Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from Ireland says: Sairam to all the devotees of Baba. I have experienced many miracles of Baba. Today I’m sharing with you few of my recent miracles that I experienced because f Baba. Thanks a million Hetalji for such a good initiation of starting this website.
I firmly believe that whatever is happening in our lives is just and just because of some supreme power and I totally believe that supreme power for me is our beloved Sai. Here are the miracles that I have experienced.
1. By Baba’s grace I got job in an insurance company. In the company there is an option that the employees can work remotely. For that I need to have a fob which generates one time pass-code (OTP) and this pass-code we need to enter while logging in remotely. My Manager came to my desk and she handed over the fob and later she was talking about the project and I totally forgot about the fob. After sometime I realized about the fob and I didn’t find the fob on my desk and I was totally blank where I kept it. I searched the entire place but didn’t find it. I went to the manager and asked her if by any chance the fob was with her but she said no. Finally by taking Baba’s name I again searched then the miracle happened and I found my fob which was lying in a corner in my hand bag.
2. I was new to the insurance domain and I had so many doubts regarding the work. I was hesitating to ask my colleagues about it. And again Baba helped me here. I was searching for some policies on the system and I didn’t know where the policies were located. I said Baba help me with this and suddenly I found the right folder and my job was done easily.
3. This miracle is how I got my phone back. One day in my office I went to washroom and I left my phone on the platform. At that time there were 2 employees and one of the employee was putting makeup. When I came back I didn’t find my phone. I went to the facilities people and told them what had happened and they took me to the cameras. When I checked the camera there were 2 employees who came out of the washroom at that time. I asked both of them but they said we didn’t see the phone at all. I was totally disappointed and didn’t know what to do. I took Baba’s name and I was trying to track my phone and at the same moment one of the employees (who was putting her makeup) came to me and gave my phone. She apologized and said that she thought it was her phone and she kept it in her bag and later when she opened the bag she found 2 phones. That’s how I got my phone back.
I strongly believe that things won’t happen without a reason. We need to learn from our mistakes and try not to repeat them. Baba wants Shraddha and Saburi from His devotees and also follow righteous path. Baba, I totally feel blessed to be Your devotee. Bless all the people with good health. Love You Baba.
Sai Devotee Divya from Australia says: I writing this experience with the help of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba, from Australia. Dear devotees, experiencing Sai Baba’s presence can be in little things or in big miracles. But once His presence is felt, the feeling of bliss can never be forgotten. I have many such experiences and this is one of them. Many of you might know that once the bed bugs infest our beds or mattresses it is nearly impossible to get rid of them completely.
Few years back I had an experience with bed bugs which was very frustrating as everyone wants to have a good night’s sleep but it is impossible if there is a bed bug infestation. I had to throw my mattress at that time. Now this week, while sleeping suddenly I could feel the same sensation I had few years back with the bed bugs problem. I was praying hard that it should be something else but not bedbugs. Next day I had small red spots on my feet and my feet were very itchy, just like my previous experience. I even saw one small bed bug that I threw away, which was under the covers. That’s it. It was confirmed that once again I have to face these little but very hard to remove creatures. And if there is one, surely there will be many. They always multiply quickly. I just could not afford to buy another mattress at that moment.
I was worried and seeked our kind dear lord’s help. I remembered the numerous miracles of His holy Udi and sprinkled some on the mattress. Surprisingly the next night there was only a little bit of uncomfort and next day I couldn’t find any bedbugs even when I searched a lot. I sprinkled a little, the second day as well and woah, that night I had no issues at all. I slept very well like nothing ever happened. I never heard of anyone ever getting rid of bedbugs and here is the miracle of our Baba! I am so happy now because He answered my prayers instantly. Thanks a million for coming to my rescue like always, Baba. Thank You so much.
Another experience is when I was in India on a vacation and I was travelling to some place, I was bored in the car and just playfully thought, ”lets see if Baba is listening to me?” and I said to myself that I should find His name instantly. That very second I saw a huge poster with Sai name. Not only that, it had my name as a prefix (Divya Sai) as if calling out for me to look. We were almost on the outskirts of the city and finding such huge poster with my name and Sai’s name the very second I requested Baba was mind blowing for me. Thank You Baba. Thank You for each and every little thing You have given me. This life, this family and every thing is Your grace. Thank You!
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am from South India. I want to share the miracle happened to me that Sai has done for my goodness in my life.
