Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am Sai’s daughter. Om Sai Ram! These 3 are the magical words which bought a lot of happiness in my world. I would like to thank Hetalji and the entire team working on this website by helping us read and share the experiences. Please kindly post this experience because it’s a kind of happiness I am feeling in sharing my relation with Baba from so many years. Sai is the first and only God I know since I got the knowledge of God.
Coming to my experience, By Baba’s Grace we have purchased a home in Bangalore, I am thankful to team that they shared that experience also in this website and posted under Baba’s Grace On Us Our home is rented to one PG Hostel and tenant is not good because he knows that we have purchased that home based on loans and rent is playing major part in that, so for small issues he is demanding that we will vacate. In reality, I am getting loss from the building because all other houses rents are more than my home. So we used to adjust with him with whatever happens. But after that I went into bad days and listened to some people’s thoughts on my dream home and told him to vacate because I was fed up with his demands and decided to vacate. During this time, Baba gave message to me in so many ways like have patience, adjust and satisfy, but internally I had the feeling that being an owner I was listening whatever my tenant demands to me, this made me lose my self-respect. So I told my tenant to vacate the building and gave notice accordingly.
Then afterwards my bad days started. I didn’t end any day without having tears in my eyes. I was getting new tenants but the current tenant created lot of rumours on building and about owners, so whoever came to see the building they would be satisfied initially but once they met them in the building they would change their minds because the current tenant didn’t want to leave and if nobody occupied then they would themselves continue, so he made all fuss about building and owners. All this made me mentally sick and went into frustration. I then started crying in front of Baba’s photo and lifting His hand in the photo to come and help me(am staying alone with my kid and my husband went for work to another place, so I don’t have any person to guide me or share my pain with them).
Finally the day came; and they had to vacate the building and handover keys to me. I was totally dumb because if they would vacate I couldn’t pay my EMIs because most of them were covered by rent. I was not sure what to do and how to proceed. The last day I thought of going to Sai temple and pray Him else I will not visit temple again. Then on the way to temple, one of my building’s neighbours called me and asked my building for rent but with less than the current rent. I didn’t have option so I let it for him and he also asked many demands along with the rent but I didn’t have ny option so agreed for all the things. So finally my building was occupied by tenant by Sai’s Timely Help. I am happy for that and always praying Baba mentally for such a great and Timely help. But the demands whatever he asked were not genuine, no owner would agree with those demands, so am praying to Sai only to get rid of that and continue the tenant because if I don’t agree he is telling that he would vacate my building.
So Sai devotees please pray on behalf of my Sai Dwaraka Nivas (name of my house). Baba is a helping hand to me, without Him I can’t expect my life and can’t lead to. He has shown infinite number of Leelas to me and I know His love and presence but now days I am losing my courage because of my failures like getting good tenant for my home. Everybody is laughing on my decision. I don’t know why Baba decided like this? He only knows everything because Baba’s Ways Are Inscrutable. Om Srisatchedhanandha Samartha Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Bow to Sai -Peace to be all.

Sai Devotee Neelima from USA says: Jai Sri Sairam. I feel blessed to call myself as devotee of Sai Maharaj and I always visit this site to read the experiences posted here and this is my first time posting my wonderful experience. I can say we all are blessed under His ominous presence. Dear Devotees, I would like to share my experience happened recently which shows Baba really fulfils your wishes if asked with complete faith.
I was sick from past 3 years with chronic sinus issues, not a big problem but because of continuous sinus my head was so heavy and so difficult to move that gave me neck and shoulder pain most of the time due to which I couldn’t be myself even though wanted to be, went to so many doctors, followed so many procedures but they all gave me only little relief. But in all this pain and sorrow I believed in Baba completely that He would help me someday and all I was facing was due to my past karma and when time comes Baba would heal me.
Last October we decided to go to India for pilgrimage trip covering all Tirupathi and Shirdi. We booked for the same for December month. Sometime in between this time, I was sick again with my head heaviness and dizziness and then I cried in front of Baba so much and said You only should come as someone and heal me by putting hand on my head and say everything would be alright. Then when time came we went to pilgrimage and had good darshan of Baba. As we stayed for noon aarti and I was so happy and blessed to see Baba and felt all my sufferings would end here and with very good feeling came out of the temple for lunch and completely forgot that I have asked Baba to put hand on me and bless me.
So after we had lunch we were going back again into the temple premises as we didn’t visit Dwarkamaayi place and on the way one fakir came only to us despite of many people around us and started placing peacock feathers fan on my husband’s head, my son’s and my daughter’s head but not on my head. I was so shocked and kept asking myself why he is not putting on my head? Then my husband gave Rs. 50 to the fakir but he didn’t go and kept looking at me. Look at the Baba’s leela and unknowingly I took Rs. 100 from my bag which I had intended to give in the temple but couldn’t as there was no money with me and my husband was on the other side of the line. As soon as I gave Rs.100 he took it and said “Allah Accha Karega” by keeping His hand on me. Then I was left with no words and completely down with tears and felt very blessed and happy. Baba Himself came and blessed me and I regret now for not touching His feet that time as I was completely in shock for some time. This leela of Baba proves that Baba fulfils a devotee’s wish, no matter what, whether he remembers or forgets and always will be with devotees and never neglects him if devotee has got that much faith and patience. I’m so happy and feel blessed to share my experience with all of you. Baba, bless you all.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I began to read this blog just two days before and by Baba’s grace now I am posting my own experience. This is my first post, so if you find any spelling or grammatical mistakes please correct it, because I am not good at English. I am a Sai devotee since 2015. I began to pray Sairam by looking at my friend who was a great devotee of Sai Baba since her childhood and only through her and her family my mom came to know about Sairam and she became a great devotee of Him.
I used to pray Him during any hardships in my life. As I was admitted in a college which was far away from my home, I had to stay in the hostel. I was not comfortable with my hostel life. After some struggle I adapted myself to a new atmosphere. Though I was careful with my things and money, often I lost my money in hostel. I used to cry and tell my mom about it. She asked me to leave everything to Sairam and relax. I prayed to Sai Baba and see the issue ahead. Nearly I had lost 4000 and my family is not well settled, we are just a middle class family and those 4000 meant a lot to me. Even in hostel I tried to reduce my expenses as much as possible to help my parents. This money issue depressed me a lot. One day I prayed to Sai Baba. On the same day I found that again 700 rupees were missing. I felt very sad and began to cry like anything. I prayed to Sai Baba, I requested Him to help me to find the culprit. That money was given by mom to me; she gave that money to me without buying her medicines. I even scolded Sainath but still I had trust in Him. Then only I and my friend found that the serial numbers of the notes were same and they were in a proper order so we started our investigation. Then in Sai prashnavali I asked my question to Baba he said that the lost thing will be recovered soon. I was so happy. Then we found the real culprit but it was much difficult for us to make her accept her mistakes and because of Sai Baba’s grace I got many proofs against the culprit. While we were enquiring about the stolen money she without our knowledge threw the duplicate key of my cupboard in a common dustbin, which she had with her. One of my friends found it and with suspicion she took it and came in. Then the culprit accepted the theft and apologised me and she even told me that she would return the money soon.
This all happened because of Sainath, through my experience I came to know that Sairam will be with us and help us during the right time. He came to help me in the form of my friend. I am very thankful to my Baba. I believe that Baba is there for me and He will help me in my hard times not only me but all His devotees. Jai Sree Sairam!
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Hello dear friends, Om Sai Ram. Like all other Baba’s devotees I am also very fond of this site and it’s a pleasure to read the stories and experiences of the devotees. My heartiest thanks to you Hetalji for conceptualizing a site like this. Like all other devotees my mother and I have been blessed by Baba’s miracles many times. He is truly my father. I became a strong devotee of Baba two years back and now I wonder how I was surviving without Him all these years. I derive so much power and mental strength by praying to Him, talking with Him, reading about His miracle stories and by just thinking about Him.
Coming to my experience, my phone had not been working since today morning and thought I have another phone. I was really praying hard that this particular phone starts working. I prayed to Baba and told Him that if it starts working I would post this experience and so I am doing it as soon as my phone started working.
The main idea or message I want to share is that somehow I was feeling super confident that Baba would make my phone work. But I don’t like the barter system idea of “You do the miracle and I post it here”. I am sure Baba also doesn’t want us to be like that. But what I am trying to say is, I know even if I had not promised to post the experience here, I know Baba would have still helped me. It’s the belief and faith that sees us through our problems. I remember one devotee mentioning in the past that we shouldn’t post our experience thinking that our problem should be solved and then I would share it. I really agree with that thought. I want to post my experiences because I want to share the feelings that if we show Faith And Patience Baba will definitely be with us and that is our gift to Baba. May Baba be with you all. Om Sai Namo Namaha, Sri Sai Namo Namaha, Jai Jai Sai Namo Namaha, Sadguru Sai Namo Namaha.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all the Sai Baba devotees.
Thanks to the admin for maintaining an awesome platform which increases our faith. Please feel free to edit this post if required. I would like to share my experience with all the Sai Baba devotees. Baba is always with me. I am a small Devotee amongst crores of Baba’s followers.
Last Monday after waking up, I had some fear emerging from my heart. Some of my family members are having little health problems but by Baba’s grace we are ok. But that day I don’t know why I was fully tensed about mine and my family member’s health. I cried a lot. I was very upset and I was scared for everything. I hate this fear in me and asked Baba to remove this fear and negative thinking from my mind. I prayed Baba and applied Udi on my forehead and was chanting Baba’s name. I promised to Baba I would post my experience on Sai Baba’s devotee’s page if I was ok. Now everything is Ok by His grace. Now I am so happy to fulfil my promise. Baba, we surrender to Your holy feet. Please bless me, my family and everyone with good health, wealth and prosperity. Baba, please increase my faith towards You. Baba thank You very much, I wish I must be Your devotee in each and every life I have. I want You to be with me in each and every part of my life. Om Sairam. Sri Sachidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Baba. Baba is everything to me. you are my friend, father, mother. Thanks for Your blessings.
One day my friend and I went to shopping. There I missed my mobile in the textile shop. I came to know that my mobile was missing after 1 hour only. I tried to call my number but it was not reachable. I got tensed because it was a very big area and rush also was too high. We couldn’t search easily. In the evening my friend got a call that you missed your mobile in our shop, come and collect your mobile. We both were in different places. I did not know this thing. Next day morning only I came to know that shopkeeper called to my friend and he gave these details. I was very happy at the moment. Because I had prayed to Baba that if I got my mobile back I would share this experience. Thanks You so much Baba. I want Your blessings always.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Dear Deva. Thank you. Trip went off well without any issues with your blessings. Also my health is good. Please take care Deva. Thank you
Om Sai ram to all!
To all the Sai devotes. Make Sai happy by doing five day pooja. This is a simply and powerful pooja that every one can do to fullfill your wishes. Please follow the procedure as below:
1. This pooja is to be performed for 5 days on regular basis. You can start this pooja on any day but thursday is preferable.
2. One has to perform this pooja on the same time for 5 consecutive days in the morning or evening as per your convenience.But time of doing this pooja should be same for all 5 days.
3. Light 5 lamps in front of Sai Baba.
4. Offer one flower in the holy feet of Sai Baba.
5. Offer one fruit to baba and distribute it among family members as prasad.
6. You can read 108 names of Sai Baba along with chanting sai sai sai or any other mantra that you like..
7. Then in the end, sing Sai Baba Aarti and pray whole heartedly in the holy feet of Baba for his blessings.
8. On completion of pooja on 5th day, you need to tell about this pooja to 5 people.
Thank you!
Om Jai Sai ram blessings!
