Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am struggling now-a-days for my career so there is not any professional identity I have right now. Before I had worked in several companies. Till date I have felt more than 5 experiences of our beloved Sai Baba’s blessing in my life. I am currently unemployed due to my own decision. I left my job from well-known paint company of India which is considered in world’s top 15 companies and India’s number 1 company in its sector. This job was given to me by Sai Baba when I visited Shirdi first time in 2014 but I didn’t go to Shirdi to express my gratitude and I was somehow not happy with that job due to various reasons. So I left it. After that, I again joined two companies one after another in my hometown but I didn’t find them as comfortable as my first job and finally I decided not to do any job due to frustration and then I was in dilemma for around 7 to 8 months. I couldn’t decide what to do next?
I was confused as I couldn’t decide If I should go abroad or try for government jobs. However, finally I made up my mind to start preparation of competitive exams. I had appeared in many exams till the date but unfortunately I still had not got any success to get place in final merit list. Meanwhile my old score of IELTS-2015 was about to expire in April-2017, so in 2016 I decided to apply for a college in Canada and I started the process on the day of Rathyatra and I got admission in that college and the letter of acceptance came on Thursday. Then I remembered about the prayer which I made in Shirdi in 2014 where I asked Sai Baba to help me either to get a high paid job in India (which I mentioned above and I got it also but left afterwards) or to bless me in my process of Canada which I was doing in 2014 for direct PR but I couldn’t get success due to change of rules as said by agent. But afterwards I got job in a reputed company about which I told above, so I thought this might be the wish of Baba but I left that job as I said.
Coming back to the 2016, when I got admission into the college of Canada, agent told I could not apply for student visa till April -2017. In April-2017 my old IELTS score of April-2015 (IELTS score is valid only for two years) would expire so they suggested me to reappear in IELTS exam and to get again that score which I got in 2015, so I decided to give it again. Now story of miracle starts from here. I was confused between two coaching classes. One was near to Sai Baba temple so I decided to go there first and tried demo class and in demo class sir asked us to speak about any last visit of any place and Sai Baba temple was near to that class, some song was being played and I heard it and I recalled about my last visit to Shirdi in 2014 and I started to speak on that. Sir appreciated me for it. I also attended demo class of another coaching class and I also found it good but I felt in previous coaching class I was more comfortable but somehow they couldn’t agree to give me coaching of only two modules so I decided to join the latter one. In IELTS exam any individual has to pass through Speaking test in English. I had prepared for it very much and the topic which was asked in exam was about the place which you would like to visit in near future. When I saw that topic I was confident enough to speak about that because I had prepared from my madam to speak about Dubai and as soon as I saw that topic in exam, my mind recalled Shirdi and Dubai. I don’t know why I chose Shirdi though I had prepared for Dubai and I started to speak on Shirdi. After completion of speaking test, I was very disappointed with myself of being emotional at choosing Shirdi on which I thought I hadn’t spoken as good as I could have spoken on Dubai. I was constantly blaming myself though my heart was telling me it was Baba’s wish but my logical mind was punishing me to become emotional to choose between Shirdi and Dubai. But miracle happened when my result was declared on 17-03-2017. I got band as below; SPEAKING: 6. 5 WRITING: 6. 5 LISTENING: 7. 5 READING: 7. 0 OVERALL: 7. 0 I was very suspicious regarding my band in reading and speaking but Baba turned whole situation. Now I can understand it was Baba’s wish to speak on Shirdi no matter whatever I had prepared to speak on. When I look back, I started my journey by speaking on Shirdi on the day of demo class and I finished exam also by speaking on Shirdi though I had prepared to speak on Dubai. This is Baba’s blessing only.
Baba has saved me like this in many other exams also but it will be too lengthy to narrate here all. I visited Shirdi on 07-03-2017. I was asked by examiner when I will go to Shirdi and I told I will go after examination so I immediately booked my ticket and visited Shirdi after examination where I also offered offer letter of the college of Canada and the offer letter of that reputed company in which I got job in 2014 at the feet of Sai Baba in Shirdi. I am very fortunate to feel Baba’s presence in my life as my father. Result of one of the competitive examination in which I appeared will be published in April -2017. So now I have stopped my further process of Canada, as I wanted to join either government job or go to Canada. I pray at the feet of Sai Baba to please forgive my mistakes and do whatever He thinks appropriate for me as He only knows what is good for anyone. Love You Sai Baba. Thank You for everything. This is my first post in this blog. Thank you Hetalji for joining all the devotees of Baba. This blog often helps to remove anxiety and to light the lamp of hope in the life of people. Sorry for such a long narration. Thank you. Om Sairam!

