Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Shirdi Sai Devotee Hemanth from India says: I am an IT Professional and we develop Embedded Systems since Years based on many logical Conclusions and Technical basis. But my experiences with Baba defies all these Logics.
I have been Baba’s devotee since my teens and have many experiences where Baba proved that He has been taking care of me. Below are few experiences. During my schooling days, we had a problem in our Business and were facing a lot of problems, though there was no mistake from our side. A huge amount was stuck and we had to pay interests for that every month. In spite of these problems, our father decided to send us for higher studies. So I was sent to an Engineering college in a different state, which was a huge expense as I had to stay in hostel and study. I got good percentage in 1st year. In 3rd semester, I was a bit reckless due to my good percentage in 1st year and also I was not well prepared for a Semester kind of studies. In addition I got deviated towards Cultural and Sport activities. This led to a failure in multiple subjects. And they kept piling up with every semester as it was difficult to clear arrears and to study new subjects.
During 6th semester I came to know that at home it was difficult even for the daily meals. My Sisters were helping / earning for daily bread and my dad was in depression. My elder brother was struggling to settle in a job. I knew that I needed a job immediately after my studies. With Baba’s grace, I completed all the papers except for one, till I finished my 8th semester. I was not sure if I would get job. I tried a lot for a month after our exams in the Metropolitan city where I studied and everywhere I applied, my resume was either thrown into dustbin before my eyes or got a negative answer on face. I went home and was helpless. I was just praying Baba to help me. With Baba’s grace, my friend’s father recommended and I got a job in IT company (small) in my native place. Starting pay was INR 2500 during probationary period. Nevertheless I just left everything to Baba and started giving my 200% at work. I was afraid about submitting my Certificate as I did not have one and I had one paper open. Six months after joining the Job, I went back to write the exam. I passed it with just needed marks. This again was the result of intense prayer as I did not have time for studies as there was a lot to learn at work and also loads of work to do. HR asked me the Certificate exactly 1 year after I joined the Company. See how Baba has been protecting me.
Slowly I started getting good hikes and within two years I was earning INR 16000 in the same company. Our situation improved and we started having a better meal. But still our Mother was eating only once in a day to save costs. Sister was also earning and her salary increased too. We were all sincerely praying to Baba every day. Relatives and Society were pressuring about our Sister’s marriage and also why we were not going abroad like others. Due to debts, our parents were under continuous pressure to pay them off. There were struggles, discussions and arguments in family and with people who lent us money and with officials. Once my mother took me to an Astrologer so that I get a better opportunity and go abroad to earn more. That Astrologer made many discouraging comments and said that there was no chance of going Abroad. After coming out, our mother lost her hopes and I told her only one thing: I believe in Baba and I know He will send me abroad. After that my efforts at work increased and intensity/Sincerity in prayers towards Baba increased. Few months after this, my boss called me about a project where there was a chance to go to Malaysia. Ours being the only IT company in our native and being so small, I could not believe my ears. There were other colleagues who were more experienced and technically talented than me. My boss said that they would apply for Visa and I am supposedly just a risk mitigation. But Baba had His plans for me. I got the Visa and others got rejected. That was my first On-site and I went to a different country just with 100$ (INR 4000) in pocket. No phone, no currency, no contact details nothing. Just blind belief in Baba. From that day I did not have to turn back. Baba has been taking care of me in one way or the other. We cleared all our debts. We got our sister married and all is well. Thank You Baba for being there for me at all the times. Om Sairam.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Sowndarya from India says: I am Sowndarya. I am doing my under graduation in Electronics and Communication Engineering in Coimbatore. I am very happy and I am very blessed to share my Sai Baba experience on this blog. Thank you for those who were created and who have been maintaining this blog.
Om Sairam to all my Sai devotees. I am a Shirdi Sai Baba devotee. I am sharing my experience on this blog for the first time though many Sai miracles happened in my life and my family member’s life. If anything wrong in my words, please forgive me. I am from a middle class family. I am a Sai devotee from my school days. I felt that our Sai is protecting me and guiding me always. My parents struggled hard to pay fees for me and my sister. My father’s business dropped down so it was more difficult to maintain our family too. My mother started to sell clothes. She lifted up the cloth bags and went through all the streets in my town to sell sarees even without wearing slippers. Despite, my mother was unable to manage our family’s financial situation. Later my mother got an idea to sell rice powder to the shop thinking that she could earn at least 200 Rupees per day. After praying to Sai, she started work for that and made rice powder for about 6 kilograms and was asking to all shops in my town to get our rice powder. But unfortunately they all refused it. Then also my mother did not get disappointed and she has more faith in Baba. After two days, that miracle happened in our life. My uncle was doing hotel business. On that day, the grinder in hotel got repaired. So he asked my mother to make rice powder and he would be giving 30 Rupees per kilogram as a pay. He gave 6 kilogram and the pay for it was 200 rupees totally. My mother and my family members really got wondered. Because my mother thought that if we sell rice powder we can earn 200 rupees per day, likewise my mother had thought and that miracle happened now by Sai Baba’s blessings. With Sai Baba’s grace my mother is earning 200 rupees per day by making rice powder to my uncle’s hotel. Thank You very much Sai Baba. We love You Sai. We love You always. My dear Sai devotees, please have more faith in Sai and have patience. Our Sai will help us and protect us, guide us. Our Sai will give the best to His children. Thank you. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a regular reader of this website. It is a wonderful and blissful website for us to share all our experiences or miracles by Baba. Thanks Hetalji for creation of this website, you are a blessed soul by Baba. I have already posted many experiences already here. Now I am sharing one more experience by Sai Nana. He is the potter of our lives. Other than Baba nothing or nobody can shape our life as the best pot. Thanks Nana for taking me under Your feet. I am so blissful to have You in my life Nana.
