Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from Africa says: Thank you to Hetal and team for this soul saving site. This is my fifth or sixth experiences on this site but there are more that have not been posted.
My Shirdi Baba is truly a father figure and protecting guide in my life. I cannot imagine my life without Him. My experience is that I had taken out my child’s gold earrings and in the busy process of running around I lost one of the earring. I was very hurt and upset because they were my earrings, long before I even got married. So I prayed to my magic Baba and I said to Him, please do not do this to me, You know that I get so worked up about stuff and I am sorry for being careless and I was truly upset. I did not know where to look or turn and I decided to go look in a packet in the room where the bangles were there and lo and behold the one earring was there, I was so happy. So in the same breath, I prayed to my Baba to please also help find my ring my husband gave me on my birthday when we got married because I had lost it about two years ago and yes the very next morning I found the ring in a jewel box that I see everyday around my husband’s chain. I had promised that I would post my experience. Thank You my Baba.
Baba today is my child’s birthday 01. 03. 17 please grant her all her heart’s desires. I am very sorry for being upset with You when You gave me so much. I openly ask Your forgiveness in front of all Your devotees. Please Baba, its an important year for my child and I trust, You will bless and I thank You in advance with medical school acceptance, help get enough points, thank You for first in region and bursary, thank You for first in grade and standard, thank You for the 8 awards and last but not least thank You for the miracle on jaw, face, scolosis, health and happiness and getting rid of negative energy; protection and competition. Baba You said ask and You shall answer, thank You for all of the above. Magic Baba, do Your magic and maintain the first position and I am very sorry please forgive me, I am sorry for shouting at You, please don’t punish child, it’s my fault. I trust a huge success in everything as of today it will be the best birthday gift ever knowing and trusting Your magic and turning every negative into positive, Baba things are bad at the moment but You said ‘Why Fear When I Am Near’ and You can make impossible to possible and I have seen it so many times and I trust You will make the impossible possible and I will post my miracles here end of March/April 2017. Please can we start afresh? Sorry Baba. Thank You for the millions, millions, millions, millions, millions, millions, millions, millions, millions, millions, million, millions, millions Blessings And Thank You For Answering This Prayer And Many requests. I trust You and thank You in advance for the blessings, academic miracles and health Miracles. Love You tons, tons and tons. We need Your magical help in our life and I leave my child at Your feet to guide and protect always. Thank You Baba!

Anonymous Sai Devotee from Canada says: I would like to begin by thanking the admin for their great work. I am so glad that I found this site. This is my second time writing on this site. My first experience is not yet posted. I feel happy to say that I am a small devote of Baba and I thank Baba for accepting me as His child. Although, I feel like Baba is always with me and guiding me in every single step of my life, I would like to share three interesting experiences.
First experience: I live in a place where there is no Sai temple close to my house. On a Thursday, I felt like I wanted to go to Sai temple but I was very busy that day and the temple was very far, I didn’t go that day. Next day I felt so bad about it and the day was Friday. I decided to go to a nearby temple where there is no Sai murti. I went to the temple prayed to Lord Shiva and turned my head to my left side. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I saw a new Sai idol in front of my face. I stood there for few minutes frozen and tears rolled from my eyes. Thank You Sai for coming so close to my house. Now I go to temple every Thursday and take part in the pooja which includes arti.
Second experience: One day I had a very bad headache that I couldn’t sleep. I prayed to Sai please help me and if my headache goes away I will post my experience. The next minute my headache disappeared and I didn’t feel any pain. So I am posting my experience as I promised to Sai. Please forgive me for posting very late.
Third experience: Today I tried to do a bank transfer because I had a preauthorised payment that would go through next day and didn’t have enough funds in my bank. As I started, everything went well, until the last step where I got messages like your transaction cannot be processed. I got so nervous because I won’t have enough money for the next day’s payment. I went to pray God and then I read my daily chapter of Sai Satcharitra. In the middle I checked my bank. The transaction was done and I was saved again by our Sai. I pray that Sai bless me as His child always.
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all my Sai family. Myself, to be anonymous from Bangalore. And this is my first post. I am a very little Sai devotee from June 2016. I am nothing without my Sairam.
Coming to my experience. I am 28 years old newly married girl (marriage was on Dec 18, 2016). My family was searching a groom for me last two years but all were getting rejected by them and sometimes from us. In between we were facing problems, delay in marriage by others and relatives. I was fed up of this situation. I heard about Nav Guruvar vrat from my cousin and this website. I started vrat devotionally after 6th Guruvar. Proposal came and it got fixed. I have got so loving and caring husband. I cannot thank my beloved Sai in words.
But, my mother-in-law and father in-law are not good with me. They do not talk with me. I only talk. But my mother-in-law is so angry and she does not having emotional feelings. She always finds mistakes to say something. She strictly told me not to talk. I am feeling like hell. I had dreams of a loving family. I am ready to adjust anything but they are not. I want to care for and love my family. But all my efforts are in vain. My husband and I are helpless. We cannot say anything to them, because we love them. Baba, bless us financially and I am searching job. Please help, because they give importance to money more than relations and feelings. I am a MCA graduate and my husband is working as embedded engineer in a small company. So we both are not secured mentally and financially. Please bless us Baba. I am not feeling happy after this newly married life. But I am in Your feet. You are with in my every breath, so I am strong till now. You are only the the light of my life. With Your blessings only I got married. I know that definitely I will come out of this darkness. Please all pray for me. And Baba will bless all your desires and vanish your sins. Shri Sadguru Sachidananda Sai Maharaj Ki jai. OM Sairam Om Jai Sairam.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Thank you so much for the ones who have created this page. I am a Sai devotee since my college days in 2007 but did not visit Him after that. But He gave me a chance to go back to Him in 2013 when we were constructing our house. Writing my own experience of how Sai came to my help many times and how He is always blessing me and my family.
We were constructing our house in 2013, all went well till we had money in hand but things were little difficult when we were left with empty pockets so we thought we will sell our ancestral property to complete the construction and started looking for buyers. But we faced problems in finding anyone so we’re very upset about that. One day my neighbour told me to visit Sai mandir and pray Him for the some help and I was very excited about Sai temple which was open in our locality but could not go. So I decided to go and pray Him for my difficultly. I did and went back, within few days we got some buyers and they paid token of advance. We were very happy and thanked Baba for His help and we resumed construction. When we went for the registration we had to meet the buyers at their home and then go from there( even this was Baba’s idea which was realised later) When we went there we were awestruck to see Baba’s big photo(approximately 3*5) in their house which looked like it was welcoming us, when asked they said that they are big devotees of Sai Baba. I was in tears, I didn’t know how to express this feeling? Sai had sent His devotee who was in need of a property to a devotee who wanted to sell it! This made me believe in magic and miracles of Baba. Like this there are many experiences, will share it in my next posts.

Sai Devotee Vijaya from India says: I am a small devotee of Baba. Jai Shri Sainathay Namah! A small experience but a huge satisfaction for me.
My husband was keen in buying one property at his hometown for which I was not ready. He showed me photos and videos of that property. But I was not interested and I said No. But he didn’t listen to me and he abused me badly for that. And with his friends and parents’ consent he initiated the process of buying it. I was very sad in my heart and mind that nothing was in my hand. I felt that I was living for this person and he was not listening to me. He has no respect for my opinions. In my heart I just prayed to Baba that You only know what is good and Bad. Please stop this deal. I will share my experience. Then one fine day in next week my husband told me that we were not buying that property. There were some issues. It was not a smooth process, so as of now it’s been cancelled. This is what I wanted and one more time I realized that Baba is with me. And we should never think that nothing is in our hands. Our hands have power of Prayer. Our Father (Sainath) is there to fulfil our wishes. Just leave everything at His Lotus feet. And He will take care of you. Baba You are the only one whom I can ask for anything. As I have no brother. And my parents are also getting older. It’s You, You and only You to Whom I can ask for anything. Anantkoti BrahmandNayak Rajadhiraaj Yogiraaj Parbrahma Shri Sachitanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jay. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am a married woman with 2 daughters. Even though ours was an arranged marriage my father-in-law disliked me. He was a sort of saddest and I have proof that he did black magic on his own daughter for the sake of her money. He did some black magic and tried to separate me and my husband. But by God’s grace we were saved’. After my second child was born he sent some talisman with my husband. (We were in a separate house). My second daughter started behaving strangely when she was 2. I thought it was autism. But later on came to know about the black magic.
A very rich man near my house had a dream of Sai Baba asking him to construct a temple in his house. That man promptly constructed a Baba temple in portion of his house. Hundreds of devotees throng the temple everyday. But somehow I feel Baba came near me to protect me.
Black magic was done on me. I am always stressed. But my kid is suffering. My father-in-law sent a talisman to our house and tried to get away from our city but he died mysteriously. Now I do believe there is some presence in my house. I am unable to go to any temple. Please pray for us. I was an ardent devotee of all the Gods, but now I am unable to do any kind of puja. Accidentally I saw this website and thought of unburdening myself. Please pray for us.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Dear last devotee,
I completely understand your situation. even i went through similar kind of experience. it was BABA who told me in the first place that black magic happened on me. i became depressed as my life was not moving forward as i had planned. Baba continuously told me that all this has happened due to my past life karma. Baba saved me all through my tough times. many times i trowed Baba's photo away with anger (caused by black magic) but BABA sure found HIS way into my room. From then on things started getting better. BABA also send me Hanuman ji photo and Quartz mala which keeps dark energies away. Trust me today i am doing well and all good.
Please pray to BABA and HANUMAN ji atleast in your heart. Kepp their photos in every room if possible. and get a Quartz mala for your children and yourself. or you can also get quartz as a whole rock and keep it in your room. take care.
Om SAI RAM. (keep chanting).
Someone has done black magic on my husband I feel, what do I do please help me as my marriage is almost ending I'm at my parents house since5 months now 😢
Call your husband tonight and tell him how much you love him and that you can't imagine someone else in your life and also some other girl in his life. Tell him that you can't live without him. Cry your heart out to him. Before calling him pray to Baba sincerely that only He is there for you. He will definitely help you. I will pray for you. Call your husband repetitively for at least 50 times if he doesn't pick the call. There's nothing wrong in it. Place ur love for him before ego. If you have kids then tell him that kids brought up in broken families never ever believe in love. Tell him being brought up in a broken family is not good for ur kid emotionally. Pray to Baba wholeheartedly
Iam also very very depressed n become sucidal as my life is not moving at all ..i feel that m also victim of black magic…once tore baba photo n ring also thrown away…but still prayinh him ..cannot leav my baba at all…but i hv become ill n hopes to live
He's blocked me from everywhere, actually it's his mother I feel who has done something also he's been cheating on me throughout these 4 yrs (2yrs of courtship), he's been calling random girls, etc etc I have taken a lot, this time blv me it's my self respect which stops me from calling him as he thinks I just come running back to him as I have no resort other than him 😢
Reg the black magic.
Please light diyas/agarbatti throught out the day. start the day with Gayatri mantra playing in the background on your laptop/phone etc. chant Hanuman Chalisa at least twice a day.
sprinkle Babas udhi in your house corners.
add Sea Salt in the water when mopping the floor.
do the jap mala of OmSaiRam as many times a day as you can.
Do the Sai Satcharitra saptah reading.
within few days with Babas grace your home will be rid of all negative forces.
O Deva, forgive us our sins and our faults and lead us in the right direction please.
Jai Sairam
Please Baba, accept my prayers🙏🏻 Please make my husband loyal towards me and listen to me, please change his lifestyle and bad habits please make him attached to me please save my marriage please Baba 🙏🏻
Om SaiRam Bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father forgive me Babaji for my foolishness and help me to become a better person ThankYOU Babaji for everything Bless my friend with a good start in her job Babaji
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Thank you so much Sai Baba.
Dear last devotee do any hawan at home ..and daily morning and evening play baba's arti songs and the karpoor arti which shown to baba show that to all the corner of ur house .. tell baba to shiel u and ur family
jai sri sai ram….. i just want to share my experience with sai about his miracle….. tears are about to come wen i start posting his miracle…. love you sai baba….. first experience wen i am suffering from high fever i prayed sai but at that day nite i found sai baba image around the walls of the bed room all round….. i could not imagine tat… when i wake up in the morning i could not forget the smiling face of baba….next second experience is tat when i went to the railway station to send off my sister and her child along with my family members i was about to find place for my mother and my sister in train. the child was with me in my hands a three months child. i gave it to my sister and turn around all my family members were out of the train and suddenly train startd moving…. i was afraid to get out of the train… every one in the train shouted to get down since the train stops only in the next stop … i could not get down…. my husband and childrens were in the starting point… i was half way from them… the train started moving very fast … without thinking anything i jumped from the train and fall down….. one thing i have to mention here is tat i was under treatment for my back pain which was very severe…… i did not know anything for few seconds. i thought i have lost my life….. suddenly a person near that compartment helped me to raise from tat place…. i realised nothing went wrong i am ok…. i got up and walked fast to my family… my husband eyes were full of tears and he was shocked at wat i did….. he scolded me with care and affection…. i felt he is caring to me… but my mind is fulll of baba and my personal diety who saved me from the accident no no its an incident…. in babas blog its written 'you will be saved from accident" tat time i did not understand… but after leaving from the station we get into the car to our home … when we were about to travel a car overtook our car … and i found a photo of baba in that car smiling…. i realised and thanked baba for saving my life… baba is always with me…. sai ram sai ram sai ram…. sai lives with me forever….thankyou sai
jai sri sai ram….. i just want to share my experience with sai about his miracle….. tears are about to come wen i start posting his miracle…. love you sai baba….. first experience wen i am suffering from high fever i prayed sai but at that day nite i found sai baba image around the walls of the bed room all round….. i could not imagine tat… when i wake up in the morning i could not forget the smiling face of baba….next second experience is tat when i went to the railway station to send off my sister and her child along with my family members i was about to find place for my mother and my sister in train. the child was with me in my hands a three months child. i gave it to my sister and turn around all my family members were out of the train and suddenly train startd moving…. i was afraid to get out of the train… every one in the train shouted to get down since the train stops only in the next station … i could not get down…. my husband and childrens were in the starting point… i was half way from them… the train started moving very fast … without thinking anything i jumped from the train and fall down….. one thing i have to mention here is tat i was under treatment for my back pain which was very severe…… i did not know anything for few seconds. i thought i have lost my life….. suddenly a person near that compartment helped me to raise from tat place…. i realised nothing went wrong i am ok…. i got up and walked fast to my family… my husband eyes were full of tears and he was shocked at wat i did….. he scolded me with care and affection…. i felt he is caring to me… but my mind is fulll of baba and my personal diety who saved me from the accident no no its an incident…. in babas blog its written 'you will be saved from accident" tat time i did not understand… but after leaving from the station we get into the car to our home … when we were about to travel a car overtook our car … and i found a photo of baba in that car smiling…. i realised and thanked baba for saving my life… baba is always with me…. sai ram sai ram sai ram…. sai lives with me forever….thankyou sai