Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Brother Suman from India says: I am from Visakhapatnam (Currently working in Hyderabad). Hi Hetal ji, Jai Sai Ram. Thank you Hetal ji for letting us share our experiences with all Sai Maa devotees. I started believing in Sai from August 2013 onwards. I know about Sai Baba, but just worshiped Him like all other Gods. I love Lord Vishnu a lot, in fact i treat lord Vishnu and Laxmi as my own parents. I don’t know how, but i got a thought of chanting “Narayan” name after coming to know about Dhruv (We have a story in my 2nd class, in which it is mentioned that Dhruv did tapasya for Narayan). I like the thought of my little mind that Lord Vishnu came and let Dhruv to sit on his lap, like a father does to his kid. From then onwards, i treated Lord Vishnu as my father. I used to chant the Name “Narayan” continuously while going to college and at all times. Slowly, i used to chant his name whenever i had any problem (Because of busy in life, friends, enjoyment etc), but he is always in my heart only. I feel whatever happens is all for our good only. Even if sometimes bad happens, i used to feel like some big bad thing was replaced with a small thing because of my father Vishnu. Life is going on like this.
I got a marriage proposal from my parents. Everything went fine and engagement was done on 21st August 2013. But there was a long gap for our marriage, as we were waiting for my elder brother to come to India (He was not able to come because of visa problems). Finally everything went well and our marriage got fixed on 9th February 2014. In this gap from 21st August 2013 to 9th February 2014, i used to talk to my fiancé through mobile. I came to know that there family worships Sai Baba. One day, i thought of reading Sai Satcharitra and did one Saptah and believed in His Udi Mahima. But I did not know where is the Sai Temple in that area, as i was new to that place. But one day, my friend came to my room and we went out for dinner on his bike. While coming back, because of some issue, we were roaming in some streets (I never went) there, and found Sai Temple in one of the streets. I decided to go there when ever i have some time. So i went there one day and brought some Udi. That temple looks like Sai Dhuni Mandir in Shirdi (But i don’t know, as i never visited Shirdi before). I used to go there. This went like this. Six months passed and I got married on 9th February 2014.
Then only, i came to know about some facts:
I once visited the same Temple with my wife, then she told me that the Temple exactly looks like the Dhuni Mandir in Shirdi. There is no Sai Idol in this Temple, only Photos of Sai, Dhuni are there. My wife was somehow not satisfied as she wanted to see Sai Idol.
I came to know from my wife, that Sai Baba only arranged this marriage. Because, she used to have a habit of putting chits with Sai Name for important things, So she kept chits asking Baba whether to say ok for the marriage proposal or not. First time, result was Yes. But this marriage proposal was kept on hold, as we both families were not talking as there were no auspicious days in between. So she kept chits again, Second time also the result was Yes. This two times, she kept chits without her parent’s knowledge. Third time, as her parents were not aware of this thing, they kept chits with Sai Name, and the result was YES. Finally, our marriage was fixed with Sai Baba’s blessings, but my family did not confirm the date. But engagement date (21st August) got confirmed. My in laws family was worried about marriage date, as we told them that we would only confirm the date, once we check with my elder brother, who lives in California. When this happened, one day Sai Baba came in to my wife’s dream, and told her that the marriage will take place in February. But she did not reveal this to her parents. Finally, we engaged on 21st August. The same day, our both families checked for marriage dates and came with two dates, One is 9th February and the other is 18th March. After, we spoke with my brother, he told all issues are cleared, and he had no problem to come in February and so asked to fix the 9th February date. Thus, Sai Baba did my marriage by telling Yes through chits 3 times, and by telling about marriage will be in February month in my wife’s dream.
After 2 months, in April 2014, we shifted to other house (Rented), there we saw one more Sai Temple which was near to my house. Now my wife was full happy, as there is a Sai Idol in that Temple as her wish. We used to go there every Thursday and then i came to experience 3 Baba Leela’s:
Experience 1: Once i thought of doing Sai Satcharitra Parayan and started on one Thursday. As we all know that there will be more pages on Monday Parayan chapters. I came from office and was tired and started reading the Parayan (I was reading in Telugu. I can read Telugu fast). But, as i was full tired, i was not able to concentrate and was feeling sleepy while reading. My wife was doing some work in computer and didn’t notice me. I was feeling sleepy sometimes and again opening my eyes and reading. When i was doing like this, at one moment I slept for few seconds. But don’t know how, i was able to know that i am reading something without my knowledge. It was for few seconds only, but i can surely say that i was feeling my lips movement while reading those lines. All of a sudden, i came into conscious and i was shocked. I do not know what happened. I saw my wife was busy doing her work in laptop. But i was shocked that i read something without my knowledge and to confirm, i went back to some 3 lines back and found that i read those lines already without my knowledge while sleeping. It was only for few seconds, but only i can feel the Baba’s presence there and i was very happy.
Experience 2: I never visited Shirdi before December 2014. One day, when i was talking to my friend, i told him that we (Me and my wife) wanted to go to Shirdi. He told that he will also come if i don’t have any objection. I told ok, and he informed in his house as well. After that he called me and told that his sister also wants to come. Later one other friend also joined us. So we all 5 went to Shirdi and had 4 Darshan and 1 Aarti Darshan. We were very happy. But when we were going for the 5th time Darshan, my wife asked me that she wanted to offer red roses to Baba, so we bought red roses. After going to Samadhi place, my wife tried to keep flowers on Baba’s Feet, but they were kept at other side and she was quite unhappy for that, as she was not able to offer red roses to Baba. After this incident, we all came back to Hyderabad. Next Thursday, as usual we (me and my wife) went to Baba Temple. While buying Pooja items from a shop outside Temple, i saw an old man (dressed like Baba, also has white beard) coming out of Temple. I don’t know why, but i felt happy seeing that man and i smiled looking at him. When we were entering in Temple, he came to us and asked for Dakshina. I gave 10 Rs note. He gave back a 10 Rs note plus a coin in return and asked me to keep it in Pooja room and not to give to any person. We said ok, then again he asked us to do Pooja to Baba on Thursday with 5 red roses. Then he told he will donate food in Shirdi and asked me to give 100 Rs. I gave 100 Rs and we went. As this was the first i experience for me, Baba coming in person, i was not able to recognize Him, but later i realised, recollecting his words. Even my wife told that she felt disappointed because of not able to offer red roses in Shirdi, but this old man asked us to do Pooja with 5 red roses. I was very happy second time and i kept money given by Baba in my Pooja room.
Experience 3: This is the best incident in my life. One day while browsing, i found this site and by reading devotee’s experiences, i came to know about Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat. So i planned to start the Vrat. Few days back only, my wife joined in a computer course and goes to class by 8 am daily. Even i joined driving class and goes there by 6:30 am. By the time, i came from class, she gets ready and leaves for class. On First Thursday, when i have to start the Vrat, the same thing happened. I just told to my wife that i will do the Vrat, but she was not aware of how to do Vrat. She left for class, and after i got ready, i was searching for a white cloth which we bought recently. I called my wife and she told that she will give me once she returns from class. I thought it would be late and i decided to do the Pooja in the evening. It was 11 am, i played some Sai Bhajans in my laptop directly playing from internet without downloading. That Sai Bhajan was like this “Atchyutam Kesavam, Krishna Damodaram Bhakthajanavatsalam Sai Narayanam”. I played this song at 11:30 am and it was playing. That day, my wife came late from her class and she was tired and lunch was not yet prepared. So i thought, i will become late to office and decided to go out for lunch to nearby restaurant and work from home for that day, as i have to start Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat in the evening.
My wife came late by 1 pm and while going out for lunch, I just closed (folded) my laptop without shutting it down. By closing (folding) the laptop, songs were stopped. This i did at 1 pm and went for lunch. After returning from outside, i decided to open my office laptop. So i just disconnected the net wire from personal laptop and connected to office laptop, without opening my personal laptop. My personal laptop was in my bed room only. I was working on my office laptop in hall from 2 pm onwards. I not even touched my personal laptop. It was just closed (Folded). My wife was very tired and was sleeping next to me and i was busy in my office work. At 5:50 pm, I decided to wake up my wife, so that we can do Pooja. So i tried to wake her up, but she was in deep sleep, and i thought ok, i will wait for 10 more minutes, and again started doing some work. All of a sudden, i heard some Bhajan was playing. Firstly, i thought it was from outside, but then i found it was from my bed room and i went there. I don’t know how, but song was coming from my closed personal laptop. Only 2 lines “Atchyutam Kesavam, Krishna Damodaram Bhakthajanavatsalam Sai Narayanam” were played and then it stopped by its own. I was shocked how and why it played the song.
So, i opened my personal laptop and blank screen was there (Obviously for the system which is in idle state). So, i tried to find out how the song came and pressed power button (Which usually resumes from pause state). But this time, it rebooted my system and i felt disappointed as i was not able to find the reason. While it was rebooting, i was just thinking and looking somewhere, again to my surprise, i heard the same song but different line. I was shocked on hearing that line, because Sai Baba Himself told me that He came to my house through the song and the line from the same song is “Kaun Kehta Hai Sainath Aata Nahin(Who says, Sainath does not come)” again exactly after playing this line, song stopped. I was very excited by this and went to say about this to my wife. There i saw the time was 6:03 pm. I don’t know when the song started playing by it’s own, but i think it might took some 3 minutes to happen this incident i.e. from 6 pm to 6:03 pm. Means, Baba reminded me to do Pooja by this incident and He told that He came to my house. This incident happened on March 5th, 2015. Me and my wife were so excited and happy. Baba, Please be with all of us. Akhilanda Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhi Raja Yogiraj Parabrahma Sri Sachidanand Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Sai Sister Priyadarshini from India says: I am from Mumbai. I used to work as Sr. HR executive at Nagpur but recently got married and shifted to Mumbai. Earlier also, I shared my experience about my father illness in this forum and now I am sharing another experience related to my marriage. I completed my graduation in biochemistry and MBA in HR and was working at Nagpur as Sr. HR Executive in recruitment profile. I was working since 3.5 years of experience. My parents were searching for a suitable groom compatible for me. But unfortunately, we were not getting the proper match. Though we received certain offers also but due to some reasons like Manglik or horoscope mismatch it got rejected. My parents were worried about my marriage. I was not worried about my marriage, but I was worried about the person whom i will married should be a truthful and a good human being, because now a days you can understand it’s very difficult to judge a person. My father has a criteria that the boy should be basically from Nagpur rest he must be working anywhere doesn’t matter. We were getting ample offers on the matrimonial site from the boys, who belongs Mumbai or Pune but very rare from Nagpur. But I was confident and had belief that Sai Baba will never let me down and will bless me with a good life partner.
As we were in the mid of the year 2014, my parents thought that this year also my marriage will not happen. One fine day, my father was surfing the matrimonial site and he came across the profile of my husband, he liked it and he started communication with him. Professionally my husband is a lawyer and working in Mumbai and within a week he came to Nagpur to see me. It was Sunday, when he came and there were so many questions in my mind that how he would be, his thinking and many more. We had a conversation of around half an hour and I liked him the most as he was very clear in his thoughts and vision with broad minded thinking and mutually it was yes from both the end and we got engaged on 16th October 2014 unexpectedly and married on 25th January 2015. As i started talking to him during my courtship period and I came to know much about him, his qualities and he is wonderful guy. He takes care of me a lot and love me more than anything. Whenever I used to feel low I used to visit Sai Mandir and used to ask Baba that whether I will get a good life partner or not. Always used to pray that bless me with a good companion and He fulfilled my wish. My husband and me are friends more than husband wife relationship and always thank Baba for giving me such a beautiful gift. Now I am happily married and enjoying my married life. I promised Baba that after my marriage, I will share my experience on this forum. Sorry for the delay Baba ji. Have patience and faith, Sai Baba will definitely fulfil all your wishes. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram Everyone. Thank you to the staff that is maintaining the blog and connecting Sai Family all over the world. I need to apologize to Baba for being so late in writing my Miracle. I promised to write a while ago. Reading people’s Miracles, I always thought why would someone delay in posting a Miracle. Now I have done the same. Sorry Sai Baba from the bottom of my Heart. I will keep it short and simple.
Udi Miracle: I have been having a rash all over my upper body and some blisters in my mouth and face. I tried every possible thing and nothing worked. I read Miracles on the blog and prayed to Sai, and applied Udi all over the blisters and drank Udi water and there is the Miracle, Slowly all the blisters healed and i am perfectly normal.
Shirdi Travel: I have been living in the US for a few years and have an old car. I can’t go to Shirdi Temple in India and the only Temple that is closest to me is Shirdi Sai Temple in Columbus, Ohio. Baba’s Idol looks just like the one in Shirdi. I prayed to Baba and said I am not worried about the car taking me there because I have You. It is a 6 hour drive from where I lived. I left in the morning and had to be back in town by evening to go to work. I left at 5 am and an hour later snow storm hit and my car was sliding all over and was worried in the beginning. Then I prayed to Baba and started playing Baba Bhajans and Aarti’s while driving and it felt like Baba was behind the wheel. I had Darshan and I got back just in time.
Work Issue Solved: I was on my way to work and then something came up and i was having panic attacks. I thought my life was over. Just felt like I am going to lose everything and everyone. Then I see my Baba in my car and just touched His Holy feet and prayed to Him, “Baba! My life is Yours. You decide what is good and what is bad for me. Your decision is going to change my life.” As soon as i said this, I can see everything getting back to normal and feel like Sai just took off the burden for me. Dear Sai Family! I have been through worse and everyday Baba gives me a hope to live. I pray to His Feet several times a day and I speak with Him about every little thing I do. We just have to have a firm Faith and Patience in our Baba and He will take care of the rest. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!

Anonymous Devotee from US says: I am Sai Baba’s devotee since 2013. Currently, I am in USA. I trust Sai Nath from core of my heart. One of my relative gave me Sai Baba’s 9 Guruvar Vrat Book. That Book was with me for so long but I didn’t noticed. One day, when I was going through so much trouble in my life regarding my marriage then suddenly, I opened that Book and start reading. From that day, life is totally changed for me, now I believe and truly feels that Baba is with me all the times. I saw His Miracle many times, whether it’s my marriage, my job, anything. Because of Baba only, I am happy in my life today. Whatever comes up I know that, as long as Baba is with me it doesn’t matter who is against me. I will share one of my recent experience.
I am married from past 2.5 years. From last year, I was trying to have a baby, I had 2 miscarriages. I asked Baba many times why this is happening with me. I am doing His Pooja then why I am not getting pregnant. Every month, I used to beg Baba, please let it happen this month, but nothing happens. Suddenly, I decided that I will not ask Baba to let this happen every month, instead prayed Baba that I don’t want to go to doctor for getting pregnant, I want this to happen naturally with Your blessings. I completed my 9 Guruvar Vrat praying this thing only. I can’t believe that after completion of my 9 Guruvar Vrat, that Miracle happened. I got this happy news. I Am Pregnant and Right now, I am 6 week pregnant. I know with His blessings, I will deliver a sweet, happy and healthy Baby. During this time, I asked Baba many questions, even I doubted that why I am praying Him. I am extremely Sorry for all those Baba. Please forgive me. But I must say, through Sai-Baba questions portal, Baba always helped me, He even told me that, Sai Baba Is With You There Is No Cause To Worry, Success Will Be Gained. Reading this, I feel so relaxed and happy. To all Sai Baba lovers, I just want to say that, only thing which is needed is Trust. Once you have Trust in Baba, patience will come automatically. Baba’s Miracle always happen, just trust Him. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Brother Abhijeet from India says: I am Sai Devotee from Mumbai, who believes in Sai Baba. Firstly thanks a lot for the admin who is doing such a nice job which allows all the devotees to share their experience at one place. I have come across many instances wherein I felt that Sai Baba is with me. Following are some of the instances.
Experience 1: I was travelling to Varanasi from Mumbai on my birthday in train. I reached Varanasi at 4 am. I wanted to take Darshan of Baba anyhow before I reach my village as it was my birthday. So the moment train reached Varanasi station, all the passengers starts getting down from the train and I was just thinking of Baba giving me a Darshan. The moment I took my bag pack for getting down from the train, I saw a kid with handbag on which Baba’s Photo was present. I cannot tell you all, how happy I was at that time, I almost cried in joy.
Experience 2: In Elphinstone (Mumbai), there is Sai Baba’s very nice Temple and whenever I go to Elphinstone, I visit this Temple to take Darshan of Baba. It was Ganesh festival that day and I visited there to take Darshan of Ganesh ji and the moment I finished Darshan of Ganesh ji, I wanted to visit Sai Temple. But due to some reason, Baba’s Temple was closed that day in afternoon and I became little sad for not getting Darshan of Baba and I went home. In the evening on the same day, I received call from my friend who also visits this place occasionally. He said we have to go to Ganesh Visarjan and asked me to come down to the same area. In the evening, I went there again and saw that Baba’s Temple was opened and immediately I took Darshan of Baba and went happily for Ganesh Visarjan. I know Baba is always with me and He will always guide me to the right path that will lead to success.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi! I am a Shirdi Sai devotee. From Childhood, i know Sai Baba. But when i joined Engineering College then i started going to Sai Temple regularly. I have experienced numerous experiences and i became His devotee. I would like to share one of the Miracles that happened in my life. Hello Hetal ji! Thank you for providing this platform for all Sai devotees. It feels good to share our own experiences and great to read others experiences as a Shirdi Sai Baba devotee. I have seen a lot of Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles happening in the lives of different people in my family and my friend circle. One such amazing Miracle happened in my life too. In fact, many small Miracles have happened before. I completed my Under-graduation in 2012. But i didn’t get job from Campus. So, i started trying for off campus. I was struggling a lot to survive as i was not from financially sound family. It was really difficult to survive without money. One day, there was excruciating pain in my stomach. When i was going to hospital, i prayed in my heart to Lord Sai Baba that Sai it should be small problem not like (Stone or Appendicitis). When Doctors diagnosed me, it was just gastric Problem and Lord Sai saved me from that excruciating pain and financial Problem. At Last, i got job in November 2013. Now i am happy. But a lot of desires are there which i am praying Lord Sai to fulfil as early as possible.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai ram
SAI RAM You are just Awesome (o)
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Wonderful experiences and I am sure He is fulfilling all the wishes of devotees who have surrendered to His Lotus Feet 🙂
O Sadguru, Thank You for Your Sweet Sweet Miracles 🙂
Jai Sairam
om sai ram
I am from India. My 5 year old son is suffering with Cyclic vomiting syndrome. Please pray for my son. I am started vrat and giving daily udi. He is suffering alot with vomitings.
Sai please bless the child.
Please bless all kids baba
Om sai ram,
Dear 4th devotee by our sweet baba's blessings you must have delivered a cute baby.
Such a blissful experience. Baba bless us all.
OM SAI MEHMA MEHMA … waiting for my turn … OM SAI RAM
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Kripa karo mere sai …
Om sai ram
om sai ram
Om sairam. Saima please make me stronger physically as well as mentally. Please make my health good pa. Please make my mom health good pa. I know what I asked for but now getting afraid of taking that commitment. Saima please make me fearless pa. Always be with me pa. My brother marital life is bad please pa remove hurdle and unite them pa. Make me prideless and egoless pa. thanks pa as my health is improved better from worst. I got college seat I want to complete it and get good name in that profession pa. Thanks much pa. Om sairam.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai………
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
See the miracle here again.
this is reg the first post "Sai baba ame to my house" in this page experiene 1102.
actually i posted this experiene in june month.Next day i got a message from admin saying "we reeived your post, but we publish it in 3 months time, as there are lot of pending posts."
So i was waiting for my post to publish here, i used to check everyday.But in my mind i prayed baba to publish it on some spl day.
As admin told 3 months, it should post in sep month, but it was not posted. october also over.
In nov month i missed to read some posts.
One day in Nov, i think it is 18th, i checked my email and found a mail on 16th Nov from admin saying "My post got published on 13th November".
I was surprised, It is my wife birthday.
As i asked baba to post it on some spl day, baba made this post to publish on 13th Nov. 🙂
Thank you Baba.
Baba thank you for everything.
Baba please be with us and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all