After MahaParayan, Lord Sai Baba has blessed “Naam Jaap” venture. Visit our blog Shirdi Sai Baba daily to unveil His Leelas behind this act of Self-Cleansing and Spiritual Uplifting
Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Sister Satarupa from India says: Hello everyone. This is my second experience in this blog. And it’ll be unfair if I would not show my gratitude to Hetal ji & her team who is bringing all Sai devotees together in a single platform. Bringing in so much positivity & hope for a better future. Now let’s come to my experience. I am really falling short of words to express my feelings for Sai Maa. In my previous experience I had shared how Sai ji came into my life & showed His path. After marriage my husband & I decided to visit Shirdi and started chalking out the trip plan. But somehow the plan was on verge of cancellation, expenses were beyond our budget as wedding budget exceeded our expectations. So we almost drop out the plan. But don’t know how it came back all of a sudden as my husband said the expenses will be managed lets plan for it. You guys can feel how happy I was, I was just at top of this world. Sai ji planned everything beforehand and I was upset for nothing. Then after that whatever plan was done it was solely His call. Now see what He planned. We booked rail tickets till Pune & from Pune booked bus till Shirdi. Thought process was like we will reach Shirdi by 7am on 10th Dec, attend Madhayana Aarti and then our bus back was at 3 pm. I had a hunch that arriving & leaving Shirdi on same day and taking part in Aarti along with that visiting every single bit of Shirdi will be a bit difficult. But then i persuaded myself that at least we are able to go there.
So we started our journey & we both were so thrilled throughout the way and guess what we reached Shirdi a day before, i.e. 9th Dec (9 Baba’s number). We were feeling like a dumb that how could we misinterpret the date and timings. Instead of 10th Dec, 7am we reached on 9th Dec 7pm and got enough time to get the Darshan of Samadhi Mandir. Next day as we planned before for Madhayana Aarti but unfortunately due to long queue we could not get inside Samadhi Mandir during Aarti. But instead we experienced ultimate bliss at Dwarkamai where we took part of Aarti. We thought we’ll reach on same day of our returning which if we would have then would not have Darshan of Samadhi Mandir. Reaching a day before gave us plenty time to cover every single place where Baba’s essence still exists.
My husband & I were working at a multinational company. He wanted a switch & better opportunity but things were not working out. He was really depressed but he had faith that surely Sai Maa had planned something great for him. I was also praying for the same. Then one day I dreamt of Sai ji. He was in a posture of Bal Krishna holding the Govadhana parvat above His head with His little finger. I had never ever thought of this posture before or saw any Picture similar to it. After I was awake I felt that Sai ji is saying that all our burdens are been taken over by Him, now it’s all His headache & we don’t need to worry about anything. I still have goose bumps thinking of it. Later I found out the same image in Internet which tallied exactly. So as He promised He solved all our problems. My husband got that Job with increment in salary out of our expectations & with better designation. Though he had to leave the city, family & me behind. I could not accompany him until I had a job out there in his city.
We both were apart for whole 1 Year. That was the most toughest phase of my life. I was brought up in a joint family & never knew to even sleep alone in a single room. And that i had to stay in whole house all alone. Only Sai ji made that phase pass by. I always felt that i was not alone as Sai ji is also staying with me in that apartment. During this period both our families were very supportive. At least they did not force me to quit my job & move along with my husband. They rather encouraged us & asked not to lose hope. I am thankful to Sai Maa for giving us such understanding people as our parents. One night I was unable to sleep so I thought of reading this blog. And then i read a similar experience that a lady had insomnia applied Udi & she could sleep properly. You will be surprised to hear that I forgot to apply Udi that day after Pooja which Sai ji reminded me of & also made me sleep with such a bliss. He always takes care like a mother. Then finally after 1 year long wait I was able to switch to a company at my hubby’s city which gave me more exposure carrier-wise. I am really thankful to Sai ji for giving me such a beautiful life & I will always try to walk along the path shown by Him. Shraddha & Saburi is the mantra of my life.
