Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all devotees. I’m a small devotee of Baba from India. I experience Baba’s miracles in everyday life. He is my everything. He neither leaves me nor forsakes me. He has always stayed by my side. He has not let me face any problems on my own. It is like He faces everything that life throws at me and He safeguards me from all calamities.
My dad is working in Govt. Sector. So naturally in every 3 years once he is transferred. There was a misunderstanding between my dad and his higher official. So he was transferred to a hill station. Usually people are transferred there due to punishments. But my dad was transferred there due to his higher official and other colleagues. I forgot to mention before that everyone in my family are religious persons. My dad is a devotee of Sai Ma and Lord Hanuman. When he was transferred we all were worried. He requested for transfer for continuous 3 years, but everything was in vain. He kind of lost hope. I asked Sai Ma in Q&A and He replied ““On Ekadashi (11th day from New Moon Day) of Ashaadh (July – August) and on the birthday of Shree Rama work will done. You will get ample money on completion of Government Work. You will stay at places like Satara, Pune, Mumbai. You will have a chance of visiting Shirdi.”
After getting this answer I was pretty sure He would get his transfer by April 5th. And yes my dad got the news on 23rd march. He received his order on 3rd April and was relieved on 8th April. We used to go to a Baba temple, whenever we visited my dad. So we thought we should visit the temple before my dad was relieved. So we went there on 28th March night (It takes 4 hours to reach if we travel by bus). We went to the temple the next day (29 Mar). The priest there knows my dad. Whenever we go to the temple He used to smile and say few words and leave. This time however it was different. My dad was saying on the way “Will Swami (Priest) be there?” And when we reached the temple, wonders of wonders Swamiji was waiting near the entrance gate. It was like Baba Himself was welcoming us. I was so very happy. Everyone was on cloud 9. He accompanied us to every deity. He waited for us till we finished praying. My dad asked him “Is it getting late for aarthi?” He said “No problem. You pray first” Then we went to see our beloved Sai Ma. My mom had stringed Jasmine flowers. Swamiji took it and put it on Sai Ma’s Neck like a Garland. We gave 2 roses. One he kept on His lap and other on His chest.
Then the aarthi started. Swamiji gave us aarthi books to sing aarthi. We also took aarthi. Then we were sitting waiting for the crowd to subside so that we could touch Sai Ma’s Feet. He came to us and asked us to come so that we can leave. My dad said that we will come after getting blessings from Baba. He said ok come after that and went to his room (Near the mandir). We touched Baba’s feet and got His blessings. Then we went to see Swamiji. He welcomed us with a smile and prepared tea for us. Getting Tea from Sai Ma was the best moment. We spoke about future plans. Baba was chatting with us. I don’t know how to express my happiness. Baba welcomed us, gave us tea and had a chat. He invited my dad for Rama Navami. My dad went to the temple on April 5th (Rama Navami) and was relieved on April 8th. Yesterday I was a bit depressed about life. I opened a website where we can type our quest and ask Baba. I wrote everything I felt. How I’m sorry for all my misdoings and thankful for everything He has done for me. He replied “Do not worry. Say all your problems to Shree Sainath form the bottom of your heat. All your worries will end by tomorrow morning.” I don’t know how I woke up in a good mood today. Dear all, let us not make deals with Baba. Let us believe Him wholeheartedly. Let us have unwavering faith on Him. He is our Saviour,Our Guardian Angel! No matter what; The God we pray would never leave our hands. No matter what; the God we trust would never leave our side. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai!

Sai Devotee Vishnu from India says: Om Sai Ram i am from Kerala. Thanks for this inspiring site for all Sai devotees and this is my first post.
More than a year back me, mom and dad visited Shirdi Sai temple at Palakkad for first time. We did aarti at night bought some Sai images, books etc. One book was written by a master/yogi who was a Sai devotee and had unbelievable miracles in life just like those we read in Sai Satcharitra which inspired me more to pray Sai and have faith in Him. In book master commented on a mantra which He recorded personally and had good results in his followers’ life. Personally I was also going through tough times for many years and I contacted their site if I could get that. Since it was regarded very sacred, they said it couldn’t be sent via email but to contact the Sai temple I visited since some of the Sai devotees were also his followers. I called them but couldn’t get it touch with them. After that it was around more than a year since I made any contact with their site. Now about a week before, I received a mail from their site sending that particular mantra out of the blue, which I badly needed since I was getting too low. This I could not explain how much faith it added to beloved Sai.
I found this site few days before and read some of experiences and I also send my Prayers To Shirdi in the email provided in the site. For more than a month I was really attracted or kind of obsessed towards a female singer and I was getting really emotional down not able to forget her or what to do? I also added this issue in my Prayers To Shirdi. That same night I saw a dream were I was walking with a girl whom I never saw and probably both of us felt our love; the moment we saw each other and it was one the best dreams I ever had. I don’t know if that girl exists or not, or ever we would meet, but rather I firmly believe it was Sai’s message that He was there for me and like for each one of us; He has some good plans for me too in future which really fills me with hope and faith. Beloved Sai please be always with us removing all of our difficulties and prospering us.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Hello All, Sai Ram to all Devotees. I thank to the team for maintaining this site. This is a very good site and I can’t pass my day without reading and visiting it. This is my second experience that I am sharing and wish I should keep on sharing experiences everyday.
I am living in Chennai and as you know Chennai climate is very hot in month of May. Not possible to cope up with this heat and kids are more prone to get sick due to the same. So here is my experience. Last Sunday my sister and her kids visited my house at Chennai for summer vacation for a week. She is from Bangalore and and compare to Bangalore, Chennai is much hotter. When they came everything was fine for first two days. My daughter and her’s were playing like anything. But on Monday afternoon after lunch my sister’s youngest girl started throwing up suddenly. She gave her emset syrup medicine but it did not work. She started throwing again and became weak. I was in office and I told her to wait and that I would be at home soon.
When I reached home at 4:00 PM IST my niece was still not well and had vomited just 5 minutes back before I reached. I was very upset because for the first time my sister had visited me and she had this problem and her girl was not keeping well then. Suddenly I remembered that I had Sai Baba’s Udi and I searched the Udi in my drawer and I found it. I gave little bit Udi to my niece and prayed to Sai Baba to please make her well fast and please stop her vomiting. Sairam Sairam and miracle took place! Her vomiting fully stopped which was not stopping even after giving her medicine since long! It stopped after giving Udi of Sai Baba. Till yesterday night she was feeling dizzy but till morning she did not throw up again and today she had again got her normal appetite. I was so relieved. I felt My Sai Baba was with me always and I trust that He will bring me and my family out of my otherproblems and issues soon. Jai Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram!

