Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Shirdi Sai Devotee Divya from India says: I am a working married woman with one daughter. I am a small devotee of Sai Baba, have visited Shirdi many times.
Firstly, want to thank the whole team behind this site. As this actually increases the faith and gives strength to those who really require. I have many experiences in my life which made me realize that Baba is always there, not only for me but for all those who are clean at heart. He undoubtedly helps even those who take His name just once a day with great faith in Him. To me, Baba is like a mother. A mother shows her child a correct path to walk on in life. A mother’s job is really tough, sometimes she makes her child suffer, to make the child learn, understand and gain strength to live life out there in this world. This all stands true for Shirdi Sai Baba as well. As I am writing for the very first time, would share such an experience that obviously shows, no one other than Baba would have helped me in this situation.
That was 4th year of my marriage (with no kids), I came to my parents-in-law’s house, which is in a small town with people still having orthodox thinking. There is a 16 day festival which we celebrate every year knowns as “Gangor” in the culture we follow. Both unmarried and married women sing regional songs and offer prayers to Shiv-Parvati mainly. After regularly doing this prayer for some years, we need to do Udyaapan. I came to fulfil that Udyaapan to my in-law’s home town. My sister-in-law too came to fulfil her Udyaapan for the same festival, along with her husband and her parents-in-law. We thought to do the udyaapan together, as its better and convenient in one go. My mother-in-law was really very happy and excited, as all in the family were collected and would celebrate the festival together including both of ours udyaapan (me and my sister-in-law). So this was the background.
Now coming to my problem, a day just before the main festival, my monthly cycle started. This is not allowed during any kind of festival or even small prayer. Any lady with this issue is not supposed to touch anything and is separated from daily household chores. Even not supposed to enter into kitchen area, then festival and offering prayer is out of question. Many of the female readers know about this already. After knowing this I went so numb that I was sitting in the bathroom blank and aimless. Everything, every preparation for the festival and udyaapan was going on like a film in my mind. We invited 16 married ladies also, especially for my Udyaapan and now this problem had occurred. There were two fears going in my conscious: One, that this udyaapan was mine and I won’t be able to perform, then it will be of no use. Second, my mother-in-law will kill me (not literally) but with her behaviour towards me. She’ll stop talking to me, frown at me, and scold me in all the coming months saying that I would have taken pills to control it prior. Also, if my husband takes my side, then he also would not be spared. My blood got frozen and thinking of my mother-in-law’s terror, I was not able to speak about this to anyone, not even to my husband. Even my sister-in-law would eat me up, if she found it out. As all of us know, this cycle is not completed in a day or two, and mine had just started. Sun had almost set for that day, coming out of bathroom, I hid myself on rooftop of the house and I cried continuously. I was thinking, how evil of me that I am not disclosing the fact to my mother-in-law, but I can’t help, these things are not in our hands. That was the time when I literally, deep from my heart prayed to Sai Baba, the mother, Who understands me, Who knows that I didn’t do this deliberately. My one and only hope was Baba. Seeing the sky, crying, telling Him the whole story, I prayed to Baba that it was in His hands then, no one else in the world can get me out of this situation. Please help me, will offer coconut once I was clean again. I came down from the rooftop, not able to face anyone, I pretended to sleep and cried for hours hiding from everyone and finally I slept. Next morning, festival day, I got up early as I was much tensed, straight away I went to have bath. And what I saw was unbelievable, I should have been got dirty due to monthly cycle but I was all neat and clean. Not even a single dot was there, as if it didn’t happen at all. I was so overwhelmed, now I cried with happiness and that because of Baba, then I don’t need to hide anything or tell a lie to my mother-in-law, nor any hurdle in my Udyaapan. I thanked Him several times. After having head bath, I continued the festival day with others and everything went well. Even at night before sleeping I checked, and I was all clean. Thanks to Baba, only a Mother can understand her daughters’ problem. Next day, when I got up normally, after having morning tea and breakfast, I went to bathroom and there it was. I again thanked Baba for making me normal. Then I told my mother-in-law, she accepted normally as the festival was over already and then no worries. Readers, see that how Sai Baba stopped my monthly cycle just for one day and then continued it. Love You Baba, from all my hearts depth.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Sairam devotees, my humble homage to Sai Baba and I thank You Sai for making me an instrument to serve You. Dear devotees, I follow this blog daily. This is a platform where we all Sai devotees come together and strengthen our faith and patience. Sai has done a lot and is doing a lot in our lives. In order to provide gratitude to Him, let us follow His teachings and implement in our lives. Time has come for us to practice it. That is why Lord Baba wants me to share with you all about His teachings. He makes me read all those teachings and asks me to share with you all which helps me and all of you to walk ahead on Sai’s path. Baba, I hope I have done justice in expressing Your teachings. Please be the doer.
