Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From India Says: Om Sairam to all. Shri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Baba is always with His devotees in all situations. This is only possible due to Sai Baba’s blessing that I am writing this post. Sorry for the delay Baba. Hetalji thank you so much for such a beautiful path to share our experiences.
As I was suffering with the unbearable pain of my life in November 2017, my husband and his sisters had left me at my home with my one year old baby without any specific reason on Thursday. My father requested them to take me with them. But they did not listen anything as their ego was very high.
The time was passing and I was at my home with my baby. It was very painful for me and my parents because people in the society kept on asking what happened, why your son-in-law behaved like this etc. I was facing several problems in my married life.
After marriage I forgot my Sai Babaji. May be it happened due to the new life after marriage. Everything went wrong. How I could imagine my life without my Sai Babaji; whereas everything was given due to His blessings. But now I was at my home as my husband left me at my home on Thursday itself. My Sadguru again held my hand and my life was under His supervision. I was totally connected with my Baba. I felt that everything happened because I had gone far from my Sadguru. I used to cry all the time that why I forgot my Baba. That is why I was bearing this pain in my married life. I used to ask question answer from Baba in website, and you know what Baba answered me and things started improving accordingly.
Me and my parents did not contact my husband and in-laws at all. Because they knew that I had no fault. After a month my in-laws started contacting us. They asked my father to drop me at my husband’s home. But I denied and said to my father that they will come to take me as Baba has answered me ‘no one is inferior and a work will be done by unsophisticated person’. My father did not contact my in-laws. Again my in-laws contacted my father and said the same thing but now my father denied and said come yourself and resolve the matter. On Lohri festival in January 2018, my in-laws called up my father and said that they were waiting for their daughter-in-law and grandson to celebrate Lohri. And my father peacefully answered that they had left his daughter and their grandson there without any fault. So they could come any time and take them with themselves.
Time was passing but now I had an unwavering faith upon my Babaji. Whenever I asked questions to Babaji I got positive answer. Now about two months had passed and finally my in-laws called my father and me and said to get ready as they were coming to take me but my husband had some work load so he was not coming. I knew my husband would be feeling hesitation to come as he is little stubborn kind of person. My father agreed. My in-laws came to take me back with full respect. This all happened due to my Babaji. Otherwise my married life was about to get over as per the circumstances. I love You Sai Babaji. With Baba’s blessings I again became a mother of a baby boy. Thank You Baba. I know there are still few problems in my life but I know with Your blessings they would be sorted out. Baba please pardon me if I forgot to write anything as I already have delayed to post this experience. As I had promised to Sai Babaji if everything would get settled then I would post my experience. Baba You are everything to me. Please always stay with us. Anant Koti Bhramaand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj Sadguru Shri Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Exp 2: I was going for a mundan of my younger son to Jawalaji temple. When we stopped to eat the food on the way, I saw that one of my gold earrings was missing. But I really did not get upset. I prayed to Baba to please help me to find it out and promised that whenever I would get it back with His blessing I would post this experience. Then I left everything on Baba. After few days my sister-in-law found this earring at home and I was really happy because I knew that Baba will sort it out this problem Himself. Baba You are really a Sadguru for me and my family. We love You so much. There are many things that You have given to me. Thank You Baba. I love You so much Baba.
Shirdi Sai Devotee Murali Krishnan From India Says: I am from Hyderabad and an ardent devotee of Sai Baba for the last 13 years. This is my third post on the site.
I continuously chant His name whenever I go out of my house. Daily, I read one chapter from Sai Satcharitra. This is about my experience where Baba solved my financial crisis.
Recently, my wife quit her job and took up offer from another reputed school. That school is located about 50 kms. from where I used to stay. So, we had to look for an apartment nearer to school for my wife. By Baba’s grace, one of her ex-colleague from the previous school offered her house with fully furnished at a reasonable rent as she was going to USA with her husband for 5 years assignment that her husband got from his company. Baba, thank You so much for helping us in this financial crisis where we were wondering how we could invest in new household things for the house.
Also, we moved out from her three bed room rented house and again by Baba’s grace, we could find another house for rent, a two bedroom flat with reasonable rent nearer to the place where we stayed earlier. I was able to tie over the financial requirements with the help of my brothers and some borrowings.
Baba, please help me to clear the amounts as I feel guilty in not returning the amounts taken from my brothers. Somehow, I could manage to meet the rent advances and other expenses. However, I was left with very small amount and afraid how I was going to meet future requirements. Baba again came to my rescue where I was paid some consultancy amount for an assignment in my office which was never expected and came as a surprise and timely help from Baba. Thank You so much Baba.
Also, Baba showered His blessings by giving me more money from my previous owner by return of advance amount which I thought I would be getting less. Baba, You are helping me in every crisis and ever indebted to You Baba. Please continue to shower Your blessings to us and to all Your devotees across the world.
Baba, You know the present situation I am undergoing. I have not got my salary for the last 10 months and huge amounts are held up with my company. Also, some more amount is held up in the earlier periods also. Please help me to tide over the financial crisis and Baba, please show me a way to change the present situation. Anathakoti Brahmanandanayaka Rajadiraja Parabrahma Satchidananda Yogiraji Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Namo Namaha Shridi Sai Namo Namaha Jai Jai Sai Namo Namaha Sadguru Sai Namo Namaha. Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From India Says: Om Sairam. I am Baba’s devotee since childhood. I am working in an IT Firm in India. In each and every event of my life Baba is with me. I have many miracles of Baba in my life of which I’m sharing the recent ones.
My brother’s hand got fractured and within a week he was suffering from high fever and severe headache. So he went to doctor. Then the doctor suggested him to consult a physician as he was taking high antibiotic and in such a case he should not suffer from fever. He consulted physician then they started diagnosis for malaria, dengue and so on and everything ruled out. Then they recommended for ultrasound, MRI and biopsy etc. So, while Ultrasound and MRI reports came it was some lump of mass around (6*6*6) that was really big around cricket ball size. But they were not able to identify from where it was originating exactly and without that it was difficult to operate. We were really scared as it could be cancerous.
Then they went to another hospital for second opinion with an expert doctor. So, finally they diagnosed with a tumour near citrica nerve. For the operation they told it would be around 4-5 lakhs and we were not having that much money and his insurance was almost exhausted because of earlier hospital expenses. So, we were praying to Sai Baba to please cure him. Then somehow we accumulated money and he was admitted in the hospital.
One night before admission to the hospital doctor explained the complications in the case.
1)He could be paralyzed down the body if there was some nerve cut.
2)His large intestine could be kept and preserved and they would append it after 2 months.
It means one more operation, more pain, more money we would need. But Almighty Sai Baba removed all obstacles and complication and operation was successful. Nothing was needed to remove from his body other than tumour and no complications were there. At the day of discharge the amount of bill it was around 2.16 lacks. So, it was really less than what we expected and by Baba’s grace everything went fine and he is recovering gradually.
Some days back our relatives were blackmailing us and that problem also got sorted out with the help of Sai Baba. Baba my sister is pregnant, please bless her with a healthy child. Baba I want to have my own house. But I don’t have so much money. Baba, please bless me with a house as were living on a rented flat from last 30 years. Baba, help me on my project and job. Baba, keep each and everyone happy and blessed. Om Sairam. I trust You Baba wholeheartedly and I know that hard days will go off soon. Om Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From USA Says: Hello! I stay in the US. I finished my Master’s here and I am currently working. Please keep my email anonymous.
I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my experience with everyone. Baba is a blessing in my life. There are a number of miracles that I have experienced personally from Baba. I have been a strong devotee of Baba from a long time. I fast every Thursday and pray to Baba with all the faith in His supreme power. I have been working for a couple of months and was on OPT. Just a month before I could apply for my Stem Opt extension, my job contract was done and I became very stressful about my situation. Finding a job within a month was necessary so that I could apply for extension and I could stay in the US. So, to get a job in such a short notice itself was a big problem and on top of that I needed an employer who was part of e-verify and should help me do all the paper work necessary for my Stem extension.
I knew how hard it was to find a job and was feeling very sad. I was praying to Baba everyday asking me to help with this situation. Baba always listens to our prayers and He is always with us in every situation. It was such a big miracle in my life that I applied for 3 jobs and I was interviewed at all 3 jobs and got selected in 2 jobs. But, my employer was not a part of e-verify which was necessary for me to file my Stem Opt extension. I was again a little worried thinking what would happen now. Baba’s miracles are amazing. I always feel Baba came in the form of the employer. The employer agreed to enrol in the e-verify process and he also helped with my entire documentation of my Stem opt extension. I submitted my application for the OPT extension and with the blessing of Sai Baba within 45 days, my extension was approved for two years. If not for Baba’s wonderful blessings, I wouldn’t have had such a smooth journey during the most stressful period of my life.
There are many such miracles that Baba has given me in my life. I strongly believe anything that happens in life is only a blessing from Baba. If in any situation things don’t happen as we wish for just believe that Baba does everything for a reason and He does that only for the good of us. Sai Baba knows what is correct and best for us much more than what we know. Just trust Baba completely and always be near His lotus feet. Om Sri Sainath Namaha!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From USA Says: I live in the USA and have been a small devotee of Baba for many years. Thanks to this team for making this amazing platform that serves as our temple and brings peace to us as we read the experiences of other devotees.
We had been trying to sell our car for last 6-7 months. We dropped the price by 5000$ and still the car did not get sell. I kept praying to Baba to please sell the car. Our house was also on the market for 10 months and it did not also sell. We were losing money on all fronts. One day I prayed to Baba so intensely that I had a dream that the car sold for $8000. I was happy. The next day we got an offer for 8100 but being greedy (as we are human beings) and as I had many other people interested, I declined that offer. No one else came through for buying the car. This happened on April 15th. We tried the car on many websites etc. but no offer came through. Finally last week I begged Baba for forgiveness for being greedy and asked Him to come back with an offer of $8000. Finally today July 15, we got an offer for exactly $8000 and sold the car. With this Baba has taught me two lessons: One must not be greedy and one must have patience (Saburi). Thank You Baba for selling the car. We have lost more than $10000 on the car, but at least it has sold. Sorry for being greedy. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From India Says: Om Sai am. Hi everyone I am a small devotee devotee of Sai Baba From Rajasthan. Thanks to Hetalji and team for giving us this platform on which we can share our experiences and which also helps us to boost our strength in tough times.
Here I want to share my experiences here. My family is searching alliance for me. Few days before we got a proposal but I did not like that guy. I prayed Sai Baba to please help me as I didn’t want to get married with that guy. Sai listened my prayer and the proposal got cancelled.
Second experience is related to our house maid. From last few months we are facing problems for our house hold work. I daily pray to Sai to please send some good maid in affordable price and Baba listened my prayer and send maid in our price. Thank You so much Sai for listening our prayers. Please always bless my family Nanu. I love You Nanu I beg You please help me. I need Your miracle Nanu. Please fulfil my wish on Guru Pournima. Please give me alliance as per my wish. Nanu please I beg You. Om Sairam.
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om sri sai ram
saima please bless us with hale healthy beautiful and intelligent baby girl. appa please make sure baby is born on full term on due date. please make sure i dont have any complications during and post pregnancy. i ll start thursday fast from next year and pray whole heartedly. please forgive me appa.
appa i have applied for 140. please approve it appa. i need my work to support family. i will not speak ill about others and crib. i ll change my mindset.
i promise appa
om sri sai ram
allah malik
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain and grandmas diabetes saipa.we are at the verge please help me for tomorrows exam baba cure my fever baba.sairakshak siasaranam ayyappa
Dear sai,
Today brings back my old memories. Appa prayers at your feet to bless my MIL good health, happiness, peace .
Omsairam…i love you..
om sai ram om sai ram om saima
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful Sai experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
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Sai Sai Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram! I love You
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, OM Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om shree ram, jai ganesh, jai hanuman, jai shiva, jai muruga, jai durga, baba ki palkhi, dattatreya, tirupati balaji