Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sairam Om Sai Baba. Thank you Hetalji for this wonderful website where Baba’s devotees can share their experiences and gain devotion, faith and patience. I have shared several experiences earlier and this is one of the long awaited one for which I am thankful and grateful to Sai beyond words. I had promised Baba that I will share my experiences here once my prayers get answered, among many other things. Today I could do this after more than two years of faith and patience.
Coming to my experience I am a devotee of Baba from long time but had become a staunch devotee from past 15 years. I live in the USA. Baba is my everything from last 15 years but in 2016 Baba just wanted to test my faith and suddenly my life crashed on the 18th of November 2016 when I got a call from my child’s school asking me to come to school urgently. My child was a perfect child in regards to behaviour and academic hence I got paranoid on getting the call. I just started praying Sai and drove to school. After reaching I was shocked to know that the school authority felt that my child needs to be hospitalized as they suspected that my child had some sort of mental health illness. Hence my child was hospitalized and the doctor evaluated and diagnosed that my child was suffering from depression and advised medication to be taken for treatment. Upon hearing this I was shattered and just ran to Baba’s temple and prayed to Him wholeheartedly to cure my child.
At first I cried and asked Him why did this He let it happen, why He didn’t take care of us. How could this happen to us when He is always with us, eventually I started realizing that may be because He wants to test my faith and patience. Hence I just left everything on Him and just kept praying to help us out of this situation. The problems and sufferings were beyond words during these times. My child’s behaviour changed and it was unbearable for me. My child became more stubborn, arrogant and in-disciplined once it was diagnosed and we could do nothing about that. I just used to cry and ask His forgiveness for not being able to keep patience. I also used to feel that I should not worry and if I do then it would be a disregard to Baba and also it would be a sign of me not having trust in Him. I therefore tried my best to keep myself normal even at times of extreme distress. In between my child had some severe problems which ended up having suicidal attempt by having overdose of medicines. We rushed to the Emergency and the doctors there said that it’s a very critical situation and could not tell anything before the next 24 hours. During that time I just continuously prayed Baba.
At the hospital I read Sai Kasht Nivaran mantra over and over again. We came back home from hospital as they wanted to keep under observation at the ICU. When I left the hospital I just kept Baba’s picture on the bed and asked Baba to be with my child. We reached home around 2 am and could not sleep. I was crying continuously and told Baba just as You are testing me, I too want to test You. If You have mercy on me and You respond to Your devotees in times of need then You have to cure my child from this problem or else You have to lose me from being Your devotee. Today when I look back I feel how ignorant was I? At that moment I was in pain and didn’t know what to do hence was just talking to Baba. I tried to sleep but could not. I just sat on my bed and started crying and then started meditating on Baba. Suddenly I felt Baba saying to me “Why do you fear when I am there. Don’t worry at all.” At that time I slept and could sleep for sometime. Whenever I looked at Him Baba just gave me an assured smile.
Next morning we went to the hospital and the doctor declared that my child was out of danger and liver functions were normal. That was a miracle since my child was in a critical condition and had high chance of having damaged liver which would later require liver transplant. I was in tears thanking Baba. I had actually challenged Him and told Him that today it was Your test or else You will lose a devotee. I feel guilty when I look back and think how selfish I was that I made deals with Sai. But at that moment a mother’s heart was in pain and didn’t know what else to do or whom to go to. It was only my Baba Who was with me all the time. My husband is not caring or supportive towards me and I don’t have any close friends with whom I could share my sorrow nor have any relative staying in this country. I did not share this with my parents nor sibling as that would add to their stress. It was only Sai with Whom I talked and to Whom I looked up to for support, and Baba was holding my hand and carrying me through all these struggles and storms of my life.
Throughout this time I just kept praying Baba and asked Him to help me face the difficult situation in my life. But there were also moments when I used to breakdown and just kept crying and asking Baba when He will have mercy on me? I did Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat asking for His blessings. Went to Shirdi and asked Him to bless my child and cure but it still was the same. In fact sometimes it felt as if it was going from bad to worst. But still I never lost my hope. I just kept my trust in Baba and patiently waited for His blessings. Then I started the Sai Divya puja on 3rd January 2019 and again seeked His blessings to cure my child. On the fourth day of my vrat we had an appointment with the doctor and she gave us an option that we could try to stop the medicine and see how it goes or else will change to a different med as there was not much change seen. We agreed and after seeking Baba’s blessings thought of stopping the medicine. My husband was not in favour of stopping as he had apprehensions since we had a bitter experience last year when we started tapering off the medicine by giving lower dose. I just asked Baba that He had to give me some indication as to what should be done. I told Baba that if You think its ok to stop then I should see You wearing a particular color robe at Shirdi. It is my habit to watch live darshan of Shirdi every day and it was a miracle that Baba blessed me by wearing that particular color. I was then firm on not giving the medicine to my child.
