Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 2500

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Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Lost Earring On Akshaya Tritiya And Found It

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Shirdi Sai Devotee Bhargavi from India says: Om Sai Ram and Pranam to all Sai devotees. I am Bhargavi from Pune working as a software engineer in a MNC, devotee of Baba since past 8 years. Before that I used to see Baba like any other God and was not fully devoted to Baba. Baba has shown His presence through many experiences and miracles in my life. One of such experiences I am sharing with you all below.

I have lost one side gold earring on the auspicious Akshaya Tritiya day (Tuesday – 7th May 2019). I was a little sad because I lost the gold on the auspicious day when everyone else buys gold on that day. But I had strong faith that it will come to me when it has to come. And I left it to Baba praying that He knows better what is good, thinking whatever happens in life, happens for a good reason. And then next day i.e. Wednesday night before sleeping I took my phone to watch Sai Baba miracles videos on youtube and the video I randomly chosen that day where in one of Baba’s devotee Aai from Goa narrated similar story where her maid lost one of her earrings somewhere in the farm and expressing sadness of losing gold as it was very precious to her. All of sudden Aai felt something below her toe in the mud (they were chatting outside the front door of the house where in muddy area in the ground floor). Surprisingly it was her lost earring. It was a miracle because that was lost somewhere far off place and found it at Aai’s house. I just watched this miracle on youtube and I felt again Baba will definitely bring back my lost earring. Though I was not keen on getting it back after all it was just gold earring but I was still looking for it in the house just with hope by chance if I get it.

On Thursday as soon as I got up I completed my parayana chapters (allotted for me) and pooja with devotion to Baba and began to work on my computer and this whole week I was working from home. And while going through Bab ‘s daily messages on instagram as I looked for daily post from instagram and I found one message while scrolling through all the post randomly, where Baba said “why are you thinking on the lost small thing. Don’t you trust Baba? It will come to you. Leave it to me.” And I just read that message just like all other messages but with this I could relate to my lost earring. And the same message appeared twice and in the mind I told Baba again, “I have left it to You Baba. I don’t demand for it”. After sometime I got up from the seat for something and came back. To my surprise I found that near my chair where I keep my leg as if someone had kept. 2 days I had searched for it in the entire house and I could not find it. And It was really a miracle. Because the place I found that earring was a hall and an open area. It was nowhere that it fallen from somewhere. Baba, is really unbelievable. May be with this He wanted to increase my faith and patience. Sai still exist for all His devotees no doubt in it. Love You Baba for all that You have blessed me till now in my life. Om Sai Ram!

Found My Lost Jewellery

Sai Baba Answers Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: My post is about how I found my lost jewellery through blessings of our beloved Sai.
I am one amongst the rose petals of our beloved Sai Baba. Our Sai always has a wonderful way of changing things in a fraction of second. We could feel His motherly love by all means. When we look back, His presence could have been seen in happy times as well as bad. He is everything.

Coming to my experience, I was travelling from Australia to India and was carrying some jewels along with me. I kept it in a safer place in my hand luggage. Also after reaching India, all my hand luggage had been scanned at the airport and the person who was scanning after the scanning even checked if I carried any jewels in my hand luggage. That gave me a confirmation that the jewels were still in my bag.

But after reaching home, I was looking for those jewels but couldn’t find it anywhere. Unpacked everything and was just looking everywhere but I couldn’t get them. Also one of my friends gave me some money for her purchase and that was also missing. Felt so bad and a bit upset. Then taking our Sai Amma’s name, I calmed down myself and left everything to Him. If it was lost then there should be a reason. Loss or gain is not in our hands. I will take it as some remuneration I had to pay which is unknown to me. Returned to my routine works with a calm mind. But I still never gave up my searching. He was giving me clues every now and then but I was not listening to it properly. Actually I had placed those jewels in one of my son’s shorts which were kept in hand luggage. I Searched in all his shorts, t-shirts and almost everywhere. It’s been 3 days, still no trace of it. But something was telling me that I will get those things back.

On the 3rd day, I was about to wash all the clothes and one of my son’s shorts was hanging there for reuse (he used it once after we reached India). I thought of washing that one as well. Something insisted me to check those pockets. Hurray, there were the lost jewels and the money which my friend gave me. My happiness knew no bounds. Without Sai Amma’s guidance, it wouldn’t have happened. Thank You Sai Amma. Love You so much. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai. Om Shri Satchidanandha Sathguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai.

Baba The Miracle God

Sai Baba Answers Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from India working in a software MNC. I am an orphan and consider Baba as my father. I just want to thank Hetalji and her whole team for providing us a platform where we all Sai bhakts can come and share our experiences. This website helps us in instilling faith in Baba whenever my belief and faith shakes in Baba. Thanks a ton Hetalji, you are really a blessed soul. For that matter everyone is a blessed soul with whom Baba is there.