Service is the most difficult of the nine steps to inner reality. It is basically action arising out of the yearning to win the grace of God. It is the most important step to erase ego. Through service alone can man attain mastery of senses, passions and predilections and through that reach divinity itself. Service to man leads to the discovery of man as God. Spirituality has no meaning to a person suffering from hunger. To the hungry person bring God in the form of food, to the distressed and distracted in the form of peace, to the sick as medicine and to the afflicted a remedy for affliction. Service occupies the most exalted position among all kinds of sadhanas. God Himself has incarnated in human form to serve mankind through resuscitation of dharma and He has undertaken numerous services. In such a situation, if man too comes forward to dedicate himself to selfless service, there can be no doubt that God’s grace can be assured. Let us serve the suffering, the poor and the needy wherever you find them. Baba says, “ If you would like to please Me and satisfy Me, you only need to see Me in every human beings, serve all beings as you would serve Me and worship Me. That alone is the most appropriate procedure of worship. That alone is the holy path that brings you to Me.” Whether we are happy or unhappy, comfortable or suffering, let us never abandon our trait of being devoted to God.” Difficulties are created to increase the yearning and to shift the sincere devotee from rest. Adversity brings God closer. Let us forget our pains and let us offer selfless service. Let us not fear in anything. Baba is always with us and we will find Baba whenever we need Him. “Swami, I need nothing. I am completely Yours. Use me as Your instrument. I am merely incidental a mere tool in Your hands.” Let us surrender ourselves to Baba. When we surrender to Baba we soon develop a sense of non-attachment as we realize that everything lies in the hands of all controlling Baba and that we are merely toys in His divine hands. It frees us from the bonds of worry that beset our lives. In due course it leads to realization of self. It is an established fact that the choking mesh of deeds of past lives is torn aside if we sing in a praise of Bhagavan, if we incessantly meditate on Baba and if we do unremitting service to Sai and in His name. Thank You Sai for Your guidance.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Hi, Om Sai Ram to all the devotees here. My sincere Thanks to Hetal ji’s team work and their non-measurable work.
Om Sai Ram. This is my current situation and experience in which Baba played the great role. Firstly I would like to say that for a long time I am having some minimal (bearable) pain in my both the breasts. Have checked last year and Doctor said everything was normal. Again it started this year and it sounded crazy for me. This time it was accompanied by very severe pain in my back (left, middle, right). It was so different and really scary when I went through Google. When the pain got severe and unbearable I had no medicines than Udi. Here I have to say one thing that human mind and heart are very Greedy that I expected to get rid off the pain on the same day. But still after applying there was no effect. Meanwhile I was trying to schedule my appointments with Doctor. This Doctor is none other than disguise in Baba. She was really good that she didn’t scare me much and advised that it was very, very common for my age. I was quite happy with it but she prescribed few test and asked me to go for breast Ultrasound. Same day I went to temple and thanked Baba for the same. On the other hand I was applying Udi and suddenly after some days the pain slowly vanished without any sign. I was really happy about that since it was very scary and really unbearable one.
After few days we went to the diagnostics centre, I prayed Baba all the way saying there shouldn’t be any problem. My Doctor asked only for Scan but the Centre people asked me to go for a mammogram. They said if there was any finding then would need to go for a Scan. With Baba’s blessing my mammogram went fine and results were negative. So there was no need for a scan. I really thank Baba for being with me all the time. Baba I still have the pain in my breasts and would like to get rid off of it Baba. Please save for this Baba. Nowadays I am not able to come closer to You Somethings is there on the way as an obstacle or I am getting stuck. Really for past few days I am feeling very tired, sleepy and lazy. I feel like lacking a lot in my day to day duties too. Even I shout badly at my innocent kid and husband. Bad temper and anger is hitting me constantly. Bring me out of this depression/mood/darkness. Give me some light /brightness/colourfulness to my life. I always wanted to be near You. Please stay with us Baba. Your sincere child’s apology for not doing my duties. Forgive me Baba and bless all of us.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Sairam devotees, My humble pranams to Bhagawan’s divine lotus feet. Bhagawan wants me to share you all about how to have a peaceful mind.
Once Buddha was traveling with a few of His followers. While they were passing a lake, Buddha told one of His disciples, “I am thirsty. Do get me some water from the lake.” The disciple walked up to the lake. At that moment, a bullock cart started crossing through the lake. As a result, the water became very muddy and turbid. The disciple thought, “How can I give this muddy water to Buddha to drink?” So he came back and told Buddha, “The water in there is very muddy. I don’t think it is fit to drink.” After about half an hour, again Buddha asked the same disciple to go back to the lake. The disciple went back, and found that the water was still muddy. He returned and informed Buddha about the same. After sometime, again Buddha asked the same disciple to go back. This time, the disciple found the mud had settled down, and the water was clean and clear. So he collected some water in a pot and brought it to Buddha. Buddha looked at the water, and then he looked up at the disciple and said, “See what you did to make the water clean. You let it be, and the mud settled down on its own, and you have clear water.” Your mind is like that too! When it is disturbed, just let it be. Give it a little time. It will settle down on its own. You don’t have to put in any effort to calm it down. It will happen. It is effortless.” Having ‘Peace of Mind’ is not a strenuous job, it is an effortless process to keep your mind cool and have a great life ahead. Never leave your close ones. If you find few faults in them just close your eyes and remember the best time you spent together because affection is more Important than perfection..! Neither you can hug yourself nor you can cry on your own shoulder. Life is all about living for one another, so live with those who love you the most. Relations cannot be understood by the language of money. Because, Some Investments Never Give Profit But They Make us rich…! “Family and Friends are such Investments”

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Nepal says: Namaste to all Sai devotees. I am from Nepal. Last night I was having serious acidity. I took medicines but there was no relief. The pain went on for more than 24 hours and I was lying in bed sleeping and suffering from tremendous pain. Then I prayed to Baba and took Vibhuti. I had lost faith in all Gods these days that I don’t even want to worship or pray to anyone at any time but also I asked Baba that You know my condition that I have lost faith and if You really listen to me give me relief. And lo! Just after a few minutes I got relief and I slept in peace. I know my past life karma are killing me to severe extent. I know Baba that even suicide can’t help me get rid of them but it’s too painful and extremely disheartening to know that my illness is incurable.
Hope that any day I may get opportunity to post that I got relief from incurable malady that I am going through. Om Sai Ram
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. Thanks Hetal Di for this platform. Thanks to all devotees for posting experiences.
I am from India. Today I am fasting for Ganesh Sankashti. I stay at hostel, my mess closes by 9pm. The moon rise time was 9:48 pm. I was having giddiness because from morning I didn’t have anything, except just milk in evening. I knew I would not get food from mess. Severe headache started. I was praying God to help me cure this pain and also to give me dinner. I completed my puja at 10pm. Just to check once in mess; I went there. I was shocked as mess was there and he was serving hot chapatis. The food was very tasty. I thanked Baba and Ganesha. I asked the mess uncle how come he was here till 10 today? He said I don’t know somehow he was there. I smiled and thanked Baba in my mind. Thanks Baba. Om Sairam.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Wonderful experiences and this from the 2nd experience is a good way for us to serve Him!
“Swami, I need nothing. I am completely Yours. Use me as Your instrument. I am merely incidental a mere tool in Your hands.”
Jai Sairam
Thanku baba. Please help and save my parents… Saima
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Baba when will you give me a job and happiness.please Baba guide me i have no other mentor than YOU YOU only can show me the right path
Om sai ram
Baba pls give araj salary hike 3.5 lak
Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.