Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from UK says: Om Sai Ram to all devotees and a “BIG THANK YOU” to Hetalji and the team for giving us the opportunity to share our experiences and read the amazing stories from other devotees. I don’t know what I would do without Sai. I can’t imagine a life without Sai and I am thankful every day that Sai is always with me and with every devotee. This will be my second post on to this blog. Today I will share two unexplainable experiences that I would never forget. Dear devotees, this post might be quiet long and I would try to summarise as short as I can.
In UK and I believe in every country, you must complete the non- practical driving exam before you can proceed with the practical exam. So after successfully completing my non-practical driving exam, I was eligible to proceed with the practical exam. The Theory Test (which is the non-practical examination) is valid only for 2 years. If you still haven’t successfully passed the practical exam, you have to retake the driving theory test before you can apply and proceed with the practical exam. Basically I obtained my driving licence at my 5th go at a different place. But before that I want to tell you all, how I failed at my previous attempts before the miracle happened. I always booked my exam at the same place. I was a good driver and picked up my driving skills very quickly but when it came to examination, it was nerve wrecking but I was still confident despite my nervousness. However, in all those 4 attempts I had, I failed due to minor mistakes which were quiet upsetting, especially if it was a silly mistake. It kind a put me down after 4 attempts and I said to myself that I would never pass the exam. However, with Sai’s support and blessings, I never gave up.
My instructor told me to book this time at the place where I usually live which was a good opportunity because I knew my area well than comparing to other places. Still, I didn’t have my hopes high in case if I fail again. It had put me so down that I wanted it to change my driving examination date but the next available date was after 3 or 4 months. The problem was not about changing but the fact that it was my last attempt. If I didn’t pass at that one attempt, I would have to retake the driving theory exam again. So on the day of exam, I cried because I just didn’t want to fail again. Suddenly, I heard a voice inside me saying” why fear when I am here, do not worry, you will pass the exam today, I will sit right next to you, all you have to do is have faith in me and focus on your driving while conducting the exam”. I was like wait, why am I saying this to myself; at that point I thought it was me creating these imaginary voices.
After that, my instructor came to pick me up and we had a test drive before the examination to make sure that everything was going smoothly. As I reached to the examination centre, there was a person who had already conducted the exam but had failed based on what I believed and that examiner was only instructed to do mine. I was like great lol what a good day? So when my examiner came, he greeted me and asked the necessary questions before proceeding with the exam. So once that was completed, the exam began. Somehow on that day, I wasn’t nervous to be honest and surprisingly my examiner was so nice and friendly comparing to other examiners I had previously. He was talking to me as if he was my brother or a friend that I knew. It was like if Sai was transformed into a driving examiner and personally guided me with driving. Towards the end of the exam, I thought to myself that I failed thinking that I took the wrong lane when I reached to a specific roundabout. But at that point, I didn’t focus on that but focused on driving safely back to the centre. Once I reached to the centre, the examiner started to complete his notes and happily said that I passed my driving exam. I was so happy when I heard that I was like, Really!!!? Literally, I couldn’t speak properly because of happiness. My examiner handed me my certificate and I happily took it home and showed it to my parents and most importantly Sai. I cried in front of Sai and said thank You. On that day, I finally came to realise that it was Sai’s voice that I heard within me and it was Sai who came as a driving examiner. Without Sai, I knew I wouldn’t have passed the practical exam.
