A Couple of Sai Baba Experiences – Part 2155

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Baba – The Greatest Saviour

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces | https://shirdisaibabaexperiences.org

Shirdi Sai Devotee Pooja Garg from India says: Om Sairam. Thank you Hetal Didi for giving an opportunity to be the part of the noble service being rendered for the mankind through this online Sai Satcharitra and really feel blessed and obliged to be chosen by Baba and You – ‘My Living Sai’. By getting an opportunity to serve the mankind with Baba’s blessings I really feel indebted and not that I or we as a team doing any favour to the mankind, but ultimately working on our own spiritual evolution too. I don’t know what good deeds I must have accumulated past so many births to be an editor of this online Sai Satcharitra. Getting an opportunity to serve also happens due to Baba’s grace. Thank You Shirdi Sai Baba and my living Baba in Baroda.☺

Around first week of February I realised that my gold bracelet was missing on my wrist and thought I lost it as it would sometimes open on its own although very rarely. Believe me I did not have time to search it also though the cost meant to me much. I even told my father who was asking me and suggesting me the places to search, “Papa first let me finish up my these chores and certain responsibilities and Baba will have to find it for me.” All including me were concerned but the difference was that I was first completing my tasks in hand and some might have felt that I am least bothered about the loss. Somewhere in my heart I was confident for Baba’s grace. Then after sometime I tried searching it everywhere tracing back all where I had been. I even called up my receptionist to look for it in my cabin and the entire office too. I knew Baba would not let me and my faith down. I also knew Naamjaap was about to start from 13th Feb and He would not allow to start like this. I completed my daily chores, responsibilities and prayed Baba that I would share the experience on Hetal di’s blog. Then it clicked to search my purse and lo it was there. It was all Sai’s grace that the bracelet opened up and fell in my purse only while I must be putting or taking out something from it. Thanks to Baba. But I failed to fulfil my promise.

Then there was some problem in office with a particular employee regarding money. I prayed Baba to resolve it and that I would post. The issue got resolved and yet I failed to fulfil my promise. Then after few days I could not find my Mahaparayan mobile. It was a new one with most important data and other stuff related to Baba and could not afford to lose it. I searched everywhere but all in vain. I did remember my failed promises, felt ashamed and again promised that I would post and asked Baba to please help. The moment I prayed I found it at the same place where not only me but my mother-in-law also had checked multiple times. She too was surprised to know from me the place where I had found it. I thanked Baba and realized my mistakes and said I will surely post. Although I really wanted to do but the circumstances were such that no time was there (I felt so) although I could have but Baba knows His ways. And again like ordinary human I failed to keep up my promises and on top of it felt Baba knows everything and He will only make it do when He wants me to do.

Then today when I was doing my work, I happened to find my money missing. I searched everywhere possible but all in vain. Then I again prayed Baba that no matter what urgencies I have now to attend but if I get I will post it now itself. Can you all believe within a second I could find them at the same place where I had searched; as though they were playing hide and seek. Some may feel that I may have not searched properly; but believe me after searching multiple times I have called Baba for help as I don’t like to trouble Him for petty things but ultimately end up doing so as though Baba also enjoys it. The moment He has stepped in the miracles have happened. Every time it can’t be a co-incidence and surely a Sai-incidence. I felt relieved but as a selfish human being the moment I found them I thought I will post it in the evening as I had some high priority work which was in a way related to Baba only. But already I could not look into the eyes of Baba (just for this matter) I thought to type it just now and Baba would take care of my other higher priorities which Baba also knows and He too understands. Thank You Baba for making me post now itself.

All this happened past 6 months ago and had finally submitted my post on 15th April. Now when I was editing my own experience as per the sequence of receiving I felt happy and remembered few more which happened recently. Recently I had lost my 2 envelopes which had around 4200 Rs. It was not that very small to be ignored. I tried searching but could not find. I wanted to bargain with Baba but did not because of my inability to fulfil my promise to post in time. But the moment I prayed and promised to post; I immediately recalled where I had kept and it was a place where I would never keep. But once in a hurry I had kept there and had totally forgotten about it. Then one more time I was looking for a fee receipt of my son’s school fees for ITR purpose. I was not able to recall as it was almost of 2 years back. If not found would cost me in thousands as it would be considered for ITR purpose and tax saving. The last date was approaching and I prayed our Baba. The moment I prayed Baba with a promise to share I could recall and found it immediately.

Sorry cannot make up for my mistakes of procrastination. Sorry Hetal Di for the bargain and which we say we should not. But one thing still I would say that I have observed this multiple times during editing people’s experiences that whenever people have promised to post here something their calamity have immediately resolved. Having got habituated I too cannot avoid the bargain although I don’t want to bargain. But somewhere I feel it’s all Baba’s leela. There are many instances like these and I must have forgotten due to selfish human nature who remember God and make promises in time of need but fail to fulfil them as promised. Trust me I wanted to be anonymous but Baba not allowing it. I feel this blog like a temple where we ask for something (Mannat that is wish fulfilment) with a promise to post and it gets fulfilled. So here the dakshina which Baba takes is not in form of money but sharing His leelas. So this means Baba wants us to share His leelas and make others drink the nectar of His Leelas and thus save them too by making their belief concrete. After all His Ways Are His Ways! Jai Sairam.

How Lord Sainath Saved Me

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces | https://shirdisaibabaexperiences.org

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. I am an ardent devotee of Lord Sai Samarth of Shirdi. I want to share my experience with you all.

Om Sai Ram. I recently joined a gym for further reducing my weight and get into a good shape. There I liked a girl very much but being an introvert and poor at communication, I was unable to talk to her. But I noted each and every detail of her. I added her on an online messaging application but later unfriended her. When I was reading Stavana Manjari, Lord Sainath gave me many indications to not to get deep into this matter and not to talk to her. Then I ignored it. After few weeks, I then stopped praying to Sai Baba (for few days). The evil in me was awaken and made me to talk to her on an online messaging platform. I chatted with her for few days. I enjoyed talking to her. I liked her. I thought that if I stop praying to Baba, then I will be happy like this (I will not do this ever). Thursday came; I offered prayers to the Antharyami in the temple. I knew since Sai Baba again arrived into my life; He would stop me from talking to her.

Then that day I and she chatted for long time and I went to IPL match that day with my friends and I had infinite happiness like never before (because I did not enjoy my life for the past 3 years) Sai Baba says who are devoted to me I will give them infinite happiness and I always experience it. All went fine. I was proved wrong because I thought Sai Baba would stop me from chatting with her but I chatted very well and I began to think since Sai Baba liked me very much He had accepted my request. But the next day she blocked me and I still do not know what the reason is? I was shocked and depressed. I contacted her with different account. I pleaded her to talk to me but she did not. Instead she took screenshot of my chat from different account. I thought that she might complain against me in the gym. First of all I was ashamed to ask Baba to protect me from this. But later I stood in front of Him and prayed. I applied Udi and ate a very small portion of it when I was going out with my mother and went outside with my mother and sister for their work. Wherever I saw, there was Baba everywhere. Whenever I think of him, I saw His photo on vehicles, hoardings. My mother called me and pointed me to park the car in the parking area (showing the car parking way because the parking was in cellar). There I saw Baba’s photo on the car going to cellar. Whenever I thought of Baba and prayed that evening, I saw His photo. Whenever the thought of being caught came, I saw His photo. That time I understood His power. This was His indication and a great miracle. I was afraid because in the coming days I am aving police verification because I have applied for graduate apprentice in a company. if Baba would not have saved me then I would have definitely ended up in the jail. When I pray to Baba, I know I would be saved because He sits on the driver’s seat, then why to worry. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Baba – Our Savior

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces | https://shirdisaibabaexperiences.org

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi, I am a devotee of Sai Baba. He is everything for me. Thanks to Hetalji and team for the splendid work they are doing.

Coming to my experience: On 9th April, 2018 my husband was to receive 50k from a person. He hurriedly collected that amount and without counting kept it in his pocket (there were 2 bundles. He assumed it to be 25k and 25k) and went to office. Next day morning I took the money which was secured with a rubber band and kept it safely. It were all 500 rupees notes and I counted it as 50 notes. I was mistaken by considering 50k instead of 25k. And told the same to my husband that its 50. My husband had taken out 3500 from one of the bundle but when I told him its 50 he did not say that he took out 3.5k and was thinking that I did some mistake in counting but he did not tell me anything. After a week, 14th April 2018, my husband asked me how much amount I had taken from his pocket and I told him that it was 50 notes of 500 rupees and then I realized that it was 25k and not 50k. My husband thought he might have lost the other bundle (which he unsecured while taking out 3.5k from it) from his pocket. But I was not sure as he would have noticed if that many notes were fallen from his pocket. We searched everywhere but couldn’t find it. My husband was very sad thinking that he lost so much amount (21.5k). I was also feeling bad that had I realized and told him that it was 25k then we would have searched it that time. I was calling our Sai Baba for help and put chits asking ‘if we will receive that missing amount of 21k ? Baba said ‘Yes’. Again I took chits asking ‘If it had fallen from my husband’s pocket’ Baba gave an answer ‘No’ and I was confused. I prayed to Baba that I will share this experience once this issue is resolved and we know about the missing amount. Next day morning, my husband told me that he checked with the person who gave him the amount that he had actually given 30k (20k and 10k bundle probably) and not 50k. We(my husband and I) were relieved that it was not missed and that the person only gave 30k and he said he would give 20k after few days. It was such a miracle by our Sai Baba. And I am writing this experience on 15th April, 2018. Thank You so much Sai Baba. Love You a lot. Baba please accept my pranam at Your feet. Om Sai Ram. Anantkoti Bhramand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabhrama Shree Sachidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram.! Om Sai Sree Sai Jaya Jaya Sai!

By Baba’s Grace Became A Part Of Mahaparayan

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces | https://shirdisaibabaexperiences.org

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am Lakshmi from India. Thanks to all the devotees who created and are maintaining this modern Sai Satcharithra site. This is a great site where it is giving a great hope to live in critical situations also. Sai Nama smaranam is the greatest hope in our lives. Thanks Sai nana for making me a part of Mahaparayan and Sainam japam. This is also one miracle for me. I have been trying since last year August to be a part of Mahaparayan. I had registered many times to Mahaparayan from the site. But I did not get response; I left the hope thinking that I am not lucky to be a part of Mahaparayan. On Telugu new year (Ugadhi ) day I was reading the experiences of Baba, I selected the Mahaparayan link again to try my luck again, by chance I had been to comments section and there I found a contact number of devotee who is one of the captians of Mahaparayan Whats App group. I contacted her and she is such a wonderful lady that she promised me that she will make me a part of Mahaparayan and I became a part of Mahaparayan group and also part of Sainaam Japam. I was really indebted to all of them who made me a part of Parayan. Thank you so much to all of them and to our Sai nana for giving me this opportunity.

I was working as a software employee and came to onsite 6 months back. I was working on one project, every time some or the other I was facing issues badly. I prayed our Sai nana to please help me to get through all the issues that I was facing. At last I was able to move the project go live. Even some issues are there still; hope Baba will get rid of those issues also. Thank You Sai nana and it is a small word to express gratitude for the love You are showing on us. Please Baba give us strength to face all the situations with patience. You know Baba in what situation we are and so please help us nana. No one in the world except You can save our lives. You know very well what is good for us. Please forgive us and give strength to go through the problems. Thank You Sai nana. Shri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Jai Shreeram.

Jai Sai Ram

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces | https://shirdisaibabaexperiences.org

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: 15th April 2018 – Thank You very much Sai Baba for letting me hear a good news that there is nothing serious for my nephew on 10th April 2018. Please Sai Baba shower Your blessings on Sai Mahith and let the tests conducted on 17th April also reveal that there is nothing to worry. Kindly provide us strength and belief that You are there to take care of all of us. Please Sai Baba kindly provide Your blessings on Sai Mahith and ensure that he recovers very fast and he concentrates on his studies. Please provide strength to Akka, Dad and Mom that You are there to take care of Sai Mahith.

Thank You very much for giving me the dreams saying that Sai Mahith will be ok and there is nothing to worry. Thank You very much for giving me the instruction to gift a saree to the old woman in Your temple. It’s a miracle that You reminded me immediately after hearing the good news about Sai Mahith that I need to gift the woman a sari. Even on the day when I was driving back from office thank You very much for reminding me exactly near the shop that I need to buy the saree. Overall I will be ever thankful for giving me the opportunity to gift a saree to the old woman, I was just remembering the Satcharitra story where Kakaji’s servant was gifted red saree and it was a clear example of how God blesses His devotees who keep faith in Him. Further thank You very much for giving us the opportunity to name my son as Thamoghna Sai Dasari. Please shower Your blessings continuously on him also Sai Baba. I just can’t imagine myself in this situation considering the consequences that I was into the past, it was all because of You. Jai Sai Ram.

Sai Baba Miracle

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces | https://shirdisaibabaexperiences.org

Hi. I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. I would like to thank Hetalji for giving us this platform where we can share our experiences. I am from India and a very small devotee of Sai Baba. I want to share my experience which happened recently. Few days before my gold earning was missing and I was very worried about it , I search end many places but I did not found any where meanwhile I prayed Baba with true heart that please help me to find out my earing, if I get it I would post my experience. Baba showed His mercy on me and immediately I found my earing. Thanks Baba, thank You so much for Your mercy. Om Sairam.

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© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai BabaMember of SaiYugNetwork.com

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. baba thank you baba I got my notes back which I cannot find it thank you so much Baba
    you also saved me from going today otherwise I would be on road without shelter
    once again you made me realize that where ever your children goes you will keep them with you only, under your protection
    please baba keep increasing my faith. please help me to have complete faith and surrender to you baba
    Om Sai Ram

  2. Om sai ram. Baba I prayed you yesterday for the money which was awaited. Thank u I received the credit in my bank account today. Sai ram

  3. Omsairam..bless my father and brother with a good health..forgive our sinss..baba love you..somehow please motivate my father to do abdominal scan..and i pray to the usg report to be normal….love you baba

  4. Sairam baba…koti koti pRanams to your lotus feet…baba please help me to write your blessings tomorrow….om sai sai…sai bless me good health and my wish get fulfilled…and bless me to get married soon with my love that you only blessed…sai sai 🕉

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