Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: Sai Baba’s Presence
Thank you to the team for doing such a great work.
This is my second experience on this site, I read this blog every day and my faith in Sai is increasing every day.
I trust Him completely and He is responsible for the smile on my face today. From last two years I have been facing struggles one after another, be it health, professional or personal. I was on the verge of breakdown. I started feeling that I could no longer handle more problems and I should quit.
I started nav guruvar vrat and was reading Sai Satcharitra every day. On my first Thursday Vrat, I did not have the Vrat katha book, I went to the Sai temple after work and in the book store checked for the book, they did not have any book. I was thinking in the back of head to what should I do, I thought maybe I will read it online and when I came out from the temple there was a table which had prasad for everyone to take and there was Sai vrat katha book for devotees and that too only one copy. I was so happy that Saiji Himself gave me the katha book.
Things in my life started showing some positive signs and on my third vrat, I went to the temple during office lunch break and the temple was closed. I did not know the timings and I was thinking what to do and all of a sudden the person who manages the temple came and I asked him about the temple timings and he said that the temple closes at 1 pm and reopens at 5 pm and then he said that he had to give one book from the book shop to one of the devotees and he opened the temple and asked me to take darshan. The book store is inside the temple. I took darshan and was so happy that Saiji Himself came to help me and the manager was standing outside to close the temple. When I was coming out from the temple he said that something was there for me under Sai’s feet and asked me to go and collect. I quickly ran and he had kept one rose flower and one banana fruit for me. When I came out he said to me that he had asked Baba to give something to this girl (me) and He gave. Oh my God, my happiness knew no bounds! I was on cloud 9.
When I was visiting the temple I was thinking please show me some sign and He gave me a rose and a fruit. I know Saiji is working on me. I also got one dream in which I was standing upstairs and I saw Sai Babaji from the balcony and immediately ran downstairs to see Him and I also picked $10 to give it to Him. When I went downstairs I saw two Sai Babaji, one old Saiji and one from the TV serial young Saiji. The old Saiji left and the young Saiji was looking at me. I said that I will give this money to my Saiji and said to him that he was the actor from the TV but my original old Saiji is the real Saiji and my dream ended there. Next morning I could not understand the meaning of my dream, please Saiji please come in my dream again and help me understand the meaning of my first dream. Please Baba please solve all my problems, please save me. Please help me and please forgive me for the mistakes I have done. Please bless me. I know You will take me out of all the problems I am facing and help and bless me. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Shyam. Sai Sai Sai Sai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: I’m a small devotee of our beloved Sai Baba. My husband used to pray to Baba, read books and attend arati at Sai Baba temple regularly. By seeing him, slowly I too started reading books and offered prayers to our Sai Baba. Thank you Hetalji and team for connecting Sai devotees from across the world.
Since four years we’re living in USA. My husband joined me in USA as an H4. We tried for his H1 multiple times. First year in 2016 it didn’t get picked up in the lottery. Also we were trying for a baby as well but nothing was working out. We’re into lot of pressure about his career and kids. At that time this website was like a ray of hope for me to come out of my stress. I used to do all activities that were mentioned in devotees’ experiences about how they got pregnant after drinking Udi water, glass of water kept overnight at Baba’s feet, applied Uḍi to my tummy, Sai Nava Guruvahar Vrat, etc. Still there was no improvement in our situation. We went to the doctors and spent good amount of money on various tests and used to take medicines. Due to that I was not feeling well and found difficult to finish my day to day activities at office.
In April, 2017 my husband’s H1 got picked up in the lottery, even though were not much happy thinking whether it was going to be approved or not. Then this took me to a peak that I stopped everything even taking medicines and left everything at Baba’s feet. Then a miracle happened on the day when we received a parcel from India sent by dad hoping that we would be blessed with a baby after following a small ritual at home. But I got conceived so never did the ritual, I had hard time at office in my initial few months. Had nausea as well, few times I felt difficult to drink water as well, but I knew Baba is there with us taking care of our baby. Finally we’re blessed with a baby girl on Thursday April 5th, 2018. I thought to write my experience couple of times prior to this but I wasn’t finding time after I got pregnant with my little angel (Yashaswi). I pray to Baba that no one should face difficulties to have kids. Hope soon Sai will bless my husband with a work visa on USA. Om Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai ram to all Sai devotees. I am from Hyderabad. Thanks Hetalji and team for this wonderful blog. Baba, bless you all.
Coming to my experience, I had a work in a college where my boyfriend was giving his exam. I prayed Baba that I want to meet him at least for 30 minutes because we just meet once in a month or once in 2-3 months and I really like meeting him very regularly but that’s not possible. By Baba’s grace that day he spent more than 3 hours of what I had asked Baba.
Baba, please bless me to get married to my boyfriend Sai. You know what all thoughts are troubling me Deva. Please Sai I promise You to fulfil all my vows once I get married to him. Baba, please bless us to come to Your temple soon. Everything is in Your hands Sai. You gave me birth; You gave me my second life. You sent my boyfriend in my life. Now You should only make us get married Sai please Baba. I beg You Deva. Please fulfil this wish of mine Sai. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I’m a devotee of Sai Baba since 5 years. I’m pursuing my 3rd year BDS. Thank you Hetalji and co-workers for this platform to share our experiences.
BDS is tough to pursue. We have tremendous work to be done. Everything has to get approved by the staff. Coming to staff, they are very, very strict. If we get something approved it’s like an achievement to us. 1 month ago I met with a small accident. So I was lagging with my work and attendance. I was supposed to get my work approved today (Thursday). I promised Baba that if everything goes smooth then I will share my experience here. Surprisingly everything went well. My professor did not say anything about my attendance and approved all the work. This made my day. Sai listens to all our prayers. All thanks to Baba. Om Sri Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi. First of all I would like to thank Hetalji and her team for providing this wonderful site to share our experiences.
Today I want to share one of my experiences. Today evening my mother and father were coming from my relative’s home on scooter. My father forgot to take his specs. Mother got afraid since he is used to put specs while driving. Mother started to chant Sai’s name. Suddenly scooter fell into a gutter and she slipped from the scooter to opposite side of the road. By Sai’s grace nothing happened to her. I don’t know how to thank Sai for His miracle. Love You Sai. Please bless us like this always. Jai Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am Baba’s devotee. Yesterday 3rd of Jan 2019, I was very upset in office as I couldn’t do any deal since January 1st and I desperately wanted to open an account. I prayed, “Baba today is Thursday, I know You won’t allow me to go home empty handed without any deal”. First half of the day nothing was working out but finally second half of the day I could do a deal and I was very happy that Baba heard my prayers. Thanks a ton Baba. I wanted to share this experience.
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Jai Sairam
Baba please save my parents bless them happy and healthy.hold my father financially.dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa.cure my mother take care of my grandparents baba make us visit shree dwaraka Balaji swami soon ayyappa sairakshakk saisaranam.make me study and concentrate baba
Om Sai Ram🙏
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
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Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.