Last week we ended our 10th anniversary celebrations and we entered another decade in service of Lord Sai Baba. I hope you all had enjoyed reading & knowing facts behind scenes. However i know what intrigues you all the most – yes reading experiences on daily basis and that’s what we are here for. Lately I have been getting requests of translating whole blog in Hindi & many other Indian languages (we welcome foreign languages as well, provided blog editor provides for).
In initial years I used to type Hindi mantras in blog but transliteration was extremely time consuming and sometimes it took me whole day to come up to zero typo errors. That was the time when i was unmarried and i could dedicate whole day even for one single post but now it is not the same. So when my relatives came up with idea of having whole blog translated into hindi i felt like crossing huge mountain and thus bombarded with a distinct ‘No’. Well if Lord Baba had planned to come up with a blog in Hindi who was I to deny and it was like He was behind me.
Sometime later i was attending re-union with my college friends when i received text (it was late at night which was unusual) from Pooja Pillay that why not get blog translated in other languages as well or get it printed in magazine form. She was inclined for Gujarati language. However i told her that i will think over her idea and get back to her soon. Having the blog in print media was not feasible as lot of factors were involved in it. I explained her the same and she was also convinced. Getting blog translated was however the thought which couldnt be shunned. So i agreed to the point with a twist that first language would be Hindi and later on we can take up multiple regional languages of India. We discussed at this at length and our blue print was ready in the evening.
The same day (Sunday, January 21, 2018) Pooja Garg out of excitment called me early in morning, (again unusual, unless pre-decided for net meet) and shared idea of having blog translated in Hindi. She told me that her mother was interested to read the blog but because it is in English she is not comfortable. Being only child to her parents, Pooja thought why not gift her mom something which she would love to read and also this will a boon to many non-English reading devotees of Lord Sai Baba as well. She said that her mom’s birthday falls in the month of October and she wishes to gift her a convenience to read miracles of Lord Sai Baba in Hindi. Also a relative of her was in Shirdi and similar idea struck to her when she was a part of group parayan of Shri Sai Satcharitra. So i agreed on that point and decided to start posting on blog from April 11 itself as our blog was then completing a decade of service. Time was less and preparations were more, but i was confident that we can arrange to start posting on blog on pre-decided date, howerver i was not sure when we could make it public for our readers to visit. We needed two-three volunteers for the same and our hunt started. As per our blog tradition, we invited translations from interested devotees and wanted to shortlist names and put chits in Shirdi as i was visiting Shirdi the coming week.
We did not get enough response so as to decide on volunteers. It seemed that Lord Baba had decided volunteers but right time had not come to meet them up. Somehow Sai sister Rinki had sent me translation which i didnt check for days. After that Pooja Pillay forwarded me an audio in WhatsApp and requested me to listen it atleast once. I was thrilled listening it was the voice was too good and also words used for translation were apt. Suprisingly both were done by Sai sister Rinki and i instantly told Pooja to get me in touch with Rinki and i will explain to her further process. However we still wanted a volunteer who would transliterate and make posts ready for publishing. Translation and transliteration would be a burden if done by only one person so we wanted two volunteers. Casually talking with Pooja Garg, she referred me a name for transliterator and because she was sure i asked her to share my contact and request to directly contact me. The same day Sai sister Supriya called me and i explained her all pros and cons of the subject but i found her adamant for the service. Thus we started up with the blog and faced lot many challenges with respect to language and other set up, but because it was Lord Sai Baba’s wish, we proudly present our new blog for you all.
Sai sister Rinki and Sai sister Supriya has written their stories about how they transited from an idea of service to the blog to serving it, click here to read.
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Interview With Mere Sai Fame “Abeer Soofi”
Blog’s 10th Anniversary Celebrations
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© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of SaiYugNetwork.com
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