Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Shirdi Sai Devotee Subbu from UK says: Sairam dear friends. Many thanks to Hetalji for this beautiful platform for Baba devotees. May Baba bless her and the wonderful team. I’m a small devotee of Baba living in London. I have read many experiences about people’s phone not working and Baba solved the issue by Udi miracle. I also have a similar experience.
I had an old phone which I was exchanging for a new phone. The process is that I have to back up all my data on the iCloud and the courier would give the new phone and collect the old phone immediately. So all my photos and videos of my young daughter were all backed up neatly on iCloud. Once I got my new phone I returned the old phone to the courier who then left our home. I opened the box and switched on the new phone and tried logging in to my iCloud and to my shock it was asking for a 2 factor authentication process whereby it was sending a code to some strange phone number ending in 64 and asking me to enter the code, failing which I cannot sign in to my account and retrieve the data. I was completely tensed and frantically tried to call the courier company to get my old phone back but couldn’t get through as line was always busy. I then tried calling Apple and they also couldn’t help. Even if I didn’t have the recovery number, I was supposed to at least know the phone number to which the code was being sent. I ran from pillar to post trying to check if anyone of my relatives had a number ending in 64. Unfortunately all my endeavours went to waste as none of them knew of any number ending in 64.
Next day I tried calling the courier company again to see if I could get my old phone back but they informed that they could have retrieved the phone if I had called the previous day and now it was too late. I gave up any hope of recovering all my data at this point. I had lost all of my contacts, videos, whatsapp conversations and notes. All this while I was sincerely praying to Baba to help me out and even though I wasn’t able to pray whole heartedly I did light lamps and did aarti with as much devotion I could muster given the circumstances. During my prayers I always found Baba smiling and in the corner of my heart I felt that He would work things out although the situation was bleak as three different people at Apple had advised that even if you don’t have the recovery phone number with you, it is necessary to at least know what that number was. Finally I resigned to my fate and prayed to Baba that without Your permission even a leaf will not move and so this must also be Your wish and I will accept it. After a while I was browsing through my emails to figure out when this 2 factor authentication was set on my account, I came across an email with a telephone number ending in 64 that my mother-in-law had used 18 months back. I was happy and thought that surely this had to be the number. But again this wasn’t the number. I closed my laptop and went to take a break when my wife continued looking through old emails and coincidentally found another temporary number which she had used on my phone 12 months back ending in 64. By Baba’s miracle this number worked and Apple told me that they can now recover all my photos, videos and important contacts. I believe that this was nothing but Baba’s kindness and His miracle. There is no limit to His kindness towards His kids. Even if Baba had not solved the issue I would have taken it as His will and accepted it. But Baba can never see His devotees in trouble for long. He is such a lovely God, so full of love and compassion. Jai Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I’ll be sharing 2 experiences. Plus, I’d like to thank the whole team behind this amazing website. Reading the experiences of the fellow devotees really uplifts our spirits during tough times.
Experience 1: My mother is 44 years old. A few weeks back, when she got up in the morning to make breakfast for me as I had to leave for college; she noticed that there was blood all over her pyajamas. Naturally she was scared; as she didn’t get her period nor did she have any symptoms of getting a period. She told me about this thing and I also got scared. I asked her to have Udi and have faith in Sai. I prayed to Sai that please let it be just a period and nothing serious. When I came back from college in the afternoon, my mum and I decided to go to the gynaecologist. Upon her examination she said that it was not periods. She asked us to get a urine test done to be sure that there was no infection in the urinary tract. She assumed that it might be the early onset of piles and suggested us to meet a general surgeon regarding the same. As we were so scared, we left no stone unturned and decided to meet the doctor. This doctor also on rectal examination said that there was no blood in the rectal and it’s definitely not cancer, might be some minor infection and gave antibiotics. We went home with a bit relief and waited for the reports. The next day when the gynaecologist again called us for examination there was no blood again and then we got to know that there was a cut from a blade on my mother’s pelvic area while she was shaving. The strange thing is that she didn’t even feel any pain nor any discomfort. Devotees, all this while I was praying to Sai, please it should not be serious. I repeatedly visited the question and answer site and got positive answers. Plus, I prayed to Sai that if it was nothing serious then please give me Your darshan before reaching the hospital and every time He gave me His beautiful darshan in the form of His picture or mini statues. With Sai’s abundant grace my mother is healthy. Thank You so much, Baba.
Experience 2: Whenever I’m in a doubt I always seek my Sai’s help. It’s like I’m in a constant conversation with Him. If I’m stumbling upon some options, I always ask Sai that if you’re wearing a particular colour shela today then I’ll do this, not once, twice or thrice but so many times Sai responded to that request. In some way or the other He would immediately clear my doubt. It’s like He doesn’t want me to make any wrong decisions, always protecting me.
Experience 3: before leaving my house, I have the habit of bowing down before my Sai and having His Udi applied on my forehead and I always say that ‘Sai please give me Your darshan, so that I know You’re with me” and always He has blessed me with His darshan in the form of His picture or mini statues in the cars/auto rickshaws etc. Thank You so much Sai for loving me so unconditionally and always taking care of me and my family. To all the devotees, have Shraddha and Saburi, then Baba will always be there for us. He is very well aware of our problems and is grinding our karmas in the meantime. Believe me He also gets restless, when something bad happens to us, as His love is so deep for all of us. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a teacher having infinite faith in the mightiest Sai Baba. Jai Sai Ram. Today itself I don’t know why something came to my mind and I started exploring about miracles of Sainath. When I was reading the experience s of others I realised that even I had one but never understood its hidden essence.
It was the time when I was not working and even my husband’s salary was not so big. We were living in a rented accommodation and looking for own home. Lack of funds and increasing responsibilities were restricting us from getting one. We tried many places, many times but nothing good wad coming in our budget. All of a sudden we got one person who was ready to construct a new flat in our budget and was also helping us to get home loan. We both agreed and on his demand we gave him our hard-earned money amounting 1.3 lakhs and then 2 lakhs. But slowly he started delaying our work. We both were in a dilemma what to do. We had given him a big amount and nothing was in our hands. Time was being very harsh on us. One day it was afternoon, I dreamt. I saw Shirdi Sai Dham in my dream but the point was that till then I had never been there before. In dream He told me to have patience and said He would make things fall in their places. And yes everything fell at its place. After taking the possession of our home we came to know that the person was a fraud. He had fooled many people before. People were amazed that how could we get our property because right after transferring the property to us, he ran away. Still today many people are searching him to get their money back. It was tough time but Almighty God and His blessings pulled us out safely. Words are not enough to explain the kripa of Sai. Jai Sainath.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a Sai devotee since many years. Thanks to Hetalji for running this blog successfully. It is a great relief for us. Love You Sai. I can’t imagine my life without Sai.
Today morning I opened a site for downloading hall ticket which I was supposed to take exam on 14 May 2018. When the site was opened it said hall ticket download service closed. I felt very much tensed and tried again but it was showing the same thing. I am very much disappointed. I called my friend and she said that she took a day before. I was very much disappointed and tried all the possible sources but in vain. I waited till 1pm. I prayed Baba that if I get hall ticket I will post this experience on the site. I surrendered my problem at His lotus feet. I thought Baba doesn’t want me to write the exam. I was thinking how to write exam without hall ticket. Finally after 1pm I tried again and with Baba’s grace I got my hall ticket. Baba is always there with me protecting me and my family.
Baba, please bless my sister’s husband Srinivas with a good job and health and change my brother’s attitude. My daughter should secure seat in a good college. Anathakoti Brahmandanayaka Rajadiraja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Sri Sachidananda Sadguru Sainadh Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai. With Baba’s grace I should write the exam very well and secure a job.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sairam. Thanks a lot Hetalji for the wonderful service. May God bless you and your team.
I lost my phone and was unable to locate it. I searched everywhere but in vain. Then I prayed Baba that if I find my phone I would post the experience today itself. Then to my surprise I found it in my handbag where I had already seen it multiple times and my mom too. I could not afford to miss the phone due to data in it. Thank You Baba.
Also before this last year when I had gone for vacation I lost my selfie stick. I could not find it. We then complained the reception at hotel. I prayed Baba if I get it back I would post my experience on Hetal mam’s blog. To my surprise the hotel person came and returned it as he found it in the premises where I had left it. The concern was for inability to have good clicks if it was not found. But Baba came to help us. Sorry Baba for the delay in posting.
Thanks a lot Baba. Love You Baba.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Ramya Krishnan from India says: My Name is Ramya Krishnan, From Kerala. Dear All Sai Ram, My experience is I didn’t have any appointment for the week and I got only one appointment on last moment but that was not enough for my boss. I was tensed and scared because I get scolding from boss. I prayed Sai and left everything to Sai and kept quiet and for the very last second I got another one appointment which saved me from getting scolded by my boss and not only that I got five more appointment for my future weeks. Thank You Sai Maa. Sai Maa really listens everyone’s prayers and help on time. I promised Sai I will post this experience if Sai maa saves me from this situation. Thank You Sai So Much. Love You Sai. Love You Maa, Sai Samarth.
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Thank You O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Baba please help and save my parents…bless the them financially….please be with my father saibaba……help me and my sister to study and for exams.everything is beacause of you sai ma…please dont make me and others fall sick…..sai ma.sairaksha
Om Sai Ram🙏
Baba, you know we planned our tirupati trip and shirdi trip, please dont let the monthly cycle come in the midst of our trip. Please baba, help
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo