Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Shirdi Sai Devotee Bhagyashree from India says: Om Sairam. My name is Bhagyashree Nayak. I am from Odisha, now staying in Bangalore.
I have two elder brothers. I am the youngest one in my family. My first elder brother’s name is Pradeep and second elder brother’s name is Deepak. Pradeep and I are engineers and Deepak has done MBA. I and Pradeep are from same engineering college. When I was in my first year that time Pradeep completed his engineering. But by the time I completed my engineering till then for four years he hadn’t got a job.
Especially for boys it’s so frustrating if they do not get a job. That time everyone had lost hope and all my relatives, my neighbours, my family members started taunting him badly. That time I started doing 9 Thursday puja of Sai Baba. On the first day of nine Thursdays I went to temple that time the priest of temple told me, “Why you are doing puja for your brother even though you know your brother’s nature”. (That time he had a bad impression in the society). Still after listening these words also I continued my puja. On the fourth Thursday after completing night Arati of Sai Baba I don’t know what came to my mind I just checked my brother’s mails. I was surprised that my brother got an offer letter. Just couldn’t express the feeling in words.
Now let’s come to my second elder brother Deepak’s story of getting job. He completed his MBA and after that he went to Hyderabad. He stated searching jobs. That time his MBA results got published. He had 6 subjects in his last year but results got published for five subjects only. Then after some days he also got a job but problem started when the company people asked him to show the mark list for documents verification. It was a Saturday and Sunday all the institutes are closed and by Monday he had to submit the documents. You won’t believe on that Saturday itself only the result of that one subject which was not published earlier got published. It was already two months that other five subjects result got published but on that Saturday only by my Sai’s grace that subject result got published and he got little more time also to submit the documents. Now he is happily working.
Now I am writing my story of getting job. In 2016 I completed my engineering and then I went to Hyderabad for doing courses. Then I again came to my place in April, 2016. There I stayed for five months as we had some financial problems and so I was not able to go to other cities to find a job. Then finally I came to Bangalore in September 2017. My first elder brother did my admission in a training institute here. Though I had good marks in my career but it was already one year that I had passed engineering and didn’t have a job. So I was not getting good interview calls. Then that institute HR started sending me for interviews. I had given around 30 plus interviews. Sometimes it happened like even though I cleared all rounds I didn’t get the offer Letter. Like this the days passed. I got more frustrated day by day. Then finally I started doing 9 Thursday Sai pooja with my other two friends and completed the 9 Thursdays. Then after one month I got a job and more surprising thing was that I got a job as a fresher. Before that in one company I completed all the rounds of interview but they didn’t gave me the offer letter and that company was a start-up company and they told me that they would give me 9k as salary. I waited for 4 months but still didn’t have the offer letter. Everyday I was asking Sai Baba to give me offer letter from that company. But Baba didn’t give me. Later He gave me job in a good product based company and with much higher salary than that. Oh my Sai You made us cry like anything but at the end You solved our every problem with Your own unique way. That’s why patience is much needed. Jai Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: Hi, I am from Australia. This is the first time I am posting on this website.
One of my friend introduced Baba to me. After He came to me, my life has completely changed. I started to do nine weeks pooja only after reading this website. I prayed that I have to get a job and started Sai Nav Vrat pooja. I am working casually in a place, casual as it is not a permanent job. We get job only when someone is away. I was praying Baba, I have to get a job in the same place and I was going there for nearly a year.
After I started the pooja, third week a vacant position was advertised. I got lots of hope and started continuing the vrat. Seventh week I was called for an interview, it was a Thursday, 9th of May. I believed I will definitely get a job since it was a Thursday. In two weeks, I got a call from HR that I was selected. But I applied for a part time job which was three days a week but Baba did another miracle. He blessed me with a full time job which was five days a week. I couldn’t believe how it happened. In the ad it was mentioned part time, in the interview I was told part time but only Baba can do miracles. I had prayed to Baba that if I got a job then I would post my experience and it happened.
I have been married for ten years now and my husband never understood me. He hates me since his parents doesn’t like me. I have two kids and he wants to separate from me since his family doesn’t like me. I don’t have anyone in this country, just Baba is with me and He showed a beautiful path to my career and relieved me from financial stress. I hope He will do something for my marriage life too. I am praying atleast for my two kids my husband should change his mind and start loving me. Sathguru Sai Namo Namaha. I love You Baba, I don’t know where You were for so many years but I am glad that I found You and You are with me every minute, I don’t know what to give back to You for the love and affection You are showing on me Baba. Thanks Baba.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Thank you Hetalji for this wonderful blog. I had written many miracles of Sai Baba and they were posted on this site since 2013.
