Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
One night after dinner. I was sad due to some personal reasons and I wasn’t talking much, hence was mistaken and a huge fight started in the house that I am always sad every time. My in-laws were in town. The fight was very bad and went on for weeks and my hubby was ready to split for his parent’s sake. It was not my fault completely, but I had no support, so I was helpless. I prayed Baba and left everything to Him.
I had faith, but was lacking patience and mentally was getting week and restless. I had some close people who were supporting me and telling me to have patience. I went through tough time. With all this, my daughter was not well and went to stay with her. Baba, I am blamed even when I do good. My in-laws are always interfering in our lives, they complain for everything and sad part is my husband believes it. My children are suffering because of this. I prayed Baba constantly to help me and guide me. My husband is talking now, but still he is not the same person when his parents are around. He goes out of his way to make them happy and get them everything, still they don’t wish good for us. Baba has calmed down the situation. Thanks Baba and sorry for sharing it late. Baba, please be with us and show me the right path. Please make me be good no matter how bad others treat me. Please bless all of us with good health, happiness and prosperity in the New Year, especially with my daughter. She has intestinal issues and going through tough time, please cure her and give her a good life partner and a good life. She has an MRI and please bless her with normal results. She has some pain, please cure her completely. Please bless my brother with a job and help my Mom and brother settle down in life. Baba, forgive me if I have made any mistakes, I am at Your feet and will leave everything to You. Please guide me and all of us. Om Sai Ram! On Sai Rakshaka Sharanam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: This is about how Baba saved my fiancé from a big accident and took pain on His behalf.
I am a girl with lot of hopes in my upcoming wedding as everyone. My fiancé was driving in a very high speed with lot of tensions running over his mind and ended up falling down from bike. This happened yesterday which was the day before I was writing this experience. He messaged me that he fell down and I was not expecting it to be a major one. Then slowly he told me that he was saved from a major accident and his helmet protected him.
I was devastated and afraid on seeing this message from him. He said his leg got caught in wheel of his bike and people around helped him to pull out. I was crying in front of Baba’s idol, which is very small and I regularly look at it. Suddenly I saw Baba’s right foot was half broken and I couldn’t see close to three fingers on His right foot in the idol. Shocked to see, as per my human mind, I was even more afraid that something more was going to happen to my fiancé. Later just looking at Baba, within few minutes I realized that Baba took the pain all Himself and that is what the broken foot indicates. Quickly went to message my fiancé and was shocked to see that it was his right foot that had sprained.
Miracle…tears…I don’t know how the idol broke down and when it broke down. But the miracle is I noticed it when thinking about my fiancé. I believe that just like Sai saved Thathya as said in Sai Satcharithra, He saved my fiancé. No more words. Honestly, I do nothing for Baba and I don’t know He has so much of love on me and my fiancé. Shared this with my fiancé and he is happy knowing this. I never thought that I would share this experience but Baba made me write. I feel like faith in devotees will increase on reading my experience. It’s a miracle indeed. Baba did many miracles in my life and I believe He does more to everyone who trusts Him. I wish I will always be devoted to Him. Om Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam all devotees. I am from India. I was appointed for a government job. I was an expert examiner. I got ready in morning and I noticed little bit of problem in my dress.
I had no time to change as external examiners had already come. I prayed Baba to please help me from this mess Baba. I had to be in that dress for the whole day. Baba heard my prayer, I dint have any problems with my dress. The exam was conducted smoothly.
My another experience is that my head of department was throwing a dinner treat to all examiners. He invited all but somehow missed out me. I was in dilemma whether to make it to party or not, I again asked Baba to please help me, should I attend or not!? Immediately my sir came and invited me. I smiled at him and thanked Baba for clearing my confusion. Thank You Baba for reaching out to all Your devotees. Stay with us always Baba. Om Sairam
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: My parents were searching a groom for me and they had found a suitable one also but I, my love someone else. Program was that as we were going out of station parents wanted the prospective groom to meet me but by the time his family contacted we had left the city.
But my parents wanted me to talk to him on phone and finalise the marriage on phone only. But I prayed to Baba that I don’t want to talk to him on phone as that would make it difficult to explain to him about the reason of cancelling marriage. My parents called his parents but they showed no interest regarding finalising marriage on phone. They clearly said that they would talk when we would go back. Om Sai Ram Baba Thank You for taking me out of this problem and please remain with me forever.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam! I am Sai’s daughter. Sai is everything for me. Without Sai I am nothing. Coming to my experience, my husband did some medical tests. In that test one report was abnormal and it relates to size of kidneys. I was very much tensed and after that we approached to senior doctor and he said that there was no problem. This was all possible only because of our Baba. Thank You very much Baba for Your grace. As I promised I am posting here. Sorry for the delay. Jai Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. Dear Baba like always You saved me again. You fulfilled my wish and made me happy. Thank You so much. You are my Saviour. I don’t have to do the duties during the days as I didn’t want to. Baba thank You for being with me always. Can’t thank You enough for fulfilling my wish. Om Sairam Jai Sairam!
Interview With Mere Sai Fame “Abeer Soofi”
Blog’s 10th Anniversary Celebrations
Lakhoon Ki Taqdeere – Rana Gill Bhajan Video
भक्तो के अनुभव- रामना
Chapter 6 – Kakasaheb Dixit Diary
Sai Baba’s Beautiful Darshan In Shirdi
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Please Baba bless me and my family, please bring back the good days and atmosphere in our home….Om SaiRam
Thank You O Deva for surrounding us with peace, success and happiness 🙂
Jai Sairam
Baba, thanku for savung my father.. Pless bless them with good health and please dont leave them. .
Om sai ram.. .be with us sai ma.
Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
On Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo, Kripa Karo
Aum Sri Sai Ram.
Baba thanks for your miracle bY blessing us to visit SHIRDI so suddenly. Thanks baba please shower your grace and blessings on my parents, husband,sister and her family. Please be with us every second and bless us all. 🙏 of my father andbrother