Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from UK says: Hello all Sai devotees, I am a software tester working in one of the MNC in UK.
I would like to thanks Hetalji and team who is serving all Sai devotees’ faith and patience and giving positive energy to all the Sai devotees. Really Hetalji you and your team are really blessed.
Coming to my experience, I am working as an engineer and this is my new job. I worked previously in the same company but I prayed Sai Baba and got this job, which I like. Thanks Sai Baba for this. So, after getting a Job, my manager gave me a new project where previously 1 person was already on that project from many years and I think he didn’t want me to join in this project because many times he created hurdles while handling the project. Each time I get depressed but because of Sai Baba, I always have hope that everything is going to be fine. Sometimes, the situation is worst in which everyone in the project think that I am not working as expected. But deep within my heart I know whatever I am doing is correct and is right, though I know I am new to this job but working in old technique and not updating anything new is not my cup of tea as I always want to make my work better every time.
One day they treated me in the chat that the data which I collected was wrong and I don’t know anything and out of frustration I also wrote few things in the chat which I shouldn’t have written. Also I raised this with my another manager who is not my project manager and who is also not very good with me. So, I got stuck from everywhere, the colleague and my manager. Here all not good and they were playing politics for their sake only. That particular night, I cried a lot and thinking about Sai Baba and asking Baba to clear everything in the next morning.
The next day was Thursday and I chose to work from home as I didn’t want to go office. The colleague messaged me and said to give presentation to my data in front of senior and the presentation was on the same day after 2 hours. I really felt happy as I found the data from my own and if I presented it right, it was a good opportunity. Also one thing I forgot here to tell before that the senior said in the mail that the data was confusing and they needed presentation for that. So, my colleague told me to present as it was the data which I had collected. So, before presentation, I prepared myself and because of Sai Baba, I presented it well. They really liked and said that they hadn’t seen the data like that which I had collected. My manager of the Project is happy and praises me a lot and also my colleague who didn’t talk straight, wrote an appreciation mail that he needs to learn from me that how to collect and present data, which was impossible. I hadn’t expected that at all.
See all the leelas happened because I asked from Sai Baba to please clear down the matter and Sai Baba did it. I still believe all this happened because of Baba. Else then just think how it would be possible in one single day and that too on Thursday I got all the appreciation and proved that I work as expected. Thanks Sai Baba for all the things You are taking care in my life. I promise You that I will help whomever I can and spread Your love all around me. Om sai ram! Anantkoti Brahmandnayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj ParBrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: I am one of Baba’s child from Australia. Om Sai Ram all my Baba’s devotees. First of like I would like that thank the whole team who is managing this website and giving all of us this exposure to share our feelings and experiences. These experiences are giving us motivation to keep firm belief in Him and His plans. Today I am talking about one of His miracles in my life.
I lost my ring while cleaning the house and did realise it at night time. This was one of the birth stone which I was wearing from many years and it was given by my parents. I started having negative feelings in my mind as people say losing gold is not a good sign. I tried to find it everywhere and was sure that it must be somewhere in the house but had no luck. Days passed and I could not see it but somewhere in my mind I had this faith that Baba will let me have my ring back again.
One fine day my husband found it in the garage and asked me if I actually knew about it that it had been lost. I was so happy to get that back and immediately promised Baba that I will post this experience of mine. This is one of His kind blessings which He has showered on me and I always seek His blessings in my life.
You know Baba I am not keeping some of my promises and You must be upset with me for that but I need Your forgiveness and Your support to come out of those habits. I cannot go where I want to go without Your support and blessings. Please Baba put me back on track to follow Your preaching and go on the right path of liberation. Om Sai Ram!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I’m mom of two little kids. I’m a small devotee of Babs and I’m nothing without Him.