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Baba y only me and my family suffering so much.when will you give us happiness baba.
Baba please help me in my tough time.Baba on 2nd I m having divorce,baba please do miracles,please save ny marriage,please baba change his mind,make him realise his mistakes.please baba only u can help me.please baba come and help me,I m suffering so much.please baba please ….
Have faith and courage dearest devotee, Baba is listening and waiting to give you happiness. Om Sai Ram.
Thank You O Deva and please continue to shower us with Your Grace 🙂
Jai Sairam
Baba will definitely help you akka..He is there with you..Read satcharitra from tommorrow and complete it within 7 days. definitely you will get good result within 10 days.. Om sai ram
Om SaiRam Bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father forgive me Babaji for my foolishness and help me to become a better person
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Om sai samarth
Sainath make me good please deva
Bolo sri satchidanand samarth sathguru sainath maharaj ki jai
Om Sai Ram…………..
Om Sai Samarth Om Sai Samarth
Om Sai Rakshak Sharnam
Om Sai Rakshak Sharnam
Baba bless your all devotees
Deva be with her and bless her always .. and fulfill all her wishes Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahm Shree Sachchidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai Om Shree Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai Om Sai Ram Shree Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram _/_
om sri sai ram
saima for past one week, vahin is behaving aggressive n biting others. please baba take his aggressive behaviour. i dun wan to hear any complains abu him fromm daycare. please bless him with good health and good habits. baba please make to speak well and eat well . please make him to have liking towards food. please baba . please control his anger . im so scared whther in school they will say sth.
please tc of him
please give me peace and happiness. my mind is always boiling. I am not happy at all. please baba . give us happiness.
om sri sai ram
allah malik
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam 🙂
Om Sai Ram
Baba, again my life is big zero.i am in the verge of divorce…your the one who has always loved me ……my karmas i have to bear it…but be with me.
Baba is with you always and being active in sorting out your problems and bringing about the right circumstances to give you happiness. Pls Father don't delay. Your children need you. Om Sai Ram.
Om sai ram to all Baba's children's first devotee m facing same kind of problem my ground floor always empty after 6 months mene 2 saal pehley baba ki kirpa se ye Ghar liya Tha but nichy ki floor me koi Ni rukta top floor pe Jo aata h vo hamaysa humey he nicha dekhaney ki kosis krti Hai mujhey samjh ni aa rha Kya kru Ghar Khali krati hu toh Ghar rent pe pehley he ni chadd that dono floor Khali ho gai toh karz kaisay utarugi merry husband bhut sareef Hai vo khtey hai chup rho kisi kiraydar ko Kuch na kho self-respect chor k kb tk kiraydar k sath normal behavior rakhu baba mujhey samjh nhi aa rha upar se aap mujhey bhool gay me bhut pryshan hu please baba Meri madd kro aap ki beti ko aap ki help chahiy baba jaldi aa jao
Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless everyone with good health and be with us deva bless my children and guide us in right path thandri.
Baba you know very well that my life is under severe hardships and sorrows but you are with me so iam somewhat okay now. But my life is not fulfilled unless you make her to love me and unite us soon.. Iam your child, iam your slave, iam the one who is like a dust under your feet please baba please come to me close even more and more. PLease help me baba all the gods had left me alone with empty hand.. They give more problems and sorrows.. it is enough to learn more from my life.. I want to live like others.. I dont want anything than her.. She is my life,she is my soul, she is everything to me baba.. PLease show me mercy.. Come in my dream and talk to me. OM SAI RAM
Baba truly does show his miracles if we have full faith in him
My phone too started to work after I applied udi on it
Love u Sai ram
Love u loads
Om Sai ram
Om Sai ram, Love you baba, thank you so much for all the love you showered on my family and me, love you so much baba.
Om sai ram Om sai Ram Om sai Ram
Om Sai Ram!
Dear first devotee, i really hope that you find a good tennant and your suffereings comes to an ends, once and for all. Stay Blessed everyone!