My next experience was the most recent one. My dream is to go one day to India and visit Shirdi temple. Until then, I’m thankful that the Shirdi website provided with the facility for foreign countries to watch Sai Baba’s Aarti online, live. So when I saw Sai’s statue, on the left side of the statue (where you can see the wall), I saw Sai’s face that comes and goes like a shadow form or a mist/fog. I was so amazed and overjoyed that I literally thought at one point, I was dreaming. I came to realise that you don’t necessarily have to go to India to see Him because He is everywhere and He knows your heart and soul, all your pains and wishes. At its right time, everything will fall according to His plan. No matter what struggles we might face, Sai is aware of it and is working on it or has a different plan. Sai is always with us in our hearts. Dear devotees, thank you for reading my post and I will keep updating new experiences soon. Never give up, have faith and patience. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Devotee Meena from India says: Myself Meenal from Mumbai, a small devotee of Baba into a teaching profession, bolo Satchitanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jay. Truly it gives immense pleasure to chant this mantra with heartfelt energy, love and faith when some miracles makes your confidence double in Sainath. I am going to share my experience which was next to impossible but as it is said Miracles do happen. Baba showed me a miracle and strengthened my faith again. Recently I went for a marriage to my hometown. I was busy due to household chores. I don’t know when I lost my gold ring from my finger which I wore daily and I knew it was not lose also. But when I found that it was lost, I tried to search but didn’t find anywhere. 2-3 days continuously I searched as it was a bit big of around 15 thousand. But I couldn’t find. I cried a lot that Baba I am not a millionaire, after lot of efforts I collected money and could buy something. Please help me to get it back. I have never cheated anyone nor am I a corrupt person. Why it happened to me when each penny of mine is hard earned. And I thought that I would share this experience if I find it back. I didn’t find it during my stay in my hometown. The day I returned back to Mumbai, I got a call from my relative that, your ring had been found and she shared the image of ring to confirm as well. What would you call this other than a miracle. It is difficult to get a lost thing in a house which was full of guests and servants and outsiders. But Baba did it. So those who have faith will see His miracles everywhere. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sairam! This is a wonderful experience in which Baba hears me every time to solve my problem. Baba is always there with all of us. I had problem in my periods and they were abnormal. By Baba’s grace it was alright more than 9 months from now. And hereafter too there won’t be any problem in that because everything is in the hands of my Baba. He will make it alright if something goes wrong. Last time I had prayed to Baba that there should not be any abnormality and I have to go to temple to perform a ritual. I was very worried that I should not miss it. I had prayed to Baba about it and left it in Baba’s hands. Baba made it alright and made me to visit the temple and perform the ritual. Thank You so much Baba.
This time again there was a little trouble and I prayed to Baba that I had left everything in Your hands so it’s Your responsibility to clear my problems. Baba heard my prayers and made everything alright. As promised He made me write this experience without any problem and share with all the devotees. If you have faith on our Baba then no worry at all as Baba will take care of all our problems. I should share good news which You know Baba; soon on this page. Please bless me Baba. I have prayed for my Perimma for her speedy recovery. Please be with her Baba and make her alright. Once it is fulfilled I shall share the detailed experience here. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram! First of all thanks admin for creating such a wonderful platform where we can share our experiences and get more strength by reading all miraculous experiences. I am an ardent devotee of Sai Baba since 2009. Sai is everything for me. Without Him I can’t think of my life. My life is full of miracles done by my beloved Sai Baba. Every day we go through an experience in my life. Baba I will pen down here only the recent one. Last night I was suffering from severe stomach ache. I wasn’t able to sleep. It was 1.30 am. Then I prayed to Sai Baba to please help me to get relief from this pain and also help me to get sleep and also took some Udi. Every night before going to bed I take Udi and also apply on my forehead. After 10 minutes my pain had disappeared. My Baba is always with us in each and every moment of life. Baba You know everything nothing is hidden from You. You know what is going on in my life. I have left everything on Your lotus feet. Show me the right path. I am in dilemma that what should I do? I have complete faith on You that You would guide me and everything would be good. Jo hota hai wo ache ke liye hota hai. Baba please be always with us. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sairam Oh Deva, please be with me while I write this leela of Yours. I would like to thank the entire team doing this noble work. About 10-12 days back I had severe tooth ache. After being through the procedure with the dentist, they were able to relieve my pain on a Thursday as promised by Baba. When I was suffering with pain and asked the question in Q&A, He said the work would be done on Thursday and I asked the question on Wednesday. Yes, they were able to do part 1 of the procedure and I was pain free, the same day. But the doctor gave me some antibiotics and told me to come back after 10days. Again, I asked a question to our Sai on Q&A and He promised me with that the work would be done in 8 days. Today is the 8th day and I went to the doctor today for part2 of the treatment and with His grace or rather the doctor in the form of Baba was able to successfully complete the treatment. May Sai’s blessings be with all beings in this world. The whole world is His form and He fills space/air/water/earth/sky and the whole Universe. Om Rajadirajaya Akilanda Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Sri Sacchidandanda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ke Jai. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Hi, Sairam to all! I am suffering from psychological problems and I consume anti psychotics which really troubles my sleep. Basically it feels like you are awake whole night but you want to sleep but you can’t. This doesn’t happen to me always but when it happens it is hell for me but for a normal person he would suicide. But whenever it happens I always beg Baba to make me sleep and escape me from those tortures. Yes I got it yesterday night and I begged Baba if You stop it, I would write in the Devotees’ Experience forum and now I am doing it. Be sincere to Baba and even worst of the worst becomes bearable, it is true. I hope there would be days in my life without anti psychotics. Jai Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram.
Than You O Deva for helping us become better human beings.
Jai Sairam
Om SaiRam bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father Jai SaiNath
Babaji please cure my pain, since many days i am suffering from pain in left side of body please Babaji cure me and forgive me for my foolishness
Please sainath help me tomorrow deva
Jai sainath ji ki
Om Sai Ram _/_
Om Sai ram to all!
To all the Sai devotes. Make Sai happy by doing five day pooja. This is a simply and powerful pooja that every one can do to fullfill your wishes. Please follow the procedure as below:
1. This pooja is to be performed for 5 days on regular basis. You can start this pooja on any day but thursday is preferable.
2. One has to perform this pooja on the same time for 5 consecutive days in the morning or evening as per your convenience.But time of doing this pooja should be same for all 5 days.
3. Light 5 lamps in front of Sai Baba.
4. Offer one flower in the holy feet of Sai Baba.
5. Offer one fruit to baba and distribute it among family members as prasad.
6. You can read 108 names of Sai Baba along with chanting sai sai sai or any other mantra that you like..
7. Then in the end, sing Sai Baba Aarti and pray whole heartedly in the holy feet of Baba for his blessings.
8. On completion of pooja on 5th day, you need to tell about this pooja to 5 people.
Thank you!
Om Jai Sai ram blessings!
Om Sai Ram
So today when I open the site to comment and say Thankyou to Baba, I see my name "sai sister sandhya from India says"….
As if baba just accepted my Thankyou. Baba your love and grace is beyond my little minds understanding. I Thankyou for every little thing you do for me, the timely arrangements, the lovely food/clothing, family and friends. I simply Thankyou Baba.
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai ram to all!
To all the Sai devotes. Make Sai happy by doing five day pooja. This is a simply and powerful pooja that every one can do to fullfill your wishes. Please follow the procedure as below:
1. This pooja is to be performed for 5 days on regular basis. You can start this pooja on any day but thursday is preferable.
2. One has to perform this pooja on the same time for 5 consecutive days in the morning or evening as per your convenience.But time of doing this pooja should be same for all 5 days.
3. Light 5 lamps in front of Sai Baba.
4. Offer one flower in the holy feet of Sai Baba.
5. Offer one fruit to baba and distribute it among family members as prasad.
6. You can read 108 names of Sai Baba along with chanting sai sai sai or any other mantra that you like..
7. Then in the end, sing Sai Baba Aarti and pray whole heartedly in the holy feet of Baba for his blessings.
8. On completion of pooja on 5th day, you need to tell about this pooja to 5 people.
Thank you!
Om Jai Sai ram blessings!
Babu..please help me…u kniw evrythng…
Sadguru sai nath maharaj ki jai..i have experianced lot of miracale from baba. This was not the first one.i got some infection due to that i was having unbearable pain i was not able to walk or even seat properly.doc have given some medicin and told if this doesnt work you may need to gi through surgury. I was very scare, i was keep crying and ptaying baba. He listened me and cure me i was cured without any surgugy. Bolo sadguru sai nath naharaj ki jai.
OM SAI RAM! Yesterday night my son had big fight with me and my husband. He was veey angry on me. I prayed my father please make hin normal and coll till morning. I will update here. And my father fulfilled my wish. Thank you Baba. Baba you only knows my stress. And which mental stage I am right now. So Baba please dont leave me. If you will not stand woth me i will totally brake down then. So pleasssseee
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Thank you so much Sai Baba.