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Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Sai Helps Me Achieve A Competitive Internship

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Anonymous devotee from USA says: I am pursuing computer engineering degree in US. Please let me remain anonymous and do not publish my email address. A past experience of mine has been published when I was in 12th class; Sai Helps Me In SAT Exam.

I had got a seat in a prestigious college for engineering in US, all due to Baba’s blessings. I was a little afraid to go to study in US for undergrad as I am young and always doubted if I could manage myself in a foreign country.

Baba has always been kind and has taken care of me in all situations at all times. In my second year I wanted to get an internship in US as all my friends were getting offers. By the time summer came I didn’t get offer and was very upset in myself and almost depressed.

I still trusted Sai and came back home to Dubai for summer break. I tried for offers in Dubai but I couldn’t get an offer. I spent a good time with my family and studied a lot during the break. During the next semester, I went to campus career fairs and got three interviews with good companies at which I was happy. I was still worried that three were very less and I might not end up getting offer for summer. This was because my friends all got multiple interviews with big companies and some had even got offers for internships already.

Baba has always been kind and has taken care of me in all situations at all times. In my second year I wanted to get an internship in US as all my friends were getting offers. By the time summer came I didn’t get offer and was very upset in myself and almost depressed.

I still trusted Sai and came back home to Dubai for summer break. I tried for offers in Dubai but I couldn’t get an offer. I spent a good time with my family and studied a lot during the break. During the next semester, I went to campus career fairs and got three interviews with good companies at which I was happy. I was still worried that three were very less and I might not end up getting offer for summer. This was because my friends all got multiple interviews with big companies and some had even got offers for internships already.

My Sai Helped My Son From Bed Wetting

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I have been a Sai devotee for a long time. I love my Baba so much. He is everything to us!

Thank You Baba for everything You provided for me in this life, everything I have is all Your mercy. Please let me not deviate from You in any circumstances. Baba has helped my son from bed wetting, He does great during the day time but night time was a struggle. Every day and most days he used to wet the bed and feel bad. We tried so many ways to help with this by reducing water before his sleeping time which did not help and also started waking him up at the middle of the night and he too got used to us waking up every night. But if we forgot he would wet the bed and wake us up to change his clothes and bed sheets. This became a challenge as we were not getting enough sleep and tired since we work.

Then I prayed Baba to please help my son with this as he is growing up and do not want him to feel embarrassed. Every day I would pray that please help us with a solution. One day we decided that we were not going to wake him up and bought him pull-ups. He did not want to wear as he thought it was for babies and he doesn’t need. I convinced him that Baba is going to help and just wear it, if it was not wet in the morning it was still a good option. So he was not losing sleep too. Baba had also given us ideas on how to encourage and help.

The next morning he woke up and the pull-up was dry, it was such a miracle! He was so excited and happy that he did not wet his bed. I told him that Baba helped him with this and he should thank Baba and he did. We were taking it one day at a time. By Baba’s grace he had one accident in a month and I am so happy and can’t thank my Baba enough for helping him to learn and not only that he learnt to wake up by himself and use the rest room on his own. This is such a huge blessing. Even though I have been a devotee of Baba for so long, I have to learn to pray and depend on Baba in my life at every circumstance, instead of taking stress and trying to figure out things on my own. Baba, You are everything to us, please do not leave our hand. Om Sai Sree Sai Jaya Jaya Sai!

Baba’s Cure

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. Thank you Hetal mam for this blog maintenance. May God bless you and all. Today is an auspicious day that is Vaikunta Ekadashi. May Baba heal every pain of all with Lord.

My experience is about a skin problem where suddenly in a night, some kind of rash had developed on one side of my face. When I looked that next day it seemed like a serious one which I had few years back on my stomach. I was scared. I am staying away from my parents. I have no one to tell this. With tears I prayed to Sai and applied Udi on it and drank some Udi water and Baba cured it within two days without even a mark of it which I thought seriously would take months. Thank You Baba. No one can describe Your love.

You know Baba I feel like I don’t deserve Your love and anything. Why Baba this much suffering? This much depression and my fears! Why can’t I be like others Baba? You are my only hope Baba. I don’t even know how I will end without You. Baba, heal and cure my parents. Baba, show me some path. Baba, my father is at so much struggle. Baba everyone is insulting him that he is unable to do anything Baba what can we do? Sai don’t even know how the coming year would be with our school? You are the only light Baba. Please help. Show us some destination for studies and life Baba.

My Father’s CT Scan Report Came Normal

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam devotees. I am a small devotee of Baba. Thank you Hetalji for maintaining this blog. My father has BP issues. One day I had checked his BP and it was normal. I kept his cup of tea on the dining table and called him to come and have tea. He was in his room and while coming to hall he fell down.

I heard a loud noise and went running to his room and found him fallen down. I made him sit on the bed. He had fallen on his back but he said that his head had not got hurt but his back was hurting him. I cried a lot, messaged the doctor and gave him the tablet. I was wondering how he fell down. I took him to an Orthopaedic surgeon and Neuro surgeon next day. The orthopaedic doctor checked him and said that there was nothing to worry and there was no fracture. He gave a pain killer too.
The neuro surgeon asked to get CT scan done and it came normal. I had prayed to Baba that everything should be normal and that I will share this experience on this blog. Thank You Baba.

Please take care of him and my mother Baba. Please bless them with long life and better health. Please take care Baba that my father does not have a fall now. Please bless them Baba and be with us always.

Baba Saved My Charger

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hello, I am a small devotee from Hyderabad. This is about an incident that happened 2 weeks ago. I forgot my laptop charger in office and left. Then on next day I found my charger missing. I prayed Baba to save my charger. If not then I would need to pay the penalty amount. Then I called my friend and she told that it was in the office itself. I was scared as anyone could take it without my notice. Thank You Baba. Please save us from financial problems.

Sai Baba Miracle

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Karnataka. I want to tell thanks to Sai Baba because He helped my sister to get visa to travel to UK. Because of His grace only she was able cross all the huddles which came on her way. Finally she’s in UK. I am very happy for her. Thank You so much Sai Baba. Please help her to adjust there. Please protect her. Sai Baba please bless all Your devotees.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Omsairam…i love you…thankyou so much for your blessings i didnt expect this on the eve of my birthday Baba ….thankyou so much for accepting me as your devotee.

  2. Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandmas diabetes we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  3. Baba thankyou for reducing such a severe stimach was a torture thankyou for the relief you gave sai

  4. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

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