I was completely frustrated, depressed, stressed after my graduation that I didn’t get job though I had done my under graduation from a very good top University in Chennai. I had completely gone mad for 6 months. I cried and talked to Sai daily. Gone through sleepless nights also. It may not be a very big problem from others point of view. I only know how much I was pressurised, how inferior I felt in front of my classmates, relatives and friends. I was feeling like I created a bad name for my parents who have accepted and tolerated whatever I had done. Then I took my devotion towards my Sai very, very seriously. Then I decided to follow 9 weeks fasting to show my trust to Sai. And I could not believe my eyes, as I got a chance to attend an interview from an MNC just after the day I started fasting. And within a week I had attended the interview and I was very much satisfied with my performance. In the same day evening only, interview results were out. But still I was worried what if they won’t send offer letter.
I continued my fasting with full hope and trust in Sai. Finally that special day came. I got my call letter because of Sai’s blessings. And I joined an organisation before I completed my 9 weeks of fasting only. I got good new friends also. Then I got a chance to work in other state which I was not interested. But I see myself in a completely different position in the aspect of my personal skills. I got so many truly caring friends with whom the friendship will last for lifetime. Then recently I joined a project where I felt I could not serve in that project. Now only I came to know why Sai did that to me. Sai wants me to be happy in my life. Sai wants to see myself in very good position in my career. Because of that I took very serious decision towards my career which will take me to high position. I strongly believe in Sai always. I feel strong, energetic, confident, also good when I talk to Sai. Now I am facing another situation where I am struggling. Sai is giving me all the strength, peace, solutions to overcome that. I feel blessed when Sai is doing something for me. Om Sai Baba. Sai will do everything for a good reason. Trust Sai and be true to Sai. I strongly really, really believe in Sai that He will take care of my life. Om Sai Baba.

Sai Devotee Asha from India says: My self Asha from Bangalore, I am a pure devotee of Lord Sai Baba Shirdi. I would like to share my experience that happened in my life. I have so many experiences from that I will write one experience now. Thanks, Asha Bangalore
Sai Ram to all devotees. I would like to describe about Lord Sai Baba, recently on 05th May 2017 Gas cylinder got over. I didn’t have any extra cylinder. Normally between the first cylinder and the other cylinder 20days gap should be there but our cylinder was booked recently just 10 days back. I was totally disturbed because without cylinder how would I cook? I have stove but it was not working properly, I didn’t have any other options. Then I prayed lord Sai Baba please take booking today itself and give cylinder next day to me. Friends, believe it are not next day I got the cylinder, I was wondering and surprised. Thank You so much Baba. Lord Sai Baba will bless all devotees at all stages. Baba is always helping me every day. Without knowing if I did any mistake please forgive me Baba, please. Please Baba I need Your blessing in my life always, You are heart, my breath everything to me. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram. Thanks, Asha.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I live in Jalandhar Punjab
Jai Sai Baba. Baba ji I am sorry for sharing my experience late. I am Sai Baba’s devotee. If I am able to write my experience it is only because of Baba. Baba has always rescued me from lot of tensions and problems. I can’t thank Him enough and I have many experiences but would share the recent one which I had promised Baba. I am very sorry Baba as I am very late for sharing this experience.
My experience with Sai Baba- One I heard something from someone and I got really very scared. I could not understand how should I tackle this situation? Then I prayed Baba that if I stop getting scared I would share my experience. Just after few minutes only after praying Baba my tension had gone and I stopped getting scared. Thank You so much Baba for rescuing me from that situation and as well as my fear that day. Baba once again sorry for sharing my experience very late. Baba You have always blessed me immensely, similarly keep showering Your grace on me and my family and all Your devotees. Jai Sai Baba. Please give good health to everyone and may all be happy. Why fear when Sai baba is here. Jai Sai Baba.
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I love a person but my parents are not ready to get me married to him.
They are finding some other groom for me. One groom was almost finalised and he was just perfect to whom I could not make any excuse to refuse. I prayed to Baba to please do something as I didn’t want to meet that person and refuse the person on his face as it would have been embarrassing for me and my family. We went for a vacation and after we came back they called him but his parents said that the boy was not ready for marriage. Om Sai Ram. Please be with me always.
Prayers for Today: Prayer Request For My Wife’s Health – Anonymous Sai Devotee

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
O Deva, help us become better human beings and let our faith You in grow stronger day by day.
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om sai ram
Please protect us Sainath
Thank you very much Sainath for evening
Bolo sri satchidanand samarth sathguru Sainath maharaj ki jai
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo