Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all the people. Really Baba I am very thankful to You. You made my life meaningful. Now I have so much faith in You. Thank you adminji for giving such a wonderful opportunity to share experiences and keeping faith if we feel low.
Coming to my experience, When I was in my engineering days like all Gods I used to pray Baba but in my hostel every Thursday would be e Baba’s aarati, so I used to attend in those days but after my engineering I did not to do any puja to Baba. While searching for job I used to pray Hanuman God and Goddess. I struggled a lot to get a job. After a lot of struggle I got job due to the blessings of Goddess and Hanuman God. After that I was trained in Pune and got job location as Mumbai. After going to Mumbai I bought one Baba’s book from my home that book was given by my dad’s friend to my dad, like that Baba came in to my life.
Sometimes Shirdi is very near to Mumbai so I used to travel on weekends but for the first time when I saw Baba it was really very nice. I was seeing like that only because His face is very peaceful and I cannot forget that it was really nice. In Mumbai I do not know the language so I cannot go alone and I do not have that many friends also, so on weekends I felt very boring and in office also I was facing some issues with my superior, so I felt that I do not want to go for office also. Especially on weekends it was very tough for me, because I expected a lot that I want to enjoy a lot after getting a job but I was not enjoying at all and feeling very bored, so at that time I used to think about my future husband and I had a wish that I want to share everything with my husband and I want to treat him like a best friend and he should not have any bad habits (drinking).
One day when I went to home, suddenly one match came and they liked me a lot and they said boy was working in US and unfortunately we both were working for the same company. After some days that boy came to see me and we both liked each other and I asked two years of time but they did not agree. The next day that boy came and met me in Baba’s temple and he talked with me and my father. Before only I had prayed to Baba if that match is ok for me let it be fixed otherwise no, I just left my decision to Baba. I asked Baba through question and answers book I got a positive reply. So I said ok even though they did not give time and I felt that boy was good because he told that after marriage also I could do job and he said that it was my decision, so like that match got fixed. Before my marriage only he used to doubt me, it was very embarrassing for me and I used to cry a lot and I used to pray Baba I cannot cancel that marriage because I had faith on Baba, once we married because of Baba’s blessings that problem got solved.
After my marriage I returned back to my Mumbai. After that my husband forced me to discontinue the job. Then I said no and I told my parents and they were also saying do not leave the job but at that time I felt very bad because I was in the middle to my parents and to my husband. I tried to convince my husband but he did not understand. I used to cry a lot. I do not know what to do? I was in a confusion state. For the first time in my life I did not listen to my parent’s decision. I felt that personal life is very important than professional life (here I did big mistake in my life) I discontinued the job for my husband’s sake and I wanted to show my parents that I would be happy in my personal life. But life is not what we expect, so I went to USA. Once I got there, I came to know that he used to drink a lot on weekends, sometimes he used to come very late to home and he did not want me to talk with my parents on phone also, he used to criticize me a lot, daily after coming from office he used to criticize about my beauty. Sometimes he used to tell that “do something at least then I will give value to you” I did not want to listen these type of words from my husband. One day he had drunk a lot told that he did not like me at all. Then I did not have any words to say. I used to pray Baba why it was happening to me? Sometimes when I got frustrated with my life I did not do any puja also. I am unable to tell my situation to my parents also, if I say anything they will feel very sad and my husband also does not like me to share anything. My situation is very bad sometimes due to frustration I want to end my life also and I stopped doing puja and reading book also for so many months. Because of my parents force I conceived.
Even while carrying he used to criticize me a lot and when I was in the ninth month also, he used to force me like anything to do something but here I was on h4 visa so I could not do anything. He did not understand that also, at last I lost my faith. One day neighbour told that whenever delivery pains would start once, visit Baba’s temple and after that go to the hospital. So one day evening, I got pains, we started from my home to go to Baba’s temple but weather changed a lot. Suddenly heavy rain started, so we did not go to Baba’s temple, directly we went to the hospital but wonder was there was no rain once we reached to the hospital. There I was admitted in the hospital. Suddenly while checking baby’s heart beat was very low, so they moved me to Emergency and they did C-Section but was no use, baby died. Then I felt that may be so that only Baba did not give permission to visit temple. I cried a lot, even doctors also did not tell the exact reason why baby died? Even though baby’s heartbeat was good minutes before doing C-section I asked so many questions to doctors but they did not have any reason. I asked Baba why my life is like this even I lost my kid and I do not have peace in my personal life. Slowly I got to know that Baba has some plan to change everything in my life.
It happened like that because after that I came to India. Before going to India I visited Baba’s temple and I just put everything at His feet and I came to India. Really it was a miracle of Sai Baba because my husband changed a lot. He is talking with me very friendly, he is not criticizing me, he gave up for drinking. Really I cannot express my feelings. Really it is a miracle. I am very thankful to You Baba. We people always want Your blessings. I always want to be at Your lotus feet. Thank You Baba thank You very much Baba. Now my husband is changed a lot because of Your blessings. Thank You Baba. Thank You very much. Baba, please give Your blessings life long Baba. Readers always remember our Sai name. Always chant Om Sairam, it will give wonderful results. If I did any mistakes please forgive me. Om Sai Ram!

Sai Devotee Lakshmi from USA says: Hi Saima devotees, My name is Lakshmi, living in USA. Thanks Hetalji team to maintain such a beautiful blog, it gives me inner peace and increase my faith day by day, today I am going to post all my Saima experiences in my life.
Saima came to my life at the year of 2014, when I very first touched my Saima’s feet, I got a vibration, still I remember that feeling. very blessed one! My husband had neck issues, he had suffered a lot during that time, I am having toddler twin boys, I was not able to take care of my kids and my sick husband at the same time, so I sent my kids to India to my in-laws house, they took care of my kids. After some time, my husband’s neck issues slowly got vanished because of Saima’s grace, but I was very much worried about my kids and I wanted them again with me. I asked my in-laws to bring them back, but they said after four months they would bring my kids, and started telling reasons to not to send my kids with me, I realized my mistake that time, no mother should separate the kids for any reason. I came to know that my in-laws wanted to grow my kids, I prayed to Baba whole heartedly, please re unite my kids with me. My Saima never lets Her girl cry, so She did reunite my kids with me. Because of Saima’s grace I also got a wonderful job.
My second experience, Sai ma saved me from Breast cancer: One day I saw red lump on my breast, it was painful and I got scared. Then I applied Udi on that area and then gradually redness and soreness had gone. Doctor told me, not to worry it was just a bacterial cyst infection. Whenever my kid got ear infection or any pain I give only Udi mixed water, and apply some Udi to their forehead, then the next minute they are fine.
My third experience, my father suddenly got fever for three days, so doctor did some lab test, they told everything was fine, may be some stomach bug like that, but the fever didn’t subside, so we went to the doctor again. They asked my father to take the ultrasound in stomach, because he was complaining about the stomach ache too. After the reports came, doctor said, it was some abscess in the liver, and it was risky if it was not treated promptly, so we admitted my father to the hospital, the same day and they started giving antibiotics through injection. I was so worried, and prayed to Saima to cure my father, and I did read Sai Satcharitra within three days by Saimaa’s grace, and I checked in website Sai Baba question and answer filed. Saima gave me confidence. He said “Death Will Be Avoided”. Then slowly antibiotics started working, my father’s fever got subsided, but doctor wanted to take biopsy in liver, I was so scared, how he was going to tolerate the pain and everything, I prayed to Saima whole heartedly, Saima guided me to tell the slogans 108 times everyday. “Om Thigambaraaya Vidhmahe Yoga-Roodaya Dhimahee Thanno Datta Prachodayath” so I did, new doctor came to see my father, here was the miracle his name is Dr.Sai, he did all the scan again, and said abscess is healing on its own, antibiotics working, so no need to take the biopsy test. The whole family got relieved from that moment. All my kind Saima devotees, Saima wants us to have faith in Him, and wants us to donate food to people and animals. Saima please forgive me for all the mistakes I have done.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: First of all a heartfelt thanks to Hetalji and her team for keeping the modern day Sai Satcharitra alive. This is going to be my 4th experience; two of them have already been posted. I have been a Sai Devotee since I was young, but I started believing in Him more after I got married. As my spouse was a firm Sai Devotee, because of her I got closer to our Sai.
I have been unhappy at my current job for the past two years, I had accepted my current job offer despite the wishes of my wife and mom. I was very impatient and jumped at the opportunity as it seemed too good to pass. After joining the Company I realized it was not what I expected. Since then I have been continuously searching for other jobs. I had been interviewed for many roles but my luck was bad as I was not getting any offers. As the saying goes we have to reap for our bad karmas over here, I took it that Sai wanted me to be at this job and He would present me with the right job at the right opportunity. After several rejections and complaining to Sai for not getting a job, I got the job of my dream at a MNC. I was contacted by the recruiter and the days they had available were 02/23/17 or 02/24/17, upon calling to confirm the day, they told me they only had slots available for 02/23/17, which was a Thursday. So I went to interview and thought it went well. On Friday at around 4.32 p.m, I got a call from HR saying that they were interested in hiring me. Look at how Sai works His way. Before I accepted the offer, I asked HR if the salary was negotiable, he told me that he would get back to me on Monday to see if they could negotiate it. On Monday at around 9am I got the call from HR, and I was glad to hear that my salary was negotiated and it had my Sai’s lucky number 9 in it. See at His signs, He was there with me at every moment during my low time and now during my highs. Now I pray that my background check goes through and I have no issues between now and my joining date. I also pray that my biggest issue gets resolved soon and Sai can give me good news, please bless our family.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am small devotee of our loved Sai Baba. From my childhood I visited Baba temple through friend. Just casually I used to go and come. But I became a staunch devotee from 2010. It’s been 6 years and every day Baba is protecting me and showing His presence in my life. In the beginning unknowingly I used to say Sai Saimaa and Baba. Without my knowledge I used to remember our Sai. I then started finding about Baba and Baba’s leelas. Baba became my friend, mother, father, brother and sister. That’s how Baba pulled me towards me. Through this web page itself I became more close to Baba and had been following these experiences from 5 years. Thank you Hetalji for making this wonderful platform for all of us. Baba bless you.
I am also facing my past karmas and waiting patiently for Baba’s blessings on my wishes. Today I want to share an experience. Last night I went to bed and my dad kept high volume on TV that it disturbed me in bedroom. I was unable to sleep. Just very casually I said, Baba see my dad, he kept high volume tell him to lower the volume. As soon as I said this, my dad lowered the volume. It was like as if I told to lower the volume directly to him and he did it. But before saying it to my dad, Baba responded to my call and made my dad to lower the volume of TV. I slept peacefully. Thank You Sai. Thank You so much.
It may seem to be nothing, as if this was not a miracle. But for me it was a miracle. Baba showed His presence. Every day my wishes come true. Baba gives what I ask which takes time e.g 1 day or 2 days or 1 week or 1 month or 1 year. Sometimes without asking, Baba only gives me something which makes me happy. But yesterday it was very quick response from Baba in seconds. It was like magic which I didn’t expect. Thank You Baba for showing Your unconditional love and taking care of me like a baby. Never ever leave me Baba. I cannot breathe without You. I love You Pappa. Love You so much!
Anonymous Sai Devotee from UK says: Om Sai Ram to everyone. I want to say a big thank you to everyone for sharing their experiences on this amazing blog. Most importantly, a big thank You to our Sai Baba for always helping and loving us. Today, I want to share a small experience that happened just few days ago.
Basically, I am applying for my masters this year. I want to study for the M.Sc in Clinical Physiology (Cardiology). So, currently I’m still working on my personal statement, adding new information or fixing errors, you name it. I took a year off after I graduated from B.Sc Biomedical Science to gain new experiences and skills outside normal curriculum e.g. volunteering or work experience etc. However, before I thought that I don’t need to update anything since I already did extracurricular and volunteer work before (quiet long time ago). When my friend told me it’s better to add one more experience form something recent, I panicked. I cried due to fear, I didn’t know what to do? I was totally blank. In London, its quiet hard to find something very quick. I prayed to our lord Sai to help me find something, I would love to work. In just few days, Lord Sai showed me the way. Since I love anything about cardiology, British Heart Foundation has given me the opportunity to work as a volunteer. It is the single biggest funder of cardiovascular research in the UK. By volunteering, it funds extra research into the causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of heart and circulatory disease. Without Sai Pa, I know I wouldn’t have had this opportunity and want to say a big thank You to Sai Pa. I hope to send off my application for masters around April or May. After that, it’s up to Sai Pa, my hope and faith is in Him. Thank You devotees for reading my previous and recent experiences. Baba Bless you all. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: Thank you Hetalji for providing this wonderful platform to share our experiences of Sai Baba. Reading these experiences daily gives me lots of positive energy. May Sai Baba bless you and your family abundantly. Coming to my experience I had been trying to conceive for the past 2 years and after completion of my Sai Divya pooja for 5 weeks, came to know that I conceived and my joy has no bounds. Thank You so much Sai Baba and I wish You hold my hand till the end of my pregnancy and more. May Sai Baba shower His blessings to everyone.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Daya karo Baba🙏🏻😢
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Thank you so much Sai Baba.
Om SaiRam Bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father forgive me Babaji for my foolishness mistakes and help me to become a better person Babaji ThankYOU Babaji for everything