Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Shirdi Sai Devotee Nibedita Bose From India Says: I am Baba’s daughter.
Sachidanand Shri Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Dear friends, first of all I would like to thank you all for sharing your beautiful Sai experiences that provide courage and develop faith amongst people going through bad patch. Sai Baba, my apologies for sharing my experience this late. Now I would like to share a beautiful experience with Sainath where I had felt Baba’s presence and guidance in every step.
This was about 2012 when I came across a wonderful person (let’s call him Ashu) whom I fell in love with. Interestingly back then I didn’t know much about Sai Baba and His miracles but I and Ashu used to go to Shirdi frequently since he was posted in Ahmednagar and I stayed in Pune. We used to respect each other and our parents, friends and everyone. All our friends used to praise us as a couple. We felt perfect for each other and wanted to be together forever.
Then in 2015 we decided to take the relationship to our parents for marriage approval. I stay in Pune for job. His parents came to meet me in Pune. They met me and all my friends. They seemed happy when they were leaving. We thought things would work out. But unfortunately other members in his family strongly disapproved of the relationship. The reason was I am Bengali and he was an UPite Brahmin. We were still trying but it just didn’t work.
Then somewhere in May 2016 he told me that his marriage was fixed. That’s when I got absolutely depressed. I would not eat for days. Lie in bed for hours and hours. My office timing is like from 2:30 to 11:30. I would simply wake up at 2 from bed and run to office. In office as well God knows how I used to survive. I was scared to live like that. The only thing is I was always a religious person and I believed God would resolve my issues and hence I would sit in mandir for hours talking to God about how I felt.
One day just like that I was cleaning mandir and I came across a book my friend gave me like literally almost like 4 years back. The book said Sai vrat Katha. God knows what happened I started reading it. When I read it I decided to do Sai Guruvar vrat. Believe me friends since then I could literally feel He was with me always and always. During that time I was planning to go to Shirdi but somehow the date was not getting finalized but then one day I clearly saw Sainath in my dream. I saw that He was standing at the gate of my bedroom. His face was glowing and He was telling “Chalo Chalo jaldi Shirdi Chalo”. I felt so blessed and the next Saturday I was in Shirdi. Then when I was in Shirdi I was continuously having many thoughts about Ashu and how bad I was feeling about it. Suddenly I saw a picture rather a sticker of Sai Baba on one of the pillars inside the Samadhi mandir that exactly said, “Tu Chinta Kyun Karti Hai. Mai Hun na. Sab Thik Ho Jayega.”(Why do you worry? I am there. Everything would we alright) Believe me friends I realised how our dear Sai Baba is with us and listening to our prayers. I tried to look for the same sticker in the temple and till date I could not find one and I truly believe that day Sai Baba Himself came to console His worried child.
The same day another incident happened which is not very usual. One middle aged man who was cleaning the Shiv temple inside the Shirdi Sai mandir campus saw me. I gave a little smile. He just came to me and handed me one shrifal (coconut). Like not prasad but one whole coconut. I simply took it and in today’s date it is sitting in my mandir. My heart believes that Sai Baba Himself handed that to me like how it is written in Sai Satcharitra.
Now about that part where I realised how Sai Baba always knew what is best for me and gave it to me at the right time. In August 2016, as you all know by now that I was going through a rough patch. I decided to take control of things by Sainath’s blessing. I met a completely new bunch of nice friends. They used to go for trekking every weekend. August being monsoon, Pune people do a lot of trekking. Therefore, I joined the group and this going out, seeing places, meeting friends helped me heal. In addition, these people were such a happy group. I really liked them all. After few months Baba decided to introduce me to the person who was right for me. He was one of the persons in the new group. I always used to pray Sai that, “now that Ashu and I are separate. Its Your wish and both of us should end up happily.” I met Rakesh. I do not know why but suddenly one day out of the blue, he wrote a poem for me and in the next two days, he proposed to me for marriage. At that time, even though I was not sure I just said, “Yes.” Again, this time he was not Bengali but our parents agreed and we got married on 4th May 2018 by Sainath’s grace. I feel this was all part of Sai Baba’s plan to put me in the right place. I feel I met Ashu to learn good things because he was a very nice human. I have given all the details about Ashu to show that even when we feel everything is right may be Sainath wants something else for us and we just have to believe in Him. I just believe that when Sai Baba saw me sad and depressed He took me to His shelter and guided me to walk the right path. In addition, I would like to add that in the past 2 years many times I have seen Him in my dreams and I love the feeling of His presence. We have to believe He is there and then we can actually see the miracles. Om Sai Nathay Namah.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From India Says: Baba blessed me with a beautiful life partner.
Thank you Hetalji and team for giving us this beautiful platform for sharing our Guru’s, our Guardian’s and our life story Writer’s blessings. I am a very small devotee of Baba. I don’t know when He came into my life and became the most important part of our life. This is my second experience.