Sai Devotee Manisha from India says: Wish to share an experience today. It was since 15th March 2017 ( Wednesday) my gas cylinder was giving trouble . I felt the sensation of gas leakage from burners and cylinder so was little tensed. In such a tensed circumstance, my brain stopped functioning and I didn’t find any clue what and how to get it repaired. Finally, I called up a nearby friend to sort it out. After seeing it thoroughly he said, “it’s OK . May be you are too scared’. With the confidence pumped by my friend, I continued to cook on the same.
Yesterday, 18th March 2017 ( Saturday), as I was going to prepare food, I got strong smell coming from burner again. A woman cannot stop cooking for family. So, I ignited the stove and it started throwing up excess flame. OMG ! It was truly very scary. I offered prayers to Sai and sought His help in the scary situation. Unable to decide whether to continue lighting the burner or not, I threw chits before Sai. On 1st chance, answer was NO, the 2nd chance followed the same answer. I was getting worried as making food was getting delayed.
No one can dare to change Sai’s decision so I followed it too. I stopped my gutsy experimentation and tried calling the nearest Bharati Gas Station number. With jammed brains, luckily, I was able to locate the Repair and Emergency number of Gas Station. I gave them a call but to utter disappointment, I found that the field tech guys were busy till late evening. Still I insisted them to send a tech personnel ASAP and signed off.
Out of surprise, within span of few minutes, the door bell rang. I opened the door; oh gosh it was a tech guy to repair the gas. I checked on time, it was 3:33 pm, amazingly ( 3+3+3=9). The timing was quite an early schedule from the registered appointment time.
The tech man checked it thoroughly and assured me there was no issue with the cylinder but the stove was getting choked due to accumulated dirt. “Mam, don’t worry, I will change it ” he said. Perhaps the tech man understood my stressed out behaviour. Finally, the stove got changed with a cost. It was Rs 450, amazingly ( 4+5+0=9). Isn’t that surprising the date was also 18th ( 1+8=9). Ah!!! I was feeling relaxed now.
That’s not all…! On completion of the repair task, the tAnonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: I am just one drop in ocean of devotees. This is my second post on this group. My first experience is Thank you to this group. When I read experiences it makes me comfort and increases faith. Baba is strength of weaker people.
I have many experiences of Baba’s presence and especially as a Doctor and Saviour; He shows that He is always looking me more than a mother. Can’t define His love in words. I wish, I too have the same love on Him. My experience. From last several days, my son (3 years old) is complaining that he has pain while peeing first time after waking up. I thought it was due to dryness/not drinking enough water. On 3/11/2017 evening he told me he had blood after peeing and called me. After I wiped him, I observed very little on the tissue. So I was nervous and thought may be something wrong but later forgot about it. After 2 hours he started crying aloud telling that there was pain and hurting him. I was not sure what to do, I applied some ice/cold water there but no use still he was crying on and off. My husband was less bothered about it. But I called doctor’s on call, they said it could be trauma/blockage/anything. You have 3 hours’ time to take him to the urgent care. After I called them I felt more tensed and as again always in difficult times first contact before Dr is my Baba. It was 1:00 a.m, I tried to sleep, but my son was on and off crying in middle. It was 4:50 a.m, till I did not get any sleep. As it was morning Aarti time, I woke up and did Aarti and took some Udi applied to my son(thinking in my mind to post this miracle in this group if it is minor) Then after he did not cried and he slept till 9:00 a.m. I still want to go to Dr and check but my husband said as he was not crying, we don’t need to go. I called one Dr lady in our community and she recommended to show him to a doctor. Then we took him to Urgent care they confirmed it was a minor issue Balanitis which is common in this small age boys. Thank You so much Baba for taking care. Just simply saying thank You does not satisfy me, I humbly request Baba to make me think good and do good. Please always give us good health. ech man gave me his contact number for future emergency ( if any ). I wrote his number on the diary and then asked “what’s your name”. The reply came in “Sai Ram”. That very instant, I got goosebumps on hearing the name. To get assured again, I repeated the question…. the reply was Sai Ram but with a smile. I am unable to express more….. on our Saviour, do I need to say anything more ?

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: I am just one drop in ocean of devotees. This is my second post on this group. My first experience is Thank you to this group. When I read experiences it makes me comfort and increases faith. Baba is strength of weaker people.
