Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I had promised Baba I will share my experience with everyone if my work is completed.
Hello Sai Devotees, I have been a Sai devotee since ages, at every step Baba has been my guide. All my tough decisions I let Him take for me. My father was my guide when he was alive, but after he passed away I don’t have anyone to share my problems, but then in Baba’s aarti I remember the sentence “Tumhi ho mata, pita tum hi ho ”(You are only Mother, You are only Father) that’s it, He is my pita, my guide and He gives me solutions.
My husband and I bought a property a few years back, but it’s been having leakage problems recently. We cleared the entire loan we had taken on that house and were debating what to do with it. It was not suitable for us to stay in that flat because of distance from kids’ school, so it was locked past one year. Nor it was generating rent, nor was the property rate increasing there. Then recently we decided to buy another property and sell the previous house to pay for this new house. We didn’t have so much money to own both properties, so we had to sell the first property if not the loan EMI would have been very severe for us to bear.
We put ads in various portals, newspapers etc., contacted several brokers etc. to sell the first property. Meanwhile the payments for the new property were going from bank loans so the load wasn’t much, we were waiting for a suitable buyer. Each time people visited the house, they had some silly reason and didn’t show interest. It’s a very lucky flat. All my previous tenants who went from that house had left with good vibes (mostly left the flat and bought their own houses and while vacating all said the same thing, “this house is really lucky for us”). Even though I wasn’t so happy to sell the property, the leakage problem was getting severe and the pressure to pay for the new house was getting slowly unbearable. Daily prayers to Baba, trying various things but nothing was working out. We were nearing the limit of the bank loan too and the new property builders were putting pressure to make the payments urgently.
As usual for all my problems I run to my Pita Sai. One night my husband and me were discussing that we won’t sell the first house, we will borrow money from private money lender and pay for the new flat and after one year when property rates get better we will sell the first property and pay back the private money lender and slowly pay the home loan. It sounded like a very tempting idea, who doesn’t want to own two houses? It’s a big deal for middle class person like me. I got very tempted and was happy. But I don’t know why, I had some fear in my heart and decided to put chits in front of Baba’s picture. For all major decisions in my life I always put chit and clarify with Sai to show me the right way.
When I got the chits ready “keep the flat or sell the flat”, I told Baba, “I leave the decision to You. I will follow what You want, but whatever decision comes, You have to help me convince my husband. Because he will not believe in this chit etc.” Then I selected the chit. Answer came as sell the flat. I was very sad after seeing the answer. I thought about putting chit once again, but then I thought I already promised Baba I will abide by His decision. So it was ok. I will sell the flat.
Now two problems were in front of me – how to convince my husband and who will buy the house? For so many months none of the buyers showed interest, now the pressure from the bank was coming and the builder was also putting the pressure. Then I just was sitting in front of Baba’s picture and said, “Ok Baba I will sell the house, I will convince my husband, but Baba where is the buyer for the house?”
Days went on, tension was increasing. Slowly I told my husband that I was not very keen on borrowing from a private money lender and we should sell the first flat. Meanwhile I got a tenant for the flat. My husband said since we were not selling the house, let’s put it for rent. Atleast the rental income will come which will help to pay EMI. Now the tenant was ready, but Baba had said to sell the flat. If I give for rent, another 11 months I would be stuck. But how to convince my husband as I wanted to sell the flat. I didn’t tell him that I had put chit. He will not believe it and do the opposite. So I just found courage and told my husband, “Give one more month. We will wait and put ads again in newspaper and online portals. If things don’t work out then we will sell, if not then we will give on rent.” Normally he doesn’t listen to me so easily, but he said, “Ok one month we will wait.” He was jokingly telling me that when in 11 months nothing happened, in another one month what will happen? I just kept quiet and thought, “Thank You Sai, now we have one month. I need some miracle.”
During all this from the day I put chit; I decided to give up my favourite thing – sweets. I said that I will eat sweets after my flat got sold. It was a huge challenge for me. I am crazy about sweets, cakes, pastries, etc. I said that I won’t have it. My kids, my hubby and my mom all were surprised, because I can stay without food, but not without sweets. But I am very adamant. I gave up. I didn’t have any sweets at any festivals, nor did I feel the temptation to have.
Now see Baba’s miracles. We put paid ads on the online portals, no buyer turned up. We put ads in news paper. No buyer turned out. Even the ads were nearing expiry. Every time call would come, my hopes would rise and I would think, this is the buyer sent by Baba, but nothing was working. Newspaper ad just brought in one interested buyer, but that also was of no use. Either the price was low, or they wanted some vastu facing etc. One month’s time was nearing and I thought now what to do. I cannot just keep dragging the matter with my husband.
One day out of the blue, one man called and said that he was interested to see our flat. I thought he was another caller who was just curious. I told him to speak to my husband. After so many buyers visiting our flat, even my husband and I lost interest when anyone used to call. We were already discussing with the tenant to rent out the flat. When this man called, my husband said, “Go see the house first then we will speak.” He went and immediately called us and asked what the price was and my husband gave him all the details.
He didn’t call back for a few days. Meanwhile my husband was discussing with the tenant for the rental agreement. My heart beat was increasing. Baba said to sell the house and we were leaving for rent which was against my promise. What to do? I was not having any other choice. Then this man called again and told my husband that he wanted to take his wife and in-laws and asked us to show them the house again. My husband told me that they will go 2-3 times and then lose interest. I just said that to let him go and see and in my heart I said, “Sai please do something.” He visited the flat with his family and immediately called my husband and said, “We are interested to buy. There is some minor leakage issue, but it is ok. I want to meet you and discuss.” My husband and I were shocked. My heart beat was increasing and I was stunned beyond words.
I didn’t want to raise my hopes, because to sell a property there is lots of paperwork and anything can go wrong anytime. I just kept saying, “Sai, sab theek karo (Sai make everything alright). You do everything smoothly.” Then I asked my husband, “What about the tenant? He said, “I will call and tell him that we have put the idea on hold. Let us see what this buyer is saying.” Just like that my husband agreed. In my heart I was just saying, “Sai hope this works. I am really praying for miracle and I am seeing miracle every day.”
Rate was discussed, initially agreement was made, token advance was received and finally we sold the property; all in matter of four months. We faced a lot of ups and downs in paper work. But everything went well smoothly. At each step it was a miracle. At each step Baba showed me that He was there. In my mind I had a thought about how it would happen so fast. Baba showed me that He could do anything if we have faith in Him.
When I put the chit in front of Baba, the answer came to sell the house. I wondered why Baba doesn’t want me to own two houses? I remember the story in Sai Satcharitra – Baba says, “Be happy with what you have” and I left it. But He showed me the practical answer. The leakage problem in the other flats was getting serious day by day, so Baba showed me that it was better to sell that house. He got me a better house meaning Baba not only shows you the way, He also shows you the answer why He selected this way for us.
Sai devotees, each day I am thanking Baba, He solved this big problem for me. Even now I cannot believe how fast everything went. How everything went smoothly.
Sorry I forgot to add this final good news – after all the paperwork was completed, we had to do the final registration. Naturally I was very excited to finish the final paperwork fast and even the new buyer was in a rush to do the property registration. We all decided that we would do it on a Friday, but he didn’t get an appointment with the registrar. The next available day was Tuesday. He said that he didn’t want to register the property on a Tuesday, then Wednesday was Christmas and the registration office would be closed. So what day was best after that? It was our great Sai Baba’s day – Thursday. I started laughing and said, “Baba is saying you be in a rush, but I will get things done in my own way.”
On Thursday the registration was done, I got the amount for the flat and we handed over the house keys to the new buyers and as per my promise I ate the sweets on that day and everything went smoothly.
Sorry friends my experience was very long, but I had promised Sai a few things that I would do if my work was completed. So this was one of my promises that I am fulfilling. Firm faith and 100% belief is all He is asking from us. Om Sai Ram.
Shirdi Sai Devotee Suraj Rao from India says: I am from Bangalore. Om Sairam to all the devotees of Baba. I’m an ardent devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba, Puttaparthi Sai Baba and Lord Krishna. I would like to share five of my experiences below which I have experienced over the past one year (2018-2019).
Experience 1: Saving from a fall – While I was climbing from my office staircase with my laptop and notebook in my hand, I suddenly lost balance, slipped and fell down. I hurt my right leg due to this. Luckily by Baba’s grace, I did not have a major injury nor did my laptop break. I applied balm and Udi on that injured part and within a few days, it was cured. Baba is the best doctor in this universe. I thank Him for His timely intervention.
Experience 2: Baba cured my sinus – In the near end month of November 2019, I caught a severe cold and cough. Due to medicines, the cold and cough did go but did not realize till December end that I had a head cold. I tried a lot of remedies by taking medicines, steam etc. but the headache went on increasing or decreasing (never going fully). I realized that I needed to go to the doctor for a check-up as despite doing my best; nothing was working out. The doctor, being an elderly man diagnosed me and said that I had sinus. It was then I realized it. He gave me the right dosage of medicines which I started to take along with Udi. My sinus had completely gone and disappeared. I thanked Baba for the miracle and saluted Him a thousand times.
Experience 3: Baba helped me to get rid of my addiction – For the past couple of years ; I was into phone addiction. I usually sleep and browse whether lights off or on. Suddenly I started to get eye pain this year. I heard an inner voice that was warning about this. I prayed sincerely to Baba and vowed this New Year’s resolution that I won’t sleep and browse. At the same time, I applied Udi on my eyes too. Baba showed His miracle and cured my eye pain. By His grace, I am not sleeping and reading which I was doing for the past many years. Even now, I do keep browsing but not through sleeping but sitting only. Baba reduced my addiction to a maximum extent. I thank Baba for His mercy.
Experience 4: Baba helped me to move on – In the month of October 2018, I went to do a yoga course in Swami Vivekanand Yoga Anusandham (SVYASA). There, I met two girls. One was a North Indian girl from MP and the other one was a Bangladeshi Hindu. After befriending them, I proposed to them at different times. Both rejected as the former (the MP girl) was already committed to someone else and the latter (the Bangladeshi one) was a divorcee. I was totally shocked and almost depressed. I started watching Mere Sai serial and Ramanand Sagar’s Sai Baba episodes on YouTube where in one of the episodes; Baba was preaching about “Importance of moving on in life” in case of death, broken relationship, lost job etc. I was totally spellbound by the wisdom words of Baba. He indirectly made me a loving, humble, sincere and mature person through these episodes. After I got my Yoga certificate at the end of October 2018, Baba came in my dream and advised me to concentrate on my career (which was not going properly and was getting rejections at interviews everywhere) and that He would send me the right life partner according to my wish at the right time. I came out of depression and I am leading a positive life now through His grace.
Experience 5: Baba helped me to find my lunch box – One of the days I left my lunch box at the office and realized it when I came home. I searched for it but could not find it. I prayed to Baba and said that if I find my lunchbox at the office, I will post my experience. The next day, I found my lunch box lying as it was on my table. I thanked Baba a lot. Jai Sairam! Om Shirdi Vaasaaya Vidmahe, Sachidanandaya Dhimahe, Thanno Sai Prachodayaat.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sairam. Thank you Hetalji and team for this wonderful platform. I visit this website everyday. I have submitted many experiences here and am waiting for some to be published yet. Following are some of the recent experiences.
20 Weeks Ultrasound: Baba blessed me with pregnancy after a miscarriage and I am very indebted to Him for what He has given me. I was very worried after conceiving this time and wasn’t even feeling any baby movement until 21 weeks. During my last pregnancy at 20 week’s ultrasound, I had some complications with my first baby (But everything was fine later on with Baba’s blessings and I had a healthy baby girl). I was very nervous this time again for my ultrasound. But Baba gave me so many positive signs or assurances and with His blessings everything is fine now and it’s going to be a baby boy (This is another miracle and Baba gave me an indication that it’s going to be a boy this time. I got a picture of Baba holding little Krishna in His hands from the Mahaparayan group, few days before the ultrasound). Thank You Baba for Your blessings as my in-laws and husband really wanted a baby boy because he is the only son for them. Love You Baba and please bless me to have a healthy baby this time as well.
Mom’s Health: My mother had varicose veins issue and she even underwent surgery last year. But still she is suffering with pain and a chronic wound that is not able to heal. She recently got a viral fever and she became even weaker. She had blood tests and we were very worried because she was not even able to move an inch (not even to use the bathroom). But slowly with Baba’s grace she is doing better now.
But she still has problems due to her varicose veins and doctors are diagnosing her wound (that has been spreading). We are financially not even well off to help my parents’ hospital bills. Today she got her reports and they concluded that the antibiotics are not working to heal her wound and she might need to take the expensive injections. Please Baba take care of my parents (who are surviving on the small pension amount they get) and bring us to a position to take care of them. Please help my mom to recover soon, so that she can come here during my delivery time. Baba, You know how it will be if my in-laws come (I will have to take care of kids and even them). Please help my husband to understand the situation from my end.
My Daughter Hurt Her Leg: My daughter (three years old) was simply jumping down from the bed on the carpet (which she normally does) and she slept that night as usual. But the next morning she started crying that she was not able to walk and her knee was hurting. But slowly she started limping around and we thought that she would get better soon. We massaged her leg, put some Udi and also gave her some pain killer that night. But it got worse the next morning and she was not able to move even a little distance and kept crying. We were very worried and took her to the hospital and they took an X-ray of her leg. I prayed to Baba that everything should be fine with His blessings and they told us that they didn’t see any fracture and that she will be fine in a few days. Now she is walking fine with Baba’s grace. Om Sairam. Please take care of all of us.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a doctor working in a government set up and I am from Bangalore. First I would like to thank all the people who are involved in such a great work. I have experienced so many miracles of Baba in my day to day life but this is the major one which I am going to share.
Even though I am working as a doctor in the state government set up, it is far from my city and it is a rural area. So I was facing so much difficulty staying alone with my little kid as I have lots of problems with my husband.
After I started reading, parayana I had applied for a central government job. When I had seen the ad regarding the job, the last date had got over but because of Baba’s blessings they reopened the website by mistake from their organisation. So I was happy and just applied and kept quiet as I was eagerly trying to transfer from my current place to Bangalore. For that I vowed Baba to stop eating non-vegetarian food though it was my favourite food. Because of some political issues this year they didn’t announce the transfer list itself. I was totally devastated and continued praying Baba.
As we all know, Baba always thinks ahead more than mankind and gives us proper and permanent solutions. I got selected for a central government job as a medical officer in one of the big cities and placed near my native place. So just have Shraddha and Saburi which are most important in our life.
In this case Baba helped me in getting a transfer, which is temporary for 3-4 years and again struggle continues, and He doesn’t want to stop eating my favourite food as well. He also made extension of date to apply for a job for my sake itself and made me selected out of thousands of people. Baba takes care of everything and takes us to His world.
And also last week I had mouth ulcers, which was hurting badly. I prayed Baba and promised Him to post here if it reduced. After applying Udi, the next morning itself I was feeling so better.
Om Sairam. Love You Baba eternally and unconditionally.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I have been Baba’s devotee for 22 years. I see Baba’s miracle every day. Today I want to share how I got my new job. My contract with my company ended and I was jobless for 11 months. I was searching for a job but nothing worked. I gave a couple of interviews and failed. I prayed Baba for His help and prayed that I need a job with less stress and a better job where I can get to learn new technologies. And yes Baba blessed me with my dream job. I had to go through four levels of interviews and I got through the interviews with only Baba’s grace. Trust me I got this job only with Baba’s help. Have patience and faith and you can see miracles in your life. I pray Baba bless my family friends and all His devotees. Jai Jai Sai Om Sai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Baba who would like to share one of His many miracles. One night I had terrible period pain for which I took medicine but got no respite. I called Baba for help. Something told me that Udi would help me to get rid of my pain but how to get it at 1 am? I couldn’t wake up my husband nor could I get it from the mandir. I thought and immediately realized that I always place an agarbatti (incense stick) in the drawing room, so there must be some ashes left. I immediately applied it on my stomach and within five minutes I slept soundly. Thank You Baba. Om Sairam.
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Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandmas diabetes baba make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Thank You O Sai for Your sweet and merciful miracles 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram🙏
Omsairam.. I love you…
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
how could i ask my question and need to know baba suggestion.