Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sairam to my Sai family. I wanted to thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my experience with you. I am just another daughter of Sai. I knew about Sai from before but never used to follow Him closely. I started following Him very closely about 2 years ago after someone told me about her experience of Sai Vrat. I have experienced several miracles since then and I wanted to share some of them with everyone here.
I used to get really bad Stomach cramps during my periods, so much so that I would need to take day off from work and take medicine several times a day. In March 2018, one day I had to go to work and it was going to be a very busy day and I couldn’t take the day off. I woke up and I was having little cramps and I was totally feeling that I got my periods.
I was like why Sai? How will I work today in so much pain? But Sai did His miracle, I went to take shower, and guess what? Nothing at all, I was completely clean. Right after that I was on my FB page and I read a quote from Sai saying something like “Aren’t all your questions answered now?”
I worked that day without any problem. Next day I was off and unbelievable, I got my periods that day and stayed home and rested all day. My Sai took care of me.
Another miracle, related to the same problem. One day I got my periods at work and it was so busy where I could not take a break or eat anything. That day I was in so much pain that I was literally sitting on the floor with pain. That day I took Sai’s name and said that I am not going to take any medicine and only You are going to take care of me. I still do not know how to explain it, this happened in February and it is December now. Since that day I have not taken a single tablet for my cramps whereas earlier I used to take several times a day. I would not say that I do not get pain at all, but my mom makes me drink some Udi in water and puts some on my forehead and on my tummy and that is it. It takes care of everything.
Another miracle I have experienced is that I urgently needed to rent any apartment. Even though I submitted all the paperwork, I still wasn’t getting any calls from them. On the day of Guru Purnima, I prayed to Sai to make things work for me and within few hours I got a call from them for the interview. The interview went well and I was hoping to get the keys right away but they told me that I would get the keys in a week. I was very disheartened but then I thought that I can only step into my new house when my Sai wants me to. The next day, on a Thursday, I got a call from the real estate agent that he had the keys and that I could move in right away. I moved into my new apartment same day itself, Thursday, even though I was told that I have to wait until next week.
Another very big miracle that I have recently experienced is related to my friend. He made a big mistake at work. I t was a mistake for which he could have been terminated right away. Even if he was not terminated, a suspension or a final warning was guaranteed. I prayed Sai to make sure nothing happens to him or his job. He was scared but I trusted my Sai and assured him that nothing would happen to him and put Udi on his forehead. Guess what? Another miracle! He has just been given a warning and nothing else. People have lost their job in the past because of similar mistakes, but his job is completely safe. It is nothing but my Sai’s miracle for me. Sai, if I made any mistake while writing this please forgive me. If I have ever done any mistake or hurt anyone intentionally or unintentionally please forgive Your daughter. You know You are my father, please take care of me and my mom. Please take care of everyone who takes Your name with full faith and patience. You know everything that is in my heart; please do not ever leave me alone. Please give me strength to do good and bless me with more Shraddha and Saburi. Om Sairam!

Shirdi Sai Devotee Deep from USA says: My post is about Baba’s assistance in helping me to get a job when I needed it the most. I am a Research Associate working with the US State Government.
I sincerely thank the moderator of the blog to allow me post an article about my experiences with Sai Baba, and how my faith on Him saved me from a critical scenario that I have faced 5 years ago.
I had been going through a very tough time in March 2013, as I had been a victim of a layoff caused by the department downsizing at the organization in the US where I was working. I was a fresher employee back then, as it was my first job following graduation from my grad school. Since I was working on a student visa, I had the flexibility to stay unemployed for 90 days on that visa, but I did not have much work authorization days left on my student visa. I had only 8 months of work authorization left when I got laid off. Those 8 months were not sufficient for me to request a private company to file for my work visa, as for that I would need at least 10 months of work authorization, following the time when I got laid off. Not a lot of private companies were willing to hire me when they were aware of my critical immigration scenario. So my best bet was to get a job in a non-profit research institution, as they have more flexibility to file for work visas whenever they want. If nothing worked out, then I had to return back to India.
I prayed to Baba for getting me a job every moment. I was having faith on Baba, as I accepted Him to be my Guru at my age of 18. Yet I was losing faith on myself. I went to the final rounds of a couple of interviews in a non-profit research institution, yet got rejected in the final round of interview. I was going through intense days of depression. I asked question to Baba in the book of Questions and Answers, and always got a positive answer from Him. I also performed the Nav-Guruvar vrat, yet I was losing my confidence. Then one day, I prayed Him again one day with deep concentration asking Him to get me a job as soon as possible, as I was accruing unemployment days on my visa. Immediately I got a call from a non-profit research institution asking me for an interview appointment. Long story short, I qualified for their final rounds and got the job. That institution eventually filed for my work visa and helped me stabilize my career in the United States.
My request to all Sai Devotees is that please keep faith and patience on Him, and He will escape you from all your miseries. We being human beings do lose patience soon, especially when we face problems for a prolonged time. But, I would still request everyone to have full complete and unbounded faith on Baba, and practice patience. I do tell you guys one thing though, Baba has made me much more stronger today than how I was even 5 years ago. I have had my share of troubles in my life too, and still having those, but I live my life with His lesson of Faith and Patience. No matter what, that lesson makes me strong as every day passes by. May God bless All of You. Om Sairam.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Star from India says: A very happy new year to creators of this blog and dear readers. May you all feel connected to Sai with each passing day.
I am a 26 year old, female, unmarried, well-educated but not settled. While I was going through a very depressive stage of my life when I came closer to Sai (surprisingly, my name carries His name, which I had never noticed before). My belief in Him is growing every day when I started to get various signs whenever I prayed deeply. During my first date with a guy whom my parents found on a matrimonial site, I could see sign of Sai in one of the cabs we took (it’s for this sign which I had prayed before because I was not confident of moving forward with that guy). After getting that pic, I was little relieved by the fact that I could now make a move. We weren’t conversing with each other on a regular basis and I was feeling an emotional gap between us and wasn’t comfortable in taking a decision. I kept taking tests and he cleared it which I felt to be the indications of Sai.
One day because of some misunderstanding between families, our decision of marriage was taken off. When I was too restless about saving our relation (whatever little we had), made frantic effort to contact him but he didn’t reply. He didn’t even care to talk with me even for a while when I was expecting to hear and accept his stories. He has always been a nice and responsible guy but not taking a stand at the right time proved everything. It was on a Thursday that this marriage broke and we never had any misunderstanding between us, it was just with families but it broke because of unwillingness to talk with each other. Oh! Baba, I don’t blame Your action. You have saved me from falling into a well for lifetime. Keep showering Your blessings on every devotee and strengthen their faith. I have become a regular reader of this blog and feel very connected every time I read various stories of miracle. I have even started writing Mantra on an online site and felt the peace and bliss. Forgive me for all my mistakes. You are my first and only true love, Baba. Never leave me alone.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. Thank you Hetalji and team for providing us this wonderful platform to share our experiences. I had little hardness in my breast which I ignored for almost a month thinking that it’s very small and will go away on its own. However after a month or two when it still persisted and instead began to feel like a lump, I started panicking and visited our family doctor. She mentioned that I may need a surgery as it seems like a tumour. I went to a hospital and got all my tests done. I was really praying to our Baba that it should be a minor issue and not breast cancer. After the reports were received it was confirmed that it was just a minor tumour and not cancer. Doctor suggested an operation to remove the tumour, which was successful. However, the doctor mentioned that there are chances that the tumour may reoccur. Baba please ensure that the tumour never comes back again and I stay fit and fine for the rest of my life. May Baba shower His abundant blessings on all His devotees forever. Anantakoti Brahmandanayaka Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sacchidananda Sadguru Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am a Sai Baba devotee for many years and have experienced many miracles over the years. I am grateful for this platform to share experiences with others. I had promised to write the experiences once my wishes come true.
1) My husband had some enlarged glands in his neck and I was quite apprehensive about it. By Sai Baba’s grace, it turned out to be normal. Thank You Baba for Your kindness and Your blessings.
2) I had some health issues in the past and every time I have blood work to be done; I get very nervous and anxious. Again, by Baba’s grace, everything is fine. Sai Baba always extends His hand to save devotees from a fall. We experience many unpleasant situations in life, but keeping faith and patience, Baba always comes to our rescue. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear all, today is the last day of 2018 and it’s also about to be 12 am in few minutes. Before its new year I want to thank Baba again through this platform.
By Baba’s divine grace and blessing I will be travelling soon abroad. He has helped with my visa work, passport work, and other legal formalities and also He has helped me with my personal issues. Thank You my Baba for always being with me and for helping me. You have saved me always. Baba You Are my Saviour. I know You are giving me this opportunity to go abroad for a bigger purpose and I am forever thankful to You. Please forgive me for all my mistakes and please take care of my mother. Please save me from my worries and fear. You know what fear I have in my mind. I am very scared. Please be with me. And thank You for always answering my prayers. Om Sairam. Jai Sairam.
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Om sai ram. Happy Father's Day baba . Keep showering ur blessings😊
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Every time I pray to our sai baba for my problems but every time sai baba ignores me… Every time I hurt, I cried a lot but sai baba don't listen me… I struggled since last 15 years and every time I failed, I am so hurt baba why you ignore me, why you hurt me, why you always break my trust.. Pls ans me..
is everthing ok now?
Omsairam…bless my father baba…take me if you want love you baba
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sairam. Saima you know me. Please always be with me saima and guide me pa. Om Sairam.
Love You O Sai, forgive me for my mistakes and help me become a better person.
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.