My parents were looking for an alliance for me since long. I have met many guys and whenever I used to go to meet a guy I used to say our Super Dad, “till when I have to get ready like this and go? Please bless me with a right life partner soon.” Everyone in the family was waiting for my wedding and we were not aware that the wedding would get finalized and get organized very soon and very fast. We met my life partner through a matrimonial alliance site and our parents liked each other’s profile. However my parents were not that inclined for this alliance. But when I spoke to him I found him a very loving, caring and supportive person. I requested Super Dad to guide me and bless us if the relation was ok with Him. By Baba’s blessing and the positive vibes which I received from this site, my parents started showing some interest towards this alliance and in March 2019 the things got finalized and with Baba’s blessings the wedding happened in a month’s time. I had promised Baba that I will share my experience once our wedding happens with everyone’s blessing and here I am sharing my experience. Baba, please guide me always in my life and bless me with strength and positive thoughts.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From India Says: Hi All, Om Sairam to all devotees. Myself a poor devotee of Saima from Hyderabad. Hetalji and team thanks a lot for sharing this divine platform where we can share the miracles of our Sai Deva. May Sai Deva bless you all. Please feel free to correct the experience if anything you feel is not correctly mentioned.
Earlier I have shared my experiences where Saima blessed me with a new house and a good job. Recently I was into a project but I was not satisfied with the project as it was not useful to my career. So I prayed to our Deva to release me from the project without any issues. Initially some issues were there but Saima handled them all in His ways and got released me from that project. Thanks a lot Saima for that and thanks is a very small word for whatever You are doing for me. Always bless me to be at Your lotus feet Baba.
Baba You know all my problems and wishes and I am surrendering all of them at Your lotus feet. Baba, please guide me and bless me with whatever You think is right for me. Only You know what is right for me. Please bless the entire mankind Baba. Ananthkoti Brahmandanayaka Rajadhiraja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From US Says: Thank you to each and every member of this team for maintaining this amazing site. The comfort and strength it brings our Baba’s devotees is undeniable.
I’ve always known about Baba, since I could remember, but I’ve been a devotee since I started college. My mom encouraged me to read Sai Baba’s stories and books whenever things got a little tough and it always brought me peace and strength. I believe that my devotion to Baba only grows day by day.
I was able to finish college and get a job right after due to His blessings and support. Only He knows how much I struggled during those years. Even now, day after day, He gives me strength to deal with my very stressful job. My job is a little risky, and things can go easily wrong, causing me to be anxious all the time. But I try to chant Baba’s name, read about Him as much as I can, and always come back to this site every day to help me feel at peace and give me the courage to get through my very tough days sometimes. I continue to pray to Him to help things go smoothly with my job, give me strength to advance my career, and help me learn something new every single day in my career and in my life. I have seen a lot of personal growth within myself and I only have Baba and my family to thank for that. Never doubt Him or give up on Him, He always has a plan. Shraddha and Saburi. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From USA Says: I am a Sai Baba devotee for 11 years. Baba is my everything and the only person on Whom I place my complete faith.
Life has been a roller coaster for the past 1.5 years. Suddenly everything around me shattered and I was reduced to nothing.
This experience is about my baby girl. She is 18 months old. About a month back she got ear infection and ear wax and was put on antibiotics. She stopped eating and was reduced to a very thin stature. Then she was slowly recovering. Suddenly she started pulling her ears again. I was scared to death. I had promised Deva to share my experience if her ear infection and ear problem was resolved. It was then that I realized that I had not shared and immediately shared it. I had kept it as my Mahaparayan wish for that week and had submitted the experience there as well. Now today we went for our doctor’s visit and he told that both ears were fine. I was pleased. Also the entire wellness visit went well. Thanks Deva for Your mercy. Please always be with my little baby. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From India Says: Om Sai Ram. I am from India.
Thank you Hetaji for this site which is increasing lot of faith towards Baba. I am writing down a miracle which happened recently.
We applied for adopting a child. For that we need medical Certificate and we have to do all the medical tests. Doctor asked us to all the tests like Hepatitis, HIV, kidney test etc. I was very scared of doing all those tests. Prayed Baba continuously, “Baba please all the reports should come normal so that I will post this experience”. Yes miracle happened and Baba saved me and my husband. All the reports came back to normal. One word that comes to mind is that if Baba is there why you are getting worried? He will take care of everything as a lovely mother. Thank You Baba.
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To the last devotee who has adopted, Baba's going to be very happy of you 🙂
Love You O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
sharma you Baba.
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima.always save my father make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa.make us to study well cure my mothers pain and grandmas diabetes .make the tomorrows kadareswar vrat go good baba if possible please attend sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Palkhi aayi re!! Jai shree Ram. Jai Hanuman.. Murugaaya namah,, tirupati balaji kisi jai