Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: This experience will help all the husbands who have been falsely implicated in 498a cases. Om Sai Ram. I have been a Baba devotee for many years and have lived my life as per His teachings. For the last few years, misfortune attacked me like anything and made my life a burning hell but kept me afloat somehow. When my bad time started my wife of almost two decade took away all my savings by cheating and threw me out in the streets to die.
I was in life threatening depression but continued to worship Baba. At least a thousand times, my faith in Him was totally shattered and I blamed Him for my misery. At one point, I started to offer Him only Agarbatti (incense stick) with no interest. To kill me forever, my wife filed a false 498 case against me, that forced me to write a suicide note and end my life. Somehow it never happened and I am still alive to tell you the story.
I was called to police station a number of times which broke me mentally and physically. I could not get out of my bed and rested in it like a corpse. I prayed to Baba to save me because I had done no wrong and had in fact sacrificed everything for others. Baba knows everything, for sure.
One day, I was passing by the police station and thought of changing my way because the very sight of police made me dead. I may have suffered a heart attack there and then out of fright. At that point, I requested in my mind that Baba if You are here then please show me Your presence and let the cops change their mind and see the truth. I have not cheated anyone of a penny in my life so You must sit on the heads of the police, change their minds and end my troubles. What I am going to tell you, brothers, will shock you.
When I looked at the police station building, I saw a huge Baba banner right on the top of the police station with Baba smiling there! I almost fainted and cried. I wiped my tears and ran away as I did not want to cross that path again. After this incident no cop ever called me again and my case was closed due to lack of evidence once and forever.
Babaji saved my life despite me being disrespectful to Him due to extreme stress and sorrows. So Baba will not let you down if you have not done mistakes.
Hey Sadguru, please forgive me for not trusting You. The truth is that You are the absolute God Who can even save us from death. The cheat woman who filed this fake case against me has been taught a lesson by Baba. Her dad died soon after torturing me and the entire family is staring at huge troubles that are on their way to give them another lesson. Karma spares nobody and Baba makes sure that we get what we deserve.
Requesting all my married brothers to keep record of every penny you spend on your family and do not, I repeat do not, believe anyone except Shirdi Baba. He is so very right that we should only trust Him and keep normal relations with everyone. To all my married sisters, please do not file false cases against anyone because Babaji will make sure You dearly pay for it. Thank You Baba for saving me and keeping me and my family alive. Anantkoti Brhmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parbrahm Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. God bless you Hetalji.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Please keep anonymous. I am from Pune, India working in a research field. Thanks, Hetalji and team for all your efforts in publishing all these experiences which work as oxygen for all human begins who reads these experiences. Please don’t disclose my identity. I have become very habitual to Sai as I am experiencing lot of experiences of Sai in my daily routine. My day starts with Sai and ends with Sai.
Experience 1: Baba gave me darshan in the form other Saint from the Pune district on the auspicious day of Guru Poornima. Proved that He is still alive and always near to me and my family in the form of the saint to whom I have been worshipping from the time of my childhood. I will not disclose the details here but in short Baba gave me His darshan in that saint when I was confused and tried to test Baba and that saint.
Experience 2: Admission of my daughter in the school is again miracle of Baba. I was confused between three schools which one to choose. We left everything on Baba and He gave us the one of the best schools and showed us that He is always with my daughter by showing His presence near to the school gate (in the form of a big photo) where my daughter has now taken the admission.
Experience 3: One day I got late while going for office in office vehicle. I prayed Baba to please help me to reach on time to office as I didn’t want to miss on an important meeting. In spite of late and lot of traffic my vehicle reached office on time.
Experience 4: My wife reads Sai Satcharitra every day and also on Thursdays. On one of the Thursdays, when my wife got up early in the morning for reading Sai Satcharitra she realized that she forgot the book in our parent’s room. She didn’t want to disturb the parents for the book. She prayed Baba that if You want me to read now itself please help me to get the book. Within five minutes, my father opened the door of the room and he said that he wanted to go early today to office that’s why he got up early and my wife got the book from the room immediately.
Experience 5: While playing in the society premises, my daughter got hurt on her ankle. She was experiencing a lot of pain and could not move her leg. I was tensed and bad thoughts started coming in mind about fracture and investigations. I prayed to Baba to save my daughter from fracture and investigations. We took her to the doctor and doctor said that everything was fine and there was no fracture and that there was no need of any investigations. He prescribed couple of tablets and in two days my daughter was fine.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a research scholar and an ardent worshipper of Baba. Om Shree Sainathay Namah! Happy new year to all of you. 2019 was a year of turbulence for me. I could pass the difficult stage because of the grace of Sai Baba. I could remember the day, I was almost hopeless and there was not a single option left for me to think how to come out of that situation. I cried and meditated in front of Baba that day. I asked Him for His mercy. I said Him to save me from the obstacles. He heard my prayer. Yes, He saved me.
Regarding my life partner: My parents were too worried for my life partner, they were searching for the proposals. My mother found a proposal from a matrimonial site and contacted the prospective. I interacted with him and he seemed to be very friendly and understanding. It was a surprise that the name that I used to chant for Baba, I got the proposal having the same name. I was amazed to find him. He had been there in my tough time by lending his ears to my problems. He had been too much supporting and concerned for me. He wished me to continue my Ph.D. after we are married. Thanks a lot to Baba for listening my prayers and for being a support to me.
Marriage of my sister got fixed because of His power. I am indebted to Baba for His mercy. Thank You for being a pillar in our tough times.
Thank You Baba. Please be there for me always. With Your mercy and power, I would be able to submit my thesis before time and get a Ph.D. degree which is really a challenge for me.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Kenya says: Hello everyone. I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. Please keep me anonymous. Thank you for this site.
Coming to my experience; one day my dad had to go for a meeting to some place on Thursday. He would visit Sai Baba temple after his meeting and I wanted to visit temple too but I did not want to go for the meeting so I decided that I will stay home and go to the temple the following week if I could. Then I was reading experiences on this site and I saw a quote where Baba said “Offer a coconut and agarbati (incense sticks) to me.”
On Thursday’s in the temple there is the Dhuni fire that we have to go around with coconut and agarbati and so when I read that I felt like Baba was calling me to the temple. So I got ready and went to the meeting with my dad and then went to Sai Baba temple and had amazing prayer and offered coconut and agarbatti to Him. I felt like Baba called me that day to Him. Thank You Sai Baba for everything that I have in my life. Please keep everyone safe and healthy always. Baba You know what confusion I am going through right now please help me I need You.
Shirdi Sai Devotee Anuradha from India says: I am Anuradha from Harayana India. I have 2 children. My daughter is the elder one. She completed her post graduation in India. My son completed his 12th recently. My husband passed away 16 years back.
When my husband died, at that time I was only 21 years old. I decided to look after my children to my best. Baba helped me a lot because at that time I didn’t have anything but Baba helped me. Before two years my daughter got sick. We didn’t know about that. We were tensed and Baba came in my dream and suggested me. Now my daughter wanted to study abroad and due to Baba’s grace she got visa and now she is in Canada. I love You Sai Baba.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sairam! I am living in USA. Please don’t reveal my name. Recently l experienced a Sai Baba’s miracle on 17th December 2019. My huge mobile bill amount was settled down with the mercy of Baba. So l am very thankful to Sai Baba and Hetalji and team. Jai Sairam.
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Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain and grandmas diabetes baba make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om Sai Ram🙏
Omsairam..i love you.
Sai Sai Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.