I have many experiences of Baba’s presence and especially as a Doctor and Saviour; He shows that He is always looking me more than a mother. Can’t define His love in words. I wish, I too have the same love on Him. My experience. From last several days, my son (3 years old) is complaining that he has pain while peeing first time after waking up. I thought it was due to dryness/not drinking enough water. On 3/11/2017 evening he told me he had blood after peeing and called me. After I wiped him, I observed very little on the tissue. So I was nervous and thought may be something wrong but later forgot about it. After 2 hours he started crying aloud telling that there was pain and hurting him. I was not sure what to do, I applied some ice/cold water there but no use still he was crying on and off. My husband was less bothered about it. But I called doctor’s on call, they said it could be trauma/blockage/anything. You have 3 hours’ time to take him to the urgent care. After I called them I felt more tensed and as again always in difficult times first contact before Dr is my Baba. It was 1:00 a.m, I tried to sleep, but my son was on and off crying in middle. It was 4:50 a.m, till I did not get any sleep. As it was morning Aarti time, I woke up and did Aarti and took some Udi applied to my son(thinking in my mind to post this miracle in this group if it is minor) Then after he did not cried and he slept till 9:00 a.m. I still want to go to Dr and check but my husband said as he was not crying, we don’t need to go. I called one Dr lady in our community and she recommended to show him to a doctor. Then we took him to Urgent care they confirmed it was a minor issue Balanitis which is common in this small age boys. Thank You so much Baba for taking care. Just simply saying thank You does not satisfy me, I humbly request Baba to make me think good and do good. Please always give us good health.

Sai Devotee Sai Venkatesh from India says: By grace of Baba I got a job in software company. I’m Sai from Bangalore 22 years old. I joined a company where I was getting less salary, I was unable to manage with it. There was Baba’s devotee who was working with me, and he left the job and joined good which Dell international services, I was thinking that I was getting less salary, what should I do? He was a friend on fb and he started postings about Baba. He himself would text me that. It went on as casual conversation, and finally I told him that I need one job so badly. Currently what I was getting salary was very less and unable to manage it.
Finally he referred me in Dell Company, I prayed a lot to Baba. He blessed me a lot. I cleared an interview, finally HR called me and she stated that in previous company you have less salary we can’t hire because Dell Company have some standards. Previous company salary was not meeting up to their standard; HR said that she would try her level best. She needed vice president’s approval where she could provide a good salary. She clearly stated that it may take one month to get approval, when she would receive the vice president’s approval then only she would reach me out or else no. That day was Saturday, on Sunday I had been to work. Here is a matter, Baba blessed me very strongly. On my way to home I was travelling in bus. I was thinking and praying to Baba. Please help me now, I need this job so badly as You know that. I started listening to Sai leelas. I was sleeping at morning, at exactly on Monday morning at 9, I got a call from HR like, Sai When Are You Joining To Company? I was too happy, felt bit emotional. Baba helped in all the way. He was testing my patience and faith where I was going to lose. I had a full faith on Him that He will help me out. This happened 9 months back, I had prayed for onsite jobs. I know He will help me out. People please believe Him and trust Him without any doubt, Baba Will never let you down. Om Sairam!

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Anonymous Sai Devotee from India: I am small devotee of Lord Sai Baba from Delhi. Thank you Hetalji for giving us this platform to share our experiences.
Om Sai Ram. We were going through a court case for last three years. There were uncertainties and concerns about the outcome. We went through lot of harassment as well, my whole family was worried about these and we were not sure when and how this will be settled and we will be out of this matter. We prayed to Baba and seek His blessings to settle this matter and by the grace of Sai Baba, all of a sudden things took a positive turn. All the concerned parties took a very supportive approach and the case finally got closed and was done in our favour. It was a life learning experience and we will never forget how we were blessed by Baba to get relief from this legal issue which took lot of time and energy. It was a divine feeling when the judgment was passed and we felt as if Sai Baba is holding our hands and took us out of this matter. I also seek blessings from Baba to get my job transferred to a nearby location. It was really tough, as lot many people seek transfer to a certain location which is a good branch. But when Sai Baba is with us, we need nothing to worry about. In the most appropriate time, my wife got transferred to the nearest branch and we are very relieved and happy, all thanks to Sai Baba. We are very lucky to be having You Sai Baba. Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhiraja Yogiraj Param Bhramaha Sadguru Shri Sai Nath Mahraj Ki Jai. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Baba living my life depending fully on Him for almost everything. Thank you Hetalji for your great work which gives a great solace to the distressed souls like us.
Coming to my experience, my five year old daughter got high fever with stomach pain and vomiting few days back. I gave her Udi water to drink and applied some on her tummy. I took her to the doctor and Promised Baba that I would share my experience here. She really improved fast and started going to school after two days. I then thought it was a small experience to be published and didn’t post it here. Baba, please forgive this foolish girl of Yours. Today she is having very bad loose motions since morning. May be You are reminding me, my folly Baba. I am sharing my experience here. Please take care of her. Now only You can save her. I have put all my faith at Your feet. Please show thy mercy. My dear devotees please take it as a lesson for all of us. Pranam. Sairam!
Prayers for Today: Please Baba Give A Job To My Brother – Anonymous Sai Devotee
Pay Tribute To Lord Sai On 100th Anniversary Of MAHASAMADHI By Joining MAHAPARAYAN the Historical Monumental Event On Global Level

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram _/_
Om sai ram to all devotees…I am the girl who posted in comment section for advise on my relationship on 19 July 2017.I am thankful to all who replied me…I am writing this to inform, he called me on 1/8/2017 and told me he cannot marry me,I have to move on with my life,as I belong to lower caste,his mother wil never approve, in the end he told me,I know I was behind u for 2.5yrs to say yes to me, but I am sorry,it was a mistake… Hearing all this I was very numb,I was chanting sai sai,I dint scold him,nor question him. I cut the call,wept for hours….I decided I definitely dont want this guy in my life,I blocked him,I hav to live for my parents…as you all rightly side,when he is not taking a stand for me now,he wil never take in future….I am finding it very difficult to cope up with this breakup….I am unable to eat,nor sleep,I cry continuously …I am having suddenly anxiety/panic attacks,I get chest pain and suddenly there is rise in heartbeats,a feeling ill die now all of sudden …I don want to go to psychiatrist, I don want to take any medications…I feel guilty,for 25yrs of my life I was single,never wanted a relationship, and now I am 28,he just left me like tat…I feel like holding my parents legs n ask for forgiveness,at times I stop myself thinkin it wil affect their health more,as my parents are having many health issues..I know I have to come out of this battle at any cost….I need all of your prayers to stay strong,I am continuing my Thursday fasts,I have no complaints against sai baba…May be a right thing happened to me,atleast I got to know before my wedding…I jus want to stay strong and wipe him out from my life….om sai ram
I am one of those who commented. It's good that you are trying to come out of this heartbreak. You need to be strong for ur parents. So Satcharitra parayan. You will get mental peace. Baba will surely bless you with a wonderful life partner. Keep yourself busy in your career and develop new habits like reading books or else the best way is to volunteer in a nearby orphanage or old age home. May Baba bless you and your family. Om Sairam.
I must say you are way better and clever than all those girls who cry for their boyfriends who can't take a stand and get engaged to a girl of his parents choice. Some girls even ask Baba to break her boyfriend's engagement and to return him to her. I can't understand why they don't even think about that girl who got engaged. Can they tolerate the same happening to their own sister or daughter??? Stupid, selfish people they are. You are 1000 times better than them. I also liked it that when the boy proposed you, U asked him to talk to your father. It shows you are a traditional girl. Don't worry. Everything will be fine. It's just a phase of life and it will pass by Baba's grace.
Om sai ram.. Thank you for your replies..yes I have begun my parayan,and waitin for this dark phase to get over…Though we dunno each other,you all are taking your time out and helpin me…I dont feel lonely,readin your gives me lot of strength… Thank you very much,it means a lot to me…God bless all of you…sairam….
It's so hard to see such a a strong girl like you , so much happened with you and you are still thinking about your parents youreally are Baba's daughter. I'm 25+ year old guy and I've never been in relationship just like you cause I'm scared to get hurt and I think I never will, whatever Sai thinks is best for us pleasesstay strong we all are with you and I'm not just sayin it I mean it if you want to talk here's my mail Baba Will Bless You
Thank You O Deva for Your beautiful miracles You do in our lives 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
I was planning for a second child.. I had lots of problem while conceiving my first daughter .I have infertility problems. I prayed to baba for almost a year and then the merciful Sai gave me a beautiful daughter who was born on Thursday. This time i was having tremendous pain in my lower abdomen and I was not getting my periods. I took home pregnancy test and it came out negative. I prayed to baba from the bottom of my heart so that i get my usual cycle. But i was spotting and having severe cramps. Then my inner voice told me to go through sai baba experience site. I read the stories and I was spiritually boosted up. Immediately after i finished reading, my period started. Baba is a miraculous God. Hail hail to baba. Baba also gave me a very good score in IELTS. My exam was not at all good. I almost fainted when I saw my score. Baba is all in all in my life. Baba changed my husband's nature. He has become really a very very nice person. Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Anybody is going to shirdi?
Please share
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Thank you so much Sai Baba.
Hey everyone. I have committed a crime by promising Sai Baba to leave all bad habits and then after 2 months of leaving I did that again. I don't know how it happened. But I promise to become a better man now. Please everyone pray for me so that Baba forgives me.
Om SaiRam Bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father
Om sai samarth
Thank you very much Sainath Please bless us deva
Sainath maharaj ki Jay
jai sai ram.. jai sai ram, jai sai ram,jai sai ram,jai sai ram,jai sai ram, jai sai ram,jai sai ram,jai sai ram,jai sai ram,jai sai ram,………
What wrong did I do to deserve all this?
Om Sai Ram, Bless my family baba please be with them take care of them, Love you baba.
And one more thing I forgot, quit any of your bad habit and your progress will be faster by Sai's grace
Gurudev Dattatreya