Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am 30 year old and from India, a devotee of Sai Baba. I would like to share today’s experience.
I had a thought of visiting famous temple of lord Shiva on Monday. It nearly takes half day for me to finish the journey and I wanted to visit it on Monday as it is important for lord Shiva. However, I thought that it was difficult as Monday was a working day. Suddenly today at evening, I heard one of my colleagues talking about visiting the same temple with his friend and I immediately asked him. They agreed to take me and we left in the evening in their car. I had never imagined that I could go to that temple in the evening.
At the Goddess temple, the priest was giving bangles to a girl. I wanted them and prayed the Goddess to give me something as a gift to make me know that she blessed me and accepted my prayers. I was about to leave when suddenly, the priest called me and gave me the bangles. I was very happy. While coming back from the temple, I suddenly remembered the quote which I had seen a few times before from Sai’s Q&A website that gift will come from southern direction and if anyone gives you kumkum, apply it. Your fortunate period will start immediately. I searched google maps for the location and the temple was exactly in southern direction to my current place of residence. I have indeed received the git from the Goddess herself. I am blessed to have it.
Right now, I am having some problems and me and my parents are worried about it. I have asked the questions many times on the website but I am confused regarding the answers. I sincerely pray to Baba, wishing that He would appear in my dream and give me guidance about how to get rid of these problems. My problem is very different and I can’t even share it with anyone. I am waiting since many years, but Baba always asks me to have patience. I hope that soon with His grace, the problem will end and I can get my happiness. Sometimes, the waiting kills us and makes us feel horribly frustrated and we desperately try to cling to any hint that strengthens our faith. Right now, sometimes, I feel exhausted by this indefinite wait but still I can’t leave my hope which is based on Baba’s words. Baba! Please help me. I can’t take it anymore. Please forgive my sins and show Your mercy on me.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from Australia says: Dear Sai devotees, this is another one of Sai miracle that I am posting. A few of my previous ones have been published, thanks to Hetalji and her team. I am forever indebted to this website for bringing me closer to Sai, understanding and also being part of His magnanimity and generous deeds. Till date He has always been at my side and helped me out in my hard times and made my wishes come true. No other God can win over His devotees so quickly as Sai can do. I have known Him for less than two years and believe me after that my life has changed dramatically. He does ask for Shraddha and Saburi and tests them, but ultimately He is there for you.
This experience or should I call it as a miracle is about how I lost my house keys last week and was worried about not finding them. It was a matter of security and cost involved in getting another set of keys. I looked everywhere for my keys, in my car, on the grounds of my workplace and my bags, but all efforts went in vain. At the back of my mind I had a belief that Sai was going to help me as He was the One Who knew where the keys are and He was testing my faith. I promised Sai that I would read an additional chapter of Sai Satcharitra and post the experience (which was not to bribe Him, but so devotees could increase their faith in Sai- as He wants to come to the rescue of all, who are having problems and chooses this path to do so). Thus, after promising the above, the next morning I called up all the places that I had been to, to find out if I had left my keys there. I was praying and hoping that someone in the office and the workplace grounds had found them and deposited them to the office. This was near to impossible, but I kept my faith and called up the places that I had been to on that day and guess what, my keys were found and I was asked to pick them up!
Who else but only Sai could show this miracle and help me get my keys back. I am so grateful and forever indebted to Him. He has helped my brother and brother-in- law to get a job, helped me in my sickness and now I know He will cure me completely and help me live a healthy prosperous life. I and my family, have had a very tough life and we need our Sai’s blessings upon us all the time. My plea to my Sai is, that please be with my brother, always help him in his job, take away his difficulties and also help my nephew in clearing his exam and getting a good job. Please my dear Sai help my entire family and bless them with good health and prosperity. Jai Sai, Jai Jai Sai! Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai Ho! Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai Ho!

Anonymous Sai Devotee from US says: Sairam, I am living in US with my husband and son. I and my husband are Sai Baba devotees. We go to Sai Baba temple on Thursdays whenever possible. We became Sai Baba devotee because of my mom. My mom is the one who initially told us about Sai Baba and took us first to Sai Baba temple in India. Thank you mom.
On Saturday morning all of the sudden I got stomach pain. It was after my 4 weeks of vrat. My stomach pain was very severe. I was not able to do anything. I and my husband were thinking it was just a gastric problem and it would be fine after taking medicines. I took medicine also but still stomach pain was not getting cured. I was scared because I already have gall stone. I was praying to Baba to please reduce my pain. It was reducing and coming back again. I was throwing up all the food that I was taking. This increased my fear for gall stone and we knew if we went to the doctor then they would immediately suggest an operation to remove gallstone.
By evening we went to Urgent care to check. They said it could be due to Lever problem and suggested some gastric relief tablet to try. I was more scared after hearing all that. Night I slept after taking medicine and because of Baba’s blessing. Sunday morning I got up, I was little better. I thanked Baba but after taking morning breakfast again I got severe pain, also my son was sick. My son had got cold and fever. My husband was feeling very bad because we both were sick. I was asking Baba why He made us sick.
On Saturday night my husband messaged his friend that I was not feeling well. At noon my husband’s friend called to check how I was? He was coming back home after his Sunday prayer. He suggested taking a particular medicine which I used to take when I got gastric problem but I totally forgot to try this time. Again I thanked Baba Who just showed us a way through my husband’s friend. My pain was totally reduced and I was much better after taking the medicine. But at night after dinner again my pain increased to maximum. I was praying and praying Baba to please reduce my pain. Baba made me to throw up all the food that I had from noon to reduce my stomach pain. Sunday night I was completely relieved from my stomach pain. Thanks Baba for helping me to get better from stomach pain when medicine didn’t help me much. Baba, always helps His devotees when they trust Him completely. Sairam.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from US says: I am a housewife staying in US with my husband and 2 kids since past 7 years. Thanks to Hetalji for maintaining this blessed site. Baba, bless you and the devotees reading this experience. May all of you stay happy and healthy. Baba, bless you.
Although our real relation is from generations, my relation with Baba in this birth began after I started working. Koti Koti Pranam Baba for guiding us and blessing us in every step of our life. Baba, always give us mental and physical strength and love from our parents, sisters, brothers and friends. Baba bless us. Om Sairam. My every day starts with Baba and ends with Him. Today is Janmastami and Baba is our Krishna. Give us faith and patience. Ananta Koti Bramhanda Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Param Bhramha Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai Jai Sri Krishna Ki Jai. Om Sairam. Baba bless all.
Sai Devotee Abhijeet from India says: Thanks to Hetalji and team for posting my previous experiences. Today, I would like to post about my 2 recent experiences on Udi.
1. Last month my mother was not keeping well, she had severe stomach pain. She took multiple medicines but it was not curing her completely. Then I gave her Udi mixed in water. Next day she was completely alright.
2. Two weeks back I got stomach injury while working out. I took medicine but it used to give relief for some time only. So I started applying Udi on my stomach and took it in water everyday. Within 1 week I got cured completely and started my work out again. Jai Sai Ram.
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Thank you so much Sai for the blessings on me and my family. I want to thank Sai for another miracle.
Om Sairam, Deva bless every one with health and wealth. I am very thankful to Sai. I was feeling very ill from last 10 days. Full of weakness, I prayed Sai for my health. Now I am feeling better. It was only because of Sai. It was not less than a miracle for me; yet again like always. Thank You once again Baba. Shirdi Vasay Sai Prabhu Jagatiki Nevey Mulam Prabhu, Akhilandakoti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadi Raja Yogi Raja Sree Sachitanada Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Sree Sai Jaya Jaya Sai .
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© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram _/_
O Deva, be with us, Your children, and bless us with Your grace, health and happiness.
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om sai ram ,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram..
Om sai ram..
Sai everyone is saying your words are true.. But in my life your words are too cheated me.where will I go? I trusted you only if you too cheated what will I do? Every time am coming to you only but your fooling me,cheating me always.. Then why your giving assurance if you can't fulfil in my life??? Say the reason ?
Wait my friend you'll see, it'll take time but you'll be fine Om Sai Ram
om sai ram…
baba please cure my one is there for us except you saideva…i am feeling like loosing everything.please help me saideva,and bless all with happiness..
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
OM Sairam
My experience with Sai Baba
My neck is swollen from past 4 to 5 years by observing this I took blood test for thyroid I prayed Baba dat I should not have thyroid problem if the blood levels r normal I'll post my experience and doctor also advised me to take needle biopsy and I heard it will be very painfully I was frightened and prayed to Baba and applied udi on my neck and went to biopsy but to my surprise biopsy dint even hurt me it's all beacabe of Baba thanku Baba