One of my experience was posted earlier on this website, but I do not remember when it was and not able to locate it. Though I do not have any experience as such to share this time as I am waiting for Baba to shower his Mercy on me from past 10 years.

I invested my hard earned money in a flat but builder cheated all the investors, including me. I tried all resorts to get back the flat but everything is falling apart. In between, I felt may be Baba is teaching me a lesson and punishing me because of my past karmic account, so I completely gave up this hope also. I used to console my heart by saying that forget it, this house was never in my fate, it was Baba’s money and Baba took it back. But some other time, I would feel dejected and fight with Baba, that why He did this to me. I would stop believing me. I would come to this website, read devotees’ experiences and that would again instil faith in me.

In true sense I consider a person rich if Baba’s blessing is with him or her. I consider myself a pauper because for everything in my life, I have to struggle, even for a small thing, for a small work also I need to put a lot of effort and in that also sometimes it will yield the fruit but the majority it will be a failure. So for me I know and cherish the true value of Baba’s blessing. Only Lucky and blessed soul can have them. So my sincere pranam to all devotees who have seen Baba ‘s miracle in their life as I am seeking that blessing from so many years. Request you all to kindly pray for me too. Tears rolled down when I was penning down this post. Anantkoti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Par Brahma Sri Sacchidanand sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki jai.

Sai The Curer

Sai Baba Answers Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Sailaja from USA says: Om Sairam I am Sailaja from USA. I wanted to thank Hetalji for providing amazing platform for sharing devotees experiences which helps in increasing immense faith in Baba.

I am posting my second experience here. This is a continuation of previous experience which is not published yet. There I had mentioned how Baba stopped my son’s diarrhoea. During that time when I checked the Sai question and answers website it showed offer dhoti to a priest. Because of Sai’s grace my son’s diarrhoea subsided. Somehow I delayed to buy dhoti as I was checking online there were only a few options available. On Thursday when I was doing pooja, Sai appeared in white dhoti. Same day we ordered the similar dhothi online.

Next week Thursday we went to temple and offered dhothi to the priest. I felt amazing that Sai wore the same white dhothi that day.

Meanwhile my husband was suffering from bad cough, sore throat and fever. My son started coughing the same day. I was so scared that if my son gets severe cough and fever he will become weak as he already was by diarrhoea and had lost so much weight. From past couple of months I started reading Sai Baba miracles on this site during bed time. That day when I was sleeping and thinking about my son’s health and suddenly I saw something in dream, an idol of Vishnu and Sai Baba’s experience part number. Suddenly I woke up and checked that miracle which was describing how Sai cured the fever of little boy by ordering his mom to chant a mantra and Vishnu Sahasranamam. I was so amazed to read that and started chanting that mantra daily. Both me and my husband suffered from severe cough and fever. It’s Baba’s miracle that my son was not affected by cough and also he didn’t get fever. But after 3 days I observed swelling on his face and I applied Udi on his face and gave him Udi in water and prayed Baba to please make him feel better and said that I will post my experience here. To my surprise next day his swelling had completely gone and he is doing much better. Baba please bless my son and cure all his health issues and make him healthy.

Sai Kripa

Sai Baba Answers Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small Sai devotee. Want to share an experience of Sai Kripa. My mother and I are suffering from arthritis due to which the doctor had recommended a few tests. I was a little tense for the tests results. But with Babaji’s grace all reports were fine.

Thank you Hetalji and team for giving an opportunity to share my experience. Thank You Babaji. Please forgive me for anyway if I hurt You Babaji. And thank You for everything. My every breath should chant Your name. Sarva Jan Sukhino Bhavantu. Om Sai Ram.

Baba’s Help

Sai Baba Answers Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Baba.
Om Sairam. In my office, I was not getting my stock balance. It was almost 3 lakh rupees. I prayed Baba that please help me in finding my stock. I promised Him that if I get the stock, I will post the experience here. By Baba’s grace I found my mistake. Om Sairam. Otherwise I would have been in big trouble, as I had to answer by boss.

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  1. Sai Sai Sai. Forgive us our faults, help us control our emotions and let our every thought and action be ruled by Your Grace 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  2. Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain and reduce grandmothers diabetes saipa make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa. Show us some path appa

  3. Sai Ram
    Sai thank you for this life. I prayed you to cure my hairfall problem.. Now my hairfall problem starts reducing thank you so much sai. Please sai I should get long and thick hair sai. I doubt you sometimes when things doesn't happen but you never leave me.. Thank you so much sai I trust you and believe you appa. Be always with my family

  4. Sai please bless us all with Sadbudhi
    Please Sai we all are crying only if we knew the truth.. Sai please 🙏
    Bless All

  5. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

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