Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Shirdi Sai Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram Hetal ji and devotees. I am 28 years female from India belonging to middle class family, I finished my Mid in July 2016, and started working in institute A. I wasn’t happy still thought to continue. I had a boyfriend and we were working in different cities. My parents were looking for matches, and I kept rejecting them. I told my boyfriend to tell his family soon about us but we ended up fighting.
In Dec 2016, Baba called me to Shirdi in dreams, and to my surprise I was in Shirdi with my family in a week time. I started doing Nav Guruvar Vrat and slowly things were back to normal between us. I gave interview for govt job in institute B in January 2017 and got selected in temporary list. One girl who had less marks than mine and of different branch came to my institute A to get some documents against me so that she could claim my govt job by political pressure. Institute A people started harassing me not to join government job. I started having chest pain and low BP daily due to stress. I decided to board a train to go my hometown and never return there. I was waiting for permanent list to be out and I got shocked my name was not there, because same girl filed a false case against me in our community court. I thought it’s fair enough because very soon it would be proved that I was right and her claims were false.
My boyfriend told about me in his home, they clearly told they didn’t want low caste girl. I was going into depression; both my personal and professional life were spoilt. I got courage through this blog. I was continuing Satcharitra Parayan, Nav Guruvar Vrat, Sai Kasht Nivaran mantra, Annadhan, Sravan Mondays fast, 11 Tuesday fast for Mata Rani, 11 Saturday, I visited hanuman mandir, 11 Friday I did Jodi trees Pooja, I wrote Om Sai Ram daily, read Sai Prerna, I visited Ghangapur Dattatreya twice, read Guru Charitra, worshipped banyan tree, ark tree, lighted lemon Diyas, siddha Mangal Stotram, Vishnu Sahasranaam, Lalita Sahasranaam. I felt no God was listening to me. In July 2016 my boyfriend broke up with me leaving me the victim. I cried like hell for hours, days, months, I cut off from the world. I was admitted in hospital for low BP. When I gained consciousness, I saw my parents weeping. I felt so bad, they hadn’t done anything to deserve this treatment from me. I decided to keep my parents happy for that I should be happy first. Slowly my attitude changed, I decided I would not weep over this guy anymore. I am not going to cry for a family who values caste more than love and humanity. I decided to concentrate on professional life.
I went to community court to ask for a verdict, but I got another shock, judge was asking me to leave job for another girl, as she had political pressure. With tears in eyes, I came out and went to high court in August and got stay order on community court proceedings in Sept 2017. I went to meet chairperson of govt institute. I got to know that he too was a Sai devotee. I was happy, I got another shock that he was playing game with me, (How can someone who claims as Sai Devotee and be like this?). He said he will give appointment on Sept 28, but he didn’t. He again said before Diwali, I will give you order, but nothing happened and he postponed to Nov 2. Again he didn’t give (Except for me, he gave appointment to three other people, because I didn’t bribe him and got it on merit). I cried so much that day. Baba it’s nearly nine months, I am waiting for this job. I am correct still I am not getting order. Slowly things started changing, Baba blessed me in my dreams on Nov 12. I got appointment on Nov 24, though they said it was temporary as my court case was not solved. I am happy that I got job finally, I am sure Baba will make me win case. I joined today and I am posting this experience today. All devotees have faith, there is surely light at end of the tunnel. No political pressure, no money can work in front of our Baba. God bless all. Om Sai Ram.

Shirdi Sai Sister Anjali from India says: Hi, I am a ardent devotee of Sai Baba. Thanks to Hetal ji mam for maintaining this blog, which is serving in improving the devotees’ faith and to improve positivity in themselves and lead ahead. Thank you mam. Thank you so much. I got connected to Sai Maa, recently but from the day He is there I am blessed from every corner of my life as He is our Mother, and she serves what we need at right time. Only thing is to keep faith and trust Him as He said “Shraddha and Saburi” to be maintained. I have experienced lot of miracles in my life.
Right now I want to share the recent experience that how Baba helped us to get the thing immediately. On this Thursday i.e. 23/11/2017 me and my friend Kavya went to Sai Maa’s temple with all enthusiasm, each time we will feel the same emotions and we visit. So when we visited the temple there were three garlands on Sai Maa and many single roses placed and only one red flower was placed on His head. So I said to my friend that what if we get that flower which is placed on Baba’s head? Kavya replied saying it cannot be. Then I said “Anything can happen if Sai Maa’s blessings are with us”. Then we stayed there for 10 minutes, as it was getting late we thought to leave for that moment.
But some person with his mom entered the temple as he obtained fruits and Dakshina to Baba so the priest received it and that moment he took that flower (the flower which I had an eye to get it) only and was about to give it to the guy. But unfortunately the guy did not notice it and turned in opposite direction where me and Kavya noticed this and I ran to get that flower, but the priest placed that flower on Sai Maa and when I gave my hands, he again took the same flower and gave me. I was so happy about this and Kavya was shocked to see this! It’s nothing but our Sai Maa’s blessing and its Sai incidence only. I love You Baba. Please bless me and please devotees pray for me in getting my wished life with the person I love and bless kavya, Ankitha, Radhika, Jothi, Rekha, Prathi, Ramya and all devotees. All your wishes will come true. Anantha Koti Brahmand Nayak Sri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Shirdi Sai Sister Sudha from India says: I am living in India. I am a devotee of Baba from childhood. I got this faith on Him because of my dad. My dad will say for each and every situation of life, It may be good or bad that Baba is always there with you. Just have unbreakable faith on Him. He will take care of everything. I have really felt Him in each and every stage, situation of my life. I just felt Him walking with me. There was a time when I was separated from my parents for education reason. Since there were not those good colleges in my place. I was sent to Chennai for higher education. I did 11th and 12th there, I cried each and every night in front of Him for wanting back to be with my parents. Miracle of miracle as I finished 12th, one of good and famous college was opened back in my place the same year I finished 12th. My Parents Took Me Back With Them Happily.
When I was searching for job, struggling with getting a good one, I daily prayed to Him. I fought with Him for making me struggle so much. One day I received a call letter for joining in South Indian bank, that too got branch in my hometown in North India. There are many such situations in my life where Baba has shown His miracles in my life but from the day I got married, I feel as if Baba left me on my own. My husband is one who does not believe in Baba at all. So I couldn’t go and meet Him in temple, or keep His shrine in my home. I just hope that a day will come when he will understand my Baba’s value. My married life is going on with so many troubles. I really don’t understand whether I should continue in this relation or not and I daily pray to Him. I cry to Him to show me a path. I went through two abortions. Each and every time I console myself by saying that Baba is there. He is doing everything and He will surely show me a path but as days are passing by I just feel as if He is not there. I really need You Baba. I need Your help. Please show me Your presence. I know You are there. You will be always there for Your devotees. If I have done any mistake, please forgive me but don’t stay away from me, without talking to me or showing Your presence to me. Sai Ram please help me. I need You.

Shirdi Sai Anonymous Devotee from India says: This is my 5th experience which I m sharing. My relation was in big trouble, I was afraid at that time and I asked Sai Maa to please help me. You are only the One Who helped me in every bad situation, please help me again Baba and today on 23rd November that is Thursday and my 9th anniversary of my relation, Baba saved my relation again and I believe You blindly Sai Maa because You are everything for me. I know, You are always with me in every situation please Baba be always with me and thank You so much for Your grace Sai Maa. I want to express so much but with what words that I don’t know Maa, thank You so much Maa. I am very lucky to have You as my God, my Maa, my Dad and everything. Thank You once again Sai Maa. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Samarth Bhagvan Ki Jai. Sai Ram.

Shirdi Sai Sister Rashmi from India says: Om Sai Ram, I am a big devotee of Baba and I love Baba a lot, my whole family is also deeply devoted of Baba. This is how Baba helped me to get married. Om Sai Ram When I was doing my schooling I always use to do fasting for 9 Thursdays and kept on continuing. Baba has always given me what I want and after going to college I fell in love. It was unexpected still Baba didn’t like it in starting but still prayed to Him and always prayed that wanted to marry him only. All went fine but still I hurt my parents and Baba to marry him. At last I got married. Baba please stay with me every second, minutes and rest of my life till I die. I always need You in all the moments and keep my husband under Your guidance in good way and I want to lead a good and beautiful life. Thanks for fulfilling my dreams, Baba You are the best. Anantha Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shree Satchidhanandha Sadguru Maharaj Ki Jai.

Shirdi Sai Anonymous Devotee from India says: Humble greetings to my Sai Baba devotees. Thank you Hetal ji for your work. May Baba bless all of us. Coming to my experience, Sai Baba helped me regarding my health problems. I had severe struggle and Baba helped me from it. My phone was not working properly I tried many times to repair it. It was of no use. Then later I prayed Baba and switched it on and it started working properly. Thank You Baba. My next experience, I was travelling in a private bus where there were no girls or families and I got panic. I prayed Baba and because of His blessings I reached my house safely. Baba also helped me in ordering my new phone. There are lots of experience of my Baba in my day to day life. Baba, You very well know my current situation. You are my only hope. Please help me. I am nothing without You. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram.
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Thank You O Deva 🙂
Jai Sairam
Baba today is my interview please bless me with the job . Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai ram
Please help me please forgive my mistakes I promise you I don't repeat again please don't leave me alone
Om Sai om Sai om Sai om Sai
Sai Ram, Baba please, please stop these people from cheating us, taking our hardearned money and mistreating us after utilising our help in all ways. We are helpless against so many bad and evil people. Please be with us and help us Sai. Please. Thank you.
Aum Sri Sai Nathaya Namaha.
Sai ram. You know everything and the root cause of many tensions, misunderstanding and arguments in our family baba. These are created by unwanted people. Please clear and sort out all the worries and keep us blessed under your shelter always Sai. We have no support except you Sai. I am tierd and worried about all this baba. These arguments are causing rift in our family and there is no peace of mind for us. Please do not let these happen with us, baba. Please Beg you to be with my parents and family always. Thank you, Sai. Aum Sri Sai Ram
Thank you Sai for your help. Please help me I m depressed and worried. Please keep us under your safe shelter and be with us always. SAI raksha karo🙏. Aum Sri Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo.
Sai pls help my son to clear his exams.Sai guide him,guard him.Om Sai Ram
Please help every innocent person Sai please make us all good and evil free please forgive us all and make us good Om Sai Ram, Sai especially help the first devotee please Sai no innocent should suffer please Om Sai Ram