Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Makes Impossible Possible

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: First of all, I would like to seek my Saviour Baba’s blessings to post my experience on this blog. I also like to thank Admin and Editors of this wonderful website for their contribution and also for helping Baba’s devotees like me, to drink from the sea of Baba’s nectar. I am Baba’s devotee since my undergrad days, who didn’t know much about Him then but it gave me immense peace to visit His temple on Thursdays and attend bhajans. But once I got married and moved to USA, I stopped everything as circumstances changed completely. I went through school and worked for others. Then when the time came to go on my own, I was able to name my company with Baba’s name. Everything was fine in the beginning but now things have changed drastically at work and personal life since last 6 years, but able to cope with everything by His divine blessings. I know more about Baba and have felt His presence in many facets of life. I pray to Baba to bless all of His devotees with unwavering devotion. Among all His miracles I would like to share 2 of my experiences!

Recently, I had applied for citizenship, all the due formalities went without any hitch by Baba’s blessings. I also received “Notice of Naturalization Oath Ceremony” form. I am always very careful with all important documents, but this one I remember giving it to my husband to file it, as the oath ceremony was after a month. But 2 days before the ceremony, my husband could not find it and told me that I was the one that wanted to file and took it from him, which I didn’t remember doing . We searched every nook and corner of our home frantically but could not find. So I prayed to Baba to help me with this regard and promised to share my experience here. I found it in 5 minutes and it was on my nightstand, it was a true miracle as I don’t remember seeing anything there previous night or even while searching for it.

Normally, Varamahalakshmi Vratham is celebrated in a big way back home. I try to do my best here; also my daughter loves all the preparation and festivities that goes into doing it. The week when Varamahalakshmi was to be celebrated, (August 4th) was my busiest at work; I had no time to prepare for the festival. I was also performing 9 Thursdays Sai Vratham at the same time, I prayed to give me all the strength and stamina and help me in performing the Vratham with all due formalities. Usually my husband stays away from all the preparations as he does not believe in Idol worship, but with Baba’s blessing, my husband agreed to help which was very surprising to me. I was able to prepare and perform Vratham without obstacles. It was very special as my husband also joined me and my daughter in Arthi. I don’t think I can thank Baba enough for all that He has given me in this life, He is my everything. His numerous miracles, His presence is felt everywhere, only His children can feel and experience them. Baba, I try to follow and lead my life based on Your teachings, I beg for Your forgiveness for my mistakes and sins that I might have committed or for it might have upset You in anyway. Shri Shridi Vassaya Vidmahey Sachhidaanandaaya Dhi Mahi Taano Sai Prachodayaath.

Baba’s Experiences

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Sravanthi from India says: Hi I am from Hyderabad India. Dear Sai devotees if any mistake please forgive me. I became a Sai Baba devotee from 2012 December. I want to share how Baba did my marriage and Baba gave wonderful husband and in-laws.

I am the only daughter to my parents. They were worried about my marriage. No relatives were ready to bring matches for me because we are financially weak. My parents consulted the astrologers about me. They said one dosam was there on me and for its dosa pariharam they asked Rs. 12000. This amount was huge for us and we could not pay. Baba then showed another person to remove dosam on me. He Asked 4500/- so we happily agreed and gave that amount. He did the pooja.

One Thursday my mother prayed to Sai Baba about nobody was there for us, so please do my daughter’s marriage. The next day only we got a match without any relative’s help. Within one day I got match. First my husband came to see me, if he likes then his parents were ready to come. My husband came on Thursday to see me and we both liked each other. The marriage was fixed. They asked dowry that we could not give as our financial position was too bad at that time. I asked my parents to cancel but my mother did not accept to cancel the match because they were from good family. So we didn’t have any financial support from any one nor from relatives. So what to do? Parents were ready take credit from outside but nobody was ready to give because we didn’t have any surety papers. Marriage date was coming near. My mother asked one neighbour aunty for money on credit. By Sai Baba’s grace she accepted to give huge amount without any surety but she took more interest on that. Any way we got the amount at the right time but it was not sufficient. That amount we had given to my in-laws for dowry and gold purpose. Now problem was for marriage expenses. ‘s Baba grace we came from that problem also. So my marriage was happened happily in 2014.

Now how to pay the interest amount was the problem. My father didn’t have much salary to pay. I need to pay. My husband asked about my salary. Neighbour aunt’s torture started for interest amount. So I told to my husband about my parents and that they had taken credit amount from aunty for our marriage, so I need to support them. My husband took all the burdens from my parents. My mother-in-law and my husband supported very much. They paid all credit amount. My mother-in-law accepted for my parents to stay with us as I am the only daughter. In this they support a lot. All this happened only with Sai Baba’s blessings. I LOVE YOU BABA SO Much……! Now my marriage has completed 2 and half years. We are trying for a baby, so please Baba bless me with a baby. Thank You Sai Baba for everything I have now. Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Sainath’s Divine Grace

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Payal from India says: Hi all the Sai devotees this is Sai Payal Sharma. First of all Sairam to all Sai devotees. Thanks to Hetal ji and team for their great work and to give an opportunity to share our experiences on this blog. Today 25th August 2017 the special day to all. That is “Ganesh Chathurti” my favourite festival. A very happy Ganesh Chathurti to all of you.