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sainathaya Namah. I am sharing my third experience on this site. I am ever grateful to Sai Baba for blessing me and giving me the strength to overcome any difficulty. This happened three months ago. I went to the doctor for a normal check-up in US and she found something strange seeing my stomach and asked me to undergo an ultrasound and found that there was a very big cyst near the liver and recommended me to consult a cancer specialist to make sure it was not cancerous. She said 99% it was benign. I was actually very fit and healthy, never had any problems but when she said that; our world turned upside down.
We took the next flight to my native in India and we consulted the doctors there. They asked me to undergo a blood test and also an MRI to make sure it was benign. I always had trust in my Sai Baba, all this while I couldn’t sleep and continuously was reading Sai Baba’s book and cried, cried asking Him why He did it to me and I had to undergo all this. Before taking MRI and blood test I went to all the temples, prayed like never before but deep down I had faith in my Baba that He would take care of His child. I took MRI and they said it was benign and that needs to be removed via surgery and no other go. When they say surgery anyone would get scared. But like I always said I trust my Baba, He always sees me and believe it or not I didn’t feel any pain post operation except the minor small pain. Felt as though the whole process was just like a dream to me. That’s the power of my Baba. I had actually taken His Idol to the hospital and placed it right next to my bed.
I wanted to share this with everyone because I wanted each one to know His power and to never doubt on His existence. He is there with us every minute and every second. Even a leaf cannot move without His command likewise none can touch His disciple without His permission.
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam, a big thank you to Hetalji and team for doing tremendous job by providing our beloved Sai Baba’s miracles on this platform. This truly strengthens our faith on Babaji. I cannot call myself a Sai devotee as devotee is someone who sincerely keeps his faith on Baba patiently. I should have unflinching faith on Him, unfortunately, I lacked it. But Baba never ignored me, He tested my belief multiple times but I never passed in His tests. In spite of all my flaws He still blesses me.
Here comes my experience, I was having certain health issues. Since past one week I had symptoms of thyroid and diabetes so after consultation I went for thyroid and fasting and PP sugar test. I cried a lot in front of Baba as few months back I lost my job, was still unmarried and now thinking about these diseases was making me more restless. I had sleepless nights. It was a tough phase for me and my entire family as problems were coming one after another. While giving tests, I was chanting Baba’s name asking Him to forgive me for my all bad deeds and sins. After returning home also, I was not feeling good, my tears were rolling down my cheeks continuously. I promised Baba if I would get my reports normal, I will share my experience. Next evening I received my reports and by Baba’s grace I found my reports normal. I am fine today only and only because of Baba. Baba thank You is a small word in front of Your blessings. Please hold my hand throughout my life. With You I am everything, without You, I am nothing at all. Baba You know my three wishes, Please Baba fulfil my all wishes soon so that I will share my experiences with Sai devotees. Sairam please forgive me and accept me as Your devotee. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from US says: Thanks for doing a wonderful job in maintaining this forum. It’s a blessing to be reading all the wonderful experiences from the devotees. I have been a devotee for some time now. Baba has been kind enough to shower His blessings on us.
Please forgive me Baba for posting this experience late. My daughter and my husband came down with flu some time back. I prayed to Baba and put His Vibuthi on them and in a week they came back to being normal. I was quite worried as I had a little one and praying she wouldn’t get sick as well. With Baba’s blessing she was fine and my husband and daughter were well. Baba, please bless us at all times and make us think of You 24/7. I am also trying for a job for quite some time and not able to succeed so far. I strongly believe its Baba’s doing for the good and bless me with a job that He thinks is right for me. I also pray for all the devotees and bless them with all the goodness Baba.
Prayers for Today: Prayer For Brother And Father – Anonymous Sai Devotee

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram, Love you baba please protect my family be with them take care of them baba, Please extended my project baba.
My baba ,Please forgive all sins bless me to live happily with my husband and kid
Please help me Sai. You have always been there for me. Never left me alone all these years. Thank you for everything Sai. I am having some problems these days which I am sure you already know. I don't know what to do. I am so lost. I pray to you whole heartedly, please come back to me and don't leave me alone. Help me please Saibaba.
Please guide me Saibaba. Please show me the way. Please help me. Please cure me and heal me. Om Sai ram.
Plz help us sai plz help my husband to get a good job sai baba. Om sai jai sai shri sai
Om sai ram. Bless my sister Baba Srinivas should get good job .
I have a very big problem in my life… I have lost all my patience I have reached my saturation point… Though I have not done any mistake I am the one who is always being affected because pf husband and his family… People know they are wrong but still nothing is working out… It is like being inside some trap… No peace… When will things come good for me… When will my husband realize his mistake and come back to me…when will my life be in peace and joy