Regarding Experience I have asked my husband to help in getting aadhar card for my colleague who is staying in US. He went to vacation to India. At the same time he planned to apply for Aadhar card. My Husband and he went to Meeseva office with the help of known person and they applied for AAdhar card without any difficulty. It all happened with the grace of Baba only. Daily he started checking the status of Aadhar card online. After 3 weeks also he didn’t receive the card. I got tensed because I was the one who directed to that office to apply. I prayed Baba to please make him to get card before he reached US. Daily I had been praying for that. By the grace of Baba he got it on the day when he got into the return flight. Thank You so much for helping me in this. If not I couldn’t have shown my face to him.
One more experience happened recently I have a pearl finger ring as per astrology. One day the pearl fell down from the ring somewhere in the night. When I woke up in the morning I saw the pearl was missing. I prayed to Baba to please help me in finding the pearl as it was my sentimental one. Immediately I found it on my bed. It was a small one and difficult to find but with Baba’s grace within a minute I found it. Thank You Sai Nana. I cannot give anything in return for the mercy You are showing on us except our love towards You. Please be with us and make us to go in positive way. Shri Satchidananda Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai…! Om Sai Ram.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram all devotees. Thanks Hetalji for this blog for which we all Sai family wait eagerly to read new experiences.
I am from India. I asked in question and answer site about my problem. Baba said keep water to Sai on Jan 14. So on morning of 14 Jan, I had a dream, that I was choosing garlands for Sai Baba, and next moment one person was giving me ashirwaad. He was keeping his hand on my head and saying something on Pandharpur. In morning when I woke up, I was happy as Baba came in dreams. I kept glass of water to Baba in puja room. In afternoon I realised that I just lost my gold Ganesha pendant. I searched everywhere and I carefully checked my dress but all in vain. I called Sai for help; I felt I won’t get it. I was worried losing Ganesha as a bad omen. I thought and in three minutes I realized that the pendant was stuck in my dress, I thanked Baba. It was a gift from my mother. In evening I went to Sai Mandir with my friend and attended evening aarati. I am going through some problem, waiting patiently for Baba to solve. My friend is going through some family issues too, I am praying You Baba to help all of us. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Jai Jai Sai Om Sai. Thanks for being in my life and guiding and helping and supporting me all the time. Last year my friend had heart problems and by Baba’s grace all the reports were negative. My husband got long awaited promotion, thanks to Baba. Baba has taken care of health issues and other problems of my friends and family, thanks for His support. Baba is with all of us, we have to surrender our ego, thoughts, fear, anger and give our life to Him and He knows what is best. Always think positive. Baba I pray to please take care of my family friends and one and all and to please give me strength to face any problems, misfortune and mishaps.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Seema from India says: Om Sai Ram! I am Baba’s Daughter Seema from Karnataka. This is my 1st Experience, if any mistakes please forgive me Baba and all devotees. On Friday (11 Jan, 2018), I lost my all original ID proofs. I had kept them somewhere in my cupboard. I searched the whole cupboard more than 3 times but I was not able to find. After 10 minutes I started chanting Baba’s name continuously and I prayed to Baba. I told Him if I get my ID cards I will post this exp on the blog. Thank You so much Baba. Please bless me.
Interview With Mere Sai Fame “Abeer Soofi”
Blog’s 10th Anniversary Celebrations
Shri Sai Nath Stavan Manjari (Version 2)
बाबा नी दिया खोया हुआ प्यार वापस
Shirdi Sai Baba Blessed Me To Do His Abhishek
Chapter 10 – Kakasaheb Dixit Diary
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Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
O Deva, bless us so our worries fade away. O Sadguru, guide us so we do right unto others. O Sai, Thank You for everything and for always being with us 🙂
Jai Sairam
Jai Sai Ram 🙏
Omsairam…baba love you so much…tc of my father and brother.baba actually i am afraid how i will face them tomorrow…..😣😣today case was there it got shifted to 12 th july.
Om sai ram
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam 🙂