One more dream I saw last week which made me confused & sad. I saw an Idol of Sai ji in a Mandir with number of hands just like other Hindu gods. Many Bhaktas were coming for Darshan. It seemed to be a famous temple. Then I saw that the Idol was actually a old & lean aged man whose mouth was covered with cloth. He was very exhausted & sad. I felt like crying after seeing his condition that how could anyone tie up an aged man like this pathetic way. Then I woke up but the impression of that old man was still there. I could not figure it out what exactly Sai ji wanted to express by this dream. As per my perception I think Sai ji is Sad because of so much crime, negativity & violence spread throughout the world. We often get carried away with our own desires that we forget to think about others. We often misbehave with our closed ones & later on repent after they are all gone. We forget that whatever we sow will bore as fruit in future. Karma works that way. So if you guys can explain better about the dream please do help me out. Thanks again for reading & sorry for lengthy post as you all know writing about Sai ji can make us all forget about everything. Jai Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all. Thank you Hetal ma’am and her team to give us a divine platform to share our experiences and feelings. In today world you are like Shama ji to all of us. How fortunate we are that in today’s time also we have live Sai Satcharitra where we can share our miracles. Once again thank you hetal ji. Om Sai Ram. We are living in Bangalore but my home is in Delhi. In Delhi we do have apartment what we purchased in 2012 and they promised to me we will give possession in 2015. Every year we are paying huge amount of money but still we are facing delay in our home. Again they people said we will handover in 2019 but it’s too much delay. Now on 14th August ’17 court declared that builder is bankrupt and told to file the case against the builder who all are having house. We are in Bangalore and we are not in condition to go Delhi so we filed online case and last date of submission is 24th August’17.
On 16th August we paid all amount to lawyer team but after that we tried calling them but they never picked the call for another 5 days. Even no messages, no emails nothing we are getting so we are very much disappointed. Mow it’s 23rd August and we are calling continuously but no response, now here comes miracle from Sai Ram as i prayed if they people reply or picked our calls and my work will be done then i will post here my experience. Miracles of miracles happen in another 1 hour they replied even they picked our calls and smoothly my work done. Thank You Sai Ram, You are light for us in this world. My day start with reading this blog and i always feel very much confident about my prayers that You will definitely listen and fulfil, once time will come. One more wish is there You know Sai Ram that i want to conceive and my full faith is there and everything i surrender to You. Please bless me. I Know when i am writing then also You are listening my words and soon You will fulfil my wish. Be with us Sai Ram and take care for everyone who believes in You and keep everyone healthy and happy. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a Sai follower from last two months. Before that i was an ignorant person and unable to feel His presence even though i was under His vision. This is my first post in this blog. I would like to thank hetal ji and others who are maintaining this blog. Jai Sri Ram. I am a software employee working in Bangalore as a fresher, my training got finished and many of my batch mates got project, few of us yet to get and it’s been 7 months and we are waiting for project. One day we got a call from Kolkata that there is project, i rejected that project as i didn’t felt like going to Kolkata as its very far from my home town and also i am well settled in Bangalore. After that my manager warned me not to reject projects anymore, in that situation either i can move to Kolkata or else i should resign the job. Then i agreed to go to Kolkata this stress is all because there are no projects in Bangalore.
The other day i got a call from one of the project managers from Kolkata, he interviewed me and he said that he is ok to take me and he asked my opinion, i said i need 1 day time, within that i thought of meeting managers in Bangalore to know if there are any projects i felt Baba may help me within that one day but then it doesn’t happen Baba tested me so much finally i took chits to say yes or no to Kolkata manager, then Baba’s answer was to say yes then, i felt so unhappy but then believed in Baba and said yes then manager said ok and after that i didn’t get any confirmation mail from them. So, after few days i called them then they said that the requirement got resolved. I felt very much shocked. It was the miracle of Baba then i felt very much happy and also felt he is helping me. As i know i got a project in Bangalore itself after 1 month, on the day i finished reading Sai Satcharitra (7 days Parayan) and this 1 month i was saved by Baba to be here in Bangalore. Now i strongly believe You Baba and i love You so much Baba. I hope that definitely i will post my experiences of Baba in future too. Definitely He will help all the devotees too and all we have to do is be with Shradha and Saburi. Sai Ram Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. Thanks hetal ji for creating such a beautiful platform to share our experiences of Sai Baba and instilling hope in people. Today I want to share my experiences with you all. It was when my family is going through a rough phase. My father is facing problems in his work place regarding transfers. He is very much disturbed due to that he went into depression. His condition worsened one day. We admitted him in hospital. For 3 months we were in a hospital. At last when he recovered, his condition became serious once again. He almost went into coma. See Baba’s miracle here. The hospital we are staying is not responding at all. We thought to change the hospital. Suddenly people who are not even our relatives but we know them came to hospital that day. They helped us a lot in changing the hospital.
We went to another hospital where Baba’s temple is in front of it. He is in ICU for few days. Then the doctors said there is only two percent chance, my dad is not responding to the treatment. I am not there at that moment but when I heard from my brother I went to hospital praying Baba. He showed me signs that my dad will be alright. All lost hope but I kept praying to Baba. My brother who will not step into temple unless we pressure him went to Baba’s temple that day and prayed. Miracle my father started responding. This incident happened 6 months ago. My dad is recovering and is going to office also. When we were in the hospital Baba transferred my dad’s job to the place where we wanted. The stress and pain we faced in those days can’t be explained in words. But Baba relieved us from worries and made us strong. Thank You so much Baba for all Your love towards us.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a Sai devotee since 2006. Before that I am not aware of it. I got to know Him through internet and movies. He did many miracles in my life. Dear All, I am posting this article because, Sai Baba listen my prayer and gave me a golden opportunity in my life. I want to enter into the PhD program. I applied 3 times there is no success, strong hope with Sai Baba, finally I got it into the program. This all only happens because of Sai Baba. I strongly believing Sai Baba, i posted my another article few years back, He saved my mother from the breast cancer. He is always with me and my family. Thank You Sai Baba, You made my life meaningful. Please Sai Baba bless me to finish my PhD with good papers without any obstacles. Also please bless my first brother for his marriage, i begged you, please find one good girl with good family background, make his life very happy. He suffered enough his life within 35 years. Please Sai Baba Ayya show him a good life partner, that will make my family more happy. Sai Baba please bless my second brother for a successful career and also for his studies. You only can help us. We don’t have anyone in the world to help. We are very helpless people. I knew that all my prayers You will listen and fulfil my wishes. Sai Baba is everywhere in the world.

Anonymous Devotee from US says: Om Sai Ram, Blessed is Hetal ji and her entire team that they were chosen to perform this noble work by the blessings of Sai Himself and none else. Yesterday while driving back home, I had developed some pain like sensations in my front teeth and was really praying Baba to remove that. Last year I had been to the dentist several times and really didn’t want to step up there this year also. I prayed Him and kept chanting His name with in my mind fully praying and leaving it to Him. Ironically, I also saw 2 dentist places on my way back and was wondering what was Sai trying to convey by showing me that? Fortunately, without my knowledge the pain like sensations that started ran off faster than it came after praying to Sai. I consider myself really blessed for having taken refuge at His Feet and I am ever indebted to Him for pulling me towards Him. Even though Sai is best of goodness in this world, if we hold on to His Feet firmly with faith, He will ultimately take us across the seven seas to the final destination from where there is no return. Om Rajadhi Raja Parabrahma Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaja Ki Jai. Om Sai Ram.
Prayers for Today: Prayer Request For Mental Peace – Sai Devotee Thilagavathy

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
I am 41 years female,having a son 10 years old..I don't know it's near to impossible but still I somehow deep in my heart desire for a girl,knowing d fact that even my husband is not willing.. dear devotees plz pray for me so that Sai baba suppresses my desire n I be at peace…Om Sai RAM
Om Sai Ram,
Baba thank You for guiding us, guarding us and protecting us. Baba please forgive us for all our sins and mistakes we may have done knowingly or unknowingly. Baba please always keep us at Your Lotus Feet and keep Your Hands on our heads. Baba forgive me for posting this late. Baba please bless my parents, my sisters their families, us both and his family with health, happiness and long life. Baba please unite us with Your grace and blessings and please bless us with a long healthy happy married life with each other. Baba thank You for giving clear reports for my uncle. Baba tomorrow is his surgery. Baba please be with him throughout and protect him. Baba please make sure that he is cured through this surgery and also he recovers completely. Baba please bless all your children. Baba please always guide us, guard us and protect us. Baba please forgive us for all our sins and mistakes. Baba Please keep us at Your Holy Feet and always keep Your Hands on our heads.
Jai Sairam
Dear Sainatha. Thanks for curing that uncomfortable feel i had yesterday. Thank you so much. Also please be with us during our Tirupathi trip to get very good darshan everywhere, like always. Thanks Deva
O Deva, be with us and give us strength and confidence to overcome our obstacles successfully.
jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sairam. Between me and my mother in law some misunderstandings raised by other people. I pray to baba please solve this problem and baba solved the problem and we talk each other normally. Thank you so much baba. Baba please take care of Amma and my daughter. Be with us in every situation baba. Anantha koti Brahmanda nayaka rajadi raja yogiraja parabrahma Sri satchidananda sadguru sainath Maharaj ki jjaaiii
Om Sai Ram, Love you baba please be with my family protect them and take care of them baba, I don't have any one other then you baba, please forgive mistakes done by me knowingly or unknowingly, please help my husband clear his exams and settle in his profession baba, please help me get full time job baba, please let me be at your lotus feet till I die baba.