Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: First of all, many, many thanks to Hetalji and team for doing such a great work. This blog gave me faith and hope in so many situations when I was left with no hope. The quotes and messages with each experience had stood as up-lifter messages for so many times. It has re-enforced faith in Sai so many times after reading stories from this blog. Whenever I get very low, this blog serves as medicine to my mental Health.
Baba helped me in so many situations of my life. He helped me to make my life time dream come true – gifting house to my parents. He is my Saviour all the time and proves me that He is with me – whenever I think He is not with me.
Coming to my experience, I am Baba’s devotee since my childhood. Without remembering Him not even a single day goes in my life. I am from a middle class family with dreams to up-lift my family economically (Building a house to my Parents is my life time dream). Baba helped me in every situation to achieve this. He helped me to get through my IELTS exam and get my Visa. With Baba’s grace – I came to USA and finished my masters successfully. Last year was very bad phase of my life and I had lost all my hope to achieve my dreams – as I had lost my job and was in some status problems. I suffered almost 8 months severely.
At that time, I was very mad at Baba, because even though after reading Sai Satcharitra continuously for 18 times (a break after 9 times) I did not get a job, but got out of my status problems. I was losing faith on Him slowly. Then I promised Baba to read “Vishnu Sahasranama” every day until I have His darshan in Shirdi and also started Sai Nav guruvar vrat and said, “Baba, please turn around my situations and help me get a job as I was in a very bad situation. Things started to change slowly – within completing 6 weeks of Nav guruvar vrath, I got a job (Which was cool when compared to my previous jobs and I was bit stress relieved). Continuing my contract since 6 months and was able to start construction work of my life time dream – yes, we have started building our house. I have complete faith in Baba, that we will be able to complete construction work soon without any hurdles. Only with Baba’s blessings we are able to achieve this dream. Infinite thanks to Sai Appa for making our DREAM COME TRUE. Never lose hope when things aren’t working out – instead have faith something great than you expected is going to happen soon if things are taking time.
Baba, I am trying to get married since so many years and was unable to get through. You know what I am going through since so many years only with faith in You, I was able to stand strong. But, since a month I am going into depression unknowingly because I am getting late for my marriage. I know Baba – You are giving me so many hints that You are with me and working out for my marriage, but I am not able to understand why I am getting weak very frequently and crying frequently and couldn’t able to concentrate on anything because of my marriage tension. Baba I don’t know what to ask You – because my mind goes dual minded (losing faith on You sometimes and getting too much worried and sometimes leaving everything on You and was able to be strong). Whenever I open this blog, I have come across so many marriage stories – where Baba helped people to get married. Recently when I was doing Sai Divya pooja, I was thinking that – Baba, whichever stories are there in divya pooja (Story about job and buying own house got true for me – but there is no marriage story, so that I can believe that even I will get married soon). I read stories of divya pooja as usual and to my shock this time there was a Marriage story added in Divya pooja. Tears rolled in my eyes – Deva You always give me hints and show me that You are with me always and working out on my things! I have complete faith that soon I will get married a with a very nice person though Your blessings. Help me to overcome my dual mindedness and develop immense faith in You. Love You always Appa. Jai Sai Ram! Jai Jai Sai Ram! Sai Nath Maharaj ki Jai!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Canada says: I am Baba devotee for last 8 years. Baba just took me to Him. I feel Baba is always with me.
Om Sairam. I am so blessed that Sai pa is next to me and my children always. This miracle happened to me this week. My daughter got fever on a Sunday evening. It was very light fever and on Monday the fever peeked up to 39.7 Degree C. She is allergic to Ibuprofen and I had to give only Tylenol to control the fever. The fever was not controlled and I was praying to Sai Pa and crying. I took her to the doctors and doctor said it might be a Viral infection, her throat was red, so took a strep test, until the results come , no need of antibiotics and just give her Tylenol and cold towel bath to bring fever down. I was just praying to Baba and fever was still there. Then next day I again went to a different doctor and she prescribed antibiotics but told me, if the strep test was positive then only I should give it to her. That evening the fever was very high and I was just crying to Sai Pa and writing Om Sairam on the paper. I just felt why to wait for the results and to just give the medicine. I gave it to her and fever went into control but had not completely gone. This was on Tuesday and already 2 days passed. On Wednesday I took her again to the doctors to check for the Strep results. The result was negative, the doctor did not know, what caused the fever, but he said just to continue with the antibiotics. I was crying and praying to Baba continuously and I was asking Him, did You leave me Sai Pa? Usually when anything like this happens Baba right away shows me the miracle, but this time was a suffering. Made rice with Vegetables and yogurt and took it to Baba’s temple and prayed to Him. Then on Wednesday night the fever was completely gone and I was thanking Baba so much. Then it just came at night 2.30 am, and I gave her Tylenol; and fever was gone. I was so happy, thanking Baba again and again. I don’t know what went wrong and she got back fever at evening 3 pm, same as before 39 C. I was so scared prayed to Baba and again told Him to help Sai pa. I started reading Sai Satcharitra. In one of the chapters when I opened the Sai Satcharitra, the Baba talks about evil eye. I just took some salt and chilly, swinged it around my daughter and prayed the evil eye should go away. The miracle happened again, the fever was completely gone. Came back at 2.45 am, but it was mild and Tylenol could control it. Then there after the fever did not come back. Baba showed me signs that my daughter was cured. I feel so blessed that Sai pa takes care of me and I will cross any obstacles without fear. Om Sairam, Om Sairam, On Sairam. Thank You for having this page dedicated to share the devotees’ experience. Thanks and regards Devotee from Canada

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: My post is about how I was blessed with a baby girl after 5 years of marriage – Project opportunity and successful completion.
Hello team, I am Lakshmi from Hyderabad. Thanks for your good work.
Om Sai Ram. As promised by Baba in Satcharitra, Baba won’t let me feel lonely. I can feel Him in each and every second of my life. Biggest miracle happened in my life is having a girl child after doing Nava guruvarala vratam. I have taken lot of medicines; had gone to lot of hospitals. But finally by His blessings I got a child through IVF process. When I was worried that this might be aborted, I got a dream. In that dream, I had got down in an unknown bus stop by mistake, where some people were saying showing to a man with lalchi and Pyjama that he was Shirdi Sai Baba. I was just seeing that man and thinking is He Sai Baba? At that time He was playing with two girls jumping over them by bending them. Everyone was worried that the girls would get hurt. Even I was also worried the same. But nothing happened and girls were safe. Then all of a sudden He came very close and put His face very near to my face and said. “See nothing happened right” and disappeared. I remembered the dream after getting up and I felt better.
Project opportunity and successful completion: He helps me every time in my day to day life. This is one of the biggest recent miracle happened. At one point of time I was struggling to survive in my office. But by His blessings, unbelievably I was given an opportunity to lead a project. It happened for 3 months. But I was discouraged and stressed by one of my superior. But by Baba’s blessings I was able to pass all those and had finally completed the project. And all of sudden without myself asking for feedback, client himself sent an email, that he was happy working with our company and looking forward for more collaborations. My manager sent an email congratulating me and I was appreciated in the team meeting. I was very happy. Thank You Baba.
But I was still worried that there might be some issues in the client testing and we doubt client may not release the funds. But as a miracle there was no single issue in the client testing. Even though the application had not gone to production, client had provided signed off and cleared all the dues; with which my responsibility was completed with the help of Baba. Each time I feel I am lonely or about to fall or scared of any situation and seek His help, He makes me surprised by His miracles. When I am thinking of Him on the road, He gives His darshan immediately in the form of picture on backside of cars, buses etc. He promised me many times that “Don’t worry my child. I am always there for you. I will not let you fall down.” Please Baba. Let me not ever leave Your feet.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Om Sairam to all the devotees of Baba. Hetalji you are truly a blessed soul of Baba Who came for us as His agent and binding us all together through various parts. Wherever we are whoever we are only thing making us all unite is Sai Sai Sai. I have shared many of my experiences here and by blessings of Baba I’m sharing another one.
I stay in United States with my husband and daughter.
Like everyone even I’m struggling with many of the circumstances in life which only Baba knows. I have completed my nav guruvar vrat on dussera and offered Baba naivedyam but wanted to get flowers from Baba on that day. But as I went to temple it was heavily crowded and I couldn’t get any flower. I was dejected and asked Baba why are You not accepting me and my prayers. Feeling disappointed I slept and in the night I had a dream in which I went to Shirdi accidentally and was standing near Baba’s Samadhi and singing aarthi. It was so blissful and after that priest called me and my aunt to come upstairs near Baba’s padhukas and asked us to take yellow flowers and coins from there. I was very happy to take them and when I woke up and recollected this dream I was speechless. Please Baba hold our faith like this always.
Second experience: I usually watch Baba’s live darshan daily morning, while chanting Om Sairam 1100 times. Once I was waiting for Baba’s answer for one particular wish and asked Baba if I see a baby boy under 6 months whom priest is holding near Your feet and if anyone brings one big garland by the time I finish my naamjaap then my work will be done. Nothing happened for 20 minutes and I was about to finish my naamjaap. Then one person handed over a small baby boy to the priest and he put him near Baba’s feet. I was spell bound by this and I was about to close my laptop then one person brought 3 big garlands which we usually put on Baba entire day. I was very happy seeing that. I got a hope that with these signs Baba will make my dreams come true.
Please bless my daughter’s birthday to happen very smoothly without any hassle Baba. I need Your support and blessings in all aspects. I’m not satisfied with the way her birthday dress turned out. I’m already worrying as I had spent a lot on the dress. Please don’t give anybody the chance to mock at me Baba. Please bless me with mental peace and good health which is very important for me now. Please Baba please solve my other problems soon. I’m living only because of You. You are my only hope. Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thanks a lot Hetalji for this wonderful site to share Baba’s experiences. This site increases our beliefs in Baba’s miracle.
Today I would like to share one of my experiences. In my previous experience I had mentioned about my sister’s interview. Friday she got her appointment letter and Monday she would join there. I don’t know how to explain my gratitude. Everything is Sai’s leela. She had faced difficulty in finding accommodation also. But by Sai’s grace she got a good place for her stay.
Next experience is about my aunty. She had some health problems and some variations in MRI. So I prayed to Babaji and next when we went for check-up, the miracle happened. Her MRI report was perfectly fine. Every time You are listening to my prayers and helping me. Love You so much Babaji.
One more experience I want to share. I don’t know how to express my happiness, because this one is really a surprising one. My husband urgently needed 24 revenue stamps for office purpose. But since that day was a Sunday he could not find any shops open. It was really urgent and we didn’t know what to do. I prayed to Babaji sincerely and Baba’s blessings came as a stranger. We didn’t know him personally and we were meeting him for the first time. He enquired me about the problems and I explained to him. Suddenly he left and came after sometime with 24 revenue stamps. We know that You only came to help us in the form of a stranger. We were really surprised and didn’t know how to thank You Babaji. Everyday You are making some miracles in our life. Thanks a lot. Please be with us like this always. Shower Your blessings on us. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am a Sai devotee for the past ten years. He has always been my pillar of support and a boon bestower. Without Him I would have been nowhere. Few problems I just believe in Him blindly and don’t think about it.
My baby is 11 months old. She was taking her nap and fell down from the bed. She cried for few minutes badly and slept off. After 4-5 hours she was sleeping and suddenly she took curry leaves stick and was playing with it and then was choking and coughing and vomited. I gave a little water and again she vomited. I was tensed. I was worried if she had vomited due to the fall. My husband had gone to office for training and he was not able to come to take us to the doctor. I don’t know driving and was literally in tears. When my baby fell down I immediately kept some Udi on her. So she was better. Then called my doctor and over the phone I explained the situation. He told us to wait and see and bring her in case she had more vomiting or anything out of the normal. I was scared to death. I was calling our Deva on and off to help this poor helpless stupid soul struggling with a baby alone in a foreign land. By my Deva’s blessings my baby is doing good. Always keep my baby hale and healthy Deva. She is my world. Om Shirdivasaya Vidhmahe Satchithanandhaya Thimahii Thanooo Sai Prachothayathu. Om Sairam.
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Baba help to have a smooth journey in my career and I don't want to have a stressful job as I need to take of 2 kids.plz bless me with cool work at office and help in fulfilling my goal which u know.luv u baba
Baba plz save my married life and also give me a job.. I’m getting quite restless and don’t want to trouble my family members anymore.. plz bless me deva
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram 🙏
O Deva, help us be kind and polite to everyone and not let our emotions get the better of us.
Jai Sairam
Om Sairam. Saima make me prideless and egoless. U know saima i have lot of unwanted questions running behind my brain. So confused and scared. Plz plz plz always guide me in right path and correct path pa. Never ever make me choose wrong path or choice. Always be with me saima. U know pa what u want me to do. Om Sairam
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba please help us to study well baba and take care of my grandparents baba and make us visit shree dwaraka Balaji swami soon ayyappa sairakshak saisaranam. Help us baba we are at the verge.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.