Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am here to post experience on how Baba blessed us with twin babies. Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees and a special heartfelt thanks to Hetalji and team for maintaining this site and giving us strength and moral support to face our life. Truly this site has become a part of many of our lives and we are getting our answers for our problems and a hope to fight with them. Baba Himself is guiding all of us through this website. I have posted few experiences before this and felt greatly privileged. I am here to post the miracle that happened in my life, since 5 years we were trying for baby, but Baba for some reasons didn’t answer my prayers. With Baba’s blessing I confirmed my pregnancy in the month of Feb with twin babies and posted the experience, please refer the link Baba Blessed Us With Twin Babies As I promised all Sai devotes I am posting my experience today.
It’s my immense pleasure to announce all my Sai brothers and sisters that I am a blessed with twin baby boys by Baba’s grace and they are seven months now. They are my life and happiness and everything now. They both are bringing the real smile in me that was missing for a very long time. I am feeling blessed, happy that all my efforts and prayers were answered. We had a house warming function recently and Baba blessed us abundantly. Function went on well. Baba Himself joined us in the form of a big framed photo which was the first gift received. Thanks a lot for Your love and affection.
I and my twin babies were waiting to join my husband working abroad. While we were getting ready with our visa for our boys; we came to know that his contract would end in 3 months. It was the real shock for us we didn’t expect this. He is still searching for a job. I followed Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat and completed it today. I kindly request all my fellow devotees to pray for us to get a job at the earliest and I want to see my kids playing and enjoying with him. This is what I am longing from so long. He too is missing to watch my boys growing who are very naughty and their beautiful and heavenly smile which is just priceless.
Your prayers means a lot for us and it’s really worth a blessing. Hope Baba will surely show a right path to handle this situation. Sai listening to all our prayers and He knows the real pain in us. I believe everything God works out at right time, we definitely need little patience and faith in Him. My prayers to all couples out there, who are trying for a baby; just don’t lose hope. Sai Baba is listening to our prayers and will definitely bless with lovely and healthy baby. Taking this opportunity to thank all my Sai devotes who took their valuable time to pray for the smooth pregnancy and delivery. Both my boys are doing good and named them in the name of Sai. Praying Sai Baba to visit Shirdi soon with my family with the new born babies. Have Shraddha and Saburi, Baba is listening to all our prayers! Always help the needy and Baba will help you for sure. Baba please show right path to all Your devotees. I take a bow to thank You for everything You do for us, for staying with us at all times, stay with us and guide us forever. Love You Sai. My father is having health issues, kindly pray for him to recover soon. It’s worth and means a lot for me! Thanks admin and everyone who took their valuable time to pray for us. Om Sai Ram.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Poornima from India says: Sai Ram, I am a big devotee of Sai Baba. I started praying Him ten years back and till today He is with me in every single step. I am proud to say that He is my Guru, my parent, my best friend and everything to me.
Friends I am sharing one of my most wonderful experiences of all the miracles that I have come across so far. Few months back I had a dream where I was praying Baba and He blessed me with a flower. I still remember the dream and it was a red flower which fell. I am suffering from few health issues from past ten years. I have been praying Baba and He has helped to get better day by day. I have done the 9 weeks vrat many a times for my studies, exam results, for job and for all these He has given me what I prayed for. One day morning I did not have any plans to go to temple but my mother-in-law came home unexpectedly and she said she would drop me on the way. Half the way I found Baba temple and I told her that it had been quiet a long time since I visited the temple and so will go to temple and then go to office. I entered temple and it was empty. In mornings usually people would be there but that day it was fully empty and even the priest was doing something behind the door. I stood in front of Baba asking when will my health get better and slowly very slowly I saw flower from His feet falling down and it fell in the arati plate. I felt so happy and I asked the priest to give me that flower. Only after that other people came inside the temple. It was so divine and it was like there was no obstacle between the Guru and His disciple and my long awaited dream came true. Baba blessing with flower is like getting all happiness on earth at same time. Baba will never leave His devotees. All testing times will have some reason but He will surely bless one day but trusting Him and praying Him should not stop. We all are His kids and He will definitely protect us. Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. I am Baba’s child. Without Baba I am nothing. Thanks to the team who is behind this page.
I am a working woman. My daughter is Baba’s blessings. We planned for going to Tirupati. Everything was booked. But I faced leave problem and personal problems. I prayed Baba to please help me in this trip. With Baba’s blessings we went to Tirupati and other pilgrims and came back home without any problem. This is the example for Baba is always with His children Who holds their hand and walks with His children to show the right path to them. Thank You so much Baba for being with me in any situation.
My another experience is about my transfer in job. I was in transfers list. I have nine months old baby. My husband is doing business in our hometown. In this situation I cannot go to any other city. I prayed to Baba that You give what is better to me. I accept what it is. With Baba’s blessings I got transfer orders within the city to another branch. Thank You so much Baba. Baba my daughter is Your blessing. Bless her to grown up without any problem. She is getting small problem to walk. Please cure and bless her to walk. Bless my mother with good health and good eye vision, Baba. Baba, if I do any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly please excuse me. Baba, give peace of mind to all Your children who are suffering with karma. Give to all of us good and devotional life. Baba, please keep my mind and heart always on You. Please show a right path to my husband Baba. Change his behaviour and mind to good things. Thank You for this life Baba. Om Sairam. Anatkoti Brahmanand Nayak Rajadi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidanda Samadhan Sadguru Sri Sanath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Santhosh from India says: Myself Santhosh Raja M from South India (Tamil Nadu). Thanks to Saiyugnetwork for the wonderful platform.
Om Sai Ram I would like to share about a very big blessing of our Baba in my dream on 22/05/18 early morning around 4 am or 5 am. Let me tell you all about my dream after a small write-up about my daily duty. I have a small but very priceless and precious Idol of our Sai Appa in my home, for which I used to perform Poojas and Abhisekam. Daily morning I used to clean Him (Baba’s Idol) with wet cloth and dress Him, then apply some Sandal paste and kumkum on His forehead. While cleaning and dressing Baba I used to carry Him like a small child and keep Baba over my chest and do all the things to Him.
Now coming to my dream: I had a dream on today morning. In my dream, I took Baba from His Aasanam and started doing my daily servings to Him. While doing that, I lifted Baba’s (Idol) near my face. I felt some very, very minute sound. On hearing that I kept Him even closer to my face and I felt the sense of His breath. Baba’s (Idol) was breathing and exhaling. On seeing this I kept His face very near to my eyes and I was in confusion that whether the air comes from Baba’s idol or from anywhere else? Immediately after thinking, all of sudden Baba took a very long breath and exhaled very strongly and forcefully. The blessed air from Him came and showered on my face (like a fragrance). I was in a joy. No words to say how I reacted at that time. Baba, thanks for blessing me in all my way. I beg you to fulfil my long time wish soon. I offer my heart under Your feet as a Paduka(Use my heart as Your footwear).

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Thank you for having this forum to enable us share our faith in our beloved Sai. I am a Sai devotee since 2016. I began reading this website recently and it makes me understand that no request is too big or small and our Sai is ready to help us through our difficulties.
We live in the US but we are financially not very well off. This month we were unexpectedly hit with a huge penalty by the tax department. I had no idea how we were going to pay this bill and I knew it was practically impossible to get any leniency from the tax department. At first, I tried calling them but never got through. I started fervently praying to Sai to relieve us of this burden. When I finally called the tax department yesterday, I kept a photo of Sai in my hand and said a prayer in my heart for His grace. I surprisingly got through very quickly and was able to speak to a representative. Everyone here in the US knows how hard it is to get to speak to a person when we call any place. The lady on the line was very kind and patient. I explained my position and requested for some reduction in the penalty. She reviewed my account and then put me on hold for about 10 minutes. During that whole time I continued to pray to our Sai. When she finally came back on line, she said they were waiving the entire penalty and also some other paperwork which was incorrectly showing as overdue. I was overjoyed with relief and cried and thanked the lady profusely. I know this would all happened with Sai’s grace only. I really think He was speaking through her. I am very, very grateful to Sai Baba. Thank You Baba for granting us this blessing and showering us with Your mercy. Om Sai Ram. Jai Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Thank You Sai for all Your blessing. First of all thank you Hetalji and your team for this wonderful platform. I really look forward every morning to read wonderful experience from this site. I prayed Sai before but started believing more after watching Sai episodes. Reading books about Sai and doing live darshan on your site gave me more faith about Sai.
Coming to my experience, we booked the hotels in USA through one of the resources. Next day we received the email from that property manager saying that property was not available for our dates. Getting email like this from property manager; we thought our booking was cancelled (but there was fine print in that email that we missed). After few months, we received the bill from resources regarding staying in hotel. I got really upset when I saw that email. I started praying Sai to help me. I called the hotel; the lady said since you didn’t cancel your booking, you might get charged for this. They would call the property for confirmation and get back to me after 24 hours. Since it was almost thousand dollar bill, I was little panicked. I asked Baba to help me and guess what next day I received the email from hotel that they would cancel my booking without charging any penalty to me. Thank You Sai for all Your help. I have big trust on You. My son is going through some skin health issue. Sai please cure all of his issues. I am doing everything I can. Please guide me if I am doing something wrong. Bless my kids and be with us all the time. Sai Ram Sai Ram.
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please baba help and save my parents sai ma…hold them show my father a path ..he is so depressed,nothing is happening for years.bless him healthy and happy h financially….help us for exams.please save my grandparents sai deva..please bless sai ma.sairakzhak sai saranam.
Sairam Deepthi…pls contact me at satish@….i might be able to help…sairam
Love You O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Omsairam…bless my father and brother with a good health…forgive our sins…love you baba..
Om Sai Ram🙏
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
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Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.