Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am from USA and I have already posted few experiences particularly with problems I am facing in my love life and how Baba helps me in every stage.
Jai Sai Ram. As I start every time with a thank you note to Hetalji and Sai Baba, this time also I am doing the same. Two words would be less to say the miracles sand blessings Sai Baba showers on me.
It was 4 in the morning and I got a dream about Sai Baba and saw that I had come here to fill my recent experience. Last week Monday I was having lot of fear about my future and was telling my problem and heartache to Sai Baba. I don’t have any trustworthy person to discuss my pain. My parents are older and didn’t want to tension them also. I asked Baba, will my in-laws like me and accept me in their family and will I meet my man face to face? How long are you going to make me suffer? I cried to Sai Baba saying I don’t have anyone other than You and slept at night. Next day Tuesday evening without much plans, all of a sudden I went to the grocery shop nearby. Suddenly that day I felt to wear simple Chudhidhar and dress bit traditional. I was doing time passing myself in each and every section and walking slowly and getting some groceries and vegetables randomly. Then I came to fruits section suddenly and I saw my to be father-in-law standing at a bit distance. I didn’t know him much though I saw him twice; I was not hesitant but thought to give a try and thinking of Sai Baba I walked towards him. He also looked at me and was telling something to someone, when I went near only I knew it was my to be mother-in-law. Got nervous but without showing tension, I went near and could see some flowers. Acted as if I was picking the flowers. My mother-in-law was so keen in observing me, admiring me and was eager in talking to me that without controlling she came and asked me, “You are from which place, where do you stay. I had seen you in our community. Then we talked and later they told they were my man’s parents. I got blessings from them and told we both worked together. They liked me so much and they wanted to continue the chat but I was so surprised and shocked and couldn’t handle them more and had to come out. After billing and coming out, I started crying due to uncontrollable tears and thanked Baba as I had a photo in my pouch.
Then when I came out of grocery shop to my car, I saw my man coming in opposite direction and to my surprise he was so happy seeing me and we had a small conversation. I met him in person after 8 months of no communication. He told me his parents were here and he would introduce me. Then I told I already saw them and talked. He was so happy and everything went on well. Without Sai Baba this was not at all possible. From aunty and uncle’s gesture I understood they liked me very much. Thank You so much Sai Baba. As promised I wrote even this experience so others who are suffering like me without anyone to help can get more confidence and faith. I used to pray all God but now I became a staunch devotee of Sai Baba. As He says He is always there for His devotees even if we are miles away. Now I am waiting for my love to call me and we both started to talk like before and his parents talking for our marriage. Surely Baba will bless me for that also through some miracle. Believe Him and pray with faith.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a devotee of Sai Baba for past 5 years and have posted few of my experiences before. Thanks for creating a wonderful and common platform for sharing all wonderful leelas and experience of our Sai Ma without Whom the world cease to exist. I do wonder that I still exist on and this is because of the strength Baba gives me when I am in trouble.
I am facing some problem in the throat for past few months and I also consulted a doctor who says it is because of GERD. Whenever I ask Baba He says you need to suffer for few more days and all your worries will soon end. Last week doctor asked me take CBC and I have found some of the values have gone up high. I collected the report from hospital and forgot to bow down to Sai Maa Who is near the hospital entrance. After collecting it I couldn’t meet the doctor that day. I googled and found various reasons and most the response that came was it could be cancer. I was praying to Baba endlessly and I was already facing so many problems in my life for past 4 months. I realised that all these calamities had come to me for forgetting Baba before collecting the report. The whole night I couldn’t sleep and I was fully under confusion and was crying in front of Baba’s photo. I was praying to Baba that doctor should not tell anything negative about the report. Next was Sunday and I was waiting for Monday. I went to the hospital praying Baba and heart beat was going up, but still I knew my Sai Maa would definitely not let down His children into such as difficult situation. I went and met the doctor who just looked up the report and didn’t say anything and just prescribed some tablets (iron) and said to come for review after few days. Baba I pray from the bottom of my heart that before 30 days all my health related issue should get resolved and I don’t have peace of mind because of my daughter’s problem and I am jobless for past 5 months and moreover my husband has stopped talking to me. I have a strong belief that all my problem would be over soon and I am always remembering the words “Why fear when I am here?” As I always pray that during my last day on this earth the last thought that should come to my mind should be my Sai Maa. I place all my problems under Your holy feet to get resolved soon. Baba, please protect all of my family members and especially my mom who is worried about me a lot and who also has become a true devotee.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sairam. Thank you Hetalji and team for the wonderful noble service done for the good of everyone. Baba is my life and would like to list few experiences as per my promise. Extremely sorry for the delay Baba.
Few months back there was a theft of almost 5000 Rs. with my husband’s Paytm account. He complained and did all that he could. Finally he lost all the hopes. I was praying Baba daily and Baba answered by reimbursing the amount for which we had not had any ray of hope. Thank You Baba.
Few months back I had lost my shopping bag as I had forgot it somewhere. I prayed and vowed Baba and next day Baba guided me to the mall and finally found it with lost and found section. It was all due to Baba’s blessings. Thank You Baba.
Recently I had lost my gold ring and some money. I searched and searched but all was in vain until I promised Baba to share the leela if found. Then what Baba came to my rescue and I found it where I had searched before. Thank You Baba.
Not once but every time Baba has helped me. I have actually forgotten all the things that I wanted to share. So be it jewellery, money or materialistic things Baba had come to my rescue. Even for health, relationships, family or office matters Baba was always there carrying me in His arms. Sorry Baba for forgetting and the delay in posting. Thank You Baba. Can never thank You enough and please forgive me as I am not able to recall all that I was supposed to share. Dear devotees please keep your trust in Baba very high.Don’t have any doubts. As would be your faith so would be Baba’s response. There is none better than a Sadguru. We all are extremely blessed to have Baba as our Saviour, Protector and Guru as well. Jai Sairam.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Kanmani from Malaysia says: I am a micro devotee of Baba and my heartfelt thanks to the team of this blog for doing such a divine job. Baba has helped me out through a lot of obstacles and worries.
A few weeks back, my mum had been suffering from a very bad pain on her hand and she could not even raise her hand at all. I was so worried of her and was not able to see the pain she was going through. However, I just told her to pray to Baba as she is a soulful devotee of Him. But surprisingly the pain did not cease. The next day after back from work, I immediately freshen up myself and prayed to Baba to cure my mother’s pain and I promised Him that I will be reading Sai Satcharitra throughout my life. At night, I had applied Baba’s Udi on my mum’s hand before she fell asleep. Next morning, she was totally alright without any pain. I had taken this as a lesson that Baba wanted me to pray faithfully and experience the miracle by myself. It’s a sign that Baba listens to my tiny voice as well.
On another incident, I was browsing through my phone app after work. Suddenly I sensed a weird pain that was stretching from my neck till my head on and off. I was neither able to bend down my head nor raise it up. But I did not worry of it at all as I knew I had the best medicine at home (Baba’s Udi). I applied Baba’s Udi and within a few minutes my pain had vanished completely. In a nutshell, I always feel that the greatest thing that ever happened in my life was the existence of Baba. Baba, please forgive me for my mistakes done knowingly or unknowingly and please be with me forever. Looking forward to post more miracles in future. I love You Baba.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. First of all I would like to thank Hetalji and team for providing this wonderful platform.
Our belief in Sai Baba is widened when I read similar experiences that are shared here. Today I am going to post one of the miracles that I experienced.
One week before a severe flooding affected the Kerala due to unusually high rainfall. Heavy rain has also caused unexpected landslides in many parts of Kerala. This made the situation worst. In our place also flooding affected due to the opening of nearby dams. We had a faith that this won’t come to our area as earlier ones. But suddenly water level increased and it started to cover houses in our colony. We were just trapped in the middle of water. At that time we didn’t know what to do because water level was rising very quickly. I used to do poojas to Sai. So I knew He would not allow me to stop my Pooja and He would definitely save us from this. Yes the miracle happened. Water just came in front of our house. But it didn’t enter into our house. I am sure Sai only stopped the water. I don’t know how to thank my Babaji for saving us always. I don’t have words to explain my happiness and gratitude. Thanks a lot Babaji. Please be with us always like this and shower Your blessings on all of Your devotees. Sree Sachidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a software engineer working in a big IT firm.
Because of my 13+ years of experience, there is lot of job insecurity. Also I had been stuck with an old technology whose scope has reduced much. I never wanted to leave technical side and feared that I would not get a project in new technology and I may remain without a project for long. Also my current project manager was mentally harassing me and I wanted to get out anyhow. I prayed to Baba for giving me a new project in a new technology where I could start fresh. He fulfilled my wishes and I got the project I desired immediately after leaving the previous project. Thanks a lot my Sai Baba. Om Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
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Om Sai ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Today I received most devastating news. I was praying SAI constantly with some hope. I am very disappointed with him. He came in my dreams and showed me that I will get positive news. But no. SAI is no more with me. He has really abondoned me. No mother or father does that. I am not sure I have same devotion or love towards him anymore.
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Om Shri Sainathaya Namaha.
Jai Sairam
Om sai ram
Baba bless my father…..forgive our sins.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
baba please help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa. And cure my mother's pain and swelling baba. Take care of my grandparents baba .make us to visit shree dwaraka balaji soon. Ayyappa. Help us to study hard baba. Sairakshak. Saisaranam
Om Sai Ram