Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Shirdi Sai Anonymous Devotee from US says: Thank you very much for this wonderful online Satcharitra. It really brings positive vibes in me whenever I read the experiences posted here. I already shared some experiences and I am looking forward to share and read more with Baba’s blessings!
I currently live in the US and I am on a dependent visa. My parents worked very hard all through and helped me to do Masters in the U.S. I had been a merit student in India (with state rank, gold medals and national merit certificates). But after my studies here in the U.S., I couldn’t find a job and ended up in to a PhD program. My family had a lot of financial tensions and I couldn’t concentrate on my PhD. So, I took a break from the PhD program and returned to India. After that I got married to the person I loved (had lot of problems and Sai Baba helped me to surpass all those and got me married to that person). I returned to USA on a dependent visa, which does not let me work. So, basically I never got a chance to work in the US and repay my loans. I am praying Baba to help me find a way to clear all my debts and take care of my parents and my baby (she is also a blessing of Baba). I met a very good and Godly person (an American) during my PhD and she helped me to clear my high interest education loans and my family loans in India. I am feeling very guilty that I am not able to repay her now (given my unemployed situation). She is truly Sai Baba in disguise. It’s been few years now and she still does not ask me about money. She says that you will give when time comes. May be Baba wanted me to get into a PhD. program to meet her.
Now, I don’t even have a chance to complete my Ph.D. On the other hand my cousin brother also helped me a little towards my tuition fees. All of a sudden, few weeks back he called me and he was wondering if I could give him that money now. I really don’t have any savings and I feel bad that I am not able to help my parents in any way during their old age. They did so much for me, but I am not in a position to do anything for them now (I cleared their financial worries by taking loan from my American friend, but we don’t have any savings for emergency situations). We are three daughters to my parents and they live on the little pension my dad gets. I requested and tried to convince my cousin brother that I didn’t have any money and moreover I was not even working then. But, he wouldn’t listen. He wanted to ask my parents for the money. I cried a lot and didn’t know what to do. Then I prayed to Baba that He should get me out of this trouble and I would perform 5 weeks Sai Divya Pooja.
Then all of a sudden during my third week Pooja, a miracle happened. We paid him some money (my mother was saving it for her operation) and after that he never asked me the money he gave for my tuition (which was around 3 Lakhs). With Baba’s blessings I am relieved off this financial tension for now. But since past few years I am asking Baba to show me a way to find a job here in the U.S (so that I can clear off all my debts and take care of my parents). Hope Baba will show me another miracle soon by helping me get a job (which seems like an impossible thing for me despite all my merit credentials and hard work).
I have a habit of reading Sai Baba experiences on this website everyday. So, I was thinking in mind that the experience I will be reading today should be relevant and I would consider it as Baba’s blessings. Feeling very blessed, because I just read an experience of a person from the U.S., who did Sai Divya Pooja for 5 weeks (I also do Sai Divya Pooja for 5 weeks) and she got a job. She also has a baby girl. Hoping that this is a positive sign for me from Baba. Baba, please take care of all Your devotees and fulfil our dreams. Please forgive me for all the mistakes I did knowingly or unknowingly. Wanted to post my experience before I start my next Sai Divya Pooja tomorrow. I will be performing this Divya Pooja for my parent’s health. Om Sai Ram! Please bless us all.

Shirdi Sai Sister Divya from India says: Sai Ram Hetal ji and all the team, Thanks a lot to all of you for posting all my Experiences . By posting all my experiences you made me fulfil my vows too. I love to share Baba Miracles not to say that “I am Lucky”. I want to tell the whole World that “Baba is Great”. If someone believes Him will definitely get benefited with what they deserve and Baba will be there with them Forever.
I would like to Share two experiences here, 1. How my sentiment of Going to Baba Temple before going for any important work worked out. 2. How I passed in my Driving License Test.
In 2005, After my Post Graduation I went to Hyderabad for searching a Job. 2 months I tried but I couldn’t get any job and I came back to my Native. Then later for 4 months I was in my mom’s place and was so depressed and in fact I lost confidence in myself. During that time I prayed Baba so much. One day leaving everything on Baba I decided to go back to Hyderabad again for searching Job. I had completely surrendered to Baba, just said only one thing to myself that “Whatever will happen will happen according to Baba’s Wish, I will accept it” and I started to Hyderabad again. That time while going to bus station I asked my father to stop at Baba Temple and I prayed Baba there and from there I went to bus station and took bus to Hyderabad. It was a 9 p.m bus, I reached Hyderabad the next day and the day I reached I found a opening in newspaper and I went to the interview the same day and got the job the same day, which was possible only with Baba and it is completely a Baba’s Blessing.
2. How this Sentiment worked out another time. After my son was born I was falling sick very often and I was going to my Mom’s place very often leaving my Husband alone. This continued for 4 years. At one stage, I really hated myself for being like this, then last time i.e. in April when I went to my Mom’s place and the day when I was coming back to my place I went to Baba’s temple and from there I took bus to my place and now it’s been 8 months I haven’t gone to my Mom’s place and even when if I was sick sometimes I didn’t go and able to manage myself because Baba showed me His presence many a times (which I can’t pen down now which will take so much time) in my house. And Baba proved that “If You completely Trust Him, He will be with you in every second of your life”.
How I passed my DL test. I scheduled my DL test on one Thursday. I usually go to Baba’s Temple every Thursday, but the day when I had to go to DL test I didn’t go as the Agent asked me to come by 9:30 a.m and I went to R.T.O office directly and I failed in my DL test. Because I got confused so much I did blunders. Later I again Scheduled my test 2 weeks later, again on a Thursday. That day I decided even if the agent asked me to come early I would go to Baba Temple and from there I would go. I thought and I went to temple in the morning and from there I went to R.T.O office. You all know what without much difficulty I passed my Exam. The next day one of my cousin said, “Didi I have some important project work in my college I am very tensed about it.” Then I said her about my sentiment of Going to temple before going for any Important work. She said ” I have to be there by 7 am and no Baba temple near by”. Then I said whichever God Temple is nearby, you go and tell Baba I see You in this form only ( All avatars are of Baba only according to Satcharitra) and I am praying You here only and You go to the place where You have to go. She did the same and messaged me that evening that “Didi I did so well and the work happened so smoothly”. Baba is Everywhere, But the Temple is the place where all the rituals and Pooja’s happen everyday and will have so much of positive energy and vibrations. That is the reason why we feel so pleasant in temples and good after we come back from Temple. Jai Bolo Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Shirdi Sai Anonymous Devotee from Canada says: I am very happy and blessed to be a devotee of Sai Baba. My heart full thanks to Hetal ji for maintaining this wonderful platform for Sai devotees to increase their faith on Sai Baba by reading these blogs posted by Sai devotees all over the world everyday and the times when mind is disturbed. Baba entered in my life in 2011 when one person suggested me to do Sai Satcharitra Parayanam. His miracles started the next day I finished my Parayanam. That was the first miracle, I was awarded as star employee and was given Rs. 20,000 along with that award. The miracle was that the award was not there before and that was the first time it was introduced. The recent miracle that happened yesterday i.e. 6th Dec, 2017.
On 24th Nov it was celebrated as black Friday in Canada. On that day there were many offers running. As we arrived to Canada five months back and this was our first winter and the winter had already started I thought of buying good jacket for this climate and started searching for best offers and brands. One of the top brand was showing 80% off. I got that website link when I was searching in Amazon. But I had a small doubt so I thought after my husband returned from his office I would show him and then book.
Once my husband came I showed him and we saw many reviews in Google and we thought whether to buy or no for so much time and finally we booked one. After booking we got to know that it was China Site and it was fake. So when we tried to login into that website we were unable to login. After payment till midnight we didn’t get any order confirmation. And in that site they had given one mail-id for customer service and we were not sure whether they would respond if we would mail to that ID. Finally after checking my mail in the morning we received transaction details and I sent mail to the customer service of that website copying transaction details that were sent to my mail and to cancel the order and refund my money as soon as possible. From their side they just replied ok for the mail I sent but didn’t share me any cancelled order details. Again I sent mail to send me cancellation details. From then I didn’t have any reply from them.
On 5th Dec, 2017 night when I was reading this blog I suddenly got a thought that if by tomorrow morning if I got a mail from them, then I would share my experience on this website. I am damn sure that, that thought was given by Baba. On 6th Dec, 2017 when I got up in the morning when I opened my mobile the first thing I saw was the mail from that jacket website sending me the cancellation details. So from morning I was waiting to write this experience and I am sharing my experience by evening. Thank You so much Baba for all Your care and love. Please take care of all Your devotees. The only hope in my life is You. I am afraid to think about my life without You. Please help me in having complete faith in You and don’t make my mind to think of second thought even when my mind is not good. Please be with my hubby, kids and me in all situations and decisions that we take and guide us whichever is good. I am waiting to write another experience as soon as possible. Om Sri Sainathaya Namaha.

Shirdi Sai Sister Komal from USA says: I am a very small devotee of my Lord Sai Baba. I recently started believing in Him by reading stories on this blog and by reading Baba’s Sai Satcharitra. I get close to Sai from my best friend also. She and her husband are big devotees of Sai Baba. Last year I was travelling to India for wedding. Two days before my flight, it was snowing so bad in NJ. Lots of flights were cancelled, and I was not sure that my flight would also able to leave. Since I had booked my tickets only two days before wedding, I was panicking that I was not able to attend the wedding because same exact thing happened couple of years before when I was travelling with my two young kids and got stuck at airport for two days and then ended up not going at all. So I was in the same situation again. I was crying at the airport, and praying to my beloved Baba that please somehow make it possible for me to leave on time. Because of the delay it was disaster at the airport, and everyone was fighting with people at the counter to get flight.
When my turn came to go to the counter, I prayed Sai Baba to please do some magic and if I go on time I would post my experience on Your blog. When I was talking to the lady on the counter she told me to wait for her on side and she would talk to me personally when she had more information. I waited there with my family for quite long time, and kept looking at her that she would call me soon and the same time I was praying my Baba. Guess what she found one place in another flight with little longer trip. When she told me I was so happy. I told her as long as I went on time I am taking chance to get longer flight. By Baba’s grace I reached India peacefully, attended the wedding very joyfully and during my entire trip I was so happy. The only thing that did not happen was that I could not go to Shirdi as I had planned somehow. Probably next time when I go India He will call me to His holy place Shirdi. I just want to say when you pray to Him very sincerely, He will listen to your prayer. Please do not give up, and do good everyday. Baba please help me to bring my parents here, and that they can stay with me rest of their life. Since I am the only one for them to take care. Also save me from my evil in-laws. I know in my heart that You are always with me and whatever You do is best for me in good or bad situation. Please forgive me for all my mistakes and help me to pray You more sincerely. Thanks to Hetal ji and her team for this wonderful blog. Jay Sai Ram.

Shirdi Sai Brother Harish from USA says: I am a simple devotee of Baba and try to remember Him often. Om Sai Ram Millions of thanks and Pranams to this noble team that is generating this modern day Sai Satcharitra that is continuing to grow and my prayers for this website to stand the tests of time and be at one with Sai of Shirdi until the end of time. I truly believe that this website is Sai Himself and so many devotees pour their hearts out here and I am sure Baba is hearing them and in fact He Himself is getting them written as He pleases. Oh Deva, please be with me while I write this sweet Leela of Yours and let everyone read and take it to their heart’s content.
Since yesterday I was facing a technical issue at work that was really eating away my time at work and also affecting productivity. I tried to talk to another colleague but she also didn’t know why it was behaving a certain way on my PC although it was working fine on her end. I tried Google and forums but none of the answers I felt like trying and was just hopeless. At that time (that day ) morning I took few seconds and thought about Sai’s Holy Feet and asked Him to solve the problem by the end of the day and if so I shall publish His Leela on this website. Believe it or not, right after those blissful 10 seconds, I immediately got a thought to try a different work and that worked without any glitch. Again, Sai is continuing to help His devotees whenever and wherever they call Him from the bottom of their hearts. He is the one Who inspired me and gave the thought in me to try another way that worked successfully. So all the credits goes to Him always and forever. Dear devotees, always keep doing His Naam Jaap. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai within your heart. Bless all of us Deva and keep us under Your protection and away from evil forces. Bolo Akhilanda Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Thank you Hetal ji and the team for this wonderful site where people can share their experiences. This has become my daily habit to read these experiences before starting my day. I have been a devotee of Sai Baba for one year now. I have experienced many small experiences recently. The most recent one is when I lost my Credit Card. I looked everywhere in my wallet but couldn’t find it. For some reason, I prayed to Baba and told Him that I will post my experience if I got it back. Then I scolded myself for bothering Baba for such a petty issue. After looking around, I asked my wife if she could look for it in her purse. Surprisingly, my credit card was in her purse. We don’t know how it got there since I usually make all the payments and keep the card in my wallet. I am sorry Baba for bothering You for such a small issue but thank You very much. I know that You are there for me and my family. I know that You are listening to my prayers. Please resolve my family issues Baba. You know family comes first to me. Datta Avtari Anand Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Sri Sri Sachidanand Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai
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© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Om Sai Ram
Sai ram. You know everything and the root cause of many tensions, misunderstanding and arguments in our family baba. These are created by unwanted people. There is no peace of mind for us. Why are these issues occuring regularly baba. Please clear and sort out all the worries and keep us blessed under your shelter always Sai. We have no support except you Sai. I am fed up and worried about all this baba. These arguments are causing rift in our family. Please do not let these happen with us, baba. Please Beg you to be with my parents and family always. Thank you, Sai. Aum Sri Sai Ram. Raksha Karo sai.
Sai Ram, Baba please, please stop these people from cheating us, taking our hardearned money and mistreating us after utilising our help in all ways. We are helpless against so many bad and evil people. We have always adjusted and tried to help. Now these same people are taking over-advantage of our (my old parents) kindness and trusting nature. Please be with us and help us Sai. We do not have anyone else. All people utilze us and don't help only. Be with my husband and sister family, Baba. Sai, take care of us and sort all this worries and help us. Thank you. Keep us under your safe shelter.
Aum Sri Sai Nathaya Namaha.
Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Sairam prAnam to your lotus feet appa…sai please cure my itching problem/skin problem..Sai appa I don't want go to doctor…please bless me Sai ..
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Aum Sri Sai Ram 🙏
Omsairam…my mind is upset …. madam has refused to give leave..kindly take care of my father and brother …cure my father baba.baba but she has given me lot of leave i should not blame her….its ok baba….but baba if i have to go to court you have to only help me.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Please Sai help the first devotee get her a job please don't let her and her parents suffer please help every innocent person Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Thank you O Deva 🙂
Jai Sairam