Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am Anamika resisding in Noida. I am a tiny particle of Deva’s universe. Thanks Hetalji and your team for this wonderful work and worship. I am sharing my home Gurusthaan picture. Hetalji, I am not getting any information regarding publication date of my previous experiences, so please inform if possible.
Deva I Love You and You love me too to infinity. No words of any language or dictionary can explain Your unfathomable love, care and mercy towards Your billion- trillion children like us. You are the best mother, Who always works towards the betterment of Your children. Please guide me in writing Your some blessings here:
Sai Bhajan on 19. 10. 18 (100th year of Mahasamadhi Day): 1 month before Mahasamadhi day, one of my friend asked me “What special you are going to do on Baba’s Mahasamdhi day?” I felt like Deva is asking this question and as usual Deva Himself gave the answer. He motivated me for Sai bhajan on the special day. I was not having any experience of arranging bhajan. Firstly, I tried to find bhajan singer and struggled a lot. I felt frustrated and got annoyed with Deva. But in my heart I was aware that Deva has given the idea so, He will manage everything.
Deva selected the bhajan singer with golden voice and within my budget. I was having space issue as bhajan was planned in our home only. Again, taking Deva’s name, I invited every one and left attendees choice on Deva. With the kind guidance and management of Deva, the bhanaj sandhya became the most memorable one. Everyone liked the bhajan, decoration, food and all.
My thumb pain removed by Udi: 3 days before Diwali, while attending one party in our society, we were unable to find our son in the huge crowd. We searched him for 2 hours but were unable to find. At last, Deva searched him and sent him home. During this episode, accidently my right hand thumb got hurt very badly. It was paining like broken bone. I felt afraid; that how I would I go to the office and do all the Diwali preparation. By taking Deva’s name I applied one ointment and Udi and tied the crape bandage on it. My merciful Deva removed 90% pain.
My dress gifted by my Deva: I liked one dress on an online site. I ordered the same and was very much excited to see that. After 10 days the seller cancelled the order and refunded my amount. Again, I ordered the same dress when it became available and waited desperately. I requested Deva that I know You love me very much so, please gift me this dress. But again it got cancelled and disappointed me a lot. I accepted it as Deva’s wish and forgot about that dress. After some days, I again saw the same dress and ordered it without any excitement but this time I received that. As usual Deva knows what to give and when to give. He first removed my desperation and then gifted me the dress. Om Anantkoti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parbrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai Om Sai Dayalu, Om Sai Kripalu, Om Sai Bhaktvatsal, Om Sai Snehsagar, Om Sai Rakshak. Om Sai Sarva Samarth Sadguru.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Lakshmi from USA says: I am Lakshmi basically from India.
Shri Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai. Om Sai Ram. Anantha Roopa Om Sai. We are blessed to be under Your feet and having Your infinite love towards us. You are the creator and pathfinder of our lives. Without Your consent not even a leaf can move. Thanks Hetalji for creating such a wonderful and blissful website. May Baba bless you with all the future endeavours that you are going upon. Baba’s leelas are innumerable. We cannot share all of them but trying to share whichever is possible by Baba’s Grace.
Coming to my experiences I have been facing difficulty at work now a days. Every time I used to get some or the other problem. By Baba’s grace I am able to get out of difficult situations. I used to pray Baba whenever I was not able to get the solution, immediately somehow I would get the solution for those problems.
One more experience we started our new life in US. With the help of Baba, we took a house for rent and moved to that house on Thursday only. Prayed Baba to help me in doing Varalakshmi pooja and Satyanarayana pooja in US for the first time along with my husband. We successfully completed all our poojas by His grace and had a small party also at home on account of Satynarayana pooja. Whenever I wanted to visit temples of other Gods or do poojas at home, I used to pray Baba to make it happen successfully. Baba made it successful and showed that He is there for us in every situation.
One more important experience in my life is that I got my visa approved after I started 9 weeks Baba Vratham. You are the savior of our lives. Without You we cannot do anything. Thank You Sai Nana for Visa approval for my dependents and also making their journey safe to USA. We are starting our lives in new country. Please bless us and be with us in all situations. I know You will take care of it. I have left everything on You. Please don’t leave us Sai Nana. Without You our lives will be in dark. Please make us learn Shraddha and Saburi that helps to move closer to You. We are blessed to be under Your feet. Sarvejana Sukhinobavanthu.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi everyone, first of all I would like to thank Hetal mam for creating such an awesome blog. Here is my experience.
I am an ardent devotee of Sai Baba, without Him I am nothing. He always gives what’s best for me. Experience 1: I am a fresher, just finished my college. Within a short span of time I got my date of joining. I got placed in one of the top MNC. This is the first miracle. We have to clear many assessments then only we would be deployed into the project. I was very much scared as we have to score maximum 70% to pass. I also got an easy and best domain to work for. I cleared the test because of the blessings of Sai Baba. On every stage of my life Sai Baba is my guide, Who guides me throughout.
Experience 2: Then my friends were slowly getting calls from project on Tuesday and they had to report there on Wednesday. But I didn’t get call from the project and was little sad. Next day morning I was reading Sai Satcharitra in my office and I got a sudden call from project team on Wednesday and saying that I had to report the next day that is on Thursday our Sai Baba’s day. My friends all got kind of same location but I was the only one to get a different location. I had to report there all alone. But I know as long as Sai Baba is there with me Why should I fear? Then before going there I got my seat allocation almost done, but few of my friends who went didn’t even get their seat allocated. I always wanted to start my first work on Thursday. As per my wish Baba made it to happen. All we need is whole lot of faith and patience on Him. He will always give more than what we ask for. That is only the best. Have firm faith on Him. “Shraddha and Saburi”. Shri Satchitananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam devotees. I have experienced many miracles of Baba big and small. I have already shared a few of them. Today I would like to share another recent miracle.
Our Family has been going through difficult times from past 1 year. This experience is regarding my Father’s health. He is not well. But Baba is taking care of him. Recently the doctor had asked him to do certain tests, which we did. I prayed to Baba that the reports should be normal and that I will share the experience on this site. And yes the reports were normal.
My father was also getting admitted off and on in the hospital due to stomach pain. Though all tests were performed doctors were saying that nothing was wrong with stomach. But I kept praying that Baba please let us know the root cause for his discomfort and pain in abdomen. And finally we requested the doctor to repeat the tests conducted. Then finally the cause for his stomach pain vomiting and discomfort was known. Thank You Baba. I had taken a vow that I would share this experience too on this blog. Please Baba take care of my father. Make him healthy. Please keep showering Your blessings like this on me and my family. Koti Koti Pranams and a million thanks. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam, I am a very small devotee of Sai Baba. Thanks to Hetalji for giving us this platform through which we can share our experiences and its also helpful in increasing faith toward Sai Baba. I am from Rajasthan.
I want to share my experience which happened yesterday night only. After the dinner me and my family was watching TV at home and suddenly I saw a mice in our almirah and I started shouting. I too was surprised that how could it be possible. We all tried hard to get away the mice from the house but were not able to let her out. After so much work hard I prayed Sai Baba to please get her out of the house as soon as possible. Baba listened our prayer and finally by Baba’s grace only mice go away from the house. We felt very relaxed. This was the miracle of Baba only. Thank You so much Sai for this kindness and blessing. Please Baba I request You to always bless me and my family. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Hetalji I really can’t express how happy I am and grateful to you and your team for maintaining this site.
Every time I plan to post my experience, my problems gets solved immediately. Regarding my experience today morning my AC was making too much noise after turning it off and the noise was starting every now and then though the AC was off. I immediately prayed to Baba and requested Him to help stop the noise. Baba heard me and the noise stopped. It’s really not a small experience as I had been facing the problem since last few days and as I am a little caught up with other work, couldn’t call the required person for it’s service. Thank You Baba as AC is working and the noise is not coming any more. Om Shirdhi Vasaya Vidhamahi, Sachidananda Dhimahi, Tano Sai Prachodayat.
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Om sai ram. Baba please help me
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
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Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Baba please help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba please help us to study well baba and write the exam well baba.. Take care of my grandparents baba and make us visit shree dwaraka balaji swamy soon ayyappa sairakshak saisaranam.. Please show some path
Sai Sai Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo, Kripa Karo
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam 🙂
Sai apparently please help me to conceive this baba amma. Please ma. Please bless with a hale healthy and beautiful baby..
Om Sri sai ram
Om Sai Ram Baba please bless me and my family
Waiting for the new experiences . Jai Sai baba ki