Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Appa’s Miracles

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from UK says: Om Sai Ram to all devotees. These three magical words make everything possible. I am a female living in London for past 6 years. I am 34 years old. I am Sai devotee and feel His presence in my life every day. Whatever I am today it is all because of Baba. As well all of us know the only qualities needed from us are faith and patience. This is a wonderful site that helps us to share our experiences. I have number of experiences with my beloved lovable father Sai. Sai Baba is there in my every breath. Without Him, I can’t imagine my life. I want to thank my Baba for giving me a good husband, sweet daughter and a good life. Now I am going to explain an incident where Baba had shown His presence by giving the message. He is with me in every step of my life.

Suddenly three weeks before, I found some pain on my right side breast and I went to do my check-up in the hospital. There the doctor was suspecting but not conclusive and somewhat suggested the breast cancer. I was referred to ultrasound scan but then I felt that I was very sure there was nothing wrong in my body. Anyway only ultrasound scans, I consoled myself that I don’t want to worry much. Meanwhile, I was in the middle of Sai 9 week’s vrat so I was confident that there was nothing like cancer. I went for that ultrasound scan; in that scan they found that I had lumps on my breast. They told me that you have to take biopsy test also. I was shocked and that moment I kept praying. When they finished biopsy test till that time I was saying continuously Om Sai Ram. After I came home I was crying and kept praying to Baba. I worried a lot then after I was telling myself I should not worry. I have to believe Baba then what is the point of being Baba’s devotee. Sai will help me and take care of me.

I was waiting for my biopsy result, in-between one day I suddenly was worried that I lost everything and was also alone. I couldn’t control my tears rolling down and was crying continuously. Then I prayed to my Baba and I asked Him to say something. After that I started looking for Baba images in google, I got the message that ” You may feel lost and alone, But Sai knows exactly where you are, And He has a good plan for your life”. I felt really happy to read that and saying thanks to my Baba. I left all my worries to my Sai.

I had an appointment with doctor on 14 th Dec 2016. Before that on 12th Dec, I suddenly started searching for Baba images but luckily I came across this website sharing Baba’s experiences. I read many of the experiences. I prayed that report has to come like no cancer. If it comes then I promised that I will share my experience here also, because for long time I had a feeling that I want to share all my experience to all Sai devotees. And also prayed that I would read Sai Satcharitra book. Then exactly on the appointment date morning I felt down again and was crying in front of Baba. I asked my Sai to bless me and also I want Your answer immediately. When I was looking for Baba images, I got the message that ” The pain that you have been feeling, can’t compare to joy that’s coming “. Yes it was very true in my test results. Doctor said to me, it was not a cancer. There were fibroids but nothing to worry as it was very common in women. I truly believe that this miracle happened because of my Sai Appa’s blessings. Thank You Sai Appa helping me all the time. Please Bless me through my life time. I love You Baba. I can’t express my love and respect towards You. I want another child and my age is also going to be 35 in March. So Bless me to get second child without any problem. I am weak in my English writing so any mistakes, if you find sorry. Bless all Your devotees. Jai Sai Ram.

Om Sai Ram

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Devotee Ritwik S Gajendra from India says: Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai..! Om Shri Sainathay Namha! Om Shri Sai Rakshak Sharnam! Sai Sai Sai Sai..! Om Sai Ram ! Today is 13-12-2016, Prabhu Shri Dattatreya Jayanti, when I have begun to write my experience, completed it on Thursday, 15-12-2016, trying to submit it. I have been very, very late to post this experience. Sincere apologies to Baba once again in delaying to post the experience. It was Baba’s plan that He wanted me to start on Shri Dattatreya Jayanti. This is Ritwik S. Gajendra. I am a humble son of Baba who loves Baba infinitely and whom Baba loves even more. I earn to pay the bills, want to satiate it soon forever. Baba was with me throughout, right from my childhood, we had Baba pictures in our Pooja, at my grandmother’s place but it was only in 2006 that Baba pulled me towards Him, it was further in November 2013 that I came across this divine blog by Baba and got the much needed reprieve during the most turbulent times of my life and got closest to Him from then on. In this life, Baba alone is the truth and your own, everything else is fake.

This experience is about getting closer to Baba especially during the course of demonetisation. I am working in a new city, with the grace of Baba, have got the biggest Lord Shri Sai Baba temple in front of my home, so far( living the song “Mere ghar ke aage Sainath Tera mandir ban jaaye. . Main khidki kholun toh Tera darshan ho jaaye. . “). With the grace of Baba, also reading (daily) Shri Sai Satcharitra, Shri Sai Chalisa, Shri Sai Ashtottar Namavali, Shri Sai Prerna, Shri Sai Kasht Nivaran Mantra, Shri Sai Bavani, Shri Sai Baba 11 Vachan, Naam Jaap, Bhajan Pad and Writing Om Sairam in red ink daily and listening to recorded Kakad Aarti every morning I wake up. Baba has given me what I was yearning for and now, I just don’t feel like asking for material desires like I used to before. Baba has finally brought that change in me though minuscule. It has helped me to realize the temporal as well as spiritual gains and truths of life on its own with the grace of Baba. I have realised that making a human feel happy, bringing a smile with selfless efforts is the best way to realise self and reach Shri Sai Baba. Also, helping animals including donkeys, dogs and crows by feeding them, giving them love and it would only take you closer to Baba, would make you feel blissful. I wanted to write more about demonetisation experience but what we do is what Baba wants. I got no inconvenience during the demonetisation wave (though I was tested but my firm faith in Baba always stood as a testimony to the fruits of Faith and Patience). Though I shamelessly got drifted towards a lure of money and then Baba played this song, ” Wafaa na raas aayi, tujhe O Harjaayi.. ” and I realised my mistake and begged Baba for mercy and forgiveness which my Sai Mother granted me in a moment. Also, during one of those days, my mobile automatically started playing. “Jai Jai Sai Shri Jagjit Singhji” and as soon as I touched the floor of the temple at the entrance. All this is Baba’s leela and Baba is pulling me closer to Him and I firmly believe that He will make this little son of His merge into Him by removing I and installing and realizing, ” Who am I ?” Om Sai Ram…!

Baba’s Miracle

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: I would like to thank Hetalji and the team for maintaining this wonderful website. I started reading the experiences of devotees few weeks back, a big thank you to all the devotees for sharing their beautiful experiences. I would like to share my experience with Baba which happened 6 years back, bless me Sai to finish my story.

I wanted to pursue masters in United States after my bachelor’s degree. University admission process went quite well but my visa got rejected. I re-applied for my visa and got rejection again. In total, I applied for visa three times and got rejected thrice. At this time, I lost all my hopes of going to United States and started working for a small company but I was not happy with things happening in my life. After an year, one of my friends asked me to apply once again for one last time (4th) and suggested me to read Sai Satcharitra before going for the visa. He asked me to read, understand the book and leave everything to Sai Baba and I did the same. Wonder of the wonders, visa officer approved my visa without asking any questions at all. I prayed and thanked Baba for the miracle that happened with me. Om Sairam!

Once again I am having issues with my H1B visa, I am sure that Sai Baba will take care of it. I am waiting for my H1B approval and I believe in Baba that He will send the approval notice at the right time. I will save this experience and share it once I receive the approval. I have a strong faith in Sai Baba; He will take care of His children all the time. Shri Satchidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai! Jai Sairam! On this day I received my H1b approval without any problems (I am still waiting on my approval letter and I am sure I will get it by the time this experience gets posted) and I am sending this experience to post it. Thank You Sai Baba, I will be Your devotee for the rest of my life. Thank You for posting my experience.

