Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I have been a Sai Devotee for many years now, but I must admit that our kind and forgiving Baba has put up with me and my wavering mind-set. Humble request to please keep me Anonymous. Kudos to Hetalji and her team for their great contribution towards increasing Sai awareness. There are times when we feel low and our path unclear, but once we hit this site, the waning embers of faith brightens up.
I shall be writing about my two experiences. My daughter has been a bright student by Baba’s grace. She opted to become a CA. She cleared all her exams in first attempt, but CA Final was the most trying period. She failed in the same subject in her last two attempts. This was the time she joined the Mahaparayan group of Jaya Wahi Di (Author of Sai Baba is still Alive and 108 Pearls of Baba Sai). Her Parayan began with Chapter 36 (3+6=9). The very same week, she got her admit card and examination roll no. The total of her examination roll no. was also 9. Her spirits were lifted and now she was very hopeful that she would pass the exam this time. While going to the examination centre at the time of her papers, she would see some sign or symbol associated with Baba (at the back of cars, public vehicles, bill boards, etc.). She did all her papers well. A night before the result was to be declared, she dreamt of Baba, Who was smiling. So whatever fear and nervousness that had cropped up, all vanished. But when she saw her result, she was heartbroken. Just like the other two times, she had passed all the other subjects and once again flunked in the same one. She submitted a request for re-evaluation. The re-evaluation process takes about 30 days. All her known peers started receiving their re-evaluated marks, but even after almost one and a half months, she didn’t get any response. Giving up all hope now, she started preparing for re-exam. Then one day, she received a call from the Institute that she had cleared that paper and her Final exam too. In due course, she received her revised mark sheet and as well as her pass certificate too. Immediately, she started applying for jobs and received calls for interview from good and established organisations. Though the interviews went well, no job offers were forthcoming. While going for one such interview, she prayed to Baba that I must get this job. Now, with Baba’s grace, she is well placed in that organisation at a much higher pay.
At the time when my daughter was facing the above mentioned situation, my son was facing rejection wherever he had applied for jobs. An IIT Kanpur post graduate and with 4 years of job experience, he had gone to US for his masters. Wherever he applied for job, he would initially get a positive response, but somehow, nothing culminated fruitfully. It was shattering that his peers, who were less qualified than him, had jobs in their hand. Back home, I was in despair for both my children. Many a times, my faith in Baba would be shaken. But our dear, kind and compassionate Baba never let me fall down. Time to time, I earnestly begged Baba that He will not let me go astray and never ever leave my hand. And our ever-loving Baba has always kept His Word, even though I have faltered. In the meantime, I joined the Mahaparayan group, VSP group, Stavan Manjari reading, LFL-Universal Prayer group. This was only for my peace of mind. In my heart, I believe that a small sincere prayer is acceptable to Baba. Baba showered His blessings on my son and he had two job offers before his graduation ceremony. Immensely grateful to Baba! All other formalities before he joins an organisation of his preference are pending, and I know Baba will help him sail through this also. My humble prayer to all Sai devotees, that we are Baba’s children and His ever watchful eyes are on us and nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible for Him. So just surrender, have faith, and leave the rest to Him.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am 18 years old and recently had a brother.
I started worshipping Sai Baba in April 2015 before which I appeared for class 10th examination. I earlier use to worship Goddess Vaishno Devi and other Goddesses.
I saw Sai Baba movie on TV. Then I met my Biology teacher who was Baba’s adherent devotee and she daily read Shree Sai Satcharitra. She told me many things about Baba and way to worship Him. In July 2015, I started doing 9 Thursday fast of Sai Baba to gain all around success. I got it and I became a school topper and Head Boy of my school.
In March 2016, I was religiously mislead and started worship a regional Goddess who instead of showing a right path took me to a state where I was away from Baba and totally became superstitious rather than being a devotee. I stopped worshipping all other deities and even started insulting them. I even abused Baba. It went like in March 2017 many of my life’s worst things happened as I offered alcohol to that goddess. I gave my class 12th exams and appeared for both NEET and AIIMS. One day results came and I just got 84 % in 12th (I never got less than 90% before). Even everyone expected that I would top the exam but I didn’t. That goddess still convinced me that I would get selected in NEET /AIIMS and be very successful. But none of the results were in my favour.
My father is a very bad person. He abused me and my mom a lot after the results. My father hates me and my mom. I was very depressed for 2 months. After that I met my English teacher Mrs. Bose who is a very pious woman. She took me to Kali Maa’s temple. There the priest told me that Mahakali would definitely guide me. I came back to my home and slept that night crying as my father abused us again as he was drunk. In dream I saw Shree Mahakali yelling on me as I touched wine in Chitra Navratri and followed some practices under influence of that Goddess and told me to worship her and Baba. Then as I woke the first thing I saw was Sai Baba’s portrait and heard bells of aarti by my mom. I started crying as I had realised my mistake and went to Baba’s temple and apologised Him for my mistakes. He was very kind to me.
Time passed on and my father continued to trouble me and my mom. Then came January 2018 and I came to know a strange thing that my mom was pregnant. I was amazed at this. I asked her and prayed to Baba and Maa Kali to kill that baby and mom to have abortion. She went for abortion and I prayed God to kill that baby and I fell asleep. Then I saw Sai Baba asking me to take a child and play with him and Kali maa giving Toys for him and I woke up. Then I realised that I was wrong and had even committed a sin. Then I became worried about that baby. I started asking Baba to save him and Baba saved him as the doctors had told that baby cannot be killed as the mom too would die with it. My father insisted doctors to kill that baby. But they refused and came back. My father continued to poison that baby by giving Ayurvedic medicine to kill that baby. But who can kill a person saved by God. Baba saved him but father continued to trouble us. Then I took a vow to save my mom and baby. Despite all odds due to God’s grace my mom delivered a boy who exactly looks like me. Yeah he is my brother and I thanked Baba and all my other Gods for that. But my father still troubles us. I always pray to God to save us and bless me, my mom and my brother. Baba, please make me that capable that I can save me and my mom and brother from the evil shadows of my father. Yeah I am 18 but I don’t mind having an infant brother and I love him a lot. Thanks Baba.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to everyone. I am a Sai daughter from India. I came under His wings in 2008. From that time I am a staunch devotee of Baba. Baba is everything for me. My day starts and ends on Baba. Baba is always with me. I have experienced His presence in every critical situation. He is always there to help me and support me to go ahead. Baba is oxygen of my life. Without Him I can’t survive.
Before starting my humble regards to Hetalji and her team for providing us a divine platform where we can share our experiences with all and get strength and power to fight with the hurdles of life. This platform is like a modern Satcharitra Which is based on the true and current experiences of devotees. I have posted many experiences on this divine platform. All of them have got published except the last one. Today I am going to share the recent one for which I had promised Baba to share. Last week I was suffering from severe headache. It started in the morning and ended at night only. The whole week I was suffering with this. Then I prayed Baba to cure my headache as I couldn’t bear it anymore and promised to post it once I got relief. Baba did miracle. From next day there was no headache. But I couldn’t keep my promise to post at that time. Today I am suffering with the same severe headache. I was reminded of my promise to post. So I am writing here. Baba thanks for reminding me. Please forgive me and help me to cure this headache. It’s very painful. I am not able to concentrate on my work. Please help me. Baba You know for what I am praying and waiting. Every month I am waiting for that news. Please be with us. I have left everything at Your holy feet. You know what is good for me and when is the right time to give. Please help me. I will post once I get the good news. Help me to become a good human being with a kind and pure heart. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a strong devotee of Sai Baba since 20 years. Thanks to Hetalji for creating a wonderful platform which increases the faith in Sai.
I had experienced many miracles from Sai Baba. Today I want to share my recent experience. My daughter is 2.5 years old. She got fever few days back which was high grade and lasted for 15 days. She suffered a lot. I prayed to Baba to cure my daughter’s illness. I applied Udi. Finally Baba listened my prayer and fever got reduced. Baba please be with my daughter and make her healthy. Make her eat properly. I have left everything on You Baba. You are only my hope. Jai Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. I am from Rajasthan. First of all I would like to thank Hetalji for giving us this beautiful platform through which we can share our miraculous experience.
In the journey of miraculous experiences by the blessings of Sai Baba I want to share here one of them which happened recently. We had a function in our maternal family in which my parents had to go but due to some personal issues I was worried and I prayed to Sai Baba to please take care. I vowed that if all happen ok then I will share my experience on this platform. Baba listened my prayer and all went well. Thanks Baba for listening our prayer and helping us. Om Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: I am a small devotee of Sai Baba and had very good experiences with Baba. Thanks to the team members for the wonderful site.
This experience is about my work and how Baba helped me to be good and get a good name. Please be like this Baba and make everyone like me at my work place and I will do whatever work they give me. Sorry for the mistakes I have done so far and please forgive me Baba. Also from now on I won’t hurt Mom also. Om Sai Ram.
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To the 18 year old boy who has posted his experience. I commend you for you strength and courage.Baba will surely take care of you ad your mother.Baba, please listen to this devotees prayers, How can you inflict so much responsibility on such a young kid. Be with him and his mother, save them from the abuses of the father.WHo else can do this if not you Baba. Please take care of them Sai. Om Sai Ram
Baba please help and save my parents sai pa. Hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa. Help my grandparents .Make us visit shree dwaraka balaji soon .ayyappa. gelp us to study. Hail to shivayya for shivaratri. Sairakshak. Saisaranam
Sai Sai Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram🙏
Omsairam…….forgive our sins and bless my father with good health….love yiu baba.
Om sai ram. Please help me baba
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.