Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Shirdi Sai Devotee Nik From India Says: I am from India. Sai is everything from what is visible and invisible to eyes to visible to soul and beyond.
Thank you Sai for showing me this site. Thanks to the creator/admin of this site/blog for rendering such service. You are truly blessed. All blessings to you. One humble request to the admin please with Sai’s blessings compile all the experiences into book version (hard copy) and sell them on your website and Amazon from any religious books publishers at a reasonable price. It’s not about the price but while reading all the experiences it always feels like Sai is just in front of us. That’s how I feel when Sai makes me read His stories here.
I have mentioned a part of this story in May-June 2019 but to complete the miracle happened will give a brief of it now. In May I saw an ad on Instagram (said it was HP site and brand) for some mobile scanner for $0.01 so I just wanted to try buying and without any further delay the payment went through it(as it was international transaction there was no OTP or any security). As soon as I entered the card details I realised that it was a complete fraud one. Around Rs. 25k($360) was taken away from my account. I was worst. I felt so very hurt and bad. I didn’t know what to do. I cried in front of Saipa for help. Worst part is that it was my mom’s money. I was very hurt and crying. The bank called and said that it was suspicious transaction and they were blocking the card. On seeing how hurt I was mom didn’t scold me and she advised to learn from mistakes.
I was scared. Sai was the only one I thought for next some days/weeks. Whenever I eat, sleep, move, walk the pain was so much I couldn’t smile/laugh completely. Constant prayers and also requested from Insta community Sai members to pray(thank You so much. He constantly made me remember His story where one person from Goa lost his 30000 and regained it back with Sai’s blessings after 15days. So I thought it was an indication and tried to give up on favourite food by a vow not to consume artificial sweet/sugar foods till it was settled. Then after few days accidentally mom gave me idli (traditional food in south India)with sugar and I too forgot completely. Only after I finished eating I remembered the vow and said to my mom. All this happened in front of Sai’s picture. I was so surprised when the vow was broken in front Him. As though everything happens on His will and wish but I was confused about the vow. I apologized many times to Sai.
Three months had gone. Whenever I remember that incident it would be painful and remembered Saipa. Today when my mom and I went out, all of a sudden she told me that the money was reverted back to the account by the bank within a month after it had happened(i.e. within June). I was so relieved, remembered and thanked Sai so much. Tears were forming in my eyes but I held it in as my mom was looking at me. I said that it was Sai and reminded her about the story.
Really I don’t know what much amazing live miracle could happen than this? He is there always with us. Even now while writing this I am crying with gratitude reverentially and also that He gave the opportunity to share this with all on an amazing auspicious Thursday August 15 2019. Let Him always be Your healer, family and everything. He definitely will and there be no doubts ever. Just completely surrender to Him, have faith and patience. He knows and gives only the best – infinite guarantee. Sai please be a guide to us, protect us and make us serve You always. Thank You. Om Sai Satcharitra. Om Sadhguru Sri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Shirdi Sai Devotee Ravi From India Says: Om Sairam! I am an ardent devotee of Sai Baba. For every work I depend on Baba. My life is due to Sai Thandri. Thanks Hetalji and the team for the noble work. Feel free to modify if any corrections are required.
My sister is 32 weeks pregnant. 10-Aug-2019 at night we got a call from my brother- in- law that my sister was not feeling well, suffering with fever, was in hospital and required my parent’s support. So my parents started immediately (my parents stay in a town) and left to Hyderabad.
On Sunday morning nearly at 10:30 AM got call from my father that baby was not well there and doctor had told that we need to choose whom we wanted baby or the mother. Me and my one youngest sister were scared. Youngest sister was in tears. I told her to pray to Baba. She told that she had already prayed in the morning. I told her to pray again and she prayed.
I also prayed to Sai Thandri for the wellbeing of my sister and her kid. I told that I will do anadhanam if my sister was blessed with a healthy baby and if both were doing good. I also promised to share the experience on this holy site.
We both started to Hyderabad. In my hand I held Sai Satcharitra throughout the journey and was continuously praying Sai. My sister also needed immediately 4 packets of blood and so I was calling my friends who were in Hyderabad for blood donation. I called one of my friend’s sisters who is a gynaecologist. Throughout the journey I was chanting Sai name and reading the experiences on this holy site and chanting Sai Kashta Nivarana Stotram. In the mid way to Hyderabad we got update that the doctor’s results were false. In the same hospital one of the main doctors examined and updated to my family members and we got some relief. They started blood tests to find the reason for fever. All kinds of fever results were negative and still she had fever. Doctors examined the baby’s condition. The placenta was in reverse angle and there was no chance of normal delivery and was possible only through C-section. In normal cases it should be upper side but it was in downside. We lost trust on doctors in that hospital. We went to other top hospital. There also doctors confirmed the placenta that it was in reverse angle. We fully trust in Sai. Sai made the doctor’s examined results false.
Sai Please be with us all the time with my sister and baby. Sai Thandri bless her with a safe delivery. Please devotees please pray for my sister’s safe delivery. As promised I am posting this on holy site and as promised I will do anadhanam after delivery. Sai Thandri tomorrow we are visiting doctor for my wife’s health issue. Please help us in all the process and please cure her completely. Forgive me Sai Thandri if I have forgot to mention anything here. Ananthakoti Brahmananda Nayaka Rajaji Raja Yogi Raja Parabramha Sri Sachidanda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From USA Says: I am a 35 year old woman. I am Sai’s daughter.
Om Sai Ram. May Sai Baba bless us all. I wanted to share my experience when 7 years ago I was an unmarried girl. I became friends with one of my colleague and we started to like each other. We decided to get married but there were issues from family’s side. I have and had strong faith in Sai Baba for a long time now. I came to know about Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat. I started following the Vrat and also read Sai Satcharitra during that time. I used to beg and plead in front of Sai Baba’s idol to make things work between the families. Sai Baba listened to my prayers and one day our families decided to meet and now we are married for the past 6 years with a kid. I am a person who rarely sits in front of God’s idol to offer prayers but I keep chanting Sai Baba’s name every time, consciously or unconsciously.
My second experience- We were planning to have baby but were not successful. I used to cry to Sai and ask Him to bless us with a child. One day I got to know that I was pregnant. It was a very early stage and I had a miscarriage. I was very depressed. My miscarriage happened in late October and Sai Baba had His plans. With His blessings I got this happy news again in January that I was pregnant. I am blessed with a beautiful girl and I always call her Sai’s blessing or sometimes I call her as Sai’s gift.
My third experience – Me and my husband live and work in US. I always wanted to settle down in USA but my husband had opposite thoughts about it. We both have argument clashes over this but I strongly want to stay here in US. As the Visa expiration thing was coming near I wanted my company to file for GC for us. They had already started the process for my husband but in my case it started little late. There was a time when I was waiting for the approval and expiration time was getting closer. I used to pray to Sai Baba daily while cooking, while cleaning; means everytime His name is there in the back of my mind. With the blessings of Sai Baba everything happened smoothly before the Visa expiration.
Today as I write this I am again in a stressful situation where I am again waiting for an approval for the Visa extension for both me and my husband. I just want to pray to Sai Baba to help me like He did earlier so that I get freed from this stressful situation. I know Baba is listening and I have full faith on Him. Om Sai Namo Namah Shirdi Sai Namo Namah Jai Jai Sai Namoh Namah Sadguru Sai Namoh Namah.
Shirdi Sai Devotee Star From India Says: Hello Hetalji and Team, thanks for maintaining this wonderful blog which has provided a platform for numerous devotees to share their experiences. Certainly you people are selected ones by Baba Himself to carry out this noble task.
Om Sainathay Namah! I am a humble devotee in this galaxy by the mercy of Baba. I’m breathing and trying to improve in every areas of my life. I have been under Baba’s care since my birth but couldn’t realise it until September 2018. Since then I never missed to acknowledge His help during each and every trial. I have an assurance in my heart that no matter how difficult the situation is, Baba will always show up in different form to help me out. With this thought, I’m growing more and more confident each day and have started gaining over my depression and negative thoughts due to unfavourable situations.
Life is a simple and joyful journey. So, it should be enjoyed each second. I have following incidences to share: 1)Today after 3-4 months, the incident of fraudulent transaction done from my account came to its end with the issue of new debit card. I thanked Baba from the core of my heart.
2) Yesterday, the result of the first stage of a government exam got declared and I’ve cleared it, making it to the second round which will be held within the span of 15 days. I am confident that through Baba’s mercy, I too shall clear it and make my parents proud. In the meanwhile, I am also expecting for the call of an interview of another exam, on clearing which will boost my confidence to manifold. I really want to make my parents proud who have supported me like no one. I am the luckiest girl on this planet.
3) I used to be worried about the timing of various exams which is completely uncertain. Ever since I have handed over this uncertainty to Baba, I feel little peaceful and less stressed out. There are other issues in the background but I’m sure Baba is working out to smoothen them.
Baba, please find the suitable match for me as my family is really worried about it. I want to have a peaceful life with a very loving partner so that both of us can work together for the betterment of the families. Shri Satchidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From India Says: Om Sairam. I am Deva’s ignorant daughter, surviving only because of my Deva. Thanks Hetalji and entire team for putting their efforts in maintaining this blog which is e-Sai Satcharitra, in which every day new chapters are being added.
Deva, I am thankful from my heart that You added me in Your life and is living with me every day. Thanks for sailing my life boat through this worldly ocean and saving me from all worst situations. Deva, we cannot understand Your leelas and plans for us. Sai Sai Sai, this is oxygen for me. I am trying to write this minimum 108 times either on Facebook or my book and read one experience daily on this blog to avoid all hindrances. This gives me Shraddha and Saburi.
My recent experience is how Deva saved me from a very anxious situation. I have done some calculations in my office to present it to higher management but unknowingly, I did one small mistake. It was already in its final shape and I was unable to rectify. I was very afraid and spoiled my whole weekend. I was just begging Deva for His mercy because only He could save my reputation. Whole time I was repeating “Om Sai Rakshak Sharnam” and yes Deva did my raksha (protected me) like always.
Love You Deva, I know no problem is bigger than Your blessings. Thanks for solving all our problems Deva.
Yesterday, I requested Deva to grant our Visa approval by today (Thursday) but again I remembered that today was a National holiday. But my loving Deva fulfilled my this small wish by granting my visa approval on a holiday, I don’t know how. Nothing is impossible for Him. Please Deva plan a very nice trip for us. We are nothing without You. Please bless all of us with good health and heart. Om Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parbrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From India Says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. Baba bless each and everyone. Baba bless Hetalji and team for this beautiful blog.
Today is 3rd of March. As we all Indians know about Abhinandanji. By Baba’s grace he is back to India. Thanks Baba for bringing him back safe. He is not my relative or anything. But he is Indian so in that way I prayed Baba to bring him safe to India and that I would share the experience on this blog. Thanks Baba for everything in life. Today (march 3rd) is my parents anniversary. Baba please bless them with happy, healthy, peaceful and long life Deva. Sairam.
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Sai Sai Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandmas diabetes baba and make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Please Bless Us All With Sadbudhi
Please Guide And Help Us All
Sai Please Don't Let Any Kind Soul Suffer
Please Make Us All Wise And Kind
Om Sai Ram