Swami Blessed Us With A Baby Girl

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: I am devotee of Swami from childhood and posted several of my experiences on this blog. Here I am with my recent experiences. I promised Swami to post these experiences. My son was coughing badly and the doctor suggested using inhaler as an option. I prayed Swami to cure my son and without the need to use an inhaler, the cough subsided and he is doing good now.

The next and the most exciting and wonderful experience is Swami blessed us with a baby girl. There are no girl children on my husband’s side and my mother-in-law was pretty sure that if we go for a second kid, surely it was going to be a boy. I really wanted a girl child. Swami helped us to conceive our second child, that itself was another big miracle. Last week when I had the ultrasound, and the fact revealed was that it’s a girl. My joy knew no boundaries. Who else could do this miracle other than our Swami. My Mother-in-law still could not believe that. My father-in-law (FIL) who met with an accident recently, recovering in the hospital was very happy. I hope this news would give him extra strength to recover fast.

Please help my FIL to recover fast Swami. He is depressed staying in the bed for long time. My sister is having multiple health issues Swami. Please help resolve her tooth issues Swami. She is suffering a lot from that. Please bless her with a child soon. Help my father with his knee pain. You are fulfilling all our wishes Swami, but still we keep asking You for more. Please forgive and take care of all of us and be with us all the time Swami. Please shower Your blessings on all the devotees. Loka Samastha Sukhinobavanthu. Jai Sairam..!

Baba Always Safeguards His Devotees

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai ram Sri Sachidananda Sathguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai! Pranams to all Sairam devotees. I am a devotee of Baba for the past 4 years. The miracles that I am facing in my life is only because of Sai. I would like to share some of my experiences. My father was invited for his friend’s daughter wedding. The marriage was held at another city, for which he had to go by train. On the following day of his journey, he had made everything ready including his tickets. He had his train at 10 pm. But, after reaching the railway station, he found that he had not taken any of his id proofs as well as his ATM cards. He was having only thousand rupees with him. When he rang us and told this, because of Baba, I got an idea. I took photos of his id proof in mobile and had sent via email. He was very happy with it and the TTE had accepted his id proof in this way. My joy knew no bounds. My father reached home safely after attending the wedding. It happened only because of Baba.

I would like to share my another experience. During my exam time, I was suffering seriously from body pain. At that time, a cyclone hit our city and so there was a continuous power cut for 3 days. So, I was unable to prepare well for the exam. But, I had gone to the exam centre with my previous preparations. To my surprise, I found that all the questions were very easy for me, I wrote very well. All this happened only because of Sai Baba. Jai Sairam.

9 Thursday Vratam

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Devotee Prashant PK from India says: Sai Baba provided me the wonderful experience during 9 Guruvar vrat. I had been advised by my relative to do 9 Guruvar(Thursday) vrat which would fulfil all our wishes by doing it. I decided to do it for my marriage which was getting delayed too much; my parents were tired of finding the girl for me. I had undergone depression due to my family tensions. I decided to do as sincerely as possible and follow all the niyam (rules) provided in the booklet. I started on one fine Thursday with the grace of Sai Baba and He had provided me His Ashirvad (blessing) on me and today I successfully completed my 9 Guruvar vrat. During the period of Vrat I underwent various tests from Guru Deva, where He had tested my patience and my dedications. I had always considered it as good opportunity to prove my truthful faith in Sai Baba. There were situations where I was about break the rules but my Sai was so kind that He always prevented me doing wrong things and wrong company. I still strongly believe in Him and await for His gracefulness for my marriage and fulfil my desires. I suggest and strongly recommend this vrat for those who have their desires to fulfil and get blessings from my dear Sai Baba. Always believe in Him and He will take care of you , leave all your burden on Him and relax. And chant On Sai Ram! Jai Sai Ram – Prashant PK

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Omsairam.. Baba please help me iam waiting for your miracle sai. Only you can save me from this problem sai. Iam waiting since 7years sai.please help me Baba.