Thanks Appa for everything. I am nothing without You. You have forgiven my sins and accepted me as Your daughter. I will make sure that I do not hurt anyone intentionally. I will control my anger and words. I will speak and hear only good.
My parents live in Chennai. They went on a pilgrimage holiday to Sri Lanka during Easter 2019 holidays. As You all are aware what happened there on April 21, 2019. My parents reached Colombo on April 20th and travelled to a place where Rama Sita temple was there. As I am living in USA, when I woke up on April 21st morning, I was shocked to see the news that there were some blasts in Sri Lanka. I was shocked and reached out to my parents. Thank God, my dad had activated his roaming number. They were safe but same time curfew was declared in Sri Lanka and couldn’t travel to Colombo. I made sure that my parents pre-pone their tickets and travel back to Chennai. There was so much of confusion between my parents and travel agent as they couldn’t reach them. So I had to act as mediator and book their tickets. From the place they were staying and Colombo airport, it was 6 hours road travel. I was continuously praying Sai Appa to bring my parents safely back to Chennai as there were lots of tensions and not sure if it was safe for them to travel on road during that time. Sai Appa made sure that they reached safely to Chennai. I had promised Sai Appa that I would post my experience on this blog. Sai Appa please forgive our sins. Plead bless everyone and make the situation settled in Sri Lanka.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sairam to my Sai family. I am a small daughter of Baba staying in Bangalore. My Baba has been showing His presence in my life since long.
This experience is a kind of special one for me as Baba showed His mercy and presence the way I wanted.
My Father was suffering from some neurological problem since long. And it finally came to the stage that his recovery was next to impossible. Since few months before he passed away he was suffering a lot. Last fifteen days were horrible. He was gasping for breath and we admitted him to the hospital where he went into coma and doctors advised us to take him home with ventilation support till it was required. I was begging Baba to take him away, as instead of him suffering so much we wanted relief for him. He passed away after few minutes we brought him home.
The previous day my kids’ exams had got over. Baba planned everything in such a way that there was no inconvenience to anyone. Moreover I could see His presence on the day of Vaikuntha Samaradhana as well. Baba I beg Your pardon for the late post. You were there with me in all the ways possible. Now You have given me what I have been longing for throughout my life. Please take care of this divine relationship. I am indebted to You for all the happiness. Happy to see my brother’s settlement Baba. Pardon me for my flaws in my 9 Thursday pooja. Please help my brother to settle down Baba. Please take care of all of us. Please let me not stray away from Your Feet. Pranam Baba. Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Hetalji and team, thank you for posting so many of my miracles. I am forever grateful to you and your team for maintaining this divine platform. This is our present time Sai Satcharitra.
I am here to thank Baba for saving me from my mother’s anger. She was extremely angry with me and was shouting at me. I was praying to Baba to do the miracle by calming her down and by Baba’s grace, she didn’t shout at me when she entered the room. She behaved nicely with me. This was no less than a miracle as my mother was never so nice when she was angry. Thank You my Father, my Baba – my saviour. Also thank You for saving me from my money getting wasted. You are always with me I know. Also thank You for saving the child who was very ill. Thank You as my friend is messaging me. There are so many things to thank You for always and every moment. Baba, I kindly request You to fulfil two of my most important wishes and dreams. Please show me a way if You really want to grant me my wish. Thank You for always being with Your children. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from India. I am a Sai devotee.
My mom suffered from depression. She could not breathe as in her heart there was some uneasiness. So at night she wouldn’t sleep. She suffered till 3 months. My son is a doctor. He gave her the treatment for 4 days. She is fine. She is in Bangalore. Please take care of her. Give health to her. She suffered very much. Please bless her. Please be with us. Om Saima.
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Jai Sairam
Baba plEase bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and daibetes saipa cure my mothers lain.make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help saipa sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa.please make is to do kedareshwara vratam well baba please dont let any bad to happen
Om Sai Ram 🙏 you Baba
Please Bless Us All With Sadbudhi
Please Guide And Help All
Please Make Us Wise And Kind
Please Don't Let Any Kind Soul Suffer
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Wonderful experiences. Om Sai Ram!
Baba I'm sorry for everything, please bless me with a job in either Nielsen, Sime Darby, Google, PHD or Mercury. Please sai, I'll give my best, or even promote me in my existing company. I'm really sorry Saibaba. Please bless my brother and entire family with health, wealth, long life and prosperity. Baba help me loose weight and resolve issues between my husband and me and help me get a new house and also start a family. Om sairam, I leave everything at your lotus feet.