Thank you once again Hetalji, for creating this platform where we can share our experiences. I’m a kind of person who panics for every little thing. I’m blessed with two loving kids after constantly praying to Baba. I love my husband and my kids and they are my world. My papa passed away one and a half year back in front of my eyes. I’m not sure if that affected me so much or what that I keep getting negative feelings every time and for everything. I talk with my Baba through question answer website and whenever I don’t understand any answer, I go crazy and mad and keep asking questions to Baba even after He shows positive responses. At times, I think, I’m getting mad.
Last Saturday, my little boy got slight fever and I was so very worried. All negative things engrossed my mind and I was feeling like a heavy burden on my chest. I gave my boy Udi mixed in water, read Sai Kasht Nivaran mantra and also was praying and writing Om Sai Baba 108 times to cure my little heart. Today is the third day and with Baba’s grace my boy is fine.
I trust Baba and I’m nothing without Him but how do I remove my negative attitude that has developed. Why can’t I keep myself cool? Please pray for me everyone. Please pray for my family and my husband too. They are my real wealth. Om Sai Ram.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi, Om Sairam to everyone. I am the blessed daughter of our Sai Deva from Hyderabad. Thanks Hetalji and team for providing this divine platform where the miracles of our Deva can be shared. Previously I have posted 4 experiences, waiting for them to publish.
Coming to my recent experience, as earlier shared with Sai Baba’s blessings I have got a job in my dream company and I have joined 2 weeks back without any hassles. Today I got the project, I am not sure whether this project is right one for me or not, but I prayed Saima to give whatever is best for my career. So, I left everything at His holy feet and I believe that this project helps me in settling down in my new role with Sai Deva’s blessings. Saima plans everything the best for His devotees. Just we need to wait with patience. Thanks Saima a lot for everything that You gave me. And please help me develop unconditional faith in You. Please forgive my mistakes. Ananthakoti Brahmandanayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Samrtha Sadguru Sri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram, I am one of the sparrows that Baba has pulled towards Him. He is the protector of my family. Best wishes to the people maintaining this blog. You all are blessed ones and may Baba continue showering His blessings on you all.
Once we were expecting guests at our home, all of sudden it started raining on that day. I had checked the weather app before but nothing was expected on that day. We had severe thunderstorms and it was building a tornado which was only few miles away from us. Due to the severe weather condition we had power cut. We all were upset as we were expecting guests and they were travelling from a long distance. I was praying our beloved Baba to make the stay pleasant for them and the power cut should not bother them. As so it happened that the climate was good and they felt comfortable without the power also. Thank You Baba for taking care of even small things we ask for. Om Shirdi Vasaye Vidamahe Satchitanandaye Dimahe Tano Sai Prachotayathu. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I’m a small devotee of Baba. My day begins with Him and ends with Him. He is my saviour. I would be nothing without Him.
I was worried a lot about a task. I was praying to Baba to please make everything go smoothly and not have any friction with anyone. With Baba’s grace everything went just fine. I was so grateful to our Baba. He is always there to rescue His children. Baba please bless my kids and keep them on the right path. Always at Your lotus feet. Anant Koti Bramhand Nayak Raja Dhiraj Yogiraj Parabramha Shri Satchidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai.
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Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my fatger financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saima cure my mothers pain and grandmas diabetes saipa.make us tp stidy well baba we are at the verge please help me baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Sai Sai Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Omsairam..bless everyone in this world with peace and good health you Baba…Baba be with everyone and with my family always..
Please Bless All With Sadbudhi
Please Don't Let Any Kind Soul Suffer
Guide and help all
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Dear 3rd devotee, please don't think too much. Try and surrender all your thoughts, negativity and emotions to baba. Asking questions time and again will not help, if you want to chase something then read sat charita. I am very much aware of this impulsiveness of reaching to the q and a site, but what you currently probably need to do is input more knowledge and hence I request to read satcharita. All will be fine,.May your mind get peace. love 🙂 sai ram,
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Jai shree ram, jai ganesh, jai hanuman, om namaha shivaya, tirupati balaji ki jai, dattatreya namaha, jai durga, jai murugan, baba, ki palkhi aayi re