Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. My heartfelt regards to all the lovely Sai brother and sisters. This is my first experience and I want to be anonymous while sharing this breathtaking experience of mine. Firstly let me be thankful to Hetal mam and entire team behind this blog. You all are divine souls sent by the God Himself for this noble work that He assigned to you.
It was during our first Shirdi visit in Jan 2016 that we came closer to Baba. Me and my mother are devotees of Baba since then. Now let me come to my experience now. This is the about my mother who is everything to me, my lifeline, my world. This incident happened around 1 year back when something terrible happened to me. Before I narrate that I want to share one more thing with you all. In April 2014 I got engaged to a NRI. Actually this relation was arranged between our families. And it was my husband’s elder brother who approached my family for this and my parents accepted. At that time my husband was in US. He came to India to see me, he liked me so much that he wanted to get married immediately before his return to US. Same happened and we got legally married in June 2014.
Then he left for US leaving me behind with an assurance that he will soon take me to US along with him. I waited for 2 years as he said the immigration process will take time. But when I was about to have my interview scheduled what he did one day was totally unbelievable. He called me on 13th Nov 2016 saying that he can’t continue this relation as he has been diagnosed with liver cancer. I was totally shaken inside out. Anyhow I managed to get composed myself and I asked him no matter what.. I am married to him so I will not leave him in this condition all alone. Will fight together with this but won’t leave him. I was so determined about this, totally unaware about the fact that he was actually lying to cheat on me. From that moment he stopped calling me and even taking my calls. He blocked my number. You all can very well understand my situation as how does it feel when your hubby do this to you? I was waiting for last 2 years.
I was in deep depression even thought to commit suicide. My parents were also in complete shock with all this. One day my mum who was already depressed got another bad news from her parent side relatives. Being a diabetic patient she could not handle so much of pressure and she stepped outside the house to see Baba’s temple which was 6-7 kms from our place. She informed me so I was ok with this but when she didn’t come back even after 3 hours I got worried. I tried calling her but no answer from her side. I called her repeatedly 20-25 times but every time the same thing happened. Now I was panicking and started crying. I started asking Baba that my mom is Your staunch devotee, she prays You on daily basis. She went to Your temple and now You are doing this to her. Show me some miracle Baba. I was shouting and crying and again thought to call her. Bell was ringing other side and here was Baba’s miracle. This time call had been received but not by my mum but Baba Himself. Yes my Baba received the call even if no one was talking but I got to hear the noise of auto’s and vehicle s and it could be sensed that mom was inside the auto on her way back to home. And after 3-4 minutes call got disconnected automatically. Mom came home and I asked her if she received my call and why she didn’t speak to me. Mom said she didn’t hear any call from me infact she just took out her cell from her purse. I told her everything hearing this now we both were in complete shock and thanked Baba to our heart’s content for showing that He is listening to us and is always with us. Love You from the bottom of my heart my Baba.
Now I have immense faith that what I am going through from last 3 years in my personal life, Baba would definitely eradicate that too. And He is the supreme power Who can reach to anyone who is cheating others to give justice to the one who has been cheated on. Please all Sai devotee brothers and sisters pray for me so that I can get justice, as I told you everything how I got cheated by the one whom I thought to be my life, my world, my everything and who is totally fit and fine there, even after lying to me about cancer. How can anyone cheat like this? We cannot even think about hurting anyone intentionally or unintentionally by our deeds even be it a human or animal. How can a person cheat a girl like this? Surrendering my problem at the holy feets of my Baba. Will share my second experience soon if Baba will show miracle to give His daughter’s justice. Om Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from US says: Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrhama Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai. “Karacharana Krtutham Vakayaja Karmajam Va Sravana Nayanajamva Manasamvaparadham Vidithama Vidhithamva Sarvamethat Kshamasva Jaya Jaya Karunabdhe Sri Parbho Sai Natha”. Hetalji you are a true blessed soul came as Baba’s angel from Baba Himself to bring entire Sai devotees all over the world in such a beautiful wonderful platform which is giving tremendous strength to devotees like us. We are considering this website as our holy spiritual book which is guiding and giving us strength to lead our life and face our problems. I came to US after my marriage and was blessed with a beautiful daughter with Baba’s blessings. I used to worship Baba daily since my childhood but came very close to Baba only after my marriage.
Like everyone I used to have many dreams about my marriage but have been facing a lot of troubles with my in-laws. At first I used to be mad at Baba for not changing my situation. But now I feel He will change my situation and give me everything I want at the correct time. He is working on my problems right now. I left everything at Your feet Baba. Remaining task I will leave it to You. I used to do be very good heart with everyone but could not control my anger at times and because of this I was facing many problems with my in-laws, friends and everyone. Though I did 100’s of good things for them they were remembering only one bad thing I said to them.