  2. Om Sai ram to all!
    To all the Sai devotes. Make Sai happy by doing five day pooja. This is a simply and powerful pooja that every one can do to fullfill your wishes. Please follow the procedure as below:
    1. This pooja is to be performed for 5 days on regular basis. You can start this pooja on any day but thursday is preferable.
    2. One has to perform this pooja on the same time for 5 consecutive days in the morning or evening as per your convenience.But time of doing this pooja should be same for all 5 days.
    3. Light 5 lamps in front of Sai Baba.
    4. Offer one flower in the holy feet of Sai Baba.
    5. Offer one fruit to baba and distribute it among family members as prasad.
    6. You can read 108 names of Sai Baba along with chanting sai sai sai or any other mantra that you like..
    7. Then in the end, sing Sai Baba Aarti and pray whole heartedly in the holy feet of Baba for his blessings.
    8. On completion of pooja on 5th day, you need to tell about this pooja to 5 people.
    Thank you!
    Om Jai Sai ram blessings!

  3. OM SAI RAM…. Please guide me how can I donate shirdi saibaba trust online ? please tell me the original and true site, where and how? it is an urgent please help me.. sai bless us all.

  4. Om Sai Ram everyone!!🙏🙏
    Wonderful are the ways of our Lord Sai. I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. He is my everything.
    Recently i had developed a gum boil and i was very worried because I didn't want to go to dentist, it scares me to the core.
    I prayed to our Sai Baba that if He cures my problem without going to dentist I will post my experience here. As expected Baba did heal me… I applied Udi on my boil and had to take antibiotic but at the end I didn't end up going to the dentist. Thank you so much Sai Baba for keeping my faith strong in You always.
    Keep blessing all of us !!
    Om Sai Ram !!

  5. Om SaiRam bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father forgive me Babaji for my foolishness and please help me to become a better person

  6. Om Sai ram devotees,I am going to share my experience which happened last father and brother declared minor (initial stage)cancer ..I have UDI of Sai baba .I will give my father a pinch of UDI and also give my brother UDI in liquid things and then I started yog bhati(meditation) for 21 days then after 21days reports came.everything is normal .cancer root is destroyed by these two things by UDI and meditation. I am writing in short.I am sorry for that.I had a gut feeling to share my experience right now.And also a small experience I have to share is for my love and my best friend.he got selected as excise inspector by Sai baba day I Asked Sai baba question on dwarkamai I had selected a number 48 I got the answer lyk light 12 lamps in home .question was for my love govt job.I light lamp at night he called me at 1 am list is out .my designation is excise joy is lyk….I can't explain. I was on the its been one and halfvyer we did nt talk .we wanted to do marry each other.but his parents not agree he said meri job mere parents ki ego ban gyi h.I can't believe ye Sab mere sath hua.I deep pain.when evervi used to pray for him during job struggle, I have to to many commitment to god,even Maine ye sohcha m use bataungi Sai baba be kitna upkaar him par kiya h.hum dono hi govt job ke liye struggle kar rahe the.but I believe uski nakuri jaruri h vo ladka h air humari society me jab shadi ho to ladka settle hona Maine abhi take baba ki blessings ke bare me kisi se share nahi kiya h.aaj m chahti thi yahan site per Sab baba kab chamatkar feel kare.I am now struggling hope baba will give me good officer govt job.on that answer baba also said I have dishonesty in past birth that's whyvthere are setbacks.yes my baba is great.also my baba change his parents mind and make him a honest caring and good life partner for me.I am just waiting for good news from his side.thankyou so much baba and one reason to share this experience is tody I am completing yog bhati for 21 days for marriage.thanku all devotees for reading my experience patiently.whenever my marriage miracles and job miracle will happen.I will mail to hetal please approve this experience.

  7. Om Sai Ram
    Baba please bless every one with good health and show us right path thandri and give success in his exam deva.



  10. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all

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