I knew it was my Baba’s miracle that He blessed my child and that my child no longer would need any medication. Today it has been more than a month that by Sai Baba’s grace my child is without depression and anxiety medication. That’s a great relief for me. Baba answered my prayers. Thank You Baba! Love You Baba! I pray to Baba to always keep His blessing Hands on all His devotees. I realized that Baba never leaves His devotees and one should never lose one’s Faith and Patience. Baba always answers your prayers. He just tries to test you and also sometimes we has to face some difficulties in life and suffer because of the consequences of Karma of our last birth. But if Baba is there with us He will always carry us through all the storms and struggles of our life. We just have to follow His teachings and pray Him wholeheartedly all the time. Om Sairam! Om Sai Baba!! Please Bless us all !

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Thank you very much Hetalji and team for maintaining this website. I cannot thank you enough for your work. I am a very small devotee of Sai Baba. Sai Baba is always there even for the minutest wish. He gave me more than what I deserve. I have tons of experience with Baba. I am going to share a few of them now. Sorry Baba for sharing these experiences very late.
Experience 1: This is a very small experience but I thought of sharing with everyone. Once we were traveling and my husband did not check the gas in the car. As we got on the freeway the low gas light displayed. There were no gas stations close by. I prayed to Baba that please help the car not to stop on the freeway. As always with Baba, a miracle happened. We were able to reach the Temple with no issue and had a very good darshan and also were able to reach the gas station without car stopping on the road. Without Baba’s grace this would have not happened. Thanks a lot Baba!
Experience 2: Once I had to go to a new place related to my job. I had all the route details noted. In the details I had it mentioned I have to walk for almost a mile to reach my destination. On my way I met a lady in the metro and while in the conversation I mentioned that I was going to that place and have to walk a mile. Immediately she said she was going to the place next to where I was going and also said that there was a free shuttle to pick up and drop the people to and from the metro station to that place. She did guide me all the way and made my trip very relaxed and safe. I think Baba came as her to help me. Thank You Baba!
Experience 3: Continuation of the above experience 2. Next time I had to go to the same place for my job related task. This time I was waiting for the shuttle at the metro station. It snowed and was very cold. I waited for a long time but the shuttle did not show up. I was praying Baba to please have the shuttle come soon. In the meantime there came a different shuttle which was going to a different route. When I inquired, the driver said she could drop me close to the place where I need to go. I got in the shuttle. I could not believe that the driver took the risk and she dropped me right in front of the place where I had to go. She was none other than Baba. Thank You very much Baba!
Experience 4: Recently my husband was having issues with his contracts and could not find a long term contract. All his contracts were ending in two to three months. I started Sai Nav Guruvaar Vrat and prayed for his long term work. In the second week itself on Thursday he got an offer. He accepted it but due to the government shutdown the process was delayed. He did not stop applying for jobs. Miracle happened and he was able to get a very good full time employment in a very reputed company with very good benefits package by the seventh week of the Vrat. Thank You very much Baba! Also long back I performed Sai Nav Guruvaar Vrat and prayed Baba to balance out the stocks I had that were down. Baba helped me to have profit on them. Soon after me selling the stock for profit it went down again. I think just to help me He made the price go up for that little time. Without Baba’s grace that would have not happened at all. Thanks a bunch Baba!

Shirdi Sai Devotee Srikanth V S from India says: Jai Sainath, my name is Srikanth living in India. I am an ardent follower of Sathguru Sainath. My day starts with Sai and ends with Sai.
Now coming to my experience, my daughter was studying in UKG in one school. We never liked the school management and the way teachers dealt with studies. They were very rude and the way they taught small kids, is very hard to learn at that tender age. That affected my daughter also. She was not able to concentrate on her studies. Any how she appeared her UKG final term.