From childhood I had many health issues later on personal issues and so on all because of my past karma but I overcame all these obstacles by Baba’s grace. Like this I prayed Baba to settle my issues with my in-laws and my friends. Baba I just want to live a peaceful life with no mental tensions. From last 2 months I am not having any mental peace having so many issues with everyone. I felt very sad and cried in front of Baba why was it happening to me? Then one day I read one devotees post on this website. He said to leave everything at Baba’s feet. By reading that I suddenly remembered Satcharitra version and I did the same thing. I told Baba that I am leaving everything to Your feet Baba. From that moment onwards some unknown strength came into my heart and I felt immense strength in me. Though my situations have not changed I now believe Baba will take care of everything. I told Baba to give me physical pain rather than mental pain and I was caught with severe cold and sinus but I didn’t pray Baba to cure me as I thought it would be a way to remove my sufferings but I got mouth ulcers at the same time and the pain was unbearable. When I went to the doctor he said it was wisdom tooth causing me that pain not the mouth ulcers. I was not having dental insurance here and it would cost a lot for us without insurance. So I applied Udi on the pain area, drank some water and went to bed and surprisingly pain reduced and again I did the same thing for 2 more days and pain had completely gone. It was purely a miracle of Baba. He only cured my pain. Last Thursday I was very sad and depressed and after evening puja and aarthi I opened Sai answers. I got the exact answer for which I was sad. This was the miracle of Baba.
Right now I am facing many problems, Baba please remove them and bless me. You know what they are. I’m doing Sai divya puja but haven’t heard anything for the wish I wanted but I am sure by the end of completion of my puja I will surely get what I want. Baba sometimes in haste and in tension I am asking repeated question in Baba answers website. I am doing that just to get strength from Your words nothing more than that. If I do any mistakes unknowingly please forgive me Baba and please remove all my tensions. Without You I can’t think anything else Baba, I am totally dependent on You. Please save this poor child and bless my kid with proper health. Thank You. Bless everyone who are in dire need of Your help Baba. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from Singapore says: My experience starts here: I conceived with the grace of Baba in Jan 2016. We live in abroad. I and my husband decided that we will deliver our child in India at our hometown only because of n number of reasons. My plan was to go in seventh month of my pregnancy to India and stay there with in-laws for delivery. My husband would join me near due date. I was restless with infinite number of questions in my head; how will I stay at my in-laws place alone; I have never lived with them for long that too alone;How will I stay without my husband; most important what if my husband does not reach in time when baby would be born; what if he miss baby’s birth announcement made by doctor as that joy is incomparable; above everything I wanted him to be with me when I deliver. I just wanted him to be around when I go to hospital. But I had no other option but to leave it on Baba. With all the thoughts in mind I reached India in my seventh month of pregnancy and by Baba’s grace I had most wonderful time there with my in-laws. They treated me more than a daughter. I was happy there.
One day I was reading online about a girl’s experience whose husband was abroad and how her husband reached exactly at the time of her delivery. I was thinking in mind; “Baba how beautiful is her experience; I know you must have planned something for me too, please take care of my worry and make him to reach on time” these were my words to Baba and then I thought in my mind; will it be as beautiful as this girl’s experience? And I started doing something else and totally forgot about it. I was actually chilled about it. I was sure Baba will take care. My due date was 21st September. I told my husband on 13th that you come on 17th; it will take time. He was like ok. He called me in evening that I have taken leaves from the next day and he was coming. I was angry that why are you wasting your leaves? Please come on 17th. He said that his leave was approved; and he would book the flight then. I was like; as you wish. Late night he called me; that he checked the flights but there was no flight for next day; (Direct flights operate on alternate days) he couldn’t come next day. He would be coming on 15th then. I was again angry that you have wasted your leave etc. etc. etc. Anyway I was happy he was coming. On 15th Sep, He landed on airport at 2:00 p.m. He had to travel for 2 more hours by car to reach home. He was on the way and at 3:50 p.m my water broke in full swing. My mother-in-law called my husband that where was he? He said just 15 minutes. I was speechless. I had no fear that my water broke or anything but just tears of joy were therein my eyes continuously to see Baba’s love for me.
My husband exactly reached at 4:10 p.m and at 4:15 p.m we left for hospital. My happiness knew no bounds at that time. I was happiest person on earth. It was magical. It was beautiful and it was my Baba’s love for me. Nothing could have been more beautiful than this. I was blessed with a beautiful baby girl same day. I seriously have no words to explain the joy and beauty of this leela. I am too small to describe it. But tears are still rolling in eyes to recall that moment. If my husband would have reached on 14th, my experience would not have been as beautiful as it was when he arrived just on time. I wanted to make the experience beautiful and Baba took care of this. I really have no words to explain this joy. Millions of thanks are also not sufficient to thank Baba for this. I love You Baba. Please keep Your hand always on my baby, me, my family and my loved ones. Take care of everyone and bless everyone. Aum Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Hetalji and all Sai devotees a very Good morning to all. And I wanted to share a few miracles happened in my life regularly from now. So that I could be a solution to someone in problem or it could increase faith in many people. It can also reduce someone’s depression. Because all these things happened to me whenever I go through this blog and read devotees’ experiences.