My experience: My ear was paining from one month. Daily I prayed to my Sainath to cure this. I applied Sainath’s sacred Udi while chanting Udi mantra and ate some amount of Udi. After that I told to my mom. My mom said that we will go to hospital. Then I was afraid and prayed to my Sainath that Baba please You have to take care of all this because I am so scared that whether it will need any operation or likewise. But my Sainath is very kind. Before going to hospital I prayed to Sainath to handle all this. In hospital doctor checked and asked us to clean it first of all. Then after that the exact problem was found and he gave medicines, eat drops, injection and wrote thyroid test. I was so scared and tests were done. Then I prayed to my Sainath that Deva please help me and the reports should be normal. Bless me Sainath. Then again we went to the hospital and then the doctor cleaned the ear that was paining more. I cried badly and then doctor asked me to stop and come again and gave same prescription. Then seeing the reports he said that the reports were normal. See my Sainath’s miracle. Sainath listened my prayer and then I said thanks to my Sainath.

Again we went to the hospital and before that I prayed to my Sainath and my Siddhi Vinayak that please help me. I can’t bare that pain and injection pain also. Then the pain decreased. Doctor asked to come again and gave the same prescription .Again we went to the hospital and I prayed. This time doctor cleaned fully with no pain and said that no need to come again.I thanked my Sainath and my Siddhi Vinayak and my Hanumanji a lot. During all the process, I chanted my Sainath’s Kashtanivaran mantra. It helps me a lot, so please Sai devotees please have Shraddha and Saburi. My Sainath answers to all our prayers. Please don’t give up. Have hope on my Sainath Deva.
Thank you so much all Sai devotees to read my experience with my Sainath Deva!

Baba Arranged Money For My Financial Need

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. Thank you Hetal ji for your service to our beloved Baba and His children.

Already I have shared lot of experiences on this page. Some are published and some are waiting to be published. This is the new miracle to me with Baba. I am nine months pregnant. I already saved money for financial need. But that money was blocked in one person’s hand. For the past one year I asked Him to settle my money. But he didn’t reply or react. He is also a good person but due to some financial issues he can’t give my money. Within one month I am ready to deliver. I am already on maternity leave. That’s why I don’t have salary. I have to pay housing loan also every month. I prayed to Baba for my financial need and also prayed if my money got settled I will share the experience on this page. Within one week my relatives settled my money. I couldn’t believe and another money came from working organization unexpectedly. Thank You so much Baba.

Some money is pending with my relative but he assured that he will settle it when he will have money as early as possible. I know He will take care of that money and give it to me when I need. Thank You so much. Baba be with me. If anything going wrong please take care of Amma Baba. Thank You so much Baba for being with me in every situation. Baba You gave everything to me but why You give me this type of husband. I can’t digest His behaviour Baba. I know You are with me in my hardest situations. Now also I am living with Your blessings Baba. I don’t have anyone without You. If I did any mistakes please excuse me. Be with me in my delivery Baba. Ananthkoti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadiraja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Baba Cured My Sickness

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. I am a small devotee of Baba from past 18 years. Thank you Hetal ji for providing us to share our experiences through this page with Baba’s blessings.

My due date is within one week for delivery. Suddenly cold affected me. If cold was not cured then doctor would postpone my C-section. Already we had fixed one date and arranged everything. I prayed to Baba to please cure my cold and that I will share my experience on this blog thankfully. I drank Udi mixed water. Within two days my cold had gone. Doctor said everything was OK. Thank You so much Baba. We are searching for servant to work in my house after my delivery. Baba sent one person. Thank You so much Baba for being with me in every situation. Baba be with me during my delivery. Please hold my hand and take care of me. Without You I am nothing. Ananthakoti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Baba Saved Me

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam devotees. I wanted to share couple of experiences as I had promised Baba that I will submit them once I am out of trouble. Please forgive me Baba for the delay in posting.

I had done few mistakes in my work; I realized them and promised Baba that I would not repeat them and he should forgive me and my manager should not say anything. I promised Him that I would write this experience on the blog. Few days later I repeatedly did the mistake a few times. I got scared to hell and promised again that I will not repeat it but ended up doing it again. Finally I promised Baba and took a vow that I will not do it and I should be saved and I will share it on this website. Please forgive me for all my mistakes and posting this late on the site. Thank You Baba and keep Your blessings on me and my family.

Prayers for Today: Please Give Me Job Baba – Anonymous Sai Devotee

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© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. O Deva, the mind is restless and beyond control. Show Your grace please O Sadguru. A sign, a message anything to bring peace and calm O Sai.

    Jai Sairam

  2. Om sai ram..pranam baba..baba with your blessing I got a proposal/love,baba but im so much worried because he is only sending one or two messages a day,baba he is not communicating properly..i accepted him as my life,baba please make him to communicate properly deva,i surrender my life in to your lotus feet…baba if my wish got fulfilled I will write it here…om sai ram..jaya rama..

  3.'s very tough to foget my husband..without him every single day i'm dying..i love him very me sai baba your the single soul who can help me..plz forgive me for my mistakes..i love you sai..plz plz do miracle for me..

  4. Om Sai ram, Love you baba please be with my family take care of them and protect them baba, I don't have any one other then you baba, please forgive my mistakes done by me knowingly or unknowingly baba, please help my husband clear his exams and settle in his profession baba, please get me full time job baba, please let me be at your lotus feet till my last breath baba.

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