On 25th of February 19 School had announced to give report cards and on the same day we had to deposit a certain amount to reserve a seat for Class I. We did not like this sort of management policy to reserve the seats. We tried to appear an entrance test for class I in another reputed school in which my son was already studying in higher classes. Ultimately we hadn’t deposited the amount to reserve a seat in the old school but we made to sit the entrance exam in other schools. With fear and utmost trust on Baba we sent our daughter to the exam hall on 5th March 2019. There were some 27 kids competing for 6 vacant seats. We were waiting outside chanting name of Sai.
I am member of Saiyugnetwork whatsapp group, suddenly while I was checking my whatsapp notifications I saw Baba’s message “Don’t worry, I will take all your worries and will relieve you from Pains” this was an indication that Baba had given us. We were worried that if she fails to get through the entrance we had lost the earlier school as we had not reserved the seat as well as we had not got seat here also. Lastly today we received an email in which it was mentioned that my child had passed the entrance test and we had been invited to deposit the required amount and get admitted our child in the new school. It was purely the grace of Sai. He has given my child the strength to appear the test and pass through the mental pressure she underwent. My child always chants Sai naam. Hence Sai looked after her. Jai Sainath.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Dimple from India says: Hi I am 33 years old, an unmarried girl from Mumbai.
On 4th March 2019 on Monday Shivratri day I was fasting and while changing clothes took some intimate photos and I felt bad that I should not have done this and hence deleted photos before going to temple in the morning. But by mistake I deleted whole gallery folder. I prayed to Sai Baba to help me recover my photos prayed on fasting day Thursday also and went to a temple of Sai Baba on the evening of Thursday and prayed for recovery and by miracle I found an app diskdigger that actually helped me to recover all my photos as well. I thankful to Baba for this miracle and pray to Baba to help me find a permanent stable fixed job with a very good high package. As promised I posted this experience so that others can make use of it. Also Sai Baba as You cured Kakasaheb Dixit’s leg which he had injured in train accident in London as per Sai Satcharitra please cure my lameness also. Sai Baba I am suffering from 23 years please have mercy on me. I promise to post that also when cured. Please Saibhakts pray for my early recovery. Om Sai Jay Sai shri Sai Jay Jay Sai. Anantkoti Brahmanand Nayakl Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Agri Satchidanand Sabbath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sai devotee from India. First I want to thank Hetalji for creating this platform where Sai devotee can share experiences.
I am working at a private bank with the blessings of our Baba. I was posted at Chennai where I had a different kind of experience learned work. Due to health issues I was then posted at hometown where I had a lot of pressure at workplace and used to return home only at 9’o o’clock. I was depressed and prayed to Baba to get me out of this situation. After 6 months I was posted to a nearby hometown, felt really happy that Baba listened my prayer where everything was fine for 1 year. After new head joins he dominated me like anything and was over dependent on me. Though 2 staff are there I’m supposed to do each and every work. Again I prayed Baba to get me out of situation. When the devotees are about to fall Baba comes over the sea to save us. Yes it’s true as recently I appeared for promotion exam, I thought getting promoted was the only way to come out of my situation. So I kept praying Baba with patience. Finally today I’m promoted with Baba’s grace.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to everyone, I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. I am from Delhi. I want to share my experience with all of you.
My husband had gone to Kashi Vishwnath on Maha Shivratri. There was huge rush in the temple. Before going to darshan he kept his phone with one of their friend’s drivers. But when he came out of the temple he did not see the driver, because there was a huge rush. My husband told me all this from someone’s phone. I started praying to Baba that my husband’s phone could not be found. Then after a few minutes my husband’s phone came and he told me that he got his phone. I am glad that Baba immediately listened to my prayers. Thank You Baba, You always listen to my prayer. Thank You for everything. Om Sairam.
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Thank you so much baba,without your blessing yesterday work not done, without original proofs bank will not open account but you know how urgent i need that account,Baba listened my prayer and they are agree to open account, otherwise i will lose one day leave baba, as promised i am posting this baba…
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and take care of my grandparents baba and make us visit shree dwaraka balaji swami soon ayyappa sairakshak saisaranam. Its been a long time please bless baba we are at the verge please show some mercy baba. Make us to concentrate on studies baba help mama for traveeling and pooja, bless all with happiness
Thank You O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Jai Sai Ram 🙏
Omsairam…bless everyone in this world…love you so much Baba..sorry for back bitting ….love you Baba..bless my father and brother with good health…
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.