Today I wish to share how Baba gave M.B.A seat and degree to me. My father is an government Employee and ours is a middle class family. I wanted to do M.B.A at that time and I gave entrance exam. I didn’t go to any entrance course for getting M B. A seat because of my health problem. I gave exam with my own preparation. For getting seat I did Gurucharitra Sapthah parayana which Baba always asks His devotees to do. The morning when I got entrance result I was sleeping and my brother went to get the paper (those days we used to get result only in Newspaper). Though I had faith in Baba, I thought I was not lucky enough to get the good rank. Then my brother brought the paper and was asking me for my hall ticket no. I was saying don’t take all the pain I won’t get good rank. And he was saying for our satisfaction please give the no. and I said where I had kept it in my cupboard and I was still lying on the bed. He found it and he checked the result and said you will get a seat for your rank. I got 5000 rank. My joy new no bounds and I woke from my bed with lot of excitement and happiness. Only because of Baba this could happen. And the counselling day came, that day again Baba showed His miracle again.
That time my father was not in a position to pay for hostel fees and all if a get the seat in a faraway place from our place. I was praying Baba to give seat in nearby place so that I can do up and down from my house. I was standing in the counselling lane waiting for my turn and the person who checks all papers and required documents smiled at and said don’t worry you will get the seat. I felt like it was Baba Who said me like that and relieved my tension. When my turn came only 2 seats were left. The situation now was that if the girl before me chose the college which was near to our place I would not get the seat in that if she didn’t choose I would get the seat in that college. My tension increased and I was doing Baba namsmaran and asking Baba to give seat. Baba will definitely give what we deserve. He gave me the seat in that particular college itself and I did up and down from my house and I finished my M.B.A with very good percentage. Thanks a million times Baba for giving seat and M.B.A degree.
Dear devotees of Baba, out of my experiences I wanted to share few things with you all. Please do not ask Baba I want to do this job only or that thing only like that. Leave it to Baba He will show you the right way If it is regarding job, ask Baba “Baba please give me good job which is good to us” He will definitely give the best for you. Thanks Sai Devotees.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from Singapore says: Even though I am a Hindu and from the Brahmin caste, I have never been a true devotee. I am not as pious as my parents and I always doubt God, even though He has saved my life a million times. I got to know Sai Baba by chance actually when I was in India for holiday. I learnt more about Baba. I started to read Sai Baba books and also went to the Sai Baba temple. The past 2 years have been incredibly challenging as I had not been performing well academically. Moreover, these last 2 years were absolutely crucial as I had begun applying to medical schools. Although I got an offer from one medical school, my parents and I were not happy with that choice as the fees were really expensive and it was also not a reputed school. I felt really, really upset with God for troubling my family and me. Everyone else was happy and was getting into dream schools but me. Then I realised that all of my sufferings were my own doings. I had done many bad deeds when I was younger and probably in my past life, which was why I was facing so much difficulties. Nonetheless, I pleaded with god/Sai Baba to help me because I have heard so many leelas. By God’s grace, I have got an offer at a really good university and I will be starting in September. I just want to tell everyone that Sai Baba will always help you and everything that He says will come true eventually. He cleared all my doubts and suspicion and I will always be grateful to Him.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I wish to share a small experience of mine. I am a working women residing in Bangalore. From past few days there was so much of work pressure at office and there were talks that this time we will be getting just 5% of increment. I prayed to Baba that we all should get at least 10% of increment so that atleast there will be a reasonable hike in the salary. Baba actually listened to my prayers. 10% of increment was announced and we are getting the revised salary today. Very thankful to Baba. Luv You so much. You are more than a parent seriously.
Prayers for Today: Waiting For Blessing Since 8 Years – Anonymous Sai Devotee

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
om sai ram too all, after read your story dear sai sister, almost the same way a guy cheated me too, said that he has a liver cancer, dear sister i am still waiting for justices but see those people are cheated us they are living happily but we are in trouble for them, hope our sai pa will do some justices with you… your story remind me my history… my question is why our lord sai pa not doing justices with us? baba please do some miracle at least for this girl, it is my humble prayer to you….
Aum Sai Ram,
Please be with Baba and kinldy read Sai Satcharitra, hopefully by the time you complete it you will get to se Miracle..
Jai Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram…………………
Om sai samarth
Please bless us Sainath deva
Sainath maharaj ki jai
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam 🙂
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
@first devotee: very sorry for your situation but baba don't leave you and he will give you a better future. I too wonder how come a person gives this much pain to others, why don't they afraid of god etc., anyways we will receive happiest experience from you soon.
I know how much your mother is suffering with this incident.
May god bless your family.
om sai ram
Iam thinking to sucide….i cant handle all this anymore…baba why u show one thing and allow other things to happen…u gave me all the knowledge but what is the use??? Tell me how to fight ??? Which problem to focus …everthing is problem only….. dont you understand people are making fun of you????? You go help who has everything…what else can you do other than sitting and crying with us…if cant change my life than atleast kill me or this also i only have to do??? Why are palying with me by giving good answers in the answer and question site ….iam going mad ….if cant do anything pls dont give me false hopes….and let me die
Forget baba.
No one can help if your fate is bad.
Om Sai Ram _/_
Om Sai ram, Love you baba please be with my family take care of them protect them baba.