Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

With Sai’s Grace Father’s Second Kidney Transplant Successful

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am simple girl. I am doing my CA. I got to know about Sai Baba only when I was studying 10th standard through my grand mom. There were so many miracles which I experienced through Him. You need to have trust and patience while worshipping Him.

My father was a kidney patient. He had to undergo dialysis for nearly 3 long years. Doctors denied doing operation as it was a second transplant. I was very disheartened seeing him undergo dialysis every alternative day so I did Sai Baba 9 week’s vrat and surprisingly doctors agreed to do the operation and my father got cured. Sai Baba brought peace and love into the family. Thank You Baba.

I remember last week my phone got switched off suddenly and it did not work. I told my parents and they told we would go next week for repair. I prayed to Sai Baba and to my surprise I got an idea and took the battery out and placed it correctly. The phone started working very well. I was so happy.

3 months before I got a gold ring of Sai Baba from my parents. My parents never agree in one shot when I ask something but they brought me Sai Baba ring. I love Sai Baba unconditionally because He will test you but will always give you the best. I also remember that He arranged a two day trip to my hometown suddenly when I was so sad and frustrated in life. I surrender my life to His lotus feet. Please remember that Sai Baba loves His devotees unconditionally and never leaves them alone. Om Sairam.

Om Sai Ram

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all. Om Sai Ram to all. My first experience got posted few weeks back so thanks to this blog’s admin for posting it. Thank You Baba for being with me always and making me feel Your presence. Here goes my experience.

1. I was thinking that my first post was not accepted because it didn’t get posted for a very long time since my submission, hence one day I requested Baba to make me read my own experience in this blog soon and within a week’s time my experience got published and I felt very happy as it got posted on the last day of Rama Navami celebrations (Baba’s favourite festival). Thank You so much for that Baba. I love You so much.

My second experience is that one night when I was reading the experiences I came across a devotee’s experience about the heat boil being cured and at that time even I was having a heat boil and was feeling severe pain and discomfort due to that. Then immediately I asked Baba to cure it by morning. When I got up in the morning it was a great miracle to see that the boil had disappeared as if I didn’t have one, the pain and everything got vanished. It was all Baba’s miracle. I love You so much Baba. I know You are always with me and I have left everything to Your lotus feet. You know what I’m going through. Please You do whatever You want to do and I shall abide by Your decision. Give me strength to handle everything Baba. Accept and keep me under Your feet always. Forgive me if I have done anything wrong and made You upset. Love You Baba. Om Sai Ram.

Experience Of Sai Baba’s Leela

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Firstly thank you Hetalji for this blog which increases our faith in our Sai. I am a devotee to Sai Baba for more than 10 years from childhood. Every time I feel Baba is with me. Either it is happy or sad I first tell to my Baba. I have many, many experiences with my Baba. This is my experience recently on April 2018.

Coming into my experiences, my sister and her son who is 22 months old visited India. My sister’s son was not well, so they went to the doctor for test and doctors told he might have Ecoli. If it was E coli bacterial in the body then it might affect the kidneys. So doctor asked to take scan for baby. We were very scared when my sister told me. So I prayed to Baba that Baba please show the scan reports to be normal and that he should not have any thing. He should be normal. My sister took him to scan and we got the reports. Doctor checked the reports and he told reports were normal and that it was just a normal bacteria and nothing in there as such. I prayed to Baba that if the reports were normal I would share the experiences on this blog. Thank You a lot Baba. Sairam Sairam. Om Sairam. Please be with all of us Sai.

Sai My Life

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. I am Sai devotee since many years. I love Sai very much. I read Sai satcharitra regularly. Have faith and patience and Sai will definitely help you. Sai has helped me in so many ways.

I take tablets regularly for some health problems. Night before going to bed I searched for tablets. They were over and that night I could not ask my husband to go to the medical shop. I prayed Sai that I should find one tablet and Baba answered my prayers. When I searched again I found one tablet. I felt very happy. Thanks to Baba. Om Sairam God blessed me with a good husband and daughter. Sai listens my prayers and because of Sai I am like this. I am very much happy now because of Sai in my life. I read this blog regularly. Really thanks for the heart touching messages. Baba please bless my sister’s husband Srinivas with a good job. Don’t test her and please help her Baba. Make her Your devotee. Baba my daughter should secure a seat in good college Baba. Om Sai Sree Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.

Baba’s Immense Blessings

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Greetings to all devotees. I am a very small devotee from Himachal Pradesh and wish to remain anonymous. Baba has literally engulfed me in His embrace and humbled me with so many experiences that my scientific mind used to refuse but they are all true.

There are many but I will describe only two. I was preparing for my senior residency exam and was quite tensed as there was only one vacancy and about twelve candidates. Early morning I was studying and also praying to beloved Sai; when all of sudden and this was around six in morning my cell phone had a beep. I just saw the message more out of habit but was stunned to see that it was from Sai Baba organization where I had messaged few months back. I was shocked to see message from Baba at that moment as I wanted His presence to guide me. My second experience was when I was really feeling jittery because of some health issues. The moment I was about to reach hospital for some tests a car passed by with huge Baba’s poster at the back of car. Needless to say it was His way of telling me that He is with me. The reports were ok and yes I got senior residency with His blessings. Om Sai Ram. Baba please be with me always. Thanks to the great team.

Baba Is Always With Us

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all members of Sai family. By reading all experiences Baba has become so close to me. Thank you Hetalji and team. I wake up by seeing Baba’s picture and before sleeping I see Baba’s picture. Just call Him with true love and He is already there with us. I go to Sai temple on every Thursday. I have to walk for about 5 minutes to board an auto and whenever I go to the stop I always see Baba’s picture on any vehicle. It’s like Baba is receiving me and assuring that He is always with me.

I was asking Baba for a wish from many months and He fulfilled it. Thank You so much Baba. I am waiting for few more miracles from You Baba. Baba is like a loving mother Who takes care of her children even before asking. Our Baba just wants firm faith and true love on Him. He never expects anything from His devotees. Baba I hope You show me a miracle before Vijayadashami Baba. You know the reason behind it. Please Baba that is the only thing I want in my life. I am requesting all the devotees to have firm faith in Baba. He is sure to fulfil all our wishes. Always be with me, my family and all Your devotees Baba. Without You I am nothing Baba. Om Sairam.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. O Deva, be with us as we begin a new week, protect us and guide us so we bring about success and happiness to everyone.

    Jai Sairam

  2. Baba please help and save my parents sai ma…. Please bless them with good health and financially ….. Please cure my sister
    …help us in study… .please sai ma

  3. Om sai namoh namah shree sai namoh namah Jai Jai sai Namoh namah sadguru sai namoh namah
    Om shirdivasaye vidhmahe sachidananday dhimahe tanno sai prachodayat
    Om sai shree sai Jai Jai sai
    Shraddha saburi sabka maliek ek
    Baba ji please always be with me never. Leave my hand
    Bolo sachhhidanand sadguru sainath Maharaj ki jai

  4. Om sai namoh namah shree sai namoh namah Jai Jai sai Namoh namah sadguru sai namoh namah
    Om shirdi vasaye vidhmahe sacchidanandaye dhimahe tanno sai prachodayat
    Om sai shree sai Jai Jai sai
    Sabka maliek ek shraddha saburi
    Baba ji always be with me never leave my hand deva without you I am nothing maa
    Bolo sacchidanand sadguru sainath Maharaj ki Jai .om sai om sai om sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sqi sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai

  5. Om sai namoh namah shree sai namoh namah Jai Jai sai Namoh namah sadguru sai namoh namah
    Om shirdi vasaye vidhmahe sacchidanandaye dhimahe tanno sai prachodayat
    Om sai shree sai Jai Jai sai
    Sabka maliek ek shraddha saburi
    Baba ji always be with me never leave my hand deva without you I am nothing maa
    Bolo sacchidanand sadguru sainath Maharaj ki Jai .om sai om sai om sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sqi sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai

  6. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  7. Omsairam…bless my father and brother with a good health..forgive oursins baba…in any situation you should come and help my father and brother…love you baba…

  8. Omsairam…bless my father and brother with a good health..forgive oursins baba…in any situation you should come and help my father and brother…love you baba…

  9. Thankyou so much baba…i was very upset that i couldnt go shirdi this time..but by your blessings i saw direct live shirdi darshan from home and i also got shirdi udi prasad and a baba murthi…..i am very happy baba i didnt expect tis….baba so words to express my happiness..

  10. Baba for many many months now i have held onto ur feet despite the ugliness despite the adversities despite everything. Not once did ur heart melt when i cried out in pain for ur help and mercy..u left me suffer and it felt endless..then there was a glimmer of hope..a ray of hope and it seemed as though the miracle has happened and i would get to live my fairytale but u snatched that away so quickly.
    I never thought that there would ever come a day when i would say this but u are not the mother i thought u to be…u let me fall …u failed to catch me and u mislead me..u gave me false hopes and u let me continue praying for the impossible..why Baba? U never lie sitting in the Dwarkamayee yet u lied to me..why? Why do u hate me so much? Why do u just want to see me in pain?
    I can’t do this anymore Baba. I give up. U won. I choose not to live this lie and if my pain means so little to u then it shouldn’t matter whether i live or die. Why did u play this game Baba? Did my happiness and my life mean so little to u?

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