was worried because again it would be taking more time and I could not work until I got that certificate. I kept on praying Baba to please help me for this and said that I didn’t want to lose that job, so please Deva help me. And miracle happened after 2 weeks I got a phone call from hospital that they have already received my certificate and I can start working from next week. I can’t explain feeling of that time, found government job at 5 minutes distance from my home. I cried and said sorry to Baba for losing my patience for little time.
I understood that” if Baba does not give what you want He has got something better for you”. Never lose your faith in Him. Thank You Deva for everything, please always stay with me never leave me alone. Love You…. Jai Sainath!
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I take this opportunity to thank my Baba for showering His blessings on me and my family. I was introduced to Sai Baba through my friend in late 2006 and even I cannot recollect the day. When she visited India she brought me a Sai Satcharitra book. During that time I was desperately looking for my job and she insisted to read and said that I would feel the miracle.
1st Experience, I started reading daily a chapter and at the same time was desperately trying for job. Though I didn’t like teaching job, I got a call from one local school. I went with lots of hesitation. During package discussion I requested a bit high salary, thinking that they would reject me. But to my surprise they selected me with requested package. Came home and prayed to Baba that I don’t want this job, I don’t know why You are asking to go. Within next few days I got an offer from one small company but related to my field. I thanked Sai Baba and joined and worked only for few months, because of Visa issues and moved to better offer and worked in that company for 3 years.
2nd Experience, during this period, my parents were looking for a life partner for my brother but all opportunities were down out. My parents and my brother went to the stage of depression. In June 2010 his marriage was finalized and date was fixed in November 2010. Till that time I kept on praying, crying and even fought with Baba for not blessing my brother. Immediately after fixing the alliance something pricked my heart that this was not ok. So I just kept a prayer to Baba, that if this alliance was good for brother alone then this marriage had to happen if not please do something to save him, since my parents had gone through a lot. All arrangements were done and few days before the marriage they rejected to marry as she had love affair with someone. We were all so disappointed and cried but I whole heartily thanked Baba for saving my brother from this trouble, because I couldn’t imagine what would be his condition if he came to know about this girl after marriage. After 1 1/2 years struggle Sai Baba showered His blessings by showing the right partner to my brother. They got married in June 2012. To my surprise the girl was near our home and she was working in the nearby school. So Baba knows what is right for His devotees and gives it at right time. Please Baba kindly pardon me if any narration errors are there in the above and always bless and guide Your devotees. Bless my Family and especially the kids. Om Sai Sree Sai Om Sai.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all my Sai brothers and sisters. The experience which I’m going to narrate in the following paragraph is the sweetest example of the aarampar (infinite) leela of our beloved Sai Baba.
I had planned to go to Shirdi on 2nd November 2016 and there was no one to accompany me so I decided to go all alone. I decided to take the bus at night so that I could attend the morning arati on 3rd Nov. As planned I boarded the bus at 10 pm from Pune Aundh. Suddenly after 10 minutes I had an intense pain in my abdomen, I felt like the symptoms of diarrhoea. I controlled for about 10 -15 minutes but the pain was even more and irresistible. I went towards the driver and asked him that I wanted to use the washroom. He said he can’t stop the bus and said will stop only at 12 pm. Since we were still in the city I told him, if you stop to pick the passenger I would get down for 5 minutes and manage, he didn’t agree and he said we can’t wait for so long and there won’t be any public toilet in the city. But I was confident that I’ll get the toilet. As the bus stopped I insisted the driver to please wait for 5 minutes and said I would come. I saw a hospital, that is why I got down but my steps were going to the opposite direction, there was a small restaurant with Baba’s picture. I asked Him if I could use their washroom. The cashier directed me. I felt better and thanked Baba for directing me to that place. Felt so much better. I was in so much peace and thanked Baba all the while. I entered the bus and the bus started as soon as I took my seat.
Again at 2:30 I had the same tendency and this time the pain was worst and I was feeling nervous as when I peeped out from the window I could only see jungle and darkness. As I was travelling alone I did not have courage to ask the driver to stop in that pitch dark jungle. I was continuously chanting Baba’s name and also had Baba’s Udi. Remembering Baba’s story of Udi’s miracle one moment I was feeling better and the other moment I was feeling the worst. Finally I could control no more and was on the verge of giving up not thinking about the consequences. I saw little light outside, I walked towards the driver and asked him; if there was a washroom there, the conductor said yes it’s towards the left. I know it’s all because of Baba. The bus stopped on that petrol pump and I could use it. I felt so nice and better after that. The same problem was cured forever. I had a beautiful darshan of Baba thrice and felt so contented after the awesome time spent in Baba’s pilgrimage.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: Sai Ram devotees! Thanks to this wonderful platform. Reading the experiences here gives us hope and brings steadiness to the mind. I had misplaced my car keys and could not find them anywhere. Then I prayed to Baba saying that if I find them in my purse right now I will post this. And true enough I did find it in the purse and had not found it in the same place when I checked twice before.
Baba, I beg You from the bottom of my heart to completely cure my mom’s cancer. May it be in its early stages and localized and very little and may it come off easily. May the procedures be easy and effective. May she regain good health and peace and happiness and may all be healthy, peaceful, happy and successful and live long for many, many more years to come. Please bless us Sai. This is our hour of need. Please cure her completely. Thank You Sai! Om Shri Dwarakamayi Om Shri Dwarakamayi Om Shri Dwarakamayi Om Shri Dwarakamayi Om Shri Dwarakamayi Om Shri Dwarakamayi Om Shri Dwarakamayi Om Shri Dwarakamayi Om Shri Dwarakamayi Om Shri Dwarakamayi Om Shri Dwarakamayi,

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai ram to all!
To all the Sai devotes. Make Sai happy by doing five day pooja. This is a simply and powerful pooja that every one can do to fullfill your wishes. Please follow the procedure as below:
1. This pooja is to be performed for 5 days on regular basis. You can start this pooja on any day but thursday is preferable.
2. One has to perform this pooja on the same time for 5 consecutive days in the morning or evening as per your convenience.But time of doing this pooja should be same for all 5 days.
3. Light 5 lamps in front of Sai Baba.
4. Offer one flower in the holy feet of Sai Baba.
5. Offer one fruit to baba and distribute it among family members as prasad.
6. You can read 108 names of Sai Baba along with chanting sai sai sai or any other mantra that you like..
7. Then in the end, sing Sai Baba Aarti and pray whole heartedly in the holy feet of Baba for his blessings.
8. On completion of pooja on 5th day, you need to tell about this pooja to 5 people.
Thank you!
Om Jai Sai ram blessings!
Baba … You said everything would be fine on Ramnavami… And it's now 2days past it, my life is sulking. PLEASE BLESS ME.
The same answer baba gave me..but nothing happened what baba is now three days.not even a single thing happen..may be baba have some other Sai ram
Om SaiRam bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father
Babaji please forgive me for my foolishness cure me Babaji i am having pain in my left chest and hand since one month please Babaji help me
Baba you made me catch my husband while talking to his ex. He said whats wrong with it. He bever liked me having any social accounts. He never liked me talking to my brothers who are very younger than me. I stopped everything. I thought he changed and not talking but he is. Yesterday i found the number and he is saying even though he has deleted the number its coming back in his phone and he dont know how its coming back. Isnt it funny baba. Now he is not talking to me properly. Even for his mistakes i have to beg him to pardon me. Suffering from 16 years. I am not knowing what to do baba. I am in a hope that you will set everything right. Please forgive my sins and mistakes and please remove this bad feeling helpless Baba. Please bless me with good life. Help me baba
Om sai rakshak sharnam
OM SAI RAM BOW TO SAI LOTUS FEET. Baba please help me I donot know what to write here. U know everything about me. Make my parents & sister understand me and love me & share the things all with me. Please make them to see my positives. Iam feeling very much alone. Please make me & my husband relationship strong & lovable. Give good health to my kids & give me strength to take care of them. OM SAI SRI SAI JAYA JAYA SAI.
I completed Sai Divya Vrath pooja today, as I don't have anyone close by to distribute the books, I am distributing them here amongst my fellow Sai Devotees. Please download the book from the link below
Baba is this suffering because i spoke about my cosister? She harrased us. She blackmailed us. But she is much better than me. I told tgat she came back coz of money. She wants husbsnd only for money. Baba you made me realise that even im staying with my husband for money n security even though i know he is cheating on me. I dont have any right to say anything to my cosister. I realised my mistake baba. Please forgive me and hrlp my marriage. Help me. Make him talk to me Baba. Please forgive me baba
Om Sai ram to all!
To all the Sai devotes. Make Sai happy by doing five day pooja. This is a simply and powerful pooja that every one can do to fullfill your wishes. Please follow the procedure as below:
1. This pooja is to be performed for 5 days on regular basis. You can start this pooja on any day but thursday is preferable.
2. One has to perform this pooja on the same time for 5 consecutive days in the morning or evening as per your convenience.But time of doing this pooja should be same for all 5 days.
3. Light 5 lamps in front of Sai Baba.
4. Offer one flower in the holy feet of Sai Baba.
5. Offer one fruit to baba and distribute it among family members as prasad.
6. You can read 108 names of Sai Baba along with chanting sai sai sai or any other mantra that you like..
7. Then in the end, sing Sai Baba Aarti and pray whole heartedly in the holy feet of Baba for his blessings.
8. On completion of pooja on 5th day, you need to tell about this pooja to 5 people.
Thank you!
Om Jai Sai ram blessings!
Thankyou babaji for everything. love you sai..plz bless samirda & myself..hamari jori hamesha banayi rakhna..baba ki bimari thik ho jaye aur hamari shadi thik thak ho.appa amma and bahani haru lai pani khushi milos…..
omsairam…dear mother please forgive my sins…koti koti pranam to your lotus feet…Om nano bhagavathe vaasudevaaya…lokaah samastha sukhino bhavanthu
Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless every one with good health and be with us deva and guide my children in their studies and show us right path thandri.
Thank You for Your continued grace on us O Sai.
Jai Sairam
Om shree ram, jai ganesh, jai hanuman, shivaya namaha, dattatreya